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The problem with NOED [RANT]

FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
edited February 2019 in General Discussions

[EDIT]: This is a 2nd time edited post regarding the issues with NOED from my point of view.

[Introduction]: NOED itself can be a very useful perk when it comes to end game potential in a trial. Combined with Blood warden, and Remember me can leave a devastating end game build. The issue I want to address here today is the abusive tendency the perk can yield in the hands of a killer that want to display a more... Unpleasant outlook towards survivors.

[What is NOED?]: NOED or "No One Escapes Death" Is a end game perk that activates when all generators on the map have been repaired and power is restored to the exit gates. It can give a boost in speed from 2%/3%/4% while all iterations also give the "Exposed" ability.

[Why is it an issue?]: Before it was buffed, the perk itself was utilized as an end game potential for any killer to utilize and secure a kill before all/any remaining survivors flee through the exit gates. The perk itself it not the issue per-say, its how it is used is the problem. While the perk boosts impressive capability's, it's more commonly used now in the hands of killers that intend to spite any survivor they come across. Now of course not every killer who uses NOED is intending this, some killers use it just to gain a upper hand if the match is not going well OR to help certain killers such as The Clown, Freddy, Trapper, or etc who require more help. These killers are primarily M1 killers that could very well use this extra help as they're more commonly not able to handle certain survivor teams that know what they're doing.

To say the perk itself is overpowered is not true, it can easily be snuffed out by cleansing every totem on the map before all the generators are active, as it requires one dull totem on the map to turn into a Hex totem. No, the issue itself is the stigma behind the perk itself. It's not easy to determine what killer uses NOED, so as such its impossible to really determine the killer you're facing will have it. But that fact alone can bring a team to its downfall as most solo survival teams don't think ahead to cleanse all dull totems. So as a result some survivors can be killed at the end for this mistake.

Another issue is who its in the hands of. In the hands of say a noob its to be expected that they MIGHT not have grasped the concept of how certain mechanics work yet in the game, as such the perk is a great help to support them in the end game if they are not doing well. In the hands of say a toxic killer this can lead to some problems. This games community has always had a issue with toxicity, and as such some toxic players will find a way to "get a reaction" out of certain people. So as such they will use NOED, Ruin, Etc to get such reaction Post-game. Of course this won't always go to plan since not every killer is perfect, so some matches itself will be poorer than others. But the intention itself is the issue i'd like to address.

[Possibility for change]: Now this is a tricky one. The perk itself has always been the way it is but never to this degree since the buff. I hardly saw it used unless on end game builds before the buff, but it was I've come to see it more often used among any player. I think of the perk itself like Ruin, its just very common place no a days. While its easy to correct the issue of Ruin, NOED is a bit more tricky depending on your team.

Perhaps the perk itself could be redone to have a lasting effect such as haunted grounds during end game. Or it could just have a one time exposed effect on whoever it hits the first time. The discussion for ideas is up to anyone in the comment section really.

[Conculsion]: The problem itself relies solely on the survivor team itself to deal with NOED, and I feel most solo survivors don't consider it a threat until its obviously too late. Perhaps it can be more common place to be aware of the dangers NOED can bring, but its hard to really say if they even have it. Its more or less a gamble at this point, perhaps there could be some awareness that it exists when the totem spawns (Like say all survivors gain the Exposed effect Icon) or something to that degree.

[TL;DR]: The perk itself is not the issue really, its just who uses it and the modern survivors that deal with said perk. More awareness needs to be brought to the community on its potential end game destruction.

Post edited by FireHazard on


  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    @Master said:
    A killer that downs the whole team with NOED is not a good killer, the survivors simply have been bad and probably over altruistic.

    In the end it comes down to the classic argument, you can completely deny NOED and even remove it BEFORE it activates.

    Trust me buddy, only like 1 person in a solo survival session has enough I.Q. to think ahead of that. Most of the time nobody thinks about that and just assumes that at purple and or green rank wont mostly have NOED users.

    I'm not saying red ranks don't also have those...just from what I've experienced not as many as green or purple.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    @Cetren said:
    The problem isn't that I can't down them, but that I can't get 12 hooks in 4 minutes. Therefore, I use NOED. Specifically when I play clown, Freddy, or LF that don't have good map pressure.

    Leatherface doesn't need noed, he already has a insta chainsaw ability. That's like putting NOED on Myers when he basically has the exposed effect as his special ability. It's just over kill at that point, the only thing I can say about the other two is that they are garbage and actually need it. But that's just because they need to be buffed, ESPECIALLY Freddy.

  • MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky
    MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky Member Posts: 571
    So let's say a new player joins, completely new player, and after 5 games they got the chance to get noed from the bloodweb and they use it, are they garbage? And tell me, what's the point of making this if you said that, yeah its in the game, but still, if someone one uses it, they suck??? So your saying that, you know its in the game, and you understand that anyone can use it, but if someone does, they are garbage? This just sounds like a hate thread to killers who uses noed and just sounds like you get salty when you get hit by one.
  • Fenrir
    Fenrir Member Posts: 533
    Git Gud
  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    Any skill level can use it, as it is a plan for that specific situation. Yeah it helps killers that struggle with a 2 hit chase at the most crucial moment, but is also a strong contingency for better players. You see a bunch of toolboxes and you can expect to be in end game fairly quick. And while its hard to ensure all totems were broken, prevention is 100% survivor responsibility. End game passes extremely quickly and with how easy it is don't see much issue with the killer having a short-term advantage that is also deniable. I find extremely dangerous activations like this a beneficial addition to Survivor gameplay as it adds that tensity to the situation and reason to escape quickly.
  • TrAiNwReCk
    TrAiNwReCk Member Posts: 246

    -NOED Is For Noobs And Here's Why-

    You complain and support under circumstances the use of NOED. Might stick to one side or the other if you're going to rant. Sounds like you understand most of the pros, cons and reasons why players might use NOED.

    This to say I don't see the point of creating this thread.

  • Ray_Penber
    Ray_Penber Member Posts: 94
    edited January 2019

    "People use DS all the time and that's also a really good perk."

    Depends on the person. I happen to believe that ds is an absolute garbage perk. All it does is buy you time and the killer tunnels you back down. Assuming they don't know how to juggle. I can't really use the perk because most of the time I miss the skill check. I have better luck with boil over. As for noed I agree, 80% of the matches in the lower ranks I play, that perk is used. It's made me into a totem hunter. I'm sure the killer is upset when they realise all of their totems are gone so their noed doesn't activate. Lol
  • Lateral
    Lateral Member Posts: 77
    edited January 2019

    One shot down from 100% health is a toxic crutch that takes out all semblance of skill, nuance and strategy in place of babied Killer hand-holding and needs to be removed from the game.

    But it wont because /favouritism.

    @Aari_Piggy66 said:
    Sorry but if your whole team gets downed and killed because of noed you guys are just as nooby as you claim the killer is.

    There, translated. Fixed that for you:

  • Iceman
    Iceman Member Posts: 1,457
    I’m just confused to as how noed is a noob perk if that the case then you are stating that whatever rank you are should be free of noob players.

    So noed shouldnt have been active in the first place because survivors should have cleanse the totems, unless your team were noobs. 
  • Fenrir
    Fenrir Member Posts: 533

    Noed is a noob perk that activates against noobs.

    Im using this for whenever somebody complains about noed
  • rafajsp
    rafajsp Member Posts: 475
    edited January 2019

    NOED is know to carry new killers to "better" ranks.
    Clean totems, you should know it.
    Back in the day it wasn't a totem LUL so no reason to be rant.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    If its a noob tactic then experienced players should have no issue with it. Something so easy to stop shouldn't even be a crutch because the killer can't rely on it as a consistent boost. Just picking it means your willing to sacrifice a slot for something you may never use. But your right, its a pain and we survivors have so little time to get things done.
  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    edited January 2019
    Hmmm sounds like this epic god player keeps losing to NOED noobs how embarrassing for you, but why make it a public embarrassment?

    also nothing gets rid of exit mice like hitting another little mouse with NOED.

    3 little mice 🐁 tbagging the exit, 1 little mouse being a the big I AM, whack NOED, 1 mouse hooked 3 mice all out the game, done! Now we can all move on to our next game...
  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893
    Lateral said:

    One shot down from 100% health is a toxic crutch that takes out all semblance of skill, nuance and strategy in place of babied Killer hand-holding and needs to be removed from the game.

    But it wont because /favouritism.

    @Aari_Piggy66 said:
    Sorry but if your whole team gets downed and killed because of noed you guys are just as nooby as you claim the killer is.

    There, translated. Fixed that for you:

    Lol how does that change my point.

    If a four man team gets wiped with noed they're just as nooby as they claim the killer is.

    Whether it's a crutch perk or not is irrelevant.

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    Lateral said:

    One shot down from 100% health is a toxic crutch that takes out all semblance of skill, nuance and strategy in place of babied Killer hand-holding and needs to be removed from the game.

    But it wont because /favouritism.

    @Aari_Piggy66 said:
    Sorry but if your whole team gets downed and killed because of noed you guys are just as nooby as you claim the killer is.

    There, translated. Fixed that for you:

    Lol how does that change my point.

    If a four man team gets wiped with noed they're just as nooby as they claim the killer is.

    Whether it's a crutch perk or not is irrelevant.

    It doesn’t change your point, it’s just because really they don’t have one, it’s nothing more
    than sore losers who want to dictate how killers
    should play their games, everything’s a noob crutch perk to these types of people.

    They are the kind that call you a baby killer if they loop you and escape, and a noob
     ( insert perk here) carried killer if they don’t escape.

  • Bug_Reporter
    Bug_Reporter Member Posts: 673

    @FireHazard said:
    For those of you who may not know, "Hex: No One Escapes Death" Is a perk that activates only when all generators are activated and the exit gates are turned on.

    This perk was buffed awhile back for god knows what reason, and at any level NOED has the "Exposed" status effect that grants the killer the ability to down a survivor even at full health.

