Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Enlarge Maps, More Pallets...

Member Posts: 15
edited March 14 in Feedback and Suggestions

I've been playing DBD since 2017 and I hate to say it but DBD has become a lame joke. Back in the day matches were full of actual challenges and some games lasted till the timer ran out but it was actually fun and challenging. Some may hate that but I've cleared an entire map with just me and 1 other person (all 5 gens, jsut 2 survs) just before the timer and it was definitely an accomplishment to pull that off. Although this was before the shrunken maps, removed pallets, removed buildings, removed objects, removed key features. Before all the aura reading, all the tunneling perks, yada yada.

But I just played solo on corn fields against legion on a map that was SOOO SMALL you can make out the tiniest detail from one edge of the map all the way to the other edge. I'm talking like 100 feet by 100 feet. Legion just saw everyone the entire match and now that killers run faster than survs by 10x the speed they used to, (FACTS) the entire match was pointless. Everyone just said THWI and few even botted out.

These killers have been getting younger and less skilled as the years go by because they cry if its not easy to kill someone. You don't need skill anymore. (I main Michael btw) It's not a challenge to play killer at all. I personally like to just scare the heebie jeebies out of people but I get 4k without even trying. We all know its gotten so pathetic that swf's has become a troll fest in order to counter the ez win for killers and that only makes killers cry more and then more buffs for killers while more perks for survs getting nerfed.

The game is killer sided! Only time it will ever seem surv sided is when you get survs that eff with the killer the entire time instead of doing objectives. But the game is not balanced. If killer can read aura's then so should survs just as much. The speeds of killer should be slowed down. At full speed surv runs in mud while killer is on roller blades. Im sure the speed boost in killers is from so many killers crying because they couldnt catch survs but that actually takes skills not speed. It's usually little kids that have not yet developed skills that cry most and then look at that, lately killers run way too fast and survs run like they are missing both feet.

These matches don't last but a few minutes anymore and all of my friends except 1 and myself have long left because its not fun at all anymore. To be fair when I play Michael I have run across those toxic troll parties and usually I say game on and without lightborn I can take them all on and make them regret being toxic but there is the occasional full friend party that pre runs the second I turn to a gen and I'm like ok this is dumb and just a waste of time. Don't get me wrong I love the chase and I use strategy to catch them and scratched mirror to scare the living daylights out of them but I have to blame the devs for catoring to the killers so much that survs just become more and more toxic due all the buffing bs for killers.

Put the maps back to the size they were before they were shrunken. Put the pallets back so that there's more challenges, more reason for chases etc. Put the objects back, the houses on lampkin back and make the game a challenge again. Take away killer aura reading on survs, They can already see through the maps, see every gen, every surv and even through every object and thats not counting the wall hackers, speed hackers etc playing. Put distortion back to where it was before getting nerfed.

Again as I play killer I have never felt it was survivor sided (Yes scratched mirror is an aura reading perk but I just use it to jump scare ppl, Im a chill killer). I will end here as I can ramble but PUT THE MAPS AND PALLETS AND HOUSES BACK AND DISTORTION BACK!

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