Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

The Implementation of Bot Matches for Killers at the Lowest MMR

I have recently come across opinions from new Dead by Daylight (DBD) players stating that playing as a survivor is not enjoyable because there are many AFK killers at the lowest MMR.

Currently, does DBD have a system in place that allows killers at the lowest MMR to participate in bot matches? Such a system would have the following benefits:

  • Preventing new killer players from feeling discomfort due to being taunted by survivors, which may discourage them from continuing to play as killers.
  • Preventing new survivor players from thinking that DBD is boring due to encounters with AFK killers.

Since AFK killers consistently detract from the game experience, I believe they are a barrier to the onboarding of new players. If such a system has not yet been implemented, I kindly ask you to consider its introduction.

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