When someone dies in the grip of a powerful rage, a curse is born.
It gathers in that place of death, but cannot be contained.
Once you encounter it…It will never let you go.
06. The Moaning That Was Crushed - Ju-On: The Curse 1-2 Original Soundtrack
Kayako Saeki - The Grudge
Alias: 佐伯伽椰子 (Saeki Kayako), 呪怨 (Ju-On, Grudge Curse)
Lobby Music: (11) 01. Ju-On Theme - Ju-On: The Grudge 1-2 Original Soundtrack - YouTube
The Grudge is the irreversible curse of violent death. It is a supernatural disease that spreads and consumes any who encounter it. The Grudge is able to traverse small parts of the map quickly and terrorize its victims until they collapse under the weight of its fury.
Its personal Perks; Death Rattle, Vengeful Curse, and Hex: That House, exhaust survivors near it, slow their progress on tasks, and curse them when they remain close to structures, ensnaring them in the ever-tightening grip of fear and despair.
Physical Description: The Grudge takes on the form of three entities in Dead by Daylight:
- Kayako Saeki has long, black disheveled hair that at times falls over her ghostly pale face. She has wide, bloodshot eyes and is dressed in a torn white gown. She crawls with contorted movements, her presence marked by a chilling, guttural croak.
- Toshio Saeki is a pale, bluish-skinned boy with dark, vacant eyes. He wears only his underwear shorts and appears silently before suddenly manifesting with cat-like sounds.
- Mar is a cat with ink-black fur. He moves silently and quickly.
Terror Radius: 16 meters (walking), undetectable (crawling)
Lullaby: 24 meters (death rattle, increases in intensity as distance closes)
Movement Speed: 4.4m/s (walking), 3.75 m/s (crawling)
Weapon: Kayako’s fingers swipe with jerky, unnatural motions, leaving trails of black hair.
Carry Animation: Upon picking up a survivor, a shadowy mass of hair and limbs clings to the survivor’s back, with Kayako’s face partially visible over their shoulder. Her limbs contort around the survivor’s body. The survivor walks stiffly, twitching and jerking as if fighting the curse. Their head lolls unnaturally, and their arms hang limp while Kayako’s hair manipulates their legs. At the hook, Kayako’s hair violently retracts, leaving the survivor impaled.
Power: Grip of Rage
- Special Ability: Grudge Curse
- Kayako starts the trial crawling, and has the ability to change between a walking and crawling stance under certain circumstances, and certain aspects of her power function differently depending on the stance she is in.
- Holding the Ability button while crawling causes survivors within 4m to gain +1 Ju-On every 4 seconds while Kayako’s death rattle echoes more loudly. Using Grudge Curse slows Kayako to 3.7 m/s until it is released.
- Special Enemy: Toshio Saeki
- Roams the map while invisible, and is drawn to survivors performing actions.
- When Toshio discovers a survivor, he appears after getting within 6m of them, yowling like a cat heard over 40m. He will stop moving after this point.
- Survivors within 8m of an appeared Toshio gain +1 Ju-On every 4 seconds.
- If all survivors leave this radius he will sit there and then continue roaming after 10 seconds.
- Toshio will at times position himself behind a vault point relative to a survivor, blocking that vault point.
- Toshio will not roam while Kayako is walking unless a survivor is in Ju-On 3.
- Special Enemy: Mar
- Spawns near the farthest survivor every 60 seconds.
- Mar’s aura is always revealed to Kayako.
- Survivors can shoo Mar (2s interaction), causing him to despawn.
- Survivors shooing Mar gain +1 Ju-On.
- Special Affliction: Ju-On
- Interacting with the power of The Grudge causes Survivors to gain Ju-On up to 4. All effects stack with one another.
- At Ju-On 1: The survivor intermittently hears whispers and death rattles.
- At Ju-On 2: The survivor intermittently hallucinates Mar near their vicinity. This hallucination can be shoo’d but does not inflict Ju-On. A Mar hallucination does not reveal its aura.
