Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

2v8 continues to be the worst gamemode ever added to dbd

2v8 is the worst game mode dbd has ever had in so many ways. I genuinely hope they never bring it back or do a complete overhaul if they do.


The cages. The cages are horrible. First of all, the cages don't teleport away anymore when both a killer and survivor is nearby. This means that if someone gets chased nearby you are stuck there and people dont want to come for the rescue, since they hear the Killer nearby.

In addition to that, people hate going for the unhook. Literally the first game, the first hook, I was busy being bothered by a killer and then having to heal another Survivor, the Survivor who was caged across the map hit second stage. It is not rare to hit next stage on cage, even if all 7 other Survivors are still alive. Everyone seems to think "I am not medic, I don't need to go for the unhook." I play Medic and constantly run for unhooks, because I have seen teams fall apart without having someone who plays like that.


Then we have the new killers. Most people play Nemesis or Wesker. Which are fine. Nemesis hits Tier 2 and 3 very early due to the abundance of Survivors, but overall fine.

Legion however, oh boy. First of all, I cannot make definitive balance statements due to the mode being new, but Legion feels incredible opressive. Being able to force Survivors to be injured at all times is usually fine in 1v4, because Legion is practically a killer without a power if their target is already in deep wounds. In this mode, they can however injure them and then have their teammate finish them off easily. Then there are other strategies that usually work against Legion, like staying in deep wounds until Frenzy is over so you can't be hit twice in the same Frenzy or so you can take a hit for a teammate who isn't in deep wounds. That does not work. The frenzy can now be so long that you practically don't have a choice but to mend before its over and the Legions teammate can easily take advanatge of you being injured/deep wounds.

I played Legion once, got paired with a Huntress who picked Shadow, which could make ME undetectable (for those who don't know, Legion only gets killer instinct on Survivors within the terror radius, so being undetectable means no killer instinct while Frenzying) and we still got an easy 8k. Adding Legion to this mode was a mistake. The 2 games I played against Legion were also easy win by the killer side.


Next up we have Bots. The DBD twitter account said "(…) we wil occasionally add up to 2 Survivor bots to lobbies that may need them. The bots will not be automatically added to all lobbies (…)" and that was just not true in the slightests. Every Survivor game I played, the matchmaking fills up to 6 Survivors in seconds and then just stays at 6. I had one game without 2 Bots so far. That game had one Bot. And from how it looked the only reason this happened was because a duo joined a lobby of 5.

We get bots added all the time and the bots are bad. Bots get scared easily and run from Killers. But they don't seem to be prepared for 2 Killers and I have encountered it multiple times where a Bot was close to a killer, turned 180 and ran away, got close to the other killer, turned around and repeat and just ran in circles for like 30 seconds. It's not rare for bots to wander aimlessly, or not heal, or not unhook, or not spray themself, or take awful pathing either.


Next we have the bugs. First off, on disturbed ward there is sometimes just a loan pallet leaning on nothing, out in the open. This never happened before 2024 and now this is like the third or fourth time this has happened. Do you not test your maps anymore?

Another thing is the horrible connection. You might say "this is on you", but I don't think so. I am from EU and sometimes play with someone from America on NA servers, and even then the connection isn't as bad as it is in EU 2v8. I had Lag spikes every second game.


The Resident Evil Content. RPD is a horrible choice for 2v8. Usually 2v8 is played in outdoor maps. Thats so that you can easily find someone to heal you, or a gen to work on, or see what the killers are doing, or see if someone else is going for the unhook. Many things you can infer from the HUD and context in 1v4, but 2v8 is too chaotic for it. RPD, being an indoors map screws that over. And it makes Survivors even less organised.

Herbs are nice I guess, but they are extremely inconsistent. In most of my games I saw 0, and then in 1 I saw 3 in a 20 meter radius of each other. Its also weird that healthy Survivors can do the self care herbs, just for fun or smth I guess. I have never seen anyone do a herb. I don't dislike them, but I wouldn't miss them if they get rid of them tommorow.


Now you might say "Well, those are certainly issues. However, they can fix them in future iterations" and I don't think so. Look at what they did. They added RPD, they added Legion, they added Hook Camping, they added Bots. 2v8 is becoming worse each iteration, not better.


Then we have the old issues. Medics can heal themself or another person mid chase, organised mechanics can do gens insanely fast, Trapper is pretty weak compared to the rest of the cast. The normal queue is slow and sweaty. Killer queue is still insanely long.


2v8 overall is a frustating and unfun experience. I wanted to complete the entire tome (for the rift fragments) as Survivor due to the short queue times, but I was so unhappy, that I did killer at the end just for it to be different. And while that was better, it was not by much.

So finally, I hope 2v8 never comes back. It has never been fun, it has never been balanced, it has never been good for the game. I wanted to buy the new Nemesis Skin, but knowing its paired with this absolutely awful mode, I'll be holding my money to send a message.

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  • Member Posts: 132

    The duality of man

  • Member Posts: 794

    these post are starting to get a bit annoying lol the mode hasn’t even been out for a day yet.

  • Member Posts: 100

    yeah adding legion to 2v8 was a big mistake it make the game awful to play. the mending simulator is the worst thing ever this killer need a nerf or a complete rework and should be removed from the 2v8.

  • Member Posts: 1,217

    I've just had a match with 2 bots. 1 of them uncaged me and instead of healing me, ran away. The other one a bit later was crouching in the corner close to my gen, and when I approached it, it came to my gen, and instantly failed a skill check….

  • Member Posts: 199

    For Legion's feral Frenzy, just camp a pallet. Wait till they go in for the attack before dropping it. People rescuing from cages is just what happens in dbd, since people think "Someone else will save them." The Latency issue is purely an internet one since I haven't had any problems with it. As for RPD, I'd say it's fine. Outdoor maps give ranged killers an advantage. I honestly prefer 2v8 to Chaos Shuffle.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    In my opinion the actual standard maps are much to small for 2vs8. They have to be greater more than 2 times. Better would be 3 times. So that the killers don't constantly step on each other's toes and have to focus the Gens. I play both sides and to play Killer in 2vs8 is actual realy boring. It's only a slaughter with no sense.

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