Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

My Ideal patch to buff the top 5 most weak and underused perks and killers on both sides

Member Posts: 276
edited March 25 in Feedback and Suggestions

Survivor Perks

Teamwork: Collective Stealth:

  • Increased Range to 24 meters (was 16 meters)
  • Now also hides auras, pools of blood, grunts of pain and footsteps audio (NEW)
  • After healing a survivor or if a survivor heals you, Teamwork: Collective Stealth activates (was after being healed by another survivor)
  • Increased linger duration to 15 seconds (was 4 seconds)

DEV NOTE: Collective Stealth has been underperforming for its whole time in the fog, increasing both the linger duration and range as well as adding more stealthier effects to the perk should help survivors find more utility in this perk.

Invocation: Treacherous Crows:

  • After Invocation is complete, you become Oblivious for the remainder of the trial (was injured and broken)
  • Increased aura reveal duration to 3/4/5 seconds (was 1/1.5/2 seconds)
  • After invocation is complete, all survivors no longer disturb crows (NEW)
  • Invocation: Treacherous Crows as well as other Invocations can all be activated at the same time. (NEW)

DEV NOTE: Treacherous Crows released with very low expectations by the community and has proven itself to be one of the weakest perks in the game. To help push its strength up, the invocated survivor no longer becomes broken and injured for the remainder of the trial and is instead permanently oblivious. This should encourage the killer to make a stealthy approach on the survivor who has invocated (note that the survivor who has invocated will have a special texture on their player icon, so the killer is aware on who has done the invocation.) The aura reveal didn't come into play as often since the survivor is usually the one leading the chase therefore disturbing all the crows. To combat this, survivors will no longer disturb crows for the remainder of the trial and increased the killer reveal duration to help survivors keep tabs on the killer throughout the trial.


  • Increased activation range to 28 meters (was 16 meters)
  • Increased duration to 20/30/40 seconds (was 6/8/10 seconds)
  • Added new effects: You won't scream, and your aura won't be revealed to the killer for the duration. (NEW)

DEV NOTE: Self-Preservation finds itself very awkward to use with the restricted range and short duration not providing much value. Increasing both effects should allow survivors to be stealthier and stay out of harm's way when around another survivor being chased. We also added a few more effects to make you sneaky and undetectable when the perk takes effect.

Buckle Up:

  • Increased strength of haste to 200% (was 150%)
  • Both survivors gain the haste effect upon finishing the heal (was only the healed survivor)

DEV NOTE: Buckle Up has been a difficult perk to balance with many versions of it being either too weak or very oppressive, instead of reworking it again we've increased the haste and brought back both survivors benefiting from the effect to provide more value. "Buckle Up! This rides going to be fast!"

Cut Loose:

  • After performing a third consecutive vault during a chase, the aura of the killer is revealed to you for 6 seconds. (NEW)
  • Doubled the activation window to 8/10/12 seconds (was 4/5/6 seconds)
  • Reduced cooldown to 15 seconds (was 45 seconds)

DEV NOTE: Cut Loose was tricky to make use of during a chase, with a low activation window and an extensively long cooldown it was not appealing to many players. With that in mind Cut Loose features a new effect by giving the survivor an aura reveal on the killer after their third consecutive vault during the chase. This perk also had a couple of issues that needed a touch up to bring it in line with other options.


Killer Perks

Hangman's Trick: (Rework)

  • Survivor's sabotage speed is reduced by 30/40/50% (NEW)
  • Increased aura reveal range to 18 meters of any hook (was 12 meters of a Scourge Hook)
  • Hangman's Trick is no longer a Scourge Hook (REMOVED)
  • Sabotaged hooks respawn 50/75/100% faster (NEW)

DEV NOTE: When Hangman's Trick was reworked to become a Scourge Hook it did not provide enough value and quickly became the least picked perk in the game for killers. To give it a fresh breath of air, Hangman's Trick has been reworked to punish survivors who attempt to sabotage a hook and gives the killer a bigger heads up on the sabotage play.