- At Ju-On 3: Toshio will be more aggressively drawn to the survivor.
- At Ju-On 4: Entering an 8m radius of a crawling Kayako causes the survivor to collapse in terror, immediately entering the dying state.
- Being Hooked will reset a survivor’s Ju-On to 0.
- Interacting with the power of The Grudge causes Survivors to gain Ju-On up to 4. All effects stack with one another.
- Special Locomotion: Contortion
- Kayako’s stance changes are triggered by interactions.
- To Walking:
- Using Apparition on a Locker
- Breaking pallets/walls
- Picking up/grabbing a survivor
- Vaulting while Crawling
- To Crawling:
- Using Apparition on a Vault point
- Vaulting while Walking
- Kayako can only manually switch stances by using the “Contortion” action, which takes 3 seconds and drops her speed to 1.5m/s during the animation. There is a 20 second cooldown on manual Contortion.
- To Walking:
- While Walking, Kayako moves at a pace of 4.4m/s.
- While Crawling, Kayako moves at a pace of 3.75m/s.
- Survivors looking at a Crawling Kayako with clear Line of Sight will gain +1 Ju-On after 8 seconds. Progress resets after 45 seconds.
- Survivors looking at a Crawling Kayako suffer from a 4% hindrance effect.
- Survivors looking at a Crawling Kayako suffer from a 4% reduction to their action speed.
- Kayako can only gain Apparition tokens while crawling.
- Kayako’s stance changes are triggered by interactions.
- Special Locomotion: Apparition
- After being unobserved for 4 seconds Kayako gains +1 Apparition token (max 4).
- Apparition can be used in either stance, but only while unobserved.
- Kayako can use Apparition to move to Lockers or Vault points within 16 meters at a rate of 19m/s. She exits the vault point in the direction she looks during the time it takes for Apparition to take place.
- Survivors within 4m of the Apparition destination point have their cameras forcibly aimed at Kayako, and gain +1 stack of Ju-On.
- Kayako becomes undetectable for 4 seconds after using Apparition.
- Apparition has a cooldown of 4 seconds.
- The Apparition command can be held, revealing Vault and Locker locations in its range, which can then be activated by using the Ability button.
- Special Location: Saeki House
- Kayako’s presence causes the Basement to transform, resembling the Saeki family house. Healthy and Injured Survivors in the Basement gain Ju-On at a rate of +1 Ju-On every 24 seconds, starting at the stairs.
- Special Prop: Exorcism Site
- While 2 survivors are together in the Basement they can perform the Exorcism interaction at the Exorcism Site (12 seconds). Survivors performing an Exorcism are revealed to The Grudge through Killer Instinct.
- After a successful Exorcism, one survivor will have their Ju-On transferred to the other.
- Donor: The survivor with higher Ju-On when beginning the Exorcism. Will have their Ju-On set to 0.
- Receiver: The survivor with lower Ju-On when beginning the Exorcism. Will have their Ju-On increased by the amount the Donor lost -2 (a minimum of 1 Ju-On will be gained).]
- Both Survivors will have their Ju-On progress slowed by 50% from all sources for 80 seconds. This effect cannot stack with itself.
- Special Prop: Cursed Objects
- Some objects around the trial will intermittently become cursed, appearing covered in hair and emitting unearthly sounds. This can include random walls and props from around the map, and rarely even include totems or generators.
- Survivors standing within 4m of a cursed object for 6 seconds gain 1 Ju-On. Progress resets after 10 seconds.
- The Cursed Objects change every 90 seconds.
Add-Ons for Grip of Rage:
- Dirty Toy - Increases Toshio’s movement speed while roaming by 10%.
- A grime-covered toy car Toshio once played with. Its wheels squeak faintly, echoing his restless spirit.
- Mar’s Whisker - Reduces Mar’s spawn timer by 10 seconds.
- A single whisker from the Saeki cat, still twitching with unnatural energy.
