Is this against the rules / considered a hostage situation?

Twice today, after escaping and spectating in 2v8, Killers trapped one last Survivor in a corner where they cannot leave.
The Killers just stand and bodyblock while rapidly nodding their head up and down at the final Survivor.
I know this would normally be griefing by holding the game hostage but in both instances the end game collapse had begun. So, is it taking the game hostage if egc has begun?
I would assume as much as in a normal match, it would be holding them hostage and whatnot. Though I am not 100% sure, I'm pretty sure that it would be.
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it’s not considered holding the game hostage if the End Game Collapse has started since the match will come to a natural end in a short amount of time
It’s just toxic and childish behaviour but not reportable/punishable.
the devs will implement a feature where survs will lose collision when they have three AFK crows soon btw so they can at least get out of these kinda situations after some time0