Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

New Feature - Ingame Voice Chat for Survivors.

This would help the Solo Q survivor a lot.

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  • Member Posts: 968

    An ingame voice chat would lean into many different problems, here are a few:

    • Some players can be really nasty and rude to other players and with a voice chat option, they will be even more rude to their teammates.
    • It is really difficult to moderate for the devs when players speak different languages and say something in a language that nobody understands and thinks this was something offensive, I should report it and then the devs have to find someone who can confirm it was nasty and against the rules.
    • Female players could get nasty teammates in their voicechat.
    • Not everyone wants a voice chat with randoms which could lean into an outsider feeling when three survivors use it but the fourth one not.
    • Not everyone has a good microphone.
    • Misinformation, misunderstanding

    What would help and could be used by everyone is a quick message wheel. We already have a wheel option with Vecna and the devs need to take this, improve it, and give to the survivors. I'm all for improving SoloQ to make it better but the way I see it, voice chat would be the wrong improvement.

  • Member Posts: 32

    proximity chat would be very fun.

    Seeing screaming survivors getting chased while their sound fades off.

  • Member Posts: 3,308

    This is true too! I totally see this side of things. I was just playing last night and I realized so many different mistakes could have been avoided had I been able to speak up. It was a late 5am gaming post I probably should have kept to myself since I was frustrated.

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