Camping and tunnelor killers

I purely think they need to make penalties for killers that tunnel and camp. Like if a killer got someone down once then goes for them again to soon they get slow down when going for them unless they go for someone else then back to them again. And sitting by the hooked survivor should make them have like a fall asleep cool down. Like they cannot move cause they fell asleep for like 5 sec, each time they stay near the hooked survivor they get a sec added on. It would even that bull ######### out.or they can just lower the bloodpoints for doing tunneling or camping. I mean they added that survivors cannot just keep vaultung through the same window and they changed the way people cannot keep running around things they added more ######### so people cannot run away as easy. They think theres to much for survivors but people survive only 5% of the time out of 100% so this game is not balanced for anyone. Just the killers get everything cause they are put off as a victim of being taken advantage of. But survivors wouldn't be doing that trolling ######### if killers didn't tunnel or camp. So. It needs to be fixed. Tunneling and camping is a form of taking the game hostage. And it makes nothing fun for anyone except the killer which is wrong cause everyone should have fun. Also from many experiences killers and survivors are very picky choosy over characters. Like female characters get more love then males. The killers go for jeff or bill or tapp or adam 99% of the time if they come into view near a female character. Ik people will be like nah thats not it but from my own experiences and most of my friends as well its happened. I just wish they would make the game fair for everyone not just the killers.


  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    Falling asleep? I don't mean to be rude but What the hell are you talking about? :lol:

    Survivors escape a lot more than 5% of the time, Where are you getting your statistics?

    The reason Killers tend to attack male survivors more is because the female survivors are smaller and harder to find, It's why a lot of people play female characters, Claudette especially.

    As for your statement that the game is unfair for Survivors, again I have no idea where you're getting that from. Killer is incredibly stressful with how survivor sided the game is.

  • DevalManson
    DevalManson Member Posts: 6

    Btw they fall asleep as soon as another survivor comes in and gets the person unhooked.

  • xerav
    xerav Member Posts: 392
    edited January 2019

    I love the whole camping stuff. If killer stands infront of a Hook all remaining Survivors will just rush Generators and open the Gates before the Survivor on the hook dies. Also the Killer wont get enought points for just hooking 1 Survivor.
    If you unhook a Survivor infront of the Killer he will go for the weaker one ofc (its not the killers fault lul). It`s a Teamgame so help the one gettin focused by adding Generator Pressure or distracting Killer.

  • CyanideCandy
    CyanideCandy Member Posts: 30
    No. If you don't want camping to happen don't feed yourselves to the killer who's camping. Also it's not ALWAYS tunneling when a killer knocks down the recently unhooked. Sometimes, sure, but there's been plenty of times that "A" unhooked "B" and then hid while "B" sprint bursts off into the open view expecting the killer to just ignore them. If the killer only sees "B" and goes after them it doesn't make them a tunneler it makes them not wasting their own time. Time which killers do not have much of against good survivors to begin with. If you don't want to be tunneled or camped, don't get caught and play swf with people who aren't stupid enough to unhook you when the killer is like 5 feet away. Or maybe just crouch and hide after you get unhooked instead of sprinting away from the hook, it tends to make you easy to spot from a distance.
  • Kaldrax
    Kaldrax Member Posts: 39

    One thing I've noticed in these conversations is that even people who defend camping agree that it's frustrating and annoying. Devs, do you want your game to be annoying and frustrating, or would you rather have it be fun and scary?

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Kaldrax said:
    One thing I've noticed in these conversations is that even people who defend camping agree that it's frustrating and annoying. Devs, do you want your game to be annoying and frustrating, or would you rather have it be fun and scary?

    Almost everyone wants the game to be fun, but most Survivors keep making camping worthwhile.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    edited January 2019
    Might as well ask for a free teleport to a random map corner before entering the next stage on hook. Its suppose to be dangerous and risky as you are bait on a hook. We all get one hook sectioned into phases, complain to your team for not coordinating a save (which is entirely possible). We don't have 3 entitled chances, we get 1 with the potential of teammates providing more. Let people play as they like for their enjoyment. At worst its an incentive to improve on our stealth play.
  • Kaldrax
    Kaldrax Member Posts: 39

    @Orion said:

    Almost everyone wants the game to be fun, but most Survivors keep making camping worthwhile.

    I know. That's why I think it's up to the devs to change the rules so that camping isn't worthwhile.

