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Face camping?



  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    edited January 2019
    Tsulan said:
    Let's see, face camping = survivors are unable to unhook, because the prompt doesn't show up.
    Now the prompt shows up no matter what, because survivors can unhook from every side. But face camping still exists?

    So infinites still exist, too? O_o
    No you see you did it again.

    facecaping = exactly as described by OP. It’s just before the facecamping came with an unintentional exploit which has since been removed... not sure why you struggle with this?

    You may not move the goal posts but you try adding more balls to the pitch!
  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @ad19970 said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:
    The stupid thing is, camping is OP, but only because it's so boring for all the survivors, ironically however, it's also boring for the killer. People say well it works, yeh it works for killing people, but not for getting points, pipping, or having fun. However i also feel that sometimes killers feel they need to do it to secure a kill, which is why i agree with @ad19970 in that there should be a nerf to camping (IF IT'S UNJUSTIFIED) but a buff to leaving the hook

    This exactly. I still remember reading the suggestion that survivors that get unhooked should suffer a decerased repair speed for a certain amount of time. Combining that with a slower Bleed Out Speed if the same conditions are met that are defined for the Chaser Emblem to punish camping, and/or showing the killers aura when within a certain range of the hooked survivor, plus maybe a small action speed buff to survivors for every survivor that is dead or dc'd, and the game would definitely be improved in my opinion.

    I once suggested something like a reverse blood lust, so that every second you're within a certain range of a hooked survivor, and you're not in a chase or the gens aren't done, you very slowly lose movement speed (the close you are the faster you would lose it), meanwhile if you are out of that range while the player is hooked, you gradually gain movement speed (at a faster rate at which you would have lost it for staying)

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Paddy4583 said:
    Tsulan said:

    Let's see, face camping = survivors are unable to unhook, because the prompt doesn't show up.
    Now the prompt shows up no matter what, because survivors can unhook from every side. But face camping still exists?

    So infinites still exist, too? O_o

    No you see you did it again.

    facecaping = exactly as described by OP. It’s just before the facecamping came with an unintentional exploit which has since been removed... not sure why you struggle with this?

    Couldn't have put it better myself

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Master said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @Master said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @Tsulan said:
    ReneAensland said:

    @Tsulan said:

    Raccoon said:

    Tsulan said:
    ReneAensland said:
    @Tsulan said:
    ReneAensland said:

    @Tsulan said: ReneAensland said:

    30 minutes ago. 2 minute video proving Face Camping exists. It's Toxic. And Baby killers DC just like DS users.        faCe cAmpiNg wAs reMovEd    doNt geT caUghT    iTs thE suRvivOrs faUlt

    Unhooked = no face camping. lol OooOoOOoooookay. Whatever you say buddy.

    Want a dev stream where the devs explain what face camping was and how they removed it?
    lol No thanks, I don't want to be told what's Face Camping and what isn't by Rank 20 Devs.
    Thanks though.
    Oh really? What a surprise! You claim something, I disapprove, want to give you solid facts, and it's suddenly not interesting anymore. 
    Yeah it's hard to face the truth after telling bullshit. 
    His feelings and randomly capitalized letters were no match for you!
    I even searched the video and prepared everything to crush his dreams...


    You're [BAD WORD] hilarious.

    Reading this entire comment section is a breath of fresh air, but I'm guessing people like you have to be in the opposition even though a crap ton of people in this comment section agreed with the OP.

    "I think you just got to be in the "out" group. Whoever's on top, whoever's in power, whoever's successful, you gotta be on the other side or you don't feel like the smartest guy in the room. All you are, my dear, is a contrarian."

    This defines people like yourself.

    You forgot the people that agreed with me.

    You can call a dog a "cat" as often as you want. But it will still be a dog. 

    Why on gods earth are you two even discussing the definition of a word? Like what kind of time waste is that? Who cares what exactly facecamping has meant back then, and what OP means with facecamping and if he is using the wrong term. I think it's pretty obvious that with facecamping OP means a killer that is camping a hooked survivor, standing right by him and not leaving the hook. Who cares if this isn't actually facecamping? Especially since the removal of facecamping didn't change a lot anyways. Doesn't really have anything to do what the OP was getting at.

    Are you joking?
    Back in the days you were actually able to secure a kill via camping. Nowadays you cant bodyblock away from the hook while survivors can bodyblock you from the hooking prompt. ALSO, nowdays they got BT, unhook invulnerability, swivel hooks AND the faster unhook animation

    You can still just grab the survivor when he tries to unhook right in front of you

    No you cant, thanks to bodyblockign and the new unhook animation that you can cancel instantly

    Oh my god, multiple survivors just swarming the killer... sounds like you could hit the unhooker twice and OMG have someone else to camp its like playing DBD but the survivors come to you.


    Thank you, every time i comment about something killers do unfairly on these forums, i get attacked and told i'm an idiot (even though i play more killer than survivor). Like i get survivors used to be OP and SWF still is but that doesn't mean killers aren't OP in some aspects too. It's nice to see someone actually back me up for once in saying face camping is a low skilled strategy that may work, but it's boring and you only win by boring the survivors to death... literally.

    Yea, like his whole argument is based on wanting one particular survivor dead, he doesn't care that if someone does come to save it makes it INCREDIBLY easy to get that person on the hook as a trade.

    Killers like that are honestly the worst, they just want the first person they hook dead as soon as possible and doesn't matter if they can hook someone else for more points.

    It's because it can be effective. Once one survivor is dead the killer will have more of an advantage. You can not fault people for using a tactic the devs have made viable. It's on the devs to make not camping more rewarding and camping and tunneling less rewarding.

    Well then how come in the past when i have suggested to nerf unjustified camping and buff leaving the hook, people have attacked me with the good ol' cAmPiNg WaS iNtEnTiOnAl jUsT dOnT gEt CaUgHt

    Cause some killers mains want their easier way to get kills kept in the game. As simple as that. Or maybe they fear that when nerfing camping killers will just suffer more from gen rush.
    To me it's clear, rewarding non camping killers more and rewarding camping and tunneling campers less is not just a balance improvement, but a fundamental design improvement for the game that improves the experience of both sides for the majority of the player base.

    Well i totally agree, so i wish people like @master and @Tsulan would stop claiming it's balanced

    Yup, though careful with calling it unbalanced. It's not necessarily balanced, but at the same time camping isn't really op. It can be countered, sadly this is one of the things where swf survivors have a big advantage with over solo survivors though.
    I think some people don't like it being called op. It's more of a design problem in my opinion. I think this game would just be better designed and generally more fun for both sides, in particular survivors, if they implemented something similar to my suggestions.
    In the end devs should try and improve their game regarding what the majority of the playerbase would find fun. If the vast majority said camping is really fun, both killers and survivors, than this wouldn't be a discussion for me, but I doubt that's the case.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    @Master said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Master said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @Master said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @Tsulan said:
    ReneAensland said:

    @Tsulan said:

    Raccoon said:

    Tsulan said:
    ReneAensland said:
    @Tsulan said:
    ReneAensland said:

    @Tsulan said: ReneAensland said:

    30 minutes ago. 2 minute video proving Face Camping exists. It's Toxic. And Baby killers DC just like DS users.        faCe cAmpiNg wAs reMovEd    doNt geT caUghT    iTs thE suRvivOrs faUlt

    Unhooked = no face camping. lol OooOoOOoooookay. Whatever you say buddy.

    Want a dev stream where the devs explain what face camping was and how they removed it?
    lol No thanks, I don't want to be told what's Face Camping and what isn't by Rank 20 Devs.
    Thanks though.
    Oh really? What a surprise! You claim something, I disapprove, want to give you solid facts, and it's suddenly not interesting anymore. 
    Yeah it's hard to face the truth after telling bullshit. 
    His feelings and randomly capitalized letters were no match for you!
    I even searched the video and prepared everything to crush his dreams...


    You're [BAD WORD] hilarious.

    Reading this entire comment section is a breath of fresh air, but I'm guessing people like you have to be in the opposition even though a crap ton of people in this comment section agreed with the OP.

    "I think you just got to be in the "out" group. Whoever's on top, whoever's in power, whoever's successful, you gotta be on the other side or you don't feel like the smartest guy in the room. All you are, my dear, is a contrarian."

    This defines people like yourself.

    You forgot the people that agreed with me.

    You can call a dog a "cat" as often as you want. But it will still be a dog. 

    Why on gods earth are you two even discussing the definition of a word? Like what kind of time waste is that? Who cares what exactly facecamping has meant back then, and what OP means with facecamping and if he is using the wrong term. I think it's pretty obvious that with facecamping OP means a killer that is camping a hooked survivor, standing right by him and not leaving the hook. Who cares if this isn't actually facecamping? Especially since the removal of facecamping didn't change a lot anyways. Doesn't really have anything to do what the OP was getting at.