    Now you may ask even though its really obvious, "Why would NOED be for noobs if its such a good perk? People use DS all the time and that's also a really good perk." Yes those two perks are indeed good, but they're trash when you look at what makes players good and bad from an outside perspective. For example: A killer that downs 3 people at the end with NOED doesn't make them a good player, it just means that can't do it normally without the perk.

    Players that actually assume they're good because of this baffles my mind, because it doesn't make you good... It makes you look even worse than if you lost the match to a 4 man escape. Of course you'll get some hooks at the end and or sacrifices... the other team wants to save the hooked survivor, but will usually get one shot by your NOED.

    Now you may be thinking right about now "You're just salty kid, if its in the game i'm going to use it... GG EZ" And you're right, it is in the game and you have full right to use it... it just means that if you do you're garbage, and as such should be treated accordingly. The same goes for DS, if the only way for you to get out of a chase is with DS... then you need to start working on those chases my dude, cause that didn't demonstrate any skill what so ever. It in fact showed you have a lack of skill.

    This perk only exists to make casual players and noobs feel better that they got demolished at the start but got a 2k at the end cause of NOED. These same players probably main Leatherface, but that's another story. And yes, i'm aware some players CAN play without these perks, they just choose to because its toxic... what i'm talking about are players that really NEED it in order to actually make any progress in a match.

    [TL;DR]: You have zero skill if you regularly use NOED to win matches at the end. Try not using it for once and tell me how it goes in the comments. If it goes well then you're on your way to not being a noob.

    [EDIT]: I forgot to mention that killers that are at the bottom of the tier list like The Clown and Freddy actually have a reason to use NOED. For what i'm talking about here is like for example putting NOED on Nurse or Hillbilly, two killers that CLEARLY don't need it.

    G I T

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Am I the only one who misses the lol button?
  • iTacoman
    iTacoman Member Posts: 42

    @MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky said:
    So let's say a new player joins, completely new player, and after 5 games they got the chance to get noed from the bloodweb and they use it, are they garbage? And tell me, what's the point of making this if you said that, yeah its in the game, but still, if someone one uses it, they suck??? So your saying that, you know its in the game, and you understand that anyone can use it, but if someone does, they are garbage? This just sounds like a hate thread to killers who uses noed and just sounds like you get salty when you get hit by one.

    it's literally just a crutch to help killers. If you can't manage to secure at least 2 kills by the end of the match then you either had an off match or don't belong in your rank. Rank 20-15 i guess are the exception because they typically don't know what they're doing and are all ready garbage but i just expect everyone runs it and cleanse all totems myself.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    You made a mistake... killers will rip u apart.

  • CyanideCandy
    CyanideCandy Member Posts: 30

    @FireHazard said:
    For those of you who may not know, "Hex: No One Escapes Death" Is a perk that activates only when all generators are activated and the exit gates are turned on.

    This perk was buffed awhile back for god knows what reason, and at any level NOED has the "Exposed" status effect that grants the killer the ability to down a survivor even at full health.

    Now you may ask even though its really obvious, "Why would NOED be for noobs if its such a good perk? People use DS all the time and that's also a really good perk." Yes those two perks are indeed good, but they're trash when you look at what makes players good and bad from an outside perspective. For example: A killer that downs 3 people at the end with NOED doesn't make them a good player, it just means that can't do it normally without the perk.

    Players that actually assume they're good because of this baffles my mind, because it doesn't make you good... It makes you look even worse than if you lost the match to a 4 man escape. Of course you'll get some hooks at the end and or sacrifices... the other team wants to save the hooked survivor, but will usually get one shot by your NOED.

    Now you may be thinking right about now "You're just salty kid, if its in the game i'm going to use it... GG EZ" And you're right, it is in the game and you have full right to use it... it just means that if you do you're garbage, and as such should be treated accordingly. The same goes for DS, if the only way for you to get out of a chase is with DS... then you need to start working on those chases my dude, cause that didn't demonstrate any skill what so ever. It in fact showed you have a lack of skill.

    This perk only exists to make casual players and noobs feel better that they got demolished at the start but got a 2k at the end cause of NOED. These same players probably main Leatherface, but that's another story. And yes, i'm aware some players CAN play without these perks, they just choose to because its toxic... what i'm talking about are players that really NEED it in order to actually make any progress in a match.

    [TL;DR]: You have zero skill if you regularly use NOED to win matches at the end. Try not using it for once and tell me how it goes in the comments. If it goes well then you're on your way to not being a noob.

    [EDIT]: I forgot to mention that killers that are at the bottom of the tier list like The Clown and Freddy actually have a reason to use NOED. For what i'm talking about here is like for example putting NOED on Nurse or Hillbilly, two killers that CLEARLY don't need it.

