Do Not Do the Xenomorph Changes Behavior

It's worse then I thought it was gonna be. Right now the character feels more unplayable then he already didn't. This is the worst nerf than the Skull Marchant Nerf that was never patched. It seems like ur nerfing killers to the ground on purpose. These Xenomorph Changes are gonna ruin one of the best Horror creatures in horror history and if you go though With these Changes you may Lose a huge chunk of ur player base from players who main this killer.
It also seems like you lied about making Xenomorph better against turrets when these changes only made it much much worse.
So please Please listen to the community and do not do these Changes.
Xenomorph deserves a huge rework that he should of gotten a long long time ago.
- Turrets are now boring go use because there so strong for survivors
- Xenomorph can almost never us his ability because he will be knocked out of his power much more often. Driving players away from this Killer which is why he's rarely played
- The burn effect on the Xenomorph when he's burned is way to distracting to look at for 15 secs. Which actually feels like way more
- Xenomorph is forced to hide 90% of his games be he's hit by turret after turret
one more thing. I'm not the only one that thinks this change shouldn't go though for Xenomorph