Hoarder: (Rework)

  • Survivors within 4 meters of an unopened chest scream, reveal their location and suffer from a -15% hinder for 2/3/4 seconds.
  • Increased number of additional chests in the trial to 5 (was 2)

DEV NOTE: Previously, Hoarder provided very niche info since survivors rarely dropped items let alone picked them back up. To give Hoarder more of an identity we've completely reworked to perk to instead hinder survivors near unopen chests while also alerting you that they're around your hoarded chests. Survivors can also play around hoarder by opening chests while the killer is distracted and unable to interrupt them.

Septic Touch: (Rework)

  • Survivors healing inside your terror radius are revealed to you with Killer instinct. If they are healing outside your terror radius they suffer from Oblivious until healing is complete. If the heal is interrupted by any means, the survivor that was being healed suffers from the Hemorrhage and Broken status effects for 20/25/30 seconds.

DEV NOTE: Septic Touch previously was very conditional and did not provide enough value, often you wouldn't know the survivors were healing in your terror radius let alone get any value out of the exhaustion and blindness effects, To give this perk some sunlight we've reworked it to make healing inside the killer's terror radius very dangerous and unintuitive.

Shattered Hope:

  • At The start of the trial, all totems are blocked by the entity for 120 seconds. This effect lasts until the timer expires or if a survivor enters the dying state caused by you. (NEW)
  • Increased aura reveal after snuffing a boon totem to 9/11/13 seconds (was 6/7/8 seconds)

DEV NOTE: Shattered Hope provided a decently powerful effect but was very situational since you couldn't guarantee the survivors would bring boon related perks into the trial. We've given Shattered Hope a brand new effect similar to Corrupt Intervention allowing all totems on the map to be blocked by the entity at the start of the trial. The aura reveal after snuffing a totem has also been increased to give a bit more value when you do pull it off.


  • Exit Gate progress regresses at a speed of 75%. (NEW)
  • Gain 5 tokens when a survivor hits a great skill check or fails a skill check (was 3 tokens per missed skill check)
  • No longer blocks the generator when consuming tokens (REMOVED)
  • Reduced maximum capacity for tokens to 20 (was 30)
  • Reduced cooldown to 25 seconds (was 60 seconds)

DEV NOTE: Undone was a very difficult perk to get value out of since it heavily relied on survivor mistakes which experienced survivors would rarely ever make. To give more power and strength to Undone it now will gain tokens from great skill checks as well as missed to take advantage of all skill levels. Undone has also gained a new effect by regressing exit gate progress when left untouched to counter the survivors '99ing' the exit gates.


Killer Updates

The Trapper:

  • Gain 15% haste for 60 seconds at the start of the trial. This effect is lost when entering a chase with a survivor by any means. (NEW)
  • Increased Traps at the start of the trial to 6 (was 2)
  • Increased the strength of the haste after setting a bear trap to 10% (was 7.5%)
  • Injured survivors that escape from a bear trap by themselves are automatically put into the dying state. (NEW)
  • Decreased time to set a bear trap to 1.8 seconds (was 2.5 seconds)
  • Increased the time to disarm a bear trap to 6 seconds (was 3.5 seconds)
  • Decreased the time to pick up a bear trap to 0.65 seconds (was 1 second)

DEV NOTE: The Trapper is Dead By Daylight's oldest killer, feeling very outdated and clunky we've decided to give Trapper some much needed quality of life changes as well as some complementary buffs to bring him up with many of his other killer pal's.


Trapper Gloves:

  • Increases Trap setting speed by 15% (was 30%)

Coffee Grounds:

  • Gain an additional 3% haste for 5 seconds after setting a bear trap (was 5%)

4-Coil Spring Kit:

  • Increases time required for survivors to disarm a bear trap by 10% (was 33%)

Secondary Coil:

  • Increases time required for survivors to disarm a bear trap by 17% (was 50%)

Fastening Tools:

  • Increases Bear Trap setting speed by 20% (was 50%)

Honing Stone:

  • Trapped healthy survivors are left in the dying state if they free themselves (was healthy and injured)

Bloody Coil:

  • Injured Survivors that disarm bear traps are inflicted with deep wound. (NEW)

The Shape:

