Lag or cheating

Ok I just Started Death Slinger and I found some Odd survivors that the Server was lagging only when I'm around a survivor. When I speared a survivor and when I hit hurt it didn't show she was hit at all. Like no mending or health state taken. This was not normal gameplay to me but I need to be sure. One I never had a Connection issue so it can't be me. So I had to ask were these survivors cheating or was is just server issues because I didn't have this issue until the last few Gens were remaining. Also they opened the gate as soon as the Gens where done. Like it was instantly
Best Answer
I was playing survivor with some of my friends a few nights ago against a slinger, he speared me and hit me (you could see the blood spray thing) and i didn't take any damage. Everyone was on 200+ ping so it was probably a server issue. With the gate opening, they could have just been camping the gate with wake up and leader or something.
Ok thank you. But it could of been maybe a random in the server lagging the server on purpose. Not saying ur that person but the lag didn't seen normal. But again I can be completely wrong on it.
Plus where you on Garden of Joy when that happened to you just making sure we were on the same server
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It was on badham, and I'm on oce servers so im not surprised about the ping thing. I doubt it's anyone actually lagging the servers.