Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

My Fix/Rework To Clowns Pinky Finger Add On (Makes it more Fair for both sides + simply better)

After watching this video below, I was able to see just how ass Pinky Finger really is (Although I knew this already but it's shown to more people here).

I think the best rework for Pinky finger is to make it like Trickster's old iri add on that let hem auto reload after main event ended.

Old Pinky Finger: Hitting a survivor directly with the bottle itself inflicts the exposed status effect
Reduces the number of max bottles to 1

My New Pinky finger: Hitting a survivor directly with the bottle itself instantly reloads The Clowns bottles.
Reduce the number of bottles clown can carry to 5 (down from 6)

My other suggestion is for his other Iri Addon. Since we have Cigar Box as the better and superior aura reading add on already, I think Tattoos middle finger should increase The Clown's bottle count by 2. (Up to 8 from 6).

This would allow for synergy with the new Pinky Finger as well as just allow an option for more bottles for people who can't hit direct shots as well.

I find it dumb that Huntress gets 7 Hatchets default and clown only gets 6 bottles default when 1. Huntress hatchets can be thrown way faster. 2. Actually provide a health state 3. and can be thrown map wide. Why does clown have to have 6 bottles when he needs to often use multiple (both slow and speed bottle) just for one health state? And Huntress gets 7 and can use 2 hatchets for a full down.

Just seems like this number difference is why Clown And Huntress are so far apart in terms of a Tier list. She gets all the love and Clown gets a bit less.

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  • Member Posts: 9,513

    you might as change add-on to give you infinity bottles(removes reload mechanic). i still prefer revert on nerf.

  • Member Posts: 3,888
    edited January 28

    I know you intend to die on that hill, but it won't happen because the downside was not enough of a downside to counter the power of its effect.

    It isn't that hard to score a direct hit with a bottle, I can manage it even on a controller without that much difficulty with multiple shots. A bit like old Myers was artificially propped up by Tombstone Piece, Clown was artificially propped up by Pinky Finger. It was his best add-on by far when combined with his extra bottles add-on, and he could never get any kind of buffs that he really needed to his basekit because this add-on existed.

    Instead of shooting down every Pinky Finger idea, might be worth engaging with some alternative ideas rather than leave Pinky Finger in its current state.

    Regarding the OP, the immediate reload of all bottle might be a bit much, but maybe if a direct hit gave back 2 bottles immediately and a 50% faster reload speed for 6s, that might be a more interesting effect.

    It would give him a playstyle where if he's beaten to a vault he can go for a bottle on the locked animation to instead gain a bottle to maintain bottle pressure.

    If he hits in prior to a down, he can always throw his yellow bottle (and reload quickly if he needs to) before he picks up to ensure he's ready for next chase.

  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited January 28

    the clown has like 1.2 second cooldown after landing his bottle. 1.2 second of not being able to attack is like 4-5 meters of distance. Like you can vault a window and he can't bottle →m1 you if your in front of him.

    on top of that, he has to charge his bottle velocity to max, like 2 seconds which is another 8 meters of running forward. this is around 10 meters of distance. his bottle velocity is too slow for direct hits. that is why it is difficult land his bottles because of spacing required. In my opinion it has enough drawbacks in old iteration but let's go dive into it and further add more for entitle survivor main players so they whine less.

    The current add-on is nearly unusable. it would be better if they increased drawbacks further. for example instead of 2 second to fully charge a bottle, the add-on has 50% penalty to bottle velocity charge-up. now it would take 3 seconds to fully charge up the bottle throw and cooldown after throwing a bottle is increasing by 200%. Now clown suffers a 3 second cooldown where the killer cannot attack or throw a bottle. this would give survivors 8 meters of distance before he can throw a single bottle at full speed to reliable get the hit and a whole 16 meters before he can m1.

    Now in csse you don't know, the exposed duration of pinky is duration of hindered effect. it only lasts 2.5 seconds. to make add-on functionally work, the exposed timer will receive new lingering 1 second effect after hindered has worn out. You would likely still need to run Either15% to boost the hinder duration from 2.5 →3.5 to physically m1 expose hit someone.

    I made add-on a usable add-on but balanced the effect by adding drawbacks. This version of the pinky finger is likely worse then Plague's Green puke. At very least, he would have 6 bottles when using pinky finger.

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