    Are you joking?
    Back in the days you were actually able to secure a kill via camping. Nowadays you cant bodyblock away from the hook while survivors can bodyblock you from the hooking prompt. ALSO, nowdays they got BT, unhook invulnerability, swivel hooks AND the faster unhook animation

    You can still just grab the survivor when he tries to unhook right in front of you

    No you cant, thanks to bodyblockign and the new unhook animation that you can cancel instantly

    Oh my god, multiple survivors just swarming the killer... sounds like you could hit the unhooker twice and OMG have someone else to camp its like playing DBD but the survivors come to you.


    Thank you, every time i comment about something killers do unfairly on these forums, i get attacked and told i'm an idiot (even though i play more killer than survivor). Like i get survivors used to be OP and SWF still is but that doesn't mean killers aren't OP in some aspects too. It's nice to see someone actually back me up for once in saying face camping is a low skilled strategy that may work, but it's boring and you only win by boring the survivors to death... literally.

    Yea, like his whole argument is based on wanting one particular survivor dead, he doesn't care that if someone does come to save it makes it INCREDIBLY easy to get that person on the hook as a trade.

    Killers like that are honestly the worst, they just want the first person they hook dead as soon as possible and doesn't matter if they can hook someone else for more points.

    It's because it can be effective. Once one survivor is dead the killer will have more of an advantage. You can not fault people for using a tactic the devs have made viable. It's on the devs to make not camping more rewarding and camping and tunneling less rewarding.

    Well then how come in the past when i have suggested to nerf unjustified camping and buff leaving the hook, people have attacked me with the good ol' cAmPiNg WaS iNtEnTiOnAl jUsT dOnT gEt CaUgHt

    Cause some killers mains want their easier way to get kills kept in the game. As simple as that. Or maybe they fear that when nerfing camping killers will just suffer more from gen rush.
    To me it's clear, rewarding non camping killers more and rewarding camping and tunneling campers less is not just a balance improvement, but a fundamental design improvement for the game that improves the experience of both sides for the majority of the player base.

    Well i totally agree, so i wish people like @master and @Tsulan would stop claiming it's balanced

    Nobody claimed that facecamping was balanced.

    True. Personally I just want to have not camping be more rewarded so camping is not a necessity, and camping and tunneling less rewarded since it's no fun for survivors and doesn't require as much skill as playing the game normally as killer.

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    edited January 2019
    Tsulan said:
    @Peanits or @not_Queen could you please settle this? 
    Explain us who is right please. Since this leads nowhere.
    Oh no I just got face camped by a survivor who stood in front of a chest stopping the search prompt....
  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @ad19970 said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Master said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @Master said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @Tsulan said:
    ReneAensland said:

    @Tsulan said:

    Raccoon said:

    Tsulan said:
    ReneAensland said:
    @Tsulan said:
    ReneAensland said:

    @Tsulan said: ReneAensland said:

    30 minutes ago. 2 minute video proving Face Camping exists. It's Toxic. And Baby killers DC just like DS users.        faCe cAmpiNg wAs reMovEd    doNt geT caUghT    iTs thE suRvivOrs faUlt

    Unhooked = no face camping. lol OooOoOOoooookay. Whatever you say buddy.

    Want a dev stream where the devs explain what face camping was and how they removed it?
    lol No thanks, I don't want to be told what's Face Camping and what isn't by Rank 20 Devs.
    Thanks though.
    Oh really? What a surprise! You claim something, I disapprove, want to give you solid facts, and it's suddenly not interesting anymore. 
    Yeah it's hard to face the truth after telling bullshit. 
    His feelings and randomly capitalized letters were no match for you!
    I even searched the video and prepared everything to crush his dreams...


    You're [BAD WORD] hilarious.

    Reading this entire comment section is a breath of fresh air, but I'm guessing people like you have to be in the opposition even though a crap ton of people in this comment section agreed with the OP.

    "I think you just got to be in the "out" group. Whoever's on top, whoever's in power, whoever's successful, you gotta be on the other side or you don't feel like the smartest guy in the room. All you are, my dear, is a contrarian."

    This defines people like yourself.

    You forgot the people that agreed with me.

    You can call a dog a "cat" as often as you want. But it will still be a dog. 

    Why on gods earth are you two even discussing the definition of a word? Like what kind of time waste is that? Who cares what exactly facecamping has meant back then, and what OP means with facecamping and if he is using the wrong term. I think it's pretty obvious that with facecamping OP means a killer that is camping a hooked survivor, standing right by him and not leaving the hook. Who cares if this isn't actually facecamping? Especially since the removal of facecamping didn't change a lot anyways. Doesn't really have anything to do what the OP was getting at.

    Are you joking?
    Back in the days you were actually able to secure a kill via camping. Nowadays you cant bodyblock away from the hook while survivors can bodyblock you from the hooking prompt. ALSO, nowdays they got BT, unhook invulnerability, swivel hooks AND the faster unhook animation

    You can still just grab the survivor when he tries to unhook right in front of you

    No you cant, thanks to bodyblockign and the new unhook animation that you can cancel instantly

    Oh my god, multiple survivors just swarming the killer... sounds like you could hit the unhooker twice and OMG have someone else to camp its like playing DBD but the survivors come to you.


    Thank you, every time i comment about something killers do unfairly on these forums, i get attacked and told i'm an idiot (even though i play more killer than survivor). Like i get survivors used to be OP and SWF still is but that doesn't mean killers aren't OP in some aspects too. It's nice to see someone actually back me up for once in saying face camping is a low skilled strategy that may work, but it's boring and you only win by boring the survivors to death... literally.

    Yea, like his whole argument is based on wanting one particular survivor dead, he doesn't care that if someone does come to save it makes it INCREDIBLY easy to get that person on the hook as a trade.

    Killers like that are honestly the worst, they just want the first person they hook dead as soon as possible and doesn't matter if they can hook someone else for more points.

    It's because it can be effective. Once one survivor is dead the killer will have more of an advantage. You can not fault people for using a tactic the devs have made viable. It's on the devs to make not camping more rewarding and camping and tunneling less rewarding.

    Well then how come in the past when i have suggested to nerf unjustified camping and buff leaving the hook, people have attacked me with the good ol' cAmPiNg WaS iNtEnTiOnAl jUsT dOnT gEt CaUgHt

    Cause some killers mains want their easier way to get kills kept in the game. As simple as that. Or maybe they fear that when nerfing camping killers will just suffer more from gen rush.
    To me it's clear, rewarding non camping killers more and rewarding camping and tunneling campers less is not just a balance improvement, but a fundamental design improvement for the game that improves the experience of both sides for the majority of the player base.

    Well i totally agree, so i wish people like @master and @Tsulan would stop claiming it's balanced

    Yup, though careful with calling it unbalanced. It's not necessarily balanced, but at the same time camping isn't really op. It can be countered, sadly this is one of the things where swf survivors have a big advantage with over solo survivors though.
    I think some people don't like it being called op. It's more of a design problem in my opinion. I think this game would just be better designed and generally more fun for both sides, in particular survivors, if they implemented something similar to my suggestions.
    In the end devs should try and improve their game regarding what the majority of the playerbase would find fun. If the vast majority said camping is really fun, both killers and survivors, than this wouldn't be a discussion for me, but I doubt that's the case.

    When i say balanced, i mean it's far easier to get the kill than moving else where, as it takes less skill

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @ad19970 said:

    @Master said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Master said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @Master said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @Tsulan said:
    ReneAensland said:

    @Tsulan said:

    Raccoon said:

    Tsulan said:
    ReneAensland said:
    @Tsulan said:
    ReneAensland said:

    @Tsulan said: ReneAensland said:

    30 minutes ago. 2 minute video proving Face Camping exists. It's Toxic. And Baby killers DC just like DS users.        faCe cAmpiNg wAs reMovEd    doNt geT caUghT    iTs thE suRvivOrs faUlt

    Unhooked = no face camping. lol OooOoOOoooookay. Whatever you say buddy.

    Want a dev stream where the devs explain what face camping was and how they removed it?
    lol No thanks, I don't want to be told what's Face Camping and what isn't by Rank 20 Devs.
    Thanks though.
    Oh really? What a surprise! You claim something, I disapprove, want to give you solid facts, and it's suddenly not interesting anymore. 
    Yeah it's hard to face the truth after telling bullshit. 
    His feelings and randomly capitalized letters were no match for you!
    I even searched the video and prepared everything to crush his dreams...


