as a K should I concentrate on stopping gens, or only concentrate on chases?

If I try to stop gens I end up giving up lots of chases to prevent progress. If I concentrate on chases I get about 8 hooks before the gates are open. occasionally I'll catch someone before they get to the gate. either way it seems like a lose lose for me. All Deathslinger games. and I hit 80% of my shots ending most chases fast.
scourge, deadman switch, mindbreaker, rabid brutality. I also enjoy xenomoprh because I can chill in my tunnel undisturbed.
I'd welcome any advice. thx
Best Answers
1 Stop "chilling in tunnels"
2 Get surge to apply pressure in chase
3 identify furtest gen in the start and go there and break up the party
4 perks i would generally run, i dont play Xeno so much is. Surge, Pain res, Franklin, weave attunement. Other good perks are nowhere to hide, Friends till the end, Make your choice is good perk on some M1 or even on xeno since you got the mobility. Mindbreaker is decent. Rapid brutality is kind of meh since you get m2 hits fairly easy with Xeno over pallets.0 -
My advice to you is that you need to balance the importance of both. I, am a clown main, which is quite different from Xenomorph obviously, but you need to have a balance between chase perks and gen regression. Xenomorph can , with the use of the tail thingie, can easily end chases. I'd say play into that. I have a perk set-up for each different type of killer, but for the clown, I have 1 Hex perk, 1 gen regression perk, 1 chase perk and 1 aura perk. It gives me enough balance for it. Given, that's for the clown but for Xeno, I recommended Eruption, I like it on him. It just depends on how long the chase is lasting. I'd say anything over a minute, minute 30 MAX without getting an injure, just patrol the gens.
Thanks guys. I'll try all your suggestions.