Surrender feature, The Ghoul, Xenomorph, and Knock Out.

Firstly I just want to say amazing job to the Devs for addressing some issues in the game that have been long standing.
Knock Out. As a survivor main, I never minded this perk. It’s a killer perk, one that counters survivors and that’s what it did. It countered teamwork. Anyways, with the new surrender feature, it’s inadvertently getting a nerf already. Secondly, it’s not like it’s even a meta perk, just can be used for a slugging build which again, nerfed by the surrender, and isn’t used very often. Thirdly, I used it as Spirit, and it hardly seems to do anything, 5% hindered doesn’t do much. Fourthly, it just needs to be a different perk. Canonically it was one of the most accurate licensed perks, the description and the quote made absolute perfect sense with what the perk does, and now it makes no sense and it’s also completely useless.
Now, the surrender feature. I am not opposed by this feature as it is written in paper, since these situations don’t occur often. But what I do have an issue with is that when all the survivors are hooked, laying on the floor, or being carried (I believe stuck in traps as well?) then the surrender mechanic will trigger. This is terrible for a number of reasons. 1, the killer may be “slugging for the 4k” which is a very good strategy and they usually find the other survivor relatively quickly. For this situation, it feels ridiculous to surrender. I think there should be a timer on slugging for the 4K so the survivor on the ground doesn’t bleed out for four minutes. I think it should be around a minute before the surrender option becomes available. It just feels cheap to give up at this moment. 2, the game is not over at this point. Unbreakable exists, and traps can be gotten out of, and a lot of other things. It should be only available to surrender when all four survivors are on the floor and no one has unbreakable.
Xenomorph. People have been complaining about his changes constantly for days now. I understand that BHVR was trying to keep him fresh and hoping people would play him but didn’t realize how the change would affect him. I don’t play him so I have no clue how bad this change is, but I did feel as though the fire dissipation was too quick when playing against him. It seemed like the turrets didn’t do much. But now after watching footage of him on the ptb, the fire basically never dissipates and seems incredibly weak now. There needs to be a balance, perhaps a few extra seconds on the heat but revert the cooldown to what it once was, and keep the tunnel exiting speed and possibly another buff of a sort.
The Ghoul. I didn’t play him much, but his power does seem like a cross between Wesker and Legion. But more of a weaker Wesker. I think he needs to be buffed a little bit. The power is also very confusing when grasping a survivor, maybe it needs to lock in place for a second or two more. I think he might need to be slightly reworked, just to make him more original.
I’m sure a lot of people will get mad reading this, but I’m offering my honest feedback and I hope the devs can read this and understand what I’m saying! This community is so unbelievably toxic and it’s so terrible that the devs have to try to iron out issues caused by people in the first place. They shouldn’t have to do that. It’s so toxic and embarrassing how people get upset over things that happen in a video game, such as specific playstyles and perks.