General Discussions

General Discussions

KYF as a permanent and universal experimental laboratory

Member Posts: 1,583
edited May 2019 in General Discussions

Dead by Daylight has immense unexpressed potential, which remains understandably in the shadows because the developers are immersed in the game optimization and in the migration to dedicated servers, two silent revolutions that will make this game as fluid as never before. I believe it is the Community's duty to give an active contribution, in a logic of virtuous subsidiarity between players and developers.

I ask you to transform the KYF mode into a laboratory where players can freely express their creativity and experiment with new, even highly unbalanced, mechanics and radical changes to the game we currently know. I do not ask to unlock complex mechanics, such as the creation of new perks (which, I imagine, requires thousands of programming lines), but only numerical parameters, within the procedural system that creates every map. Specifically, I ask you to unlock the customization options of the games in KYF mode to the maximum, allowing the KYF lobby manager to set up as they wish, within the limits of tolerability of the program:
1) the number of players, both killers and survivors;
2) the number of total generators and those necessary to open the gates;
3) the number of exit gates;
4) the number of dark hatches;
5) the minimum and maximum number of hooks;
6) the number of basements;
7) the number of totems;
8) the number of pallets;
9) the number of open windows;
10) the number of chests and their drop rates;
11) the distances between the aforementioned game objects;
12) the interaction times of repair, cleansing, healing etc.;
13) the number of perks per player;
14) the number of items per survivor;
15) the number of add-ons per player;
16) the number of offerings per player;
17) the killers' and survivors' movement speeds;
18) the duration of various effects or cooldowns;
19) the duration or the slowdown of the Endgame Collapse;
20) the terror radius and the field of view;
21) other numerical parameters.

This is maybe a conspicuous work, but, once completed, the game will be extremely versatile: by changing some numerical parameters, everybody will be able to experiment with the most revolutionary changes, and the whole community will be able to put the myriad of ideas proposed on the Forum into action. The best, the most balanced, the most popular ones, after months of free trials in KYF mode (longer than any possible PTB), can then be transferred to the competitive mode, for official matches. :)

Post edited by Entità on

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  • Member Posts: 4,467

    I'd love something like this. The only problem I can see is that we could be introduced to game-breaking bugs like players being able to bring all perks, add-ons, and offerings into a public trial.

  • Member Posts: 3,732
    edited January 2019

    An interesting idea that I hope can be seen put into fruition. Hope the devs look at this.

  • Member Posts: 2,055

    I like the idea.

    It's almost like an eternal PTB for testing things already in game.

  • Member Posts: 8,223

    This would be a waste of development time IMO, mainly because not many people play KYF anyway. I'm for more options, but it shouldn't be so specific as to say "number of X" type of thing. Instead maybe limit perk tiers, number of perks, add-on/item rarity (instead of just an on/off switch), fog levels, etc.

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  • Member Posts: 3,974

    TBH i'd be happy with there just being a "practice mode" where you could pick a map, pick a killer or survivor, and just be able to wander around practicing loops/abilities/etc. One of the most frustrating parts of learning a new killer especially is having to get obliterated for a few dozen games before you learn how to really master their power, same with survivors learning the tiles of new maps.

  • Member Posts: 10,200

    @Entità said:
    No comments... very strange: the forum is full of bizarre proposals on revolutionary mechanics, and I agree: I would just like a corner where the Community could try these changes to test their beauty and feasibility. :)

    THe problem is that this would require so many changes from the code side that they will never do that (sadly).
    Dont forget how the proceduarl generation works, if you mess with a few variables or allow weird ranges, then there will occur a lot of issues that needs to be adressed. Take for example the gens, the whole code will probably break if you tell it to generate with 8 instead of 7 gens

  • Member Posts: 1,167
    Master said:

    @Entità said:
    No comments... very strange: the forum is full of bizarre proposals on revolutionary mechanics, and I agree: I would just like a corner where the Community could try these changes to test their beauty and feasibility. :)

    THe problem is that this would require so many changes from the code side that they will never do that (sadly).
    Dont forget how the proceduarl generation works, if you mess with a few variables or allow weird ranges, then there will occur a lot of issues that needs to be adressed. Take for example the gens, the whole code will probably break if you tell it to generate with 8 instead of 7 gens

    Well, we’ll see, won’t we? There’s no way of saying for certain. There’ll likely be a minimum and maximum number of generators.
  • Member Posts: 1,583

    @thesuicidefox Not a waste of time: an investment, instead. Think about how much the Community could help the Developers with meticulous feedback and great proposals: all people interested in it could do hundreds of tests with a lot of changes and give the Developers something more than vague ideas: they'd give them a kind of project, debated, amended, balanced and supported by many players.

    @TRGraybles You don't get any bloodpoints after playing in Kill Your Friends mode.