  • Kaldrax
    Kaldrax Member Posts: 39

    @DemonDaddy said:
    Might as well ask for a free teleport to a random map corner before entering the next stage on hook. Its suppose to be dangerous and risky as you are bait on a hook. We all get one hook sectioned into phases, complain to your team for not coordinating a save (which is entirely possible). We don't have 3 entitled chances, we get 1 with the potential of teammates providing more. Let people play as they like for their enjoyment. At worst its an incentive to improve on our stealth play.

    It's impossible to coordinate a save when the killer refuses to take any bait.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    At best i would say there are few no save senerios, Leatherface being the primary. Still a save is possible and examples exist (YouTube, twitch, Etc), it only becomes more difficult and dangerous. Sometimes you have to accept a trade off if you're working for the good of the team. And if no one brings perks to counter that type of play, then you're giving the killer a strong situation to use against you.
  • Kaldrax
    Kaldrax Member Posts: 39

    @DemonDaddy said:
    At best i would say there are few no save senerios, Leatherface being the primary. Still a save is possible and examples exist (YouTube, twitch, Etc), it only becomes more difficult and dangerous. Sometimes you have to accept a trade off if you're working for the good of the team. And if no one brings perks to counter that type of play, then you're giving the killer a strong situation to use against you.

    Exactly. Camping is popular because the way the game is set up right now, it's a good way to win. By changing the rules, the devs can make it not a good way to win, making the game more fun for everyone.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Kaldrax said:

    @Orion said:

    Almost everyone wants the game to be fun, but most Survivors keep making camping worthwhile.

    I know. That's why I think it's up to the devs to change the rules so that camping isn't worthwhile.

    lolno. It's not up to the devs to make it so players actually think about their actions. Survivors make camping worthwhile. It's up to Survivors to play smart.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    Yeah it's a way for them to score on a side that is pretty limited on methods of winning. It's something for survivors to overcome and can be overcome, which is why I feel it doesn't need to be changed. I feel creative incentives are far better route than limitations and Punishment as they already have a narrow objective. But again it can be countered so I don't see it as a problem but an obstacle. This is afterall the tensest situation to be placed in, lets not deminsh it with creating "no counter" for the opposition. 
  • Kaldrax
    Kaldrax Member Posts: 39

    @Orion said:

    lolno. It's not up to the devs to make it so players actually think about their actions. Survivors make camping worthwhile. It's up to Survivors to play smart.

    Game dev is all about crafting a specific experience. If the players aren't doing the things the devs want, then it's up to the devs to tweak the design to get the players to do the right thing.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Kaldrax said:

    @Orion said:

    lolno. It's not up to the devs to make it so players actually think about their actions. Survivors make camping worthwhile. It's up to Survivors to play smart.

    Game dev is all about crafting a specific experience. If the players aren't doing the things the devs want, then it's up to the devs to tweak the design to get the players to do the right thing.

    Tiny flaw in your argument: camping is not unintended design. Camping was always presented as an option for Killers due to hook vultures, and it should remain that way until if and when hook vultures go away.

  • Kaldrax
    Kaldrax Member Posts: 39

    @Orion said:

    I was responding to your statement that it's up to the players to play smart. It's pretty obvious camping is an intentional design. I'm making the argument that it shouldn't be.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Kaldrax said:
    I was responding to your statement that it's up to the players to play smart. It's pretty obvious camping is an intentional design. I'm making the argument that it shouldn't be.

    I'm making the argument that it should remain as is. Having it any other way is rewarding Survivors for making stupid plays, which is absurd from any unbiased perspectives.

  • Kaldrax
    Kaldrax Member Posts: 39

    @Orion said:

    I'm making the argument that it should remain as is. Having it any other way is rewarding Survivors for making stupid plays, which is absurd from any unbiased perspectives.

    There's nothing stupid about unhooking people. It's one of the core game mechanics of the game.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Kaldrax said:

    @Orion said:

    I'm making the argument that it should remain as is. Having it any other way is rewarding Survivors for making stupid plays, which is absurd from any unbiased perspectives.

    There's nothing stupid about unhooking people. It's one of the core game mechanics of the game.

    Everything's stupid about trying to unhook when the Killer is right there and can stop you or otherwise negate the effect that unhooking will have (i.e.: down the person you unhooked and put them right back on the hook).

  • Kaldrax
    Kaldrax Member Posts: 39

    @Orion said:

    Everything's stupid about trying to unhook when the Killer is right there and can stop you or otherwise negate the effect that unhooking will have (i.e.: down the person you unhooked and put them right back on the hook).