- Smudged Drawing - Reduces the delay before Toshio resumes roaming by 4 seconds
- A child’s crayon sketch of a woman with long hair. The paper is crumpled and stained with tears.
- Torn Plastic - Reduces Contortion cooldown by 10 seconds.
- A shred of plastic wrap, still reeking of decay.
- Attic Door - Calls upon the Entity to block Vault locations or Lockers for 10 seconds after using Apparition on them.
- A warped door from the Saeki house attic. Its hinges scream like the damned.
- Mar’s Claw - Reveals the auras of survivors that shoo Mar for 3 seconds.
- A claw torn from Mar’s paw, sharpened by malice.
- Bannister Fragment - Toshio positions himself behind Vault locations 50% more often.
- A splintered piece of the stair railing Toshio clung to. His tiny handprints still mar the wood.
- Rusted Knife - Breaking a Pallet or Wall grants 1 Apparition token.
- The blade Takeo used to carve his family’s fate. Its edge is dull, but its hunger is not.
- Moldy Wallpaper - Cursed Objects change 10 seconds faster. Reveals the auras of Cursed Objects within 48 meters for 10 seconds every time they change.
- Peeling wallpaper stained with mildew and something darker. The pattern shifts when unobserved.
- Crumbling Ofuda Talisman - Exorcism speed is slowed by 50%, but the amount of Ju-On transferred is now -3 and there is no minimum amount gained.
- A talisman meant to ward off spirits, now corrupted by the curse it sought to contain.
- Mar’s Bell Collar - Whenever Mar is active, Toshio moves to his location at 30% increased speed.
- A collar with a cracked bell that jingles with Mar’s prowling steps.
- Gore-Covered Plastic - Increases Kayako’s speed while crawling by 8% for 8 seconds after entering the crawling state by any means.
- A bloodied scrap of plastic wrap, still clinging to Kayako’s remains.
- Obsessive Letter - +1 maximum Apparition tokens. Reduces Apparition cooldown by 2 seconds. Apparition no longer inflicts Ju-On.
- A love letter, its pages torn and smeared with jealousy.
- Mutilated Jaw Bone - Increases the range of Grudge Curse by 2 meters. Decreases time to change stances using Contortion by 1 second.
- A jawbone ripped from a victim, its teeth shattered by Kayako’s grip.
Very Rare:
- Wriggling Hair - Staring at a crawling Kayako for 4 seconds inflicts Exposed for 15 seconds. That survivor then becomes immune to this effect for 30 seconds. While crawling, Kayako’s hair extends her attack range by +2 meters.
- A clump of Kayako’s hair, still twisting like serpents. To touch it is to invite infestation.
- Ceaseless Stain - After using Apparition, leave behind a mass of writhing hair for 10 seconds. Survivors observing the hair suffer all effects of looking at Kayako. Survivors moving through the hair suffer from a -8% Hindered effect.
- A pool of blackened residue from the Saeki house floor. It pulses faintly, as if alive.
- Saeki Family Photo - Reveals the auras of survivors within 8m of Toshio. Increases Toshio’s movement speed while roaming by 20%.
- A photo of the Saeki family, a face scratched out. The shadows in the frame twist and writhe.
- Unspeakable Bag - Kayako emerges walking after using Apparition and gains a 5% Haste status effect. -1 maximum Apparition tokens.
- A bloodstained grocery bag from Takeo’s final errand. Its contents are best left unknown.
Ultra Rare:
- Iridescent Cat’s Eye - Shooing Mar no longer inflicts Ju-On. Mar passively applies +1 Ju-On every 30 seconds. Shooing Mar applies Exposed for 60 seconds.
- Mar’s eye, glowing with otherworldly malice. It sees through flesh, bone, and soul.
- Kayako’s Diary - Survivors with Ju-On 3 emit a 16-meter Terror Radius and intermittently scream. Other survivors within this radius gain +1 Ju-On every 20 seconds.
- A diary filled with Kayako’s obsessive ramblings. The pages reek of decayed roses and bile.