    @Ryuhi Yeah, it would be another useful purpose: to practice maps, powers and tactics.

    @not_Queen Oh, great! I want to passionately thank you. :)

    @Master @Watery Yes, the numerical parameters should be unlocked within the tolerance limits of the programme: it should be forbidden to set 30 gens or 12 players, of course.
  • Member Posts: 869
    It would be an even better idea if they also allowed customizable margins, like for instamce allowing us to see what it would be like if, for instance, you could tweak the charge speed of huntresses hatchets, or change a killers TR to incorporate wacky, unique builds on different killers.
  • Member Posts: 1,867

    Make this happen! This is a great idea. Similar to some MMO's out there that have a creation mode (EQ2) where players design potential items in the game and some are then sold on the game store for use in game. Instead of items/selling, it is a place where either serious changes, or complete chaos/fun can take place.

    I'd add an option to join random lobbies of KYF for those who don't have enough friends who play DbD, but would love to see what a 2v10 match of chaos would be like.

  • Member Posts: 1,463
    Please give this man a medal
  • Member Posts: 1,583

    @not_Queen @Patricia Any news about the totally unlocked KYF mode? I'd like very much to do some experiments with more perks each, and to explore alone the maps. :)

  • Member Posts: 590

    Wow, now I see I didn't wanted this first. Your posts Rule$ - very positive and creative, fair forum user <3

  • Member Posts: 1,583

    @LordziPL Thank you very much. I love this game and I do my best to give good suggestions about new mechanics, environments, offerings, perks and so on... :)

  • Member Posts: 590

    @not_Queen @Patricia That idea is in the Design Team Plans?

  • Member Posts: 1,583

    @not_Queen @Patricia @Peanits @Shelby Powerful Developers, unlock all the numerical parameters in the KYF mode, give us the power to go beyond the current game limits, to experiment odd changes, to invent new balances, please. :)

  • Member Posts: 590

    We need the info from Powerful Devs.

  • Member Posts: 1,583

    @not_Queen @Patricia @Peanits @Shelby Could you kindly give us any info about when you'll implement the KYF changes proposed in the OP? :)

  • Member Posts: 60

    Being able to change killer stats, such as movement speed, power cooldown etc, would also be great. It'd be great to program fan made balance changes to propose to the devs.

  • Member Posts: 13,672

    A great idea. We'd actually be able to test a lot of changes ourselves instead of waiting on the dev team each time. Not to mention we'd start essentially building content for them.

  • Member Posts: 1,583

    @GlassComet99 I added extra options in the list of the numerical parameters the KYF mode should make customizable: yours are in that list. :)

    @Blueberry Exactly! I'd like to have this tool to test... ALL!

  • Member Posts: 21

    Implement statistics too. So if you created a game mode with the new KYF, you could see under statistics how often killer has won etc.

  • Member Posts: 3,647


  • Member Posts: 1,583

    @not_Queen @Patricia @Peanits @Shelby The community is supporting this reform with unanimous enthusiasm: please, give us the opportunity to experiment, to help you develop the game with this permanent laboratory of original mechanics: we could give you targeted and detailed feedback, make months of tests on the most outlandish ideas, and leave to your wise analysis only those supported by a broad consensus and long checks. It would be a great alliance between players and developers, for the glory of our beloved Dead by Daylight! :D Is there any real hope that this piece will fit into the fourth year roadmap, under the "Game Health" category?

  • Member Posts: 590

    It's OP QoL change and needs to happen.

  • Member Posts: 1,583

    Any news about my dream to face some very odd trials, both for fun and to experiment new balance points? :)

  • Member Posts: 590


  • Member Posts: 1,583

    Yes, it is. XD

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    I think this needs to be another mode because not everyone who plays KYF wants to play under “imaginary” parameters that don’t exist in a live version.

    Basically not everyone treats this mode as a means to provide feedback, like PTB.

  • Member Posts: 149

    We encouter again my dear friend, i support this idea. Me and some other friends had thought about it some time ago, and i really like to see that others people like this concept and would love to have a completly coustomizable private match.

    If this will never be a thing, i think the KYF mode will finally get the attention it deserve and we could have the fun and the "balance" that ranked matches can't provide us.

  • Member Posts: 3,145

    Bump. Would be tons of fun to screw around with numbers😁

  • Member Posts: 48

    I stubled upon this. Nice idea! Especially if there would be multiple killers vs even more survivors. That would open up so many new possibilities for killers to work together and to synergise their powers

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    I'd like to see a Test Mode, where you can change perks, add-ons, and more in-game.

  • Member Posts: 1,583

    After 3.7.0 patch my reform is even more important. I imagine it is difficult to implement all the customization options that I have listed, but at least you should allow us to start private games with only one player, to calmly explore the map and discover the new tiles, loops, windows and structures. :)

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