    Yes. That's why I'm proposing a rule change. Going for unhooks should be a smart thing to do, not a stupid thing.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @DevalManson said:
    I purely think they need to make penalties for killers that tunnel and camp. Like if a killer got someone down once then goes for them again to soon they get slow down when going for them unless they go for someone else then back to them again. And sitting by the hooked survivor should make them have like a fall asleep cool down. Like they cannot move cause they fell asleep for like 5 sec, each time they stay near the hooked survivor they get a sec added on. It would even that bull ######### out.or they can just lower the bloodpoints for doing tunneling or camping. I mean they added that survivors cannot just keep vaultung through the same window and they changed the way people cannot keep running around things they added more ######### so people cannot run away as easy. They think theres to much for survivors but people survive only 5% of the time out of 100% so this game is not balanced for anyone. Just the killers get everything cause they are put off as a victim of being taken advantage of. But survivors wouldn't be doing that trolling ######### if killers didn't tunnel or camp. So. It needs to be fixed. Tunneling and camping is a form of taking the game hostage. And it makes nothing fun for anyone except the killer which is wrong cause everyone should have fun. Also from many experiences killers and survivors are very picky choosy over characters. Like female characters get more love then males. The killers go for jeff or bill or tapp or adam 99% of the time if they come into view near a female character. Ik people will be like nah thats not it but from my own experiences and most of my friends as well its happened. I just wish they would make the game fair for everyone not just the killers.


  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Kaldrax said:

    @Orion said:

    Everything's stupid about trying to unhook when the Killer is right there and can stop you or otherwise negate the effect that unhooking will have (i.e.: down the person you unhooked and put them right back on the hook).

    Yes. That's why I'm proposing a rule change. Going for unhooks should be a smart thing to do, not a stupid thing.

    Going for unhooks can be smart, depending on the situation. If the Killer is right there and can negate its effect, then it's stupid. If the Killer is not there and probably won't be able to negate the effects, then it's smart.
    What you're actually proposing is free (risk-free, consequence-free, thinking-free) unhooks all the time. If you were honest, that's what you'd say you're proposing.

  • Kaldrax
    Kaldrax Member Posts: 39

    @Orion said:

    What you're actually proposing is free (risk-free, consequence-free, thinking-free) unhooks all the time. If you were honest, that's what you'd say you're proposing.

    I'm not OP. My proposition is on the other thread.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Kaldrax said:

    @Orion said:

    What you're actually proposing is free (risk-free, consequence-free, thinking-free) unhooks all the time. If you were honest, that's what you'd say you're proposing.

    I'm not OP. My proposition is on the other thread.

    How does that negate what I said? You're asking for free unhooks, period.

  • Kaldrax
    Kaldrax Member Posts: 39

    @Orion said:

    How does that negate what I said? You're asking for free unhooks, period.

    Not necessarily. The killer can camp just outside of range and go for the chase when they get the notification. Survivor might get away, they might not.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Kaldrax said:

    @Orion said:

    How does that negate what I said? You're asking for free unhooks, period.

    Not necessarily. The killer can camp just outside of range and go for the chase when they get the notification. Survivor might get away, they might not.

    Like I said, free unhooks. Risk-free, consequence-free, thinking-free. Thanks for confirming.

  • Kaldrax
    Kaldrax Member Posts: 39

    @Orion said:

    Like I said, free unhooks. Risk-free, consequence-free, thinking-free. Thanks for confirming.

    That's not at all what I said.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    Kaldrax said:

    @Orion said:

    How does that negate what I said? You're asking for free unhooks, period.

    Not necessarily. The killer can camp just outside of range and go for the chase when they get the notification. Survivor might get away, they might not.

    That's a free unhook as the killer can't prevent even foolish attempts. Essentially denying the killer action against you until the chase phase begins. That is a no effort senerio and a farming dream.
  • Kaldrax
    Kaldrax Member Posts: 39

    @DemonDaddy said:

    That's a free unhook as the killer can't prevent even foolish attempts. Essentially denying the killer action against you until the chase phase begins. That is a no effort senerio and a farming dream.