Unique Perks:
Death Rattle: Time slows. Breath falters. Limbs seize.
When a survivor is within 8 meters of the killer, they become exhausted for 5 seconds, or if they are currently exhausted the recovery time will be paused for 5 seconds. Afterward, the survivor becomes immune to Death Rattle for 15/10/5 seconds.
Vengeful Curse: To face you is to invite futility. To turn away is to embrace oblivion.
When a survivor not in chase is within 24 meters of your location and facing in your direction, Vengeful Curse activates.
- Alerts you to their presence by lighting its icon.
- Decreases the survivor’s Action speeds for Blessing, Cleansing, Gate-Opening, Healing, Repairing, Sabotaging, Unhooking, and Unlocking by 4/6/8 %.
- This effect lingers for 0.5 seconds after the survivor exits the Activation range, or when you end the effect by entering a chase.
Hex: That House: Walls whisper warnings. Doorways yawn like jaws. The house swallows all who wander its halls.
When a survivor is within 12 meters of the killer and remains within 2 meters of a wall or structure for 8/7/6 seconds, if there is still a Dull Totem remaining on the Map, Hex: That House activates and lights it, cursing that Survivor. For every additional 8/7/6 seconds that Survivor remains within 2 meters of a wall or structure, Hex: That House is granted a token. Progress on a given token resets after 10 seconds.
- 1 Tokens: That survivor suffers from a 5% Hindered status effect.
- 3 Tokens: That survivor suffers from the Oblivious status effect.
- 5 Tokens: The aura of that survivor is revealed.
- 7 Tokens: Calls upon the entity to block all Pallets and Vault locations within 4 meters of that survivor’s location.
Hex: That House deactivates when the affected survivor loses a health state by any means, consuming all tokens and extinguishing the Totem.
Hex: That House is disabled for the remainder of the Trial if a Survivor manages to cleanse its Hex Totem.
Mori: The survivor sees Kayako twitching toward them and spins around desperately to escape, only to again lock eyes with Kayako’s horrific gaze. Frozen in terror, unable to scream, they agonizingly try to retreat inch by inch, but Kayako’s face comes forward with unnatural, ghostly stillness, and a rising death rattle that grows deeper and more distorted as her face twists into a gaping maw, her bloodshot eyes locked. When her face looms just inches away, her hand snaps out, gripping the survivor’s jaw like a vice. Her cold, pale fingers trail upward along their cheeks, smothering their mouth and nose as her tangled, oily hair slithers across and into every violatable surface of their face, their veins bulging and eyes widening in agony. The screen cuts to black, with only the sound of Kayako’s guttural breath and the survivor’s strangled cries lingering. The squelch of hair entering orifices and the crunch of shattering bone. When the lights flicker back on, nothing remains. Just Kayako staring at the camera.
Achievement Idea:
- Family Reunion: Down a survivor with Toshio blocking a vault and Mar active nearby in a single trial.
This will probably be my magnum opus even though it's only my second post on the forum. I had a different version of this I posted on Reddit once and wanted to take another crack at it and I am much happier with this version. If you finished this thank you so much for taking the time to read it. I'm very proud of it. Kayako is by far my favorite horror movie icon and most wanted character in DBD and I think this concept does her justice. I'm sure, theoritically, stuff like specific numbers and stuff would need to be tweaked through playtesting but I included the number 4 a lot :P if you know you know. Please tell me what you think!
That was amazing! Kayako is my favorite horror movie character too and I would love to see her in the game, hope the devs see this because she would be an amazing addition to dbd
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Yay! I’m glad you liked it! She would be so scary as a character and I would love to be able to terrify survivors with her. Thank you for reading, let’s hope someday
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Let me just tell you with full honesty… This is absolutely amazing- the way you described everything, your very detailed ideas, your insane creativity. I LOVED this so much! Enjoyed it a lot, very good concept.
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Thank you so much :’) I really like doing stuff like this so that feels really good to hear