    I'll be honest, after reading the post I don't see the point in having made it. You list the pros and cons and even say killers have every right to use it while you say it makes you garbage and that you should be treated as such. I might be new to the forums, but I'm not new to the toxicity in this community. Maybe we should STOP treating eachother like garbage? I may be wrong here, I'm tired, but it seems your post exists only to take a crap on people who use a perk you don't like. If noed seems a crutch to you, maybe you shouldn't rely on getting hit twice to get things done. When I play survivor I generally you know... try not to get hit at all. If all the gens get done in less time than it takes to knock everyone down twice and noed pops and gets the killer some kills, you should have been A, more stealthy, or B, thought ahead before you did whatever got you knocked down. With the current balance, survivors dictate the pace of the match, using something that gives the killer a second chance after the generators get smashed to hell in three minutes doesn't make them garbage, it's just using the tools they have just like using urban evasion, self care, deadhard and D strike is for survivors. It may help the inexperienced climb a little higher in the ranks, but against genuinely skilled high ranking survivors, noed is a joke. Complaining about a perk you can disable during the match before it even activates and saying we should treat people like garbage for using it just makes you look like a douche.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,143
    If someone uses noed it an end game perk. If they take out three of y'all it the survivors's fault for not getting rid of the totems. At least you spawn in the next lobbies
  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    @FireHazard said:
    [TL;DR]: You have zero skill if you regularly use NOED to win matches at the end. Try not using it for once and tell me how it goes in the comments. If it goes well then you're on your way to not being a noob.

    This is a stupid argument, EVERY perk change the outcome of the match
    Every perk is a crutch that can potentialy carry you in the right circumstances.

    The survivor that allow noed to come into play are as noobish as the killer using it.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    @EntityDispleased said:
    Noed is a noob perk that activates against noobs.

    Noed is a noob perk that activates against noobs...and solo survivors that have done 3 totems themselves and expect their team mates to pull their bloody weight and handle the other two to help out a little bit.

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073
    edited January 2019
    In all honesty with the current meta obtained with Prove Thy Self amongst other perks to be able to pump generators out at an obscene rate (see video of 9.8 seconds generator completion for details) Ruin genuinely isn't really doing much. Unlike Ruin though, you are not alerted right away that the killer has NOED.

    If you manage to bang out the generators as fast as possible and instantly book it for the door, then it's your own fault if you're downed by NOED as you should have also spent the time assuming NOED a possibility.

    Honestly the potential FOR NOED is something to slow the game down slightly since the team needs to be certain to get all five totems. It is HIGHLY possible for a team of survivors to do this even without the use of Small Game.

    Call NOED a N00b perk if you'd like but honestly, unless things greatly change, NOED holds far more potential to slow a game down more then Ruin currently does, especially at red ranks.
  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    @Iceman said:
    I’m just confused to as how noed is a noob perk if that the case then you are stating that whatever rank you are should be free of noob players.

    So noed shouldnt have been active in the first place because survivors should have cleanse the totems, unless your team were noobs. 

    Welcome to most of my solo survivor matches. I'm not saying i'm a god like most people here are assuming that i'm boasting. I'm saying that most of my team during survivor matches don't think ahead that NOED might be active, hence forth they usually go down because of this.

    Then if I or someone else doesn't get them, we're considered trash for not doing so because we ALSO don't want to be one shot. You see the issue here?

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    @CyanideCandy said:

    @FireHazard said:
    For those of you who may not know, "Hex: No One Escapes Death" Is a perk that activates only when all generators are activated and the exit gates are turned on.

    This perk was buffed awhile back for god knows what reason, and at any level NOED has the "Exposed" status effect that grants the killer the ability to down a survivor even at full health.

    Now you may ask even though its really obvious, "Why would NOED be for noobs if its such a good perk? People use DS all the time and that's also a really good perk." Yes those two perks are indeed good, but they're trash when you look at what makes players good and bad from an outside perspective. For example: A killer that downs 3 people at the end with NOED doesn't make them a good player, it just means that can't do it normally without the perk.

    Players that actually assume they're good because of this baffles my mind, because it doesn't make you good... It makes you look even worse than if you lost the match to a 4 man escape. Of course you'll get some hooks at the end and or sacrifices... the other team wants to save the hooked survivor, but will usually get one shot by your NOED.

    Now you may be thinking right about now "You're just salty kid, if its in the game i'm going to use it... GG EZ" And you're right, it is in the game and you have full right to use it... it just means that if you do you're garbage, and as such should be treated accordingly. The same goes for DS, if the only way for you to get out of a chase is with DS... then you need to start working on those chases my dude, cause that didn't demonstrate any skill what so ever. It in fact showed you have a lack of skill.

    This perk only exists to make casual players and noobs feel better that they got demolished at the start but got a 2k at the end cause of NOED. These same players probably main Leatherface, but that's another story. And yes, i'm aware some players CAN play without these perks, they just choose to because its toxic... what i'm talking about are players that really NEED it in order to actually make any progress in a match.

    [TL;DR]: You have zero skill if you regularly use NOED to win matches at the end. Try not using it for once and tell me how it goes in the comments. If it goes well then you're on your way to not being a noob.

    [EDIT]: I forgot to mention that killers that are at the bottom of the tier list like The Clown and Freddy actually have a reason to use NOED. For what i'm talking about here is like for example putting NOED on Nurse or Hillbilly, two killers that CLEARLY don't need it.