    Alright maybe it is a free unhook and a no effort scenario, but there's nothing wrong with that. The best part of this game is the chases and I think the game would be more fun if it capitalized on them instead of encouraging mexican standoffs between the survivors and the killer.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    Maybe your chases are long and engaging. I prefer to keep mine short and escape the first chance I get. Just because one aspect of the game is less appealing to you doesn't mean other view it the same way. But having chase as the only interaction that requires thought, effort, SKILL would make for a very generic game. Killer already spends 90% of the game chasing which of itself has little variation in tactics. Follow, break, follow, attempt mindgame, maybe hit and then it starts again if they don't break Los. Removing a very tempting objective from confrontation is like saying "please Dev's, we have to many options while playing. Remove everything until a basic bot can take control and I can go hands free till the cut scene is done." killers don't have a choice in what they have to do, don't take the option of how they do it. That's literally just cutting content from them for easy play as their opponent.
  • Kaldrax
    Kaldrax Member Posts: 39
    edited January 2019

    @DemonDaddy said:
    Maybe your chases are long and engaging. I prefer to keep mine short and escape the first chance I get. Just because one aspect of the game is less appealing to you doesn't mean other view it the same way. But having chase as the only interaction that requires thought, effort, SKILL would make for a very generic game. Killer already spends 90% of the game chasing which of itself has little variation in tactics. Follow, break, follow, attempt mindgame, maybe hit and then it starts again if they don't break Los. Removing a very tempting objective from confrontation is like saying "please Dev's, we have to many options while playing. Remove everything until a basic bot can take control and I can go hands free till the cut scene is done." killers don't have a choice in what they have to do, don't take the option of how they do it. That's literally just cutting content from them for easy play as their opponent.

    I stand by what I said. You said yourself killer is 90% chases. People play this game because they like the chases. Nobody likes being camped. The only person having fun camping is the killer and only when it works for them. Removing the tactic of camping would make the game better all round, and lots of people will agree with me on that. Having more options isn't always better.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    edited January 2019
    Can't speak for other killers but when I play I enjoyed ending a Chase not the chase itself.
    Of course getting camped isn't fun and it can even prove fruitless as a lure. But what your asking is to change someone else's experience/preference in favor of self aid. That has little to do with unbiased balance. I think the conduct of defending a kill could be better defined and improved for a more engaging experience, but just slapping a downside on it or even cutting it is detrimental to the game. Even more so as we are still in a state where more playable content is in high demand. Instead of a backstep on what can currently be done,  the community should be offering expansive ideas to transform unpleasant aspects into meaningful interactions. Just granting temporary safety is a meaningless addition that takes away the influence player actions have during a match. 
  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    @DevalManson this game is not for you.
  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    Camping and Tunneling: part of the game Survivors don't like it but we have to live with it.I want there to be a way tell another Survivor to not unhook me when I don't feel it safe.

  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685

    @DevalManson said:
    I purely think they need to make penalties for killers that tunnel and camp. Like if a killer got someone down once then goes for them again to soon they get slow down when going for them unless they go for someone else then back to them again. And sitting by the hooked survivor should make them have like a fall asleep cool down. Like they cannot move cause they fell asleep for like 5 sec, each time they stay near the hooked survivor they get a sec added on. It would even that bull ######### out.or they can just lower the bloodpoints for doing tunneling or camping. I mean they added that survivors cannot just keep vaultung through the same window and they changed the way people cannot keep running around things they added more ######### so people cannot run away as easy. They think theres to much for survivors but people survive only 5% of the time out of 100% so this game is not balanced for anyone. Just the killers get everything cause they are put off as a victim of being taken advantage of. But survivors wouldn't be doing that trolling ######### if killers didn't tunnel or camp. So. It needs to be fixed. Tunneling and camping is a form of taking the game hostage. And it makes nothing fun for anyone except the killer which is wrong cause everyone should have fun. Also from many experiences killers and survivors are very picky choosy over characters. Like female characters get more love then males. The killers go for jeff or bill or tapp or adam 99% of the time if they come into view near a female character. Ik people will be like nah thats not it but from my own experiences and most of my friends as well its happened. I just wish they would make the game fair for everyone not just the killers.

    Sighs.... stopped reading after first sentence...

  • Slayer
    Slayer Member Posts: 1,148
    edited January 2019

    Okay then when survivors sitting on gens too long (gen rush) they fal asleep as well lol

  • pandorayr
    pandorayr Member Posts: 603

    camping and tunnel in this game it's fine

  • GraviteaUK
    GraviteaUK Member Posts: 464

    "Camping is when the killer is still on the same map after hooking a survivor" :'(

  • Zagrid
    Zagrid Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000
    There is a penalty for camping. It is usually referred to as losing. Also the killer gets less bloodpoints. If you find yourself getting camped a lot, maybe it is time to get rid of DS, set down the flashlight, and not hit ctrl as often during a chase.
  • ParalyKoK
    ParalyKoK Member Posts: 60

    dude look out, all the killer mains are lining up to attack your post because they all camp and tunnel lol.

  • ParalyKoK
    ParalyKoK Member Posts: 60

    And theres always Friday the 13th ... No camping or tunneling there...

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714