    You're [BAD WORD] hilarious.

    Reading this entire comment section is a breath of fresh air, but I'm guessing people like you have to be in the opposition even though a crap ton of people in this comment section agreed with the OP.

    "I think you just got to be in the "out" group. Whoever's on top, whoever's in power, whoever's successful, you gotta be on the other side or you don't feel like the smartest guy in the room. All you are, my dear, is a contrarian."

    This defines people like yourself.

    You forgot the people that agreed with me.

    You can call a dog a "cat" as often as you want. But it will still be a dog. 

    Why on gods earth are you two even discussing the definition of a word? Like what kind of time waste is that? Who cares what exactly facecamping has meant back then, and what OP means with facecamping and if he is using the wrong term. I think it's pretty obvious that with facecamping OP means a killer that is camping a hooked survivor, standing right by him and not leaving the hook. Who cares if this isn't actually facecamping? Especially since the removal of facecamping didn't change a lot anyways. Doesn't really have anything to do what the OP was getting at.

    Are you joking?
    Back in the days you were actually able to secure a kill via camping. Nowadays you cant bodyblock away from the hook while survivors can bodyblock you from the hooking prompt. ALSO, nowdays they got BT, unhook invulnerability, swivel hooks AND the faster unhook animation

    You can still just grab the survivor when he tries to unhook right in front of you

    No you cant, thanks to bodyblockign and the new unhook animation that you can cancel instantly

    Oh my god, multiple survivors just swarming the killer... sounds like you could hit the unhooker twice and OMG have someone else to camp its like playing DBD but the survivors come to you.


    Thank you, every time i comment about something killers do unfairly on these forums, i get attacked and told i'm an idiot (even though i play more killer than survivor). Like i get survivors used to be OP and SWF still is but that doesn't mean killers aren't OP in some aspects too. It's nice to see someone actually back me up for once in saying face camping is a low skilled strategy that may work, but it's boring and you only win by boring the survivors to death... literally.

    Yea, like his whole argument is based on wanting one particular survivor dead, he doesn't care that if someone does come to save it makes it INCREDIBLY easy to get that person on the hook as a trade.

    Killers like that are honestly the worst, they just want the first person they hook dead as soon as possible and doesn't matter if they can hook someone else for more points.

    It's because it can be effective. Once one survivor is dead the killer will have more of an advantage. You can not fault people for using a tactic the devs have made viable. It's on the devs to make not camping more rewarding and camping and tunneling less rewarding.

    Well then how come in the past when i have suggested to nerf unjustified camping and buff leaving the hook, people have attacked me with the good ol' cAmPiNg WaS iNtEnTiOnAl jUsT dOnT gEt CaUgHt

    Cause some killers mains want their easier way to get kills kept in the game. As simple as that. Or maybe they fear that when nerfing camping killers will just suffer more from gen rush.
    To me it's clear, rewarding non camping killers more and rewarding camping and tunneling campers less is not just a balance improvement, but a fundamental design improvement for the game that improves the experience of both sides for the majority of the player base.

    Well i totally agree, so i wish people like @master and @Tsulan would stop claiming it's balanced

    Nobody claimed that facecamping was balanced.

    True. Personally I just want to have not camping be more rewarded so camping is not a necessity, and camping and tunneling less rewarded since it's no fun for survivors and doesn't require as much skill as playing the game normally as killer.

    Camping is not the disease, its the symptom

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    symptom of what?
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Tsulan said:
    @Peanits or @not_Queen could you please settle this? 
    Explain us who is right please. Since this leads nowhere.

    Why bring them into this? if they agreed, they would have done something ages ago. They're only so reluctant to as last time they tried, their attempt was awful and was mightily abused. I wish they would do something like @ad19970 is suggesting

    Because one of them was on the stream?
    Sure, let's make assumptions and insult each other based on what everyone's opinion is. Instead of asking one of the persons who was really there. 
    Solid logic! 
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @ad19970 said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Master said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @Master said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @Tsulan said:
    ReneAensland said:

    @Tsulan said:

    Raccoon said:

    Tsulan said:
    ReneAensland said:
    @Tsulan said:
    ReneAensland said:

    @Tsulan said: ReneAensland said:

    30 minutes ago. 2 minute video proving Face Camping exists. It's Toxic. And Baby killers DC just like DS users.        faCe cAmpiNg wAs reMovEd    doNt geT caUghT    iTs thE suRvivOrs faUlt

    Unhooked = no face camping. lol OooOoOOoooookay. Whatever you say buddy.

    Want a dev stream where the devs explain what face camping was and how they removed it?
    lol No thanks, I don't want to be told what's Face Camping and what isn't by Rank 20 Devs.
    Thanks though.
    Oh really? What a surprise! You claim something, I disapprove, want to give you solid facts, and it's suddenly not interesting anymore. 
    Yeah it's hard to face the truth after telling bullshit. 
    His feelings and randomly capitalized letters were no match for you!
    I even searched the video and prepared everything to crush his dreams...


    You're [BAD WORD] hilarious.

    Reading this entire comment section is a breath of fresh air, but I'm guessing people like you have to be in the opposition even though a crap ton of people in this comment section agreed with the OP.

    "I think you just got to be in the "out" group. Whoever's on top, whoever's in power, whoever's successful, you gotta be on the other side or you don't feel like the smartest guy in the room. All you are, my dear, is a contrarian."

    This defines people like yourself.

    You forgot the people that agreed with me.

    You can call a dog a "cat" as often as you want. But it will still be a dog. 

    Why on gods earth are you two even discussing the definition of a word? Like what kind of time waste is that? Who cares what exactly facecamping has meant back then, and what OP means with facecamping and if he is using the wrong term. I think it's pretty obvious that with facecamping OP means a killer that is camping a hooked survivor, standing right by him and not leaving the hook. Who cares if this isn't actually facecamping? Especially since the removal of facecamping didn't change a lot anyways. Doesn't really have anything to do what the OP was getting at.

    Are you joking?
    Back in the days you were actually able to secure a kill via camping. Nowadays you cant bodyblock away from the hook while survivors can bodyblock you from the hooking prompt. ALSO, nowdays they got BT, unhook invulnerability, swivel hooks AND the faster unhook animation

    You can still just grab the survivor when he tries to unhook right in front of you

    No you cant, thanks to bodyblockign and the new unhook animation that you can cancel instantly

    Oh my god, multiple survivors just swarming the killer... sounds like you could hit the unhooker twice and OMG have someone else to camp its like playing DBD but the survivors come to you.


    Thank you, every time i comment about something killers do unfairly on these forums, i get attacked and told i'm an idiot (even though i play more killer than survivor). Like i get survivors used to be OP and SWF still is but that doesn't mean killers aren't OP in some aspects too. It's nice to see someone actually back me up for once in saying face camping is a low skilled strategy that may work, but it's boring and you only win by boring the survivors to death... literally.

    Yea, like his whole argument is based on wanting one particular survivor dead, he doesn't care that if someone does come to save it makes it INCREDIBLY easy to get that person on the hook as a trade.

    Killers like that are honestly the worst, they just want the first person they hook dead as soon as possible and doesn't matter if they can hook someone else for more points.

    It's because it can be effective. Once one survivor is dead the killer will have more of an advantage. You can not fault people for using a tactic the devs have made viable. It's on the devs to make not camping more rewarding and camping and tunneling less rewarding.

    Well then how come in the past when i have suggested to nerf unjustified camping and buff leaving the hook, people have attacked me with the good ol' cAmPiNg WaS iNtEnTiOnAl jUsT dOnT gEt CaUgHt

    Cause some killers mains want their easier way to get kills kept in the game. As simple as that. Or maybe they fear that when nerfing camping killers will just suffer more from gen rush.
    To me it's clear, rewarding non camping killers more and rewarding camping and tunneling campers less is not just a balance improvement, but a fundamental design improvement for the game that improves the experience of both sides for the majority of the player base.

    Well i totally agree, so i wish people like @master and @Tsulan would stop claiming it's balanced

    Quote me on where I call it balanced. 
    Stop putting words into my mouth. 
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Paddy4583 said:
    Tsulan said:
    @Peanits or @not_Queen could you please settle this? 
    Explain us who is right please. Since this leads nowhere.
    Oh no I just got face camped by a survivor who stood in front of a chest stopping the search prompt....
    Based on your other posts, I could absolutely believe that you would think that.

    Not being able to unhook is not the same as the killer standing next to the hook.
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @ReneAensland said:
    "I'm so fed up of people saying just do gens to counter hard campers, when in reality, sure it usually ends up in 2 kills and 2 escapes, everyone's happy right? Wrong. The killer had a boring game standing in front of the hook, 2 survivors had a boring game being hooked and sitting afk, waiting to die, and the other 2 did gens all game. People justifying it as a strat doesn't make it any more fun for either side. I fully understand if it's justified, but so often it's not and it's just plain boring."