    I'll be honest, after reading the post I don't see the point in having made it. You list the pros and cons and even say killers have every right to use it while you say it makes you garbage and that you should be treated as such. I might be new to the forums, but I'm not new to the toxicity in this community. Maybe we should STOP treating eachother like garbage? I may be wrong here, I'm tired, but it seems your post exists only to take a crap on people who use a perk you don't like. If noed seems a crutch to you, maybe you shouldn't rely on getting hit twice to get things done. When I play survivor I generally you know... try not to get hit at all. If all the gens get done in less time than it takes to knock everyone down twice and noed pops and gets the killer some kills, you should have been A, more stealthy, or B, thought ahead before you did whatever got you knocked down. With the current balance, survivors dictate the pace of the match, using something that gives the killer a second chance after the generators get smashed to hell in three minutes doesn't make them garbage, it's just using the tools they have just like using urban evasion, self care, deadhard and D strike is for survivors. It may help the inexperienced climb a little higher in the ranks, but against genuinely skilled high ranking survivors, noed is a joke. Complaining about a perk you can disable during the match before it even activates and saying we should treat people like garbage for using it just makes you look like a douche.

    Perhaps I worded this incorrectly, what I mean is that you have full right to use whatever tools you're given to get a edge in a match but that doesn't mean said tools like NOED make you good.

    This thread wasn't a jab about my inability to counter the perk because its obvious how to do that already, it was more of a issue with brain dead teams going in to suicide from it, and die because of it. Then most of the team will go and get them regardless of the thought that they will also get one shot and hooked as well.

    if you're a genuine noob and use this perk then it would make sense that you have it equipped. If you're in like say rank 6 or 1 and still use it and assume you're good because you got two kills despite being trashed the entire game before hand IS a issue to me.

    But do keep in mind, there are also killers that are complete garbage and benefit from the perk and have a excuse for using it. To me that's 100% fine, but what i'm talking about are players that use killers that have zero reason for needing it and with said killers can barely hook 3 people until the end when it activates. Like for example, do you really think a killer like Hill Billy or Leatherface need NOED? Two killers that have specials based around insta-downing survivors...

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    @Dragonredking said:

    @FireHazard said:
    [TL;DR]: You have zero skill if you regularly use NOED to win matches at the end. Try not using it for once and tell me how it goes in the comments. If it goes well then you're on your way to not being a noob.

    This is a stupid argument, EVERY perk change the outcome of the match
    Every perk is a crutch that can potentialy carry you in the right circumstances.

    The survivor that allow noed to come into play are as noobish as the killer using it.

    Most of my matches revolve around me having to work on that myself. I can't do that when my teams also being destroyed by a killer that actually knows what to do but still for some reason needs NOED.

  • GraviteaUK
    GraviteaUK Member Posts: 464
    edited January 2019

    I have 0 issues with NoED, being used by me or against me.

    Simply because the only people that complain about it are spacebar warriors who thing that survivors only objective is to pound out generators and nothing more.

    It's actually a wasted perk in 2 different scenarios, if it comes down to TD the perk does not activate, if the survivors get all the totems it does not activate.

    Yes you can say "What about solo" well if you get 3 totems and it activates the other 3 didn't do enough.

    That's a survivor problem, why is it the killers fault the other survivors got lazy and did nothing but gens?

    If im in an SWF and i get hooked NoED and the totem is not bang obvious then i tell the team to leave, in solo they should have the smarts to either know where the totem is or get out.

    It's still in the survivors favor if they wanna be silly and try for an unhook vs a killer that can slug them 1 by 1 again that's a survivor issue not the perk.

    This whole mentality of "i must try for a stupid unhook to avoid being flamed by the dead guy" is just stupid.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    @rafajsp said:
    NOED is know to carry new killers to "better" ranks.
    Clean totems, you should know it.
    Back in the day it wasn't a totem LUL so no reason to be rant.

    Back in the day, there was multiple infinites and other big issues that made killers want to DC every match.

    Have we all soon forgot that hooks used to stay broken the entire game? And that iron grasp was apart of the meta. So of course back in the day it was WAY WORSE than it is now.

    This isn't 2016 anymore, so I don't see your point. I'm talking about the current meta, not a dead meta from 3 years ago. People had full right to complain about how it was back then, and they have full right to complain how it is now. That doesn't mean I should feel privileged to be a killer now a days, it just means things still need to be balanced and changed. But we all know where balancing gets us.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    @GraviteaUK said:
    I have 0 issues with NoED, being used by me or against me.

    Simply because the only people that complain about it are spacebar warriors who thing that survivors only objective is to pound out generators and nothing more.

    It's actually a wasted perk in 2 different scenarios, if it comes down to TD the perk does not activate, if the survivors get all the totems it does not activate.

    Yes you can say "What about solo" well if you get 3 totems and it activates the other 3 didn't do enough.

    That's a survivor problem, why is it the killers fault the other survivors got lazy and did nothing but gens?

    If im in an SWF and i get hooked NoED and the totem is not bang obvious then i tell the team to leave, in solo they should have the smarts to either know where the totem is or get out.

    It's still in the survivors favor if they wanna be silly and try for an unhook vs a killer that can slug them 1 by 1 again that's a survivor issue not the perk.

