Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Full SwF Teams against a Killer are Extremly Unbalanced like other things!

I had a Round with 4 SwF as a Nurse and it was more then Unfair yeah more like Mobbing!

I know the Thing is you should have the Option to Play with Frinds thats Fine and i have nothing against it, but If you get 4 SwF's and they Realy Hard Force you to Slug, Camp or Tunneling, you as Killer have absolutly no Fun in this Situation!

They had four Flashlights the point for Lightborne Lucky that i had it in, some of them after that a Toolbox and they was repeatly all on one Point stacked, so that you must Slug them, everytime they destroyed a hook if you tryed to hook, they tryed to Blind, Bodyblocked all Times and many other Toxic Plays like repeatly destroy the hooks, I was Realy Hard forced to the Point that i must two People to let Bleed out and Camp slugged ones or Tunnel them for the Bleed out and Slug Situation, because you get no Hooks well they destroyed it right before youre Nose and that Repeatly all Time over the Match!

With the New Health System what is Planned this will never get Good, if you get constantly in Matches Like this what i had and it has a to Extremly Angry LvL, The Killer will constantly Leave or give Up and then it dosn't matter if they Lose Ranks or Bloodpoints! or they will stop to Play DbD because of this Highly Toxic Moments.

I suggest Strongly to Put this 4 SwF's in the High Ranks matched, never mind if they are in the Last Rank the Frustration LvL is Purely to High if they can Play in Low Ranks, the other Way and not the Good one that i know to is to Seperate them from Open Matchmaking and force them to Play Custom Games as 4 SwF's.

But Actualy this Moments are the Moments where i am Realy Realy Mad and where I think to Deinstall the Game and never Lay a Hand on it again, to this often they say at the and Easy, EZ or other Things that make you feel Extremly Bad or Sad what ever, or they Mob you for Slugging, Tunneling, Camping what ever self If you had no Choice and you was Hard Forced to this.

Last but not least, i got 3 killed, but only through Tunneling, Slugging or Camping on downed Survivor, but how i sayed they Forced me extremly hard to do this, because it gave no other Ways to Cancel the Game, Leaving you get blocked for Matchmaking and you get no Bloodpoints, you go AFK you will get Flamed or other Things, to this If the New Systems come on Official Server you get Deranks or other things through Anti Slugging and the other Anti Systems, the Go Next Prevention will Punish you or the same other Things happen.

This Game lays feeled to 98% on Survivor Side and this is Frustrating, the Same with the Hex Totems they are most Time destroyed after 20-60 Seconds well because they are to Visible to Survivor!

Here a little Screenshot for that Hex Totem Point and that is in the most Maps the Point:

The Totem was as well destroyed after 20 Seconds.

This are a few points what makes feel that SwF is to Extremly Unbalanced and that are my Experience with 1100 Play Houers, but that i say as Casual, i had many Times Paused the Gaming between this Houers.

It needs something to be done to make this Game Feel better in generally, exept as Killer or Survivor and sry for the Wall of Text, If someone Read it Thankyou for Reading it!

with Frindly Greetings Sakura_Arisawa

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  • Member Posts: 33
    edited March 13

    Yeah hex totems are a real issue tbh (imo they should either be blocked for 30-60 seconds or only light up when their respective needs are met. bc we all know they wont fix their spawns. (not to forget they are a gamble they either get cleansed first min into the game or they win you the game.

  • Member Posts: 3,968

    Tbh, you can't really "fix" their spawns.

    You might be able to hide "some" of them a little better, but that requires adding additonal clutter to obscure them in the map, which in turn makes them obvious in of themselves.

    The real issue is after you've been playing for so long you learn totem spawn locations passively. I only have about 2000 hrs, and even I have approximately 3 hex totems spawns passively memorised for each map, with a pretty decent general idea of the kinds of locations they spawn as well.

    The best solution to my mind only light the hex totem when it gains a token or it's effect is revealed. The one exceptions being Haunted Ground and Retribution, which illuminates automatically when another hex is illuminated, or after 60s, whichever comes first.

    Regarding OP:

    Yes you will face teams like this now and again. Getting bullied by strong survivors in general is rough, and a 4 stack doing it is especially rough.

    I see it as a right of passage, nd its an important experience to have if you wanna play killer. If you can keep your cool and put up a good fight vs. these kind of players, that's when you can say you're really getting the hang of the game.

    A lot of people turn this into an arms race, and play things so strong that things like this can't ever happen, but to me that is boring. Defining yourself as a non meta main and playimg your game is where the fun of DBD lies, and when you go against the occasional sweat squad, that's where you really start to learn your character.