    Agreed. 100%

    It all depends really,
    Killers who take notice of the Lobby will know when there are a case of 4-man SWFing going on. You can set your clock to it if there is that group they will come in for the save, it's easier to let them come to you then running all over the map risking a hook save and all for nothing.

    Freddy really thrives against those 4-man SWF groups since every save is 2 people in the dream world and a tunnel chase, to get the weakest player out of the game asap! If you know Freddy is at the hook (and you know when you hear his song) then it's dumb to save your friend 'cause you actually will get him tunneled into the ground again! The fact that you will make it out alive is a dick move to your friend and you really can't blame a killer for playing like that when it's you who has to decide when the best moment for the save is!

    If you tunnel with Freddy, you play him wrong. 
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:
    @Peanits or @not_Queen could you please settle this? 
    Explain us who is right please. Since this leads nowhere.

    But... I thought you had all that concrete evidence in that video you were going to post...

    Or with further examination have you figured out nothing you've said is actually true and would like to grasp at even more straws as to possibly being correct?

    If I'm wrong I'm not to proud to admit my mistake. 
    You however seem to like to avoid those situations. 
    I mean, when you are right, then you have nothing to lose. You can mark another mistake of me and always come back to call me out on it. 

    Remember I offered you peace 3 times. Since there is no reason to keep up this personal vendetta you seem to have with me.
  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

    @ad19970 said:
    Honestly, people always say that killers should just get more incentive to not camp instead of being punished for camping. But I feel like we need both. Create some way that killers who don't camp at all have a slightly easier time dealing with gen rush right now, while at the same time, punish killers that camp and tunnel a bit more, since right now camping can still reward you too much without having a lot of skill. Especially if you camp and then also have NOED.

    Let’s be honest while I don’t like to camp...
    Let’s say I decided I don’t like your cosmetic or u bring a 🔦 or maybe I don’t like meg. Idk if I decide to camp u nothing will stop me save a hard ban at that point pips escapes and blood points don’t matter.

  • HawkAyeTheNoo
    HawkAyeTheNoo Member Posts: 731
    For me anyway i find camping, face camping whatever uncommon nowadays as a lot of killers relize most of the time you dont make points unless the survivors are dumb.

    Yesterday i got camped by a chainsaw revving Leatherc*ck with 3 gens to go, gave my team the signal and i struggled till they done the last 3 and opened door then i died. Killer got 1 kill and 6k bloodpoints, laughable.

    Suck it up and move on to next game. 
  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Master said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @Master said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Master said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @Master said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @Tsulan said:
    ReneAensland said:

    @Tsulan said:

    Raccoon said:

    Tsulan said:
    ReneAensland said:
    @Tsulan said:
    ReneAensland said:

    @Tsulan said: ReneAensland said:

    30 minutes ago. 2 minute video proving Face Camping exists. It's Toxic. And Baby killers DC just like DS users.        faCe cAmpiNg wAs reMovEd    doNt geT caUghT    iTs thE suRvivOrs faUlt

    Unhooked = no face camping. lol OooOoOOoooookay. Whatever you say buddy.

    Want a dev stream where the devs explain what face camping was and how they removed it?
    lol No thanks, I don't want to be told what's Face Camping and what isn't by Rank 20 Devs.
    Thanks though.
    Oh really? What a surprise! You claim something, I disapprove, want to give you solid facts, and it's suddenly not interesting anymore. 
    Yeah it's hard to face the truth after telling bullshit. 
    His feelings and randomly capitalized letters were no match for you!
    I even searched the video and prepared everything to crush his dreams...


    You're [BAD WORD] hilarious.

    Reading this entire comment section is a breath of fresh air, but I'm guessing people like you have to be in the opposition even though a crap ton of people in this comment section agreed with the OP.

    "I think you just got to be in the "out" group. Whoever's on top, whoever's in power, whoever's successful, you gotta be on the other side or you don't feel like the smartest guy in the room. All you are, my dear, is a contrarian."

    This defines people like yourself.

    You forgot the people that agreed with me.

    You can call a dog a "cat" as often as you want. But it will still be a dog. 

    Why on gods earth are you two even discussing the definition of a word? Like what kind of time waste is that? Who cares what exactly facecamping has meant back then, and what OP means with facecamping and if he is using the wrong term. I think it's pretty obvious that with facecamping OP means a killer that is camping a hooked survivor, standing right by him and not leaving the hook. Who cares if this isn't actually facecamping? Especially since the removal of facecamping didn't change a lot anyways. Doesn't really have anything to do what the OP was getting at.

    Are you joking?
    Back in the days you were actually able to secure a kill via camping. Nowadays you cant bodyblock away from the hook while survivors can bodyblock you from the hooking prompt. ALSO, nowdays they got BT, unhook invulnerability, swivel hooks AND the faster unhook animation

    You can still just grab the survivor when he tries to unhook right in front of you

    No you cant, thanks to bodyblockign and the new unhook animation that you can cancel instantly

    Oh my god, multiple survivors just swarming the killer... sounds like you could hit the unhooker twice and OMG have someone else to camp its like playing DBD but the survivors come to you.


    Thank you, every time i comment about something killers do unfairly on these forums, i get attacked and told i'm an idiot (even though i play more killer than survivor). Like i get survivors used to be OP and SWF still is but that doesn't mean killers aren't OP in some aspects too. It's nice to see someone actually back me up for once in saying face camping is a low skilled strategy that may work, but it's boring and you only win by boring the survivors to death... literally.

    Yea, like his whole argument is based on wanting one particular survivor dead, he doesn't care that if someone does come to save it makes it INCREDIBLY easy to get that person on the hook as a trade.

    Killers like that are honestly the worst, they just want the first person they hook dead as soon as possible and doesn't matter if they can hook someone else for more points.

    It's because it can be effective. Once one survivor is dead the killer will have more of an advantage. You can not fault people for using a tactic the devs have made viable. It's on the devs to make not camping more rewarding and camping and tunneling less rewarding.

    Well then how come in the past when i have suggested to nerf unjustified camping and buff leaving the hook, people have attacked me with the good ol' cAmPiNg WaS iNtEnTiOnAl jUsT dOnT gEt CaUgHt

    Cause some killers mains want their easier way to get kills kept in the game. As simple as that. Or maybe they fear that when nerfing camping killers will just suffer more from gen rush.
    To me it's clear, rewarding non camping killers more and rewarding camping and tunneling campers less is not just a balance improvement, but a fundamental design improvement for the game that improves the experience of both sides for the majority of the player base.

    Well i totally agree, so i wish people like @master and @Tsulan would stop claiming it's balanced

    Nobody claimed that facecamping was balanced.

    True. Personally I just want to have not camping be more rewarded so camping is not a necessity, and camping and tunneling less rewarded since it's no fun for survivors and doesn't require as much skill as playing the game normally as killer.

    Camping is not the disease, its the symptom

    Yeh the symptom of poor game mechanics, so why whenever people try to suggest a change, does everyone put them down

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    The whole point of "doing gens and escape" is to make the Killer DEPIP and therefore push them out of RED RANKS so you NEVER have to deal with them again.

    By feeding them more hits & hooks, you're rewarding this playstyle and allow them to pip, which is exactly why camping, even in red ranks, can lead to pips for the killer. YOU reward them for it.

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371
    I love it when I facecamp a survivor and it let itself die when they get to the second hook fase. 
  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    I'm sorry but i just had a game against a Legion, where someone dc'd the moment we spawned in. We got 2 gens done in the killers first chase, so he face camped the person he caught, then the next person until there was one left who got out from the hatch. He was a streamer as well, like it's actually disgusting

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    edited January 2019
    Tsulan said:
    Paddy4583 said:
    Tsulan said:
    @Peanits or @not_Queen could you please settle this? 
    Explain us who is right please. Since this leads nowhere.
    Oh no I just got face camped by a survivor who stood in front of a chest stopping the search prompt....
    Based on your other posts, I could absolutely believe that you would think that.

    Not being able to unhook is not the same as the killer standing next to the hook.
    You are almost there, come on...

    Patch 1.8.0
    Post edited by Paddy4583 on
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Paddy4583 said:
    Tsulan said:
    Paddy4583 said:
    Tsulan said:
    @Peanits or @not_Queen could you please settle this? 
    Explain us who is right please. Since this leads nowhere.
    Oh no I just got face camped by a survivor who stood in front of a chest stopping the search prompt....
    Based on your other posts, I could absolutely believe that you would think that.