    This whole mentality of "i must try for a stupid unhook to avoid being flamed by the dead guy" is just stupid.

    And yet, most of my games have at least one person who does it anyways. In a solo nobody thinks ahead, so most matches end with NOED being activated.

    Of course if someone gets slapped by NOED or if I get slapped by it, I'd want myself and or my team to leave me to rot. But like you said at the end, there's always one person who flames cause his entire team didn't suicide to rescue him. But that's the teams fault right?

  • GraviteaUK
    GraviteaUK Member Posts: 464
    edited January 2019

    @FireHazard said:

    @rafajsp said:
    NOED is know to carry new killers to "better" ranks.
    Clean totems, you should know it.
    Back in the day it wasn't a totem LUL so no reason to be rant.

    Back in the day, there was multiple infinites and other big issues that made killers want to DC every match.

    Have we all soon forgot that hooks used to stay broken the entire game? And that iron grasp was apart of the meta. So of course back in the day it was WAY WORSE than it is now.

    This isn't 2016 anymore, so I don't see your point. I'm talking about the current meta, not a dead meta from 3 years ago. People had full right to complain about how it was back then, and they have full right to complain how it is now. That doesn't mean I should feel privileged to be a killer now a days, it just means things still need to be balanced and changed. But we all know where balancing gets us.

    Current Meta?

    The one where you can pound out a gens in minutes because they decided to buff a gen rush perk that one?

    The one where several survivors can carry a perk that forces the killer to re-do a chase again because all the survivor had to do was hit a skillcheck? the only counter to which still wastes the killers time dribbling them.

    The one where most survivors carry a perk that fully heals them once the gens are finished which as stated takes mere minutes?

    Or the one where only 2 killers have the mobility required to pressure them enough to stop them doing this?

    Im a higher rank survivor than i am a killer and even i can see this.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    @GraviteaUK said:

    @FireHazard said:

    @rafajsp said:
    NOED is know to carry new killers to "better" ranks.
    Clean totems, you should know it.
    Back in the day it wasn't a totem LUL so no reason to be rant.

    Back in the day, there was multiple infinites and other big issues that made killers want to DC every match.

    Have we all soon forgot that hooks used to stay broken the entire game? And that iron grasp was apart of the meta. So of course back in the day it was WAY WORSE than it is now.

    This isn't 2016 anymore, so I don't see your point. I'm talking about the current meta, not a dead meta from 3 years ago. People had full right to complain about how it was back then, and they have full right to complain how it is now. That doesn't mean I should feel privileged to be a killer now a days, it just means things still need to be balanced and changed. But we all know where balancing gets us.

    Current Meta?

    The one where you can pound out a gens in minutes because they decided to buff a gen rush perk that one?

    The one where several survivors can carry a perk that forces the killer to re-do a chase again because all the survivor had to do was hit a skillcheck? the only counter to which still wastes the killers time dribbling them.

    The one where most survivors carry a perk that fully heals them once the gens are finished which as stated takes mere minutes?

    Or the one where only 2 killers have the mobility required to pressure them enough to stop them doing this?

    Im a higher rank survivor than i am a killer and even i can see this.

    Have you seen what it was like in 2016? In my opinion it was way worse, and several things listed here are the same buffs from the people who wanted to change Legions timer from 30 seconds to mend to 20 seconds.

  • GraviteaUK
    GraviteaUK Member Posts: 464
    edited January 2019

    @FireHazard said:

    @GraviteaUK said:

    @FireHazard said:

    @rafajsp said:
    NOED is know to carry new killers to "better" ranks.
    Clean totems, you should know it.
    Back in the day it wasn't a totem LUL so no reason to be rant.

    Back in the day, there was multiple infinites and other big issues that made killers want to DC every match.

    Have we all soon forgot that hooks used to stay broken the entire game? And that iron grasp was apart of the meta. So of course back in the day it was WAY WORSE than it is now.

    This isn't 2016 anymore, so I don't see your point. I'm talking about the current meta, not a dead meta from 3 years ago. People had full right to complain about how it was back then, and they have full right to complain how it is now. That doesn't mean I should feel privileged to be a killer now a days, it just means things still need to be balanced and changed. But we all know where balancing gets us.

    Current Meta?

    The one where you can pound out a gens in minutes because they decided to buff a gen rush perk that one?

    The one where several survivors can carry a perk that forces the killer to re-do a chase again because all the survivor had to do was hit a skillcheck? the only counter to which still wastes the killers time dribbling them.

    The one where most survivors carry a perk that fully heals them once the gens are finished which as stated takes mere minutes?

    Or the one where only 2 killers have the mobility required to pressure them enough to stop them doing this?

    Im a higher rank survivor than i am a killer and even i can see this.

    Have you seen what it was like in 2016? In my opinion it was way worse, and several things listed here are the same buffs from the people who wanted to change Legions timer from 30 seconds to mend to 20 seconds.

    Yes it might have been worse in 2016 but just because "It's not that bad" now doesn't mean all the issues are gone.

    All that means is the imbalance is not as bad as it used to be.