  • The Shape can now kill healthy or injured survivors by his own hand in Evil Within III if the survivor is on death hook. (NEW)
  • The Shape now stalks 30% faster while stalking the obsession. (NEW)
  • Decreased Evil Within II terror radius to 12 meters (was 16 meters)
  • Increased lunge window in Evil Within I to 0.35 seconds (was 0.2)
  • Increased Evil Within III duration to 80 seconds (was 60 seconds)
  • Breaking actions on Generators, Pallets and breakable walls during Evil Within III is 50% faster. (NEW)
  • Stuns from pallets during Evil Within III are recovered 50% faster *This does not stack with the perk Enduring* (NEW)
  • Press and hold the active ability button to Enter Evil Within III. (NEW)
  • The Shape suffers from a -30% Hinder for 2 seconds when activating Evil Within III. (NEW)
  • Survivors hear a map wide audio cue when The Shape reaches 90% stalk on Evil Within II. (NEW)

DEV NOTE: The Shape has felt very outdated since his power has seen little to no major changes since his release back in October 2016. Evil Within III often felt very underwhelming for it to be Myer's big moment to apply pressure to survivors, with that in mind The Shape will now have the ability to mori survivors by his own hand during Tier III if they are death hook to make it feel rewarding to chase an injured survivor on death hook during Tier III. We've also increased action speeds and decreased stun duration from pallets to give him that unstoppable and immortal feeling once you've reached Tier III.


Boyfriend's Memo:

  • Increases the range of The Shape's lunge attack while in Evil Within I by 25% (was 50%)


  • Increases Evil Within III duration by 15 seconds (was 20)

Judith's Journal:

  • Increases the rate at which evil is gained when stalking your obsession by 20% (was 40%)

Hair Bow:

  • Increases Evil Within III duration by 20 seconds (was 30)

Tombstone Piece: (REWORK)

  • After stalking a survivor for 5 consecutive seconds, they immediately lose a health state. (NEW)

Lock of Hair:

  • Increases Evil Within III duration by 30 seconds (was 40)

The Pig:

  • Increased Crouch movement speed to 4m/s (was 3.8m/s)
  • Increased ambush movement speed to 7.5m/s (was 6.9m/s)
  • Decreased ambush duration to 2 seconds (was 2.3 seconds)
  • Decreased time to crouch to 0.75 seconds (was 1 second)
  • Delayed the roar when starting an ambush to halfway through the charge up. (was at the start of the charge up)
  • While crouched, The Pig can enter chase but will not achieve bloodlust. (NEW)
  • While The Pig is crouched within 10 meters of a survivor with an active bear trap, the death timer will be paused indefinitely until The Pig is no longer crouched within that range. (NEW)
  • Decreased terror radius fade-out after crouching to 0.9 seconds (was 1.4 seconds)

DEV NOTE: The Pig has always been a contentious killer to balance in the fog, between her powerful reverse bear trap slowdown and bland ambush she can either feel helpless or dominating during her trials. To address points of frustrations on both sides we've buffed the ambush to help The Pig feel that they have a reliable tool in their arsenal to help out during chases against competent survivors. The Pig crouch walking after the survivor and camping their box while their trap was active was a very high frustration point on the survivor side, to address this the pig will now start chases while crouched to avoid situations when The Pig could just crouch down a survivor until their Reverse Bear Trap timer expired.


John's Medical File:

  • Increases crouch movement speed by 3% (was 10%)

Combat Straps:

  • Increases crouching and uncrouching speed by 5% (was 10%)

Last Will: (REWORK)

  • Increases Ambush duration by 0.5 seconds. The final reverse bear traps death timer is decreased by 30 seconds. (NEW)

The Ghost Face:

  • Increased Crouch movement speed to 4m/s (was 3.8m/s)
  • Decreased Night Shroud cooldown to 12 seconds (was 17)
  • The Ghost Face receives 10% haste for 5 seconds after marking a survivor. (NEW)

DEV NOTE: The Ghost Face heavily relied on his add-ons that decreased his cooldown and haste after marking a survivor, to give a little leeway to The Ghost Face player's add-on selection we've made his cooldown significantly shorter and completely put Drop-Leg Knife Sheath base kit to give Ghost Face a much-needed reward after successfully marking a survivor. His crouch speed has also been increased slightly to give more versatility to it.