  • Member Posts: 14

    Of course it is one solution for Totems, but self then i guess it need to be Overthinked of Hiding them better actualy you see it on Screenshot it is Bad.

    The SwF Situation should be definitly Overthinked to, yeah of course you can see it as Training, but in my Situation why i Opened the Post it was more like Mobbing/Bullying and all other then Fun, If we look forward to the new Systems from the Health Update i see more then a little Black well if you hit this Survivor, you get self if they give more BP for holding Through for Killer, more Frustration and Angryness for Killer or other things, it is not Rewarding enough to balance this out, to the Correcture If the Systems come for Anti Slugging and the other Things you get Punished for it to, because you get hard Forced to do it in this situation, what the systems wana prevent that it not happen.

    Originally this will bring over short or long seen the Kill DbD Factor in, if it is realy realy Bad happening over time, so you should Balance this Situations with full SwF's to, to prevent this Mobbing and Bullying the Killer away sadly.

  • Member Posts: 635

    Originally, the game should be divided into a casual mode that can be played in a 4-person PT and a solo only ranked match to balance each, but BhVR continues to neglect that issue because of player dispersion.

  • Member Posts: 14
    edited March 14

    This isn't about the 3k, but about the way the game plays out, where you're literally brutally forced to tunnel, camp and sluggish, and that's not compatible with the new health update that's supposed to come, because if you have SwFs like that, you're literally forcing the new systems to make you lose your killer rank. It doesn't even help that you can only surrender after 10 minutes, because you'd probably still lose rank because of the systems that are supposed to come.

    And the map was a other Gideon where only to show, the to visible totem Spot

  • Member Posts: 869

    I give up with these swf qq posts, cause you can never convince people that not every swf = easy games since 95% of them are casual or worst overly altruistic. As I said so many time I lost count of how many times I say thia this be the only game in the world people qq about people rather playing with family and friends who knows what they doing vs solo q doing unnecessary things like opening chests while your being chased over 2 to 3 mins.

  • Member Posts: 423

    Let's see, a good swf team is not a bully squad. People who play optimally is not that common that you might think.

    In my personal experience, as a killer I've encountered good survivors like every 5 or 6 matches.

    Bully survivors (People who just queue to make killers miserable, no repair, just head on and other stuffs to annoy the killer): idk, 2023 I think.

    Being slugged, tunneled, camped and BMed by the killer: every 3 matches.

    Thats why the health update is coming.

  • Member Posts: 14
    edited March 14

    The Bully Squad i had, thats why i Opend the Post to Show that up and the Problems with that and the New Systems what will Come.

    I have Nothing against it, if the People Play Optimally so that Both Sides have Fun all is cool, but if they Only Play to Bully the Killer (Like in my Example with Nurse) i have something Strongly against it! To this you will get Punished as Killer by the New Systems through Bully Squads Hard if they Force you to do the Stuff what i mentioned, and Survivor have no Problem with it only the Killer Side through Deranks or other Penaltys.

  • Member Posts: 14
    edited March 14

    And I guess this Post is Pointless because no one know what i mean… No one take care about Killer because this Community looks right now Anti Killer Frindly in the Forum, the only thing what matter looks like oh we want this or this for Survivor and they get it because they Cry… well on the Other Side if someone mention what from Killer Perspektiv it get destroyed, I am Realy dissapointed Right now from this Forum…

    If i can't delete this Post someone of the Admins can do…

  • Member Posts: 430

    saying this when a lot of the forums the last few days have been talking about oni 180ing (which did end up getting backwalked on) and the state of xeno on ptb being very poor is interesting to say the least

  • Member Posts: 956

    i would rather play against a turbosweaty SWF than a soloQ team that doesn't have remote idea about what they are doing.

  • Member Posts: 4,290
    edited March 15

    so at the very minimum u explained yourself wrong. The game is killer sided, because killer is the power role and the expectation is on average minimum 2 kills.

    the problem can arise if survivors don't play to win (so they loose as is expected), but make the killer experience horrible.

    i can agree with that. But you didn't write that. U wrote the game is survivor sided for swf when u play nurse and described a game u won as an example. That's why I presumed this is likely troll post. It just didn't make sense

  • Member Posts: 313

    I play on premade teams because I have gotten sick of playing with 1-2 braindead players who barely play often are killed first making the game essentially 2 or 3 vs Killer which isnt really possible. I am not top 10% players I just want a chance to win then getting stuck with a good chance the game was over because I got paired with moron players.

  • Member Posts: 24

    the idea of only lighting up a totem once the needs are met is the most genius things I've ever read on this entire forum. bhvr definitely wont fix totem spawns, so this is a great alternative that is much easier than changing totem spawns on all the maps. Great work.

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