    But from where im standing you're talking about NoED a perk which yes can be devastating but still completely in the survivors control if survivors all removed 1 totem each and someone else does 2 that's would take less than a minute each player.

    Whilst the survivors run around with all the perks in the world at their disposal and they aint constantly "Shamed" for using them.

    I honestly hate all this pressure applied to killers to try and bully and shame them into playing or perking how the survivors want it's wrong.

    "No NoED"
    "No Camping"
    "No Tunneling"
    "Respect 4%"
    "No Mori"

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    @GraviteaUK said:

    @FireHazard said:

    @GraviteaUK said:

    @FireHazard said:

    @rafajsp said:
    NOED is know to carry new killers to "better" ranks.
    Clean totems, you should know it.
    Back in the day it wasn't a totem LUL so no reason to be rant.

    Back in the day, there was multiple infinites and other big issues that made killers want to DC every match.

    Have we all soon forgot that hooks used to stay broken the entire game? And that iron grasp was apart of the meta. So of course back in the day it was WAY WORSE than it is now.

    This isn't 2016 anymore, so I don't see your point. I'm talking about the current meta, not a dead meta from 3 years ago. People had full right to complain about how it was back then, and they have full right to complain how it is now. That doesn't mean I should feel privileged to be a killer now a days, it just means things still need to be balanced and changed. But we all know where balancing gets us.

    Current Meta?

    The one where you can pound out a gens in minutes because they decided to buff a gen rush perk that one?

    The one where several survivors can carry a perk that forces the killer to re-do a chase again because all the survivor had to do was hit a skillcheck? the only counter to which still wastes the killers time dribbling them.

    The one where most survivors carry a perk that fully heals them once the gens are finished which as stated takes mere minutes?

    Or the one where only 2 killers have the mobility required to pressure them enough to stop them doing this?

    Im a higher rank survivor than i am a killer and even i can see this.

    Have you seen what it was like in 2016? In my opinion it was way worse, and several things listed here are the same buffs from the people who wanted to change Legions timer from 30 seconds to mend to 20 seconds.

    Yes it might have been worse in 2016 but just because "It's not that bad" now doesn't mean all the issues are gone.

    All that means is the imbalance is not as bad as it used to be.

    But from where im standing you're talking about NoED a perk which yes can be devastating but still completely in the survivors control if survivors all removed 1 totem each and someone else does 2 that's would take less than a minute each player.

    Whilst the survivors run around with all the perks in the world at their disposal and they aint constantly "Shamed" for using them.

    I honestly hate all this pressure applied to killers to try and bully and shame them into playing or perking how the survivors want it's wrong.

    "No NoED"
    "No Camping"
    "No Tunneling"
    "Respect 4%"
    "No Mori"

    I main killer, but play survivor almost as much now a days. This isn't a survivor main complaining about how his side should be superior to the other. Its a killer main complaining about other killers not trying to challenge themselves and instead fall into the "Just use NOED" meme.

    NOED is acceptable on killers that need it, but killers like nurse who don't need it is not to me.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    This truly is a disturbing dimension. 
  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    @ArecBalrin said

    A 'crutch' that has a less than 50% base chance of doing anything; it relies entirely on survivors messing up to be of any benefit. In exchange for these phenonemally poor odds, killers give up a perk-slot.

    NOED is not a perk which leverages the game mechanics, but leverages the never-changing behaviour of the opposite side. It has an in-game solution, survivors just choose not to adapt. Their playstyle has remained virtually unchanged for two years because of the constant pandering they've got from the devs.

    NOED requires survivors to fail. The killer cannot cover every exit, all survivors have to do is not get seen. Only tools end up on a hook because of NOED where otherwise would have won.

    Despite repeated nerfs and increasing limitations, NOED has got stronger (just like the Nurse) because survivors have got worse at the game from not changing how they play at all in two years.

    BACKSTABBER Member Posts: 1,809

    @FireHazard said:
    For those of you who may not know, "Hex: No One Escapes Death" Is a perk that activates only when all generators are activated and the exit gates are turned on.

    This perk was buffed awhile back for god knows what reason, and at any level NOED has the "Exposed" status effect that grants the killer the ability to down a survivor even at full health.

    Now you may ask even though its really obvious, "Why would NOED be for noobs if its such a good perk? People use DS all the time and that's also a really good perk." Yes those two perks are indeed good, but they're trash when you look at what makes players good and bad from an outside perspective. For example: A killer that downs 3 people at the end with NOED doesn't make them a good player, it just means that can't do it normally without the perk.

    Players that actually assume they're good because of this baffles my mind, because it doesn't make you good... It makes you look even worse than if you lost the match to a 4 man escape. Of course you'll get some hooks at the end and or sacrifices... the other team wants to save the hooked survivor, but will usually get one shot by your NOED.

    Now you may be thinking right about now "You're just salty kid, if its in the game i'm going to use it... GG EZ" And you're right, it is in the game and you have full right to use it... it just means that if you do you're garbage, and as such should be treated accordingly. The same goes for DS, if the only way for you to get out of a chase is with DS... then you need to start working on those chases my dude, cause that didn't demonstrate any skill what so ever. It in fact showed you have a lack of skill.