Walleye's Matchbook: (REWORK)

  • After putting a marked survivor into the dying state, all survivors will receive +40% to their stalk meter instantly. Survivors who were already passed the 60% stalk mark will not become instantly marked and will instead be at 99% stalk. (NEW)

Leather Knife Sheath:

  • Increases Crouch movement speed by 5% (was 10%)

Drop-Leg Knife Sheath: (REWORK)

  • Increases haste after marking a survivor by 3% (NEW)

The Demogorgon:

  • Decreased successful Shred attack cooldown to 2.5 seconds (was 2.7)
  • Decreased Shred pallet break to 1.6 seconds (was 1.8)
  • Increased number of portals to 8 (was 6)
  • Portals are now recycled after all have been placed, replacing the oldest portal to be placed. (NEW)
  • Shred cannot be canceled by pressing the attack button too early (NEW)

DEV NOTE: The Demogorgon has always been a well-loved and balanced killer within the realm, but has become very add-on reliant. To address the overuse of 'Barb's Glasses' and 'Black Heart' we've added them completely into the base kit and reworked the add-ons to give Demogorgon more flexibility within its add-on selection. The number of portals has been increased as well as recycling portals to allow Demogorgon to readjust where they're placed around the map as well as have more in its arsenal. Many players starting to play Demogorgon felt very frustrated when they pressed the attack button too early for the shred and ended up canceling the shred attack, to give players a smooth and non-frustrating experience the shred attack will no longer be canceled by pressing the attack button too early.


Black Heart: (REWORK)

  • Survivors hit by a shred attack suffer from the mangled, hemorrhage, and oblivious status effects for 60 seconds. (NEW)

Barb's Glasses: (REWORK)

  • After emerging from a portal, all survivors within 12 meters suffer from a -12% hinder status effect for 3 seconds. (NEW)

Deer Lung's:

  • Increases the Upside down movement speed by 30%
  • Decreases the number of available portals by 2 (REMOVED)

Vermillion Webcap:

  • Increases duration of undetectable after emerging from a portal by 10 seconds (was 3)

Red Moss:

  • Increases duration after of the undetectable status effect after emerging from a portal by 15 seconds (was 8)

Leprose Lichen:

  • While traversing the upside down, the auras of all survivors are revealed to you. This effect lingers for 3 seconds after emerging from a portal. (was only lingered for survivors within 16 meters of an active portal)


This concludes my patch to buff the weakest killer's, killer perks and survivor perks. Depending on how well received this post will be I'll continue to edit and add more changes for killer's and perks that I think could use some tweaks or reworks. I did not include Skull Merchant in the killer updates section because she is confirmed to be getting a rework later this year and to be quite honest, I have no idea how to rework her without building her power from the ground up. As always, let me know your opinions about my suggested changes and I will do my best to reply to all of them!

Post edited by MoZo on

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  • Member Posts: 276

    I also forgot to add that I would heavily improve Ghost Face’s reveal mechanic, it’s very inconsistent for both sides.

  • Member Posts: 276

    Can a dev please move this discussion to the “Feedback and suggestions” category please? I didn’t mean to post this in General discussions.

  • Member Posts: 62

    first off amazing work!. secondly the shattered hope "rework" should be partially basekit (like at the start of a trial totems are blocked by the entity for 60 seconds to deny first minute cleansing) the pig changes are great (altough her rbts could use a little love aswel imo) id make ruleset no2 fully basekit together with her being able to regain some of them from lockers (to a max of 2 extra) this way she can choose to either go full bore in early game and use the traps then or try and use them mid/end game. (would also be nice for her to get her own main menu theme and chase theme) (possibly hello zep for rbt countdown theme)

  • Member Posts: 276

    Thanks you for the feedback! I did dedicate like a whole day and a half writing this lol. hello zep playing while the reverse bear trap is active would be so dope! I figured since the devs like to balance the game through perk’s majority of the time that shattered hope (being a free perk) would fit perfectly to help prevent hex totems from being cleansed before you get any value from them.

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