    Not being able to unhook is not the same as the killer standing next to the hook.
    You are almost there, come on...
    Is this minesweeper?
  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    @Tsulan said:
    No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @ad19970 said:

     @No_Cluie_Louis said:
       @ad19970 said:
         @SenzuDuck said:
           @No_Cluie_Louis said:
             @SenzuDuck said:
               @Master said:
                 @ad19970 said:
                   @Master said:
                     @ad19970 said:
                       @Tsulan said:
                      ReneAensland said:
                        @Tsulan said:
                        Raccoon said:

    Tsulan said: ReneAensland said: @Tsulan said: ReneAensland said:

                        @Tsulan said:    ReneAensland said:

    30 minutes ago. 2 minute video proving Face Camping exists. It's Toxic. And Baby killers DC just like DS users. faCe cAmpiNg wAs reMovEd doNt geT caUghT iTs thE suRvivOrs faUlt

                        Unhooked = no face camping.        lol    OooOoOOoooookay.    Whatever you say buddy.

    Want a dev stream where the devs explain what face camping was and how they removed it? lol No thanks, I don't want to be told what's Face Camping and what isn't by Rank 20 Devs. Thanks though. Oh really? What a surprise! You claim something, I disapprove, want to give you solid facts, and it's suddenly not interesting anymore.  Yeah it's hard to face the truth after telling bullshit.  His feelings and randomly capitalized letters were no match for you! I even searched the video and prepared everything to crush his dreams...


    You're [BAD WORD] hilarious.

    Reading this entire comment section is a breath of fresh air, but I'm guessing people like you have to be in the opposition even though a crap ton of people in this comment section agreed with the OP.

    "I think you just got to be in the "out" group. Whoever's on top, whoever's in power, whoever's successful, you gotta be on the other side or you don't feel like the smartest guy in the room. All you are, my dear, is a contrarian."

    This defines people like yourself.

    You forgot the people that agreed with me.

    You can call a dog a "cat" as often as you want. But it will still be a dog. 

    Why on gods earth are you two even discussing the definition of a word? Like what kind of time waste is that? Who cares what exactly facecamping has meant back then, and what OP means with facecamping and if he is using the wrong term. I think it's pretty obvious that with facecamping OP means a killer that is camping a hooked survivor, standing right by him and not leaving the hook. Who cares if this isn't actually facecamping? Especially since the removal of facecamping didn't change a lot anyways. Doesn't really have anything to do what the OP was getting at.

    Are you joking?

    Back in the days you were actually able to secure a kill via camping. Nowadays you cant bodyblock away from the hook while survivors can bodyblock you from the hooking prompt. ALSO, nowdays they got BT, unhook invulnerability, swivel hooks AND the faster unhook animation

    You can still just grab the survivor when he tries to unhook right in front of you

    No you cant, thanks to bodyblockign and the new unhook animation that you can cancel instantly

    Oh my god, multiple survivors just swarming the killer... sounds like you could hit the unhooker twice and OMG have someone else to camp its like playing DBD but the survivors come to you.


    Thank you, every time i comment about something killers do unfairly on these forums, i get attacked and told i'm an idiot (even though i play more killer than survivor). Like i get survivors used to be OP and SWF still is but that doesn't mean killers aren't OP in some aspects too. It's nice to see someone actually back me up for once in saying face camping is a low skilled strategy that may work, but it's boring and you only win by boring the survivors to death... literally.

    Yea, like his whole argument is based on wanting one particular survivor dead, he doesn't care that if someone does come to save it makes it INCREDIBLY easy to get that person on the hook as a trade.

    Killers like that are honestly the worst, they just want the first person they hook dead as soon as possible and doesn't matter if they can hook someone else for more points.

    It's because it can be effective. Once one survivor is dead the killer will have more of an advantage. You can not fault people for using a tactic the devs have made viable. It's on the devs to make not camping more rewarding and camping and tunneling less rewarding.

    Well then how come in the past when i have suggested to nerf unjustified camping and buff leaving the hook, people have attacked me with the good ol' cAmPiNg WaS iNtEnTiOnAl jUsT dOnT gEt CaUgHt

    Cause some killers mains want their easier way to get kills kept in the game. As simple as that. Or maybe they fear that when nerfing camping killers will just suffer more from gen rush. 

    To me it's clear, rewarding non camping killers more and rewarding camping and tunneling campers less is not just a balance improvement, but a fundamental design improvement for the game that improves the experience of both sides for the majority of the player base.

    Well i totally agree, so i wish people like @master and @Tsulan would stop claiming it's balanced

    Quote me on where I call it balanced. 
    Stop putting words into my mouth. 

    I think he said that because you and Master seem to be against any nerf to camping and changes that would reward killers more for not camping.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @ad19970 said:

    @Tsulan said:
    No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @ad19970 said:

     @No_Cluie_Louis said:
       @ad19970 said:
         @SenzuDuck said:
           @No_Cluie_Louis said:
             @SenzuDuck said:
               @Master said:
                 @ad19970 said:
                   @Master said:
                     @ad19970 said:
                       @Tsulan said:
                      ReneAensland said:
                        @Tsulan said:
                        Raccoon said:

    Tsulan said: ReneAensland said: @Tsulan said: ReneAensland said:

                        @Tsulan said:    ReneAensland said:

    30 minutes ago. 2 minute video proving Face Camping exists. It's Toxic. And Baby killers DC just like DS users. faCe cAmpiNg wAs reMovEd doNt geT caUghT iTs thE suRvivOrs faUlt

                        Unhooked = no face camping.        lol    OooOoOOoooookay.    Whatever you say buddy.

    Want a dev stream where the devs explain what face camping was and how they removed it? lol No thanks, I don't want to be told what's Face Camping and what isn't by Rank 20 Devs. Thanks though. Oh really? What a surprise! You claim something, I disapprove, want to give you solid facts, and it's suddenly not interesting anymore.  Yeah it's hard to face the truth after telling bullshit.  His feelings and randomly capitalized letters were no match for you! I even searched the video and prepared everything to crush his dreams...


    You're [BAD WORD] hilarious.

    Reading this entire comment section is a breath of fresh air, but I'm guessing people like you have to be in the opposition even though a crap ton of people in this comment section agreed with the OP.

    "I think you just got to be in the "out" group. Whoever's on top, whoever's in power, whoever's successful, you gotta be on the other side or you don't feel like the smartest guy in the room. All you are, my dear, is a contrarian."

    This defines people like yourself.

    You forgot the people that agreed with me.

    You can call a dog a "cat" as often as you want. But it will still be a dog. 

    Why on gods earth are you two even discussing the definition of a word? Like what kind of time waste is that? Who cares what exactly facecamping has meant back then, and what OP means with facecamping and if he is using the wrong term. I think it's pretty obvious that with facecamping OP means a killer that is camping a hooked survivor, standing right by him and not leaving the hook. Who cares if this isn't actually facecamping? Especially since the removal of facecamping didn't change a lot anyways. Doesn't really have anything to do what the OP was getting at.

    Are you joking?

    Back in the days you were actually able to secure a kill via camping. Nowadays you cant bodyblock away from the hook while survivors can bodyblock you from the hooking prompt. ALSO, nowdays they got BT, unhook invulnerability, swivel hooks AND the faster unhook animation

    You can still just grab the survivor when he tries to unhook right in front of you

    No you cant, thanks to bodyblockign and the new unhook animation that you can cancel instantly

    Oh my god, multiple survivors just swarming the killer... sounds like you could hit the unhooker twice and OMG have someone else to camp its like playing DBD but the survivors come to you.


    Thank you, every time i comment about something killers do unfairly on these forums, i get attacked and told i'm an idiot (even though i play more killer than survivor). Like i get survivors used to be OP and SWF still is but that doesn't mean killers aren't OP in some aspects too. It's nice to see someone actually back me up for once in saying face camping is a low skilled strategy that may work, but it's boring and you only win by boring the survivors to death... literally.

    Yea, like his whole argument is based on wanting one particular survivor dead, he doesn't care that if someone does come to save it makes it INCREDIBLY easy to get that person on the hook as a trade.

    Killers like that are honestly the worst, they just want the first person they hook dead as soon as possible and doesn't matter if they can hook someone else for more points.

    It's because it can be effective. Once one survivor is dead the killer will have more of an advantage. You can not fault people for using a tactic the devs have made viable. It's on the devs to make not camping more rewarding and camping and tunneling less rewarding.