    This perk only exists to make casual players and noobs feel better that they got demolished at the start but got a 2k at the end cause of NOED. These same players probably main Leatherface, but that's another story. And yes, i'm aware some players CAN play without these perks, they just choose to because its toxic... what i'm talking about are players that really NEED it in order to actually make any progress in a match.

    [TL;DR]: You have zero skill if you regularly use NOED to win matches at the end. Try not using it for once and tell me how it goes in the comments. If it goes well then you're on your way to not being a noob.

    [EDIT]: I forgot to mention that killers that are at the bottom of the tier list like The Clown and Freddy actually have a reason to use NOED. For what i'm talking about here is like for example putting NOED on Nurse or Hillbilly, two killers that CLEARLY don't need it.

    first u need to do is looking for hex totems /end of discussion

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    @BACKSTABBER said:

    @FireHazard said:
    For those of you who may not know, "Hex: No One Escapes Death" Is a perk that activates only when all generators are activated and the exit gates are turned on.

    This perk was buffed awhile back for god knows what reason, and at any level NOED has the "Exposed" status effect that grants the killer the ability to down a survivor even at full health.

    Now you may ask even though its really obvious, "Why would NOED be for noobs if its such a good perk? People use DS all the time and that's also a really good perk." Yes those two perks are indeed good, but they're trash when you look at what makes players good and bad from an outside perspective. For example: A killer that downs 3 people at the end with NOED doesn't make them a good player, it just means that can't do it normally without the perk.

    Players that actually assume they're good because of this baffles my mind, because it doesn't make you good... It makes you look even worse than if you lost the match to a 4 man escape. Of course you'll get some hooks at the end and or sacrifices... the other team wants to save the hooked survivor, but will usually get one shot by your NOED.

    Now you may be thinking right about now "You're just salty kid, if its in the game i'm going to use it... GG EZ" And you're right, it is in the game and you have full right to use it... it just means that if you do you're garbage, and as such should be treated accordingly. The same goes for DS, if the only way for you to get out of a chase is with DS... then you need to start working on those chases my dude, cause that didn't demonstrate any skill what so ever. It in fact showed you have a lack of skill.

    This perk only exists to make casual players and noobs feel better that they got demolished at the start but got a 2k at the end cause of NOED. These same players probably main Leatherface, but that's another story. And yes, i'm aware some players CAN play without these perks, they just choose to because its toxic... what i'm talking about are players that really NEED it in order to actually make any progress in a match.

    [TL;DR]: You have zero skill if you regularly use NOED to win matches at the end. Try not using it for once and tell me how it goes in the comments. If it goes well then you're on your way to not being a noob.

    [EDIT]: I forgot to mention that killers that are at the bottom of the tier list like The Clown and Freddy actually have a reason to use NOED. For what i'm talking about here is like for example putting NOED on Nurse or Hillbilly, two killers that CLEARLY don't need it.

    first u need to do is looking for hex totems /end of discussion

    I do? Its the teams i'm with that don't. And if the killers good that still uses NOED for whatever reason still, they'll kill your team before I can even finish getting them all.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited January 2019

    @Acromio said:
    @ArecBalrin said

    A 'crutch' that has a less than 50% base chance of doing anything; it relies entirely on survivors messing up to be of any benefit. In exchange for these phenonemally poor odds, killers give up a perk-slot.

    NOED is not a perk which leverages the game mechanics, but leverages the never-changing behaviour of the opposite side. It has an in-game solution, survivors just choose not to adapt. Their playstyle has remained virtually unchanged for two years because of the constant pandering they've got from the devs.

    NOED requires survivors to fail. The killer cannot cover every exit, all survivors have to do is not get seen. Only tools end up on a hook because of NOED where otherwise would have won.

    Despite repeated nerfs and increasing limitations, NOED has got stronger (just like the Nurse) because survivors have got worse at the game from not changing how they play at all in two years.

    Does this explain why to this day rarely anyone that I've come across in solo survival actually takes measures to get rid of NOED?

    Cause only I think about this and it gets so old doing it over and over because my teams does not think ahead. I hardly do it anymore and accept whoever gets downed is considered dead.

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    cleanse da totemse

  • Theluckyboi
    Theluckyboi Member Posts: 1,113

    in my opinion NOED is only good if you use it in specific builds, i personally run NOED on piggy because her end game potential in amazing, other than that i wouldnt recommend using it, it is a waste of space especially against SWF

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    @yeet said:
    cleanse da totemse

    I'll cleanse your totem!

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    @yeet said:
    cleanse da totemse

    I'll cleanse your totem!

    Evidently not, given the topic :P
  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    @Raccoon said:
    FireHazard said:

    @yeet said:

    cleanse da totemse

    I'll cleanse your totem!

    Evidently not, given the topic :P

    Read my other comments and then you'll know MR!

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    @yeet said:
    cleanse da totemse

    I'll cleanse your totem!

    That's hot af
  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    It's a bit of a paradox:

    If NOED activates, and there are more than two survivors left, I have not been playing well.

    If I get more than one hook after NOED activates, the survivors are not playing very well.