Question for players who BM

Feel free to use this as a guidebook on why you BM!
My question is: what do I have to do to not deserve it? I'm seemingly belittled by my opponents when I win, when I lose, when I run a weak build, a sweaty build, a low tier killer, a high tier killer, a chase-oriented setup and one that focuses on lockdown, on both sides at all times of day.
Clearly you are all BMing becuase I have done something wrong, and I'd like to not be doing something wrong, so feel free to use this question post as a means to tell me how to play the game. I'll try out what y'all say.
Best Answer
So, the way I see it is as follows:
1 - Bad survivors tend to tea-bag at exit gates, probably because they don't escape that often and feel… "something?" when it finally happens. Don't mind them, they're just a bunch of frustrated people.
2 - Good survivors who tea-bag often do so because someone was camped/tunneled/slugged for a long time.But of course there are exceptions.
I dont tunnel, camp or slug if I can physically help it so I'm not sure that second one hugely applies. Maybe the first one does, I'm not sure.
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Of course, there is bound to be many people with Bad Manners, half of those are toxic sleezebags that you shouldn't pay any mind to. Many people teabag when they beat a killer easily as a sign of… shiii, I don't know, dominance? but the other half the teabag because you did something they don't like or you weren't playing the way they liked or you were being toxic I.e. camping, slugging, tunneling, etc. I get teabagged almost every game, not always though does it mean toxicity. Whilst in chase, if you get teabagged, it could be toxicity or it could be to get you to continue the chase, it really depends on the circumstances I guess, all in all, just don't pay any attention to the buggers.