    Well then how come in the past when i have suggested to nerf unjustified camping and buff leaving the hook, people have attacked me with the good ol' cAmPiNg WaS iNtEnTiOnAl jUsT dOnT gEt CaUgHt

    Cause some killers mains want their easier way to get kills kept in the game. As simple as that. Or maybe they fear that when nerfing camping killers will just suffer more from gen rush. 

    To me it's clear, rewarding non camping killers more and rewarding camping and tunneling campers less is not just a balance improvement, but a fundamental design improvement for the game that improves the experience of both sides for the majority of the player base.

    Well i totally agree, so i wish people like @master and @Tsulan would stop claiming it's balanced

    Quote me on where I call it balanced. 
    Stop putting words into my mouth. 

    I think he said that because you and Master seem to be against any nerf to camping and changes that would reward killers more for not camping.

    Who said that?
    Fact is that 99% of those threads want the killer to be PUNISHED for camping.

    I think I can speak for us both here that we would appreciate rewards for fresh hooks (something like truetalents idea)
    However another fact is that the devs just did the opposite, they nerfed the BBQ aura ability and thus nerfed the incentive to not-camp. Also they came up with unhook invulnerability, another buff to BT, cancelable unhookign animation and camping emblem penalty.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    ad19970 said:

    @Tsulan said:
    No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @ad19970 said:

     @No_Cluie_Louis said:
       @ad19970 said:
         @SenzuDuck said:
           @No_Cluie_Louis said:
             @SenzuDuck said:
               @Master said:
                 @ad19970 said:
                   @Master said:
                     @ad19970 said:
                       @Tsulan said:
                      ReneAensland said:
                        @Tsulan said:
                        Raccoon said:

    Tsulan said: ReneAensland said: @Tsulan said: ReneAensland said:

                        @Tsulan said:    ReneAensland said:

    30 minutes ago. 2 minute video proving Face Camping exists. It's Toxic. And Baby killers DC just like DS users. faCe cAmpiNg wAs reMovEd doNt geT caUghT iTs thE suRvivOrs faUlt

                        Unhooked = no face camping.        lol    OooOoOOoooookay.    Whatever you say buddy.

    Want a dev stream where the devs explain what face camping was and how they removed it? lol No thanks, I don't want to be told what's Face Camping and what isn't by Rank 20 Devs. Thanks though. Oh really? What a surprise! You claim something, I disapprove, want to give you solid facts, and it's suddenly not interesting anymore.  Yeah it's hard to face the truth after telling bullshit.  His feelings and randomly capitalized letters were no match for you! I even searched the video and prepared everything to crush his dreams...


    You're [BAD WORD] hilarious.

    Reading this entire comment section is a breath of fresh air, but I'm guessing people like you have to be in the opposition even though a crap ton of people in this comment section agreed with the OP.

    "I think you just got to be in the "out" group. Whoever's on top, whoever's in power, whoever's successful, you gotta be on the other side or you don't feel like the smartest guy in the room. All you are, my dear, is a contrarian."

    This defines people like yourself.

    You forgot the people that agreed with me.

    You can call a dog a "cat" as often as you want. But it will still be a dog. 

    Why on gods earth are you two even discussing the definition of a word? Like what kind of time waste is that? Who cares what exactly facecamping has meant back then, and what OP means with facecamping and if he is using the wrong term. I think it's pretty obvious that with facecamping OP means a killer that is camping a hooked survivor, standing right by him and not leaving the hook. Who cares if this isn't actually facecamping? Especially since the removal of facecamping didn't change a lot anyways. Doesn't really have anything to do what the OP was getting at.

    Are you joking?

    Back in the days you were actually able to secure a kill via camping. Nowadays you cant bodyblock away from the hook while survivors can bodyblock you from the hooking prompt. ALSO, nowdays they got BT, unhook invulnerability, swivel hooks AND the faster unhook animation

    You can still just grab the survivor when he tries to unhook right in front of you

    No you cant, thanks to bodyblockign and the new unhook animation that you can cancel instantly

    Oh my god, multiple survivors just swarming the killer... sounds like you could hit the unhooker twice and OMG have someone else to camp its like playing DBD but the survivors come to you.


    Thank you, every time i comment about something killers do unfairly on these forums, i get attacked and told i'm an idiot (even though i play more killer than survivor). Like i get survivors used to be OP and SWF still is but that doesn't mean killers aren't OP in some aspects too. It's nice to see someone actually back me up for once in saying face camping is a low skilled strategy that may work, but it's boring and you only win by boring the survivors to death... literally.

    Yea, like his whole argument is based on wanting one particular survivor dead, he doesn't care that if someone does come to save it makes it INCREDIBLY easy to get that person on the hook as a trade.

    Killers like that are honestly the worst, they just want the first person they hook dead as soon as possible and doesn't matter if they can hook someone else for more points.

    It's because it can be effective. Once one survivor is dead the killer will have more of an advantage. You can not fault people for using a tactic the devs have made viable. It's on the devs to make not camping more rewarding and camping and tunneling less rewarding.

    Well then how come in the past when i have suggested to nerf unjustified camping and buff leaving the hook, people have attacked me with the good ol' cAmPiNg WaS iNtEnTiOnAl jUsT dOnT gEt CaUgHt

    Cause some killers mains want their easier way to get kills kept in the game. As simple as that. Or maybe they fear that when nerfing camping killers will just suffer more from gen rush. 

    To me it's clear, rewarding non camping killers more and rewarding camping and tunneling campers less is not just a balance improvement, but a fundamental design improvement for the game that improves the experience of both sides for the majority of the player base.

    Well i totally agree, so i wish people like @master and @Tsulan would stop claiming it's balanced

    Quote me on where I call it balanced. 
    Stop putting words into my mouth. 

    I think he said that because you and Master seem to be against any nerf to camping and changes that would reward killers more for not camping.


    Face camping had to be removed, because there was no way around it. Face camping was removed by the devs. I only think it's wrong to call it face camping when it doesn't exist anymore. 

    I'm against camping but I know that sometimes it's a necessary evil. Something to slow the game down. 

    I'm against the BBQ nerf, because killers need a reason to leave the hook. But that reason should be voluntary and not because of punishment. 

    Camping is a desired strategy by the devs. Otherwise Insidious wouldn't exist. 

    I tried insidious a few times and find it utterly boring. So I usually don't commit to camping, but as any other killer, I get called out for it. Even when I use MYC or Devour Hope. 
  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    edited January 2019
    Tsulan said:
    ad19970 said:

    @Tsulan said:
    No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @ad19970 said:

     @No_Cluie_Louis said:
       @ad19970 said:
         @SenzuDuck said:
           @No_Cluie_Louis said:
             @SenzuDuck said:
               @Master said:
                 @ad19970 said:
                   @Master said:
                     @ad19970 said:
                       @Tsulan said:
                      ReneAensland said:
                        @Tsulan said:
                        Raccoon said:

    Tsulan said: ReneAensland said: @Tsulan said: ReneAensland said:

                        @Tsulan said:    ReneAensland said:

    30 minutes ago. 2 minute video proving Face Camping exists. It's Toxic. And Baby killers DC just like DS users. faCe cAmpiNg wAs reMovEd doNt geT caUghT iTs thE suRvivOrs faUlt

                        Unhooked = no face camping.        lol    OooOoOOoooookay.    Whatever you say buddy.

    Want a dev stream where the devs explain what face camping was and how they removed it? lol No thanks, I don't want to be told what's Face Camping and what isn't by Rank 20 Devs. Thanks though. Oh really? What a surprise! You claim something, I disapprove, want to give you solid facts, and it's suddenly not interesting anymore.  Yeah it's hard to face the truth after telling bullshit.  His feelings and randomly capitalized letters were no match for you! I even searched the video and prepared everything to crush his dreams...


    You're [BAD WORD] hilarious.

    Reading this entire comment section is a breath of fresh air, but I'm guessing people like you have to be in the opposition even though a crap ton of people in this comment section agreed with the OP.

    "I think you just got to be in the "out" group. Whoever's on top, whoever's in power, whoever's successful, you gotta be on the other side or you don't feel like the smartest guy in the room. All you are, my dear, is a contrarian."

    This defines people like yourself.

    You forgot the people that agreed with me.

    You can call a dog a "cat" as often as you want. But it will still be a dog. 

    Why on gods earth are you two even discussing the definition of a word? Like what kind of time waste is that? Who cares what exactly facecamping has meant back then, and what OP means with facecamping and if he is using the wrong term. I think it's pretty obvious that with facecamping OP means a killer that is camping a hooked survivor, standing right by him and not leaving the hook. Who cares if this isn't actually facecamping? Especially since the removal of facecamping didn't change a lot anyways. Doesn't really have anything to do what the OP was getting at.

    Are you joking?

    Back in the days you were actually able to secure a kill via camping. Nowadays you cant bodyblock away from the hook while survivors can bodyblock you from the hooking prompt. ALSO, nowdays they got BT, unhook invulnerability, swivel hooks AND the faster unhook animation

    You can still just grab the survivor when he tries to unhook right in front of you

    No you cant, thanks to bodyblockign and the new unhook animation that you can cancel instantly

    Oh my god, multiple survivors just swarming the killer... sounds like you could hit the unhooker twice and OMG have someone else to camp its like playing DBD but the survivors come to you.


    Thank you, every time i comment about something killers do unfairly on these forums, i get attacked and told i'm an idiot (even though i play more killer than survivor). Like i get survivors used to be OP and SWF still is but that doesn't mean killers aren't OP in some aspects too. It's nice to see someone actually back me up for once in saying face camping is a low skilled strategy that may work, but it's boring and you only win by boring the survivors to death... literally.

    Yea, like his whole argument is based on wanting one particular survivor dead, he doesn't care that if someone does come to save it makes it INCREDIBLY easy to get that person on the hook as a trade.

    Killers like that are honestly the worst, they just want the first person they hook dead as soon as possible and doesn't matter if they can hook someone else for more points.

    It's because it can be effective. Once one survivor is dead the killer will have more of an advantage. You can not fault people for using a tactic the devs have made viable. It's on the devs to make not camping more rewarding and camping and tunneling less rewarding.

    Well then how come in the past when i have suggested to nerf unjustified camping and buff leaving the hook, people have attacked me with the good ol' cAmPiNg WaS iNtEnTiOnAl jUsT dOnT gEt CaUgHt

    Cause some killers mains want their easier way to get kills kept in the game. As simple as that. Or maybe they fear that when nerfing camping killers will just suffer more from gen rush. 

    To me it's clear, rewarding non camping killers more and rewarding camping and tunneling campers less is not just a balance improvement, but a fundamental design improvement for the game that improves the experience of both sides for the majority of the player base.

    Well i totally agree, so i wish people like @master and @Tsulan would stop claiming it's balanced

    Quote me on where I call it balanced. 
    Stop putting words into my mouth. 

    I think he said that because you and Master seem to be against any nerf to camping and changes that would reward killers more for not camping.


    Face camping had to be removed, because there was no way around it. Face camping was removed by the devs. I only think it's wrong to call it face camping when it doesn't exist anymore. 

    I'm against camping but I know that sometimes it's a necessary evil. Something to slow the game down. 

    I'm against the BBQ nerf, because killers need a reason to leave the hook. But that reason should be voluntary and not because of punishment. 

    Camping is a desired strategy by the devs. Otherwise Insidious wouldn't exist. 

    I tried insidious a few times and find it utterly boring. So I usually don't commit to camping, but as any other killer, I get called out for it. Even when I use MYC or Devour Hope. 
    Patch 1.8.0 
    Again nothing removed, just added ability to unhook from all angles, how do you even know how to turn on an electronic devise and operate it, when you can’t even get your head round the term face camping?😂😂😂
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Paddy4583 said:
    Tsulan said:
    ad19970 said:

    @Tsulan said:
    No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @ad19970 said:

     @No_Cluie_Louis said:
       @ad19970 said:
         @SenzuDuck said:
           @No_Cluie_Louis said:
             @SenzuDuck said:
               @Master said:
                 @ad19970 said:
                   @Master said:
                     @ad19970 said:
                       @Tsulan said:
                      ReneAensland said:
                        @Tsulan said:
                        Raccoon said:

    Tsulan said: ReneAensland said: @Tsulan said: ReneAensland said:

                        @Tsulan said:    ReneAensland said:

    30 minutes ago. 2 minute video proving Face Camping exists. It's Toxic. And Baby killers DC just like DS users. faCe cAmpiNg wAs reMovEd doNt geT caUghT iTs thE suRvivOrs faUlt

                        Unhooked = no face camping.        lol    OooOoOOoooookay.    Whatever you say buddy.

    Want a dev stream where the devs explain what face camping was and how they removed it? lol No thanks, I don't want to be told what's Face Camping and what isn't by Rank 20 Devs. Thanks though. Oh really? What a surprise! You claim something, I disapprove, want to give you solid facts, and it's suddenly not interesting anymore.  Yeah it's hard to face the truth after telling bullshit.  His feelings and randomly capitalized letters were no match for you! I even searched the video and prepared everything to crush his dreams...


    You're [BAD WORD] hilarious.

    Reading this entire comment section is a breath of fresh air, but I'm guessing people like you have to be in the opposition even though a crap ton of people in this comment section agreed with the OP.

    "I think you just got to be in the "out" group. Whoever's on top, whoever's in power, whoever's successful, you gotta be on the other side or you don't feel like the smartest guy in the room. All you are, my dear, is a contrarian."

    This defines people like yourself.

    You forgot the people that agreed with me.

    You can call a dog a "cat" as often as you want. But it will still be a dog. 

    Why on gods earth are you two even discussing the definition of a word? Like what kind of time waste is that? Who cares what exactly facecamping has meant back then, and what OP means with facecamping and if he is using the wrong term. I think it's pretty obvious that with facecamping OP means a killer that is camping a hooked survivor, standing right by him and not leaving the hook. Who cares if this isn't actually facecamping? Especially since the removal of facecamping didn't change a lot anyways. Doesn't really have anything to do what the OP was getting at.

    Are you joking?

    Back in the days you were actually able to secure a kill via camping. Nowadays you cant bodyblock away from the hook while survivors can bodyblock you from the hooking prompt. ALSO, nowdays they got BT, unhook invulnerability, swivel hooks AND the faster unhook animation

    You can still just grab the survivor when he tries to unhook right in front of you

    No you cant, thanks to bodyblockign and the new unhook animation that you can cancel instantly

    Oh my god, multiple survivors just swarming the killer... sounds like you could hit the unhooker twice and OMG have someone else to camp its like playing DBD but the survivors come to you.


    Thank you, every time i comment about something killers do unfairly on these forums, i get attacked and told i'm an idiot (even though i play more killer than survivor). Like i get survivors used to be OP and SWF still is but that doesn't mean killers aren't OP in some aspects too. It's nice to see someone actually back me up for once in saying face camping is a low skilled strategy that may work, but it's boring and you only win by boring the survivors to death... literally.

    Yea, like his whole argument is based on wanting one particular survivor dead, he doesn't care that if someone does come to save it makes it INCREDIBLY easy to get that person on the hook as a trade.

    Killers like that are honestly the worst, they just want the first person they hook dead as soon as possible and doesn't matter if they can hook someone else for more points.

    It's because it can be effective. Once one survivor is dead the killer will have more of an advantage. You can not fault people for using a tactic the devs have made viable. It's on the devs to make not camping more rewarding and camping and tunneling less rewarding.

    Well then how come in the past when i have suggested to nerf unjustified camping and buff leaving the hook, people have attacked me with the good ol' cAmPiNg WaS iNtEnTiOnAl jUsT dOnT gEt CaUgHt

    Cause some killers mains want their easier way to get kills kept in the game. As simple as that. Or maybe they fear that when nerfing camping killers will just suffer more from gen rush. 

    To me it's clear, rewarding non camping killers more and rewarding camping and tunneling campers less is not just a balance improvement, but a fundamental design improvement for the game that improves the experience of both sides for the majority of the player base.

    Well i totally agree, so i wish people like @master and @Tsulan would stop claiming it's balanced

    Quote me on where I call it balanced. 
    Stop putting words into my mouth. 

    I think he said that because you and Master seem to be against any nerf to camping and changes that would reward killers more for not camping.


    Face camping had to be removed, because there was no way around it. Face camping was removed by the devs. I only think it's wrong to call it face camping when it doesn't exist anymore. 

    I'm against camping but I know that sometimes it's a necessary evil. Something to slow the game down. 

    I'm against the BBQ nerf, because killers need a reason to leave the hook. But that reason should be voluntary and not because of punishment. 

    Camping is a desired strategy by the devs. Otherwise Insidious wouldn't exist. 

    I tried insidious a few times and find it utterly boring. So I usually don't commit to camping, but as any other killer, I get called out for it. Even when I use MYC or Devour Hope. 
    Patch 1.8.0 
    Again nothing removed, just added ability to unhook from all angles, how do you even know how to turn on an electronic devise and operate it, when you can’t even get your head round the term face camping?😂😂😂
    I don't know. How do YOU do it?
  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @Tsulan said:
    Paddy4583 said:
    Patch 1.8.0 
    Again nothing removed, just added ability to unhook from all angles, how do you even know how to turn on an electronic devise and operate it, when you can’t even get your head round the term face camping?😂😂😂

    I don't know. How do YOU do it?

    Wow, you really got him there Tsulan. 😂

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    It happens, it can feel oppressive, but it is combatable with the right perks and coordinated teamwork. The killer is sacrificing map pressure to defend 1 person, its only a no win senerio if everyone forsakes you to finish gens. Teammates abandoning you is a survivor sided issue that stems from a combination of solo oriented loadouts and killer selection. Its funny that people will complain how often camping comes up, but vary few actually run perks to help that situation.
  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    @Master said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @Tsulan said:
    No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @ad19970 said:

     @No_Cluie_Louis said:
       @ad19970 said:
         @SenzuDuck said:
           @No_Cluie_Louis said:
             @SenzuDuck said:
               @Master said:
                 @ad19970 said:
                   @Master said:
                     @ad19970 said:
                       @Tsulan said:
                      ReneAensland said:
                        @Tsulan said:
                        Raccoon said:

    Tsulan said: ReneAensland said: @Tsulan said: ReneAensland said:

                        @Tsulan said:    ReneAensland said:

    30 minutes ago. 2 minute video proving Face Camping exists. It's Toxic. And Baby killers DC just like DS users. faCe cAmpiNg wAs reMovEd doNt geT caUghT iTs thE suRvivOrs faUlt

                        Unhooked = no face camping.        lol    OooOoOOoooookay.    Whatever you say buddy.

    Want a dev stream where the devs explain what face camping was and how they removed it? lol No thanks, I don't want to be told what's Face Camping and what isn't by Rank 20 Devs. Thanks though. Oh really? What a surprise! You claim something, I disapprove, want to give you solid facts, and it's suddenly not interesting anymore.  Yeah it's hard to face the truth after telling bullshit.  His feelings and randomly capitalized letters were no match for you! I even searched the video and prepared everything to crush his dreams...


    You're [BAD WORD] hilarious.

    Reading this entire comment section is a breath of fresh air, but I'm guessing people like you have to be in the opposition even though a crap ton of people in this comment section agreed with the OP.

    "I think you just got to be in the "out" group. Whoever's on top, whoever's in power, whoever's successful, you gotta be on the other side or you don't feel like the smartest guy in the room. All you are, my dear, is a contrarian."

    This defines people like yourself.

    You forgot the people that agreed with me.

    You can call a dog a "cat" as often as you want. But it will still be a dog. 

    Why on gods earth are you two even discussing the definition of a word? Like what kind of time waste is that? Who cares what exactly facecamping has meant back then, and what OP means with facecamping and if he is using the wrong term. I think it's pretty obvious that with facecamping OP means a killer that is camping a hooked survivor, standing right by him and not leaving the hook. Who cares if this isn't actually facecamping? Especially since the removal of facecamping didn't change a lot anyways. Doesn't really have anything to do what the OP was getting at.

    Are you joking?

    Back in the days you were actually able to secure a kill via camping. Nowadays you cant bodyblock away from the hook while survivors can bodyblock you from the hooking prompt. ALSO, nowdays they got BT, unhook invulnerability, swivel hooks AND the faster unhook animation

    You can still just grab the survivor when he tries to unhook right in front of you

    No you cant, thanks to bodyblockign and the new unhook animation that you can cancel instantly

    Oh my god, multiple survivors just swarming the killer... sounds like you could hit the unhooker twice and OMG have someone else to camp its like playing DBD but the survivors come to you.


    Thank you, every time i comment about something killers do unfairly on these forums, i get attacked and told i'm an idiot (even though i play more killer than survivor). Like i get survivors used to be OP and SWF still is but that doesn't mean killers aren't OP in some aspects too. It's nice to see someone actually back me up for once in saying face camping is a low skilled strategy that may work, but it's boring and you only win by boring the survivors to death... literally.

    Yea, like his whole argument is based on wanting one particular survivor dead, he doesn't care that if someone does come to save it makes it INCREDIBLY easy to get that person on the hook as a trade.

    Killers like that are honestly the worst, they just want the first person they hook dead as soon as possible and doesn't matter if they can hook someone else for more points.

    It's because it can be effective. Once one survivor is dead the killer will have more of an advantage. You can not fault people for using a tactic the devs have made viable. It's on the devs to make not camping more rewarding and camping and tunneling less rewarding.

    Well then how come in the past when i have suggested to nerf unjustified camping and buff leaving the hook, people have attacked me with the good ol' cAmPiNg WaS iNtEnTiOnAl jUsT dOnT gEt CaUgHt

    Cause some killers mains want their easier way to get kills kept in the game. As simple as that. Or maybe they fear that when nerfing camping killers will just suffer more from gen rush. 

    To me it's clear, rewarding non camping killers more and rewarding camping and tunneling campers less is not just a balance improvement, but a fundamental design improvement for the game that improves the experience of both sides for the majority of the player base.

    Well i totally agree, so i wish people like @master and @Tsulan would stop claiming it's balanced

    Quote me on where I call it balanced. 
    Stop putting words into my mouth. 

    I think he said that because you and Master seem to be against any nerf to camping and changes that would reward killers more for not camping.

    Who said that?
    Fact is that 99% of those threads want the killer to be PUNISHED for camping.

    I think I can speak for us both here that we would appreciate rewards for fresh hooks (something like truetalents idea)
    However another fact is that the devs just did the opposite, they nerfed the BBQ aura ability and thus nerfed the incentive to not-camp. Also they came up with unhook invulnerability, another buff to BT, cancelable unhookign animation and camping emblem penalty.

    I think we need both. As it is now, camping is to effective for the little skill that is needed for camping. At least against solo survivors. But yes, I also agree that we need some incentive for killers to not camp.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    @Tsulan said:
    ad19970 said:

    @Tsulan said:

    No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said: @ad19970 said: @SenzuDuck said: @No_Cluie_Louis said: @SenzuDuck said: @Master said: @ad19970 said: @Master said: @ad19970 said: @Tsulan said: ReneAensland said: @Tsulan said: Raccoon said:

    Tsulan said:        ReneAensland said:    @Tsulan said:    ReneAensland said:
                     @Tsulan said:    ReneAensland said:  
    30 minutes ago. 2 minute video proving Face Camping exists. It's Toxic. And Baby killers DC just like DS users.        faCe cAmpiNg wAs reMovEd    doNt geT caUghT    iTs thE suRvivOrs faUlt
                     Unhooked = no face camping.        lol    OooOoOOoooookay.    Whatever you say buddy.  
    Want a dev stream where the devs explain what face camping was and how they removed it?        lol No thanks, I don't want to be told what's Face Camping and what isn't by Rank 20 Devs.    Thanks though.        Oh really? What a surprise! You claim something, I disapprove, want to give you solid facts, and it's suddenly not interesting anymore.     Yeah it's hard to face the truth after telling bullshit.     His feelings and randomly capitalized letters were no match for you!    I even searched the video and prepared everything to crush his dreams...
    You're [BAD WORD] hilarious.
    Reading this entire comment section is a breath of fresh air, but I'm guessing people like you have to be in the opposition even though a crap ton of people in this comment section agreed with the OP.
    "I think you just got to be in the "out" group. Whoever's on top, whoever's in power, whoever's successful, you gotta be on the other side or you don't feel like the smartest guy in the room. All you are, my dear, is a contrarian."
    This defines people like yourself.
    You forgot the people that agreed with me.
    You can call a dog a "cat" as often as you want. But it will still be a dog. 
    Why on gods earth are you two even discussing the definition of a word? Like what kind of time waste is that? Who cares what exactly facecamping has meant back then, and what OP means with facecamping and if he is using the wrong term. I think it's pretty obvious that with facecamping OP means a killer that is camping a hooked survivor, standing right by him and not leaving the hook. Who cares if this isn't actually facecamping? Especially since the removal of facecamping didn't change a lot anyways. Doesn't really have anything to do what the OP was getting at.
    Are you joking?
    Back in the days you were actually able to secure a kill via camping. Nowadays you cant bodyblock away from the hook while survivors can bodyblock you from the hooking prompt. ALSO, nowdays they got BT, unhook invulnerability, swivel hooks AND the faster unhook animation
    You can still just grab the survivor when he tries to unhook right in front of you
    No you cant, thanks to bodyblockign and the new unhook animation that you can cancel instantly
    Oh my god, multiple survivors just swarming the killer... sounds like you could hit the unhooker twice and OMG have someone else to camp its like playing DBD but the survivors come to you.
    Thank you, every time i comment about something killers do unfairly on these forums, i get attacked and told i'm an idiot (even though i play more killer than survivor). Like i get survivors used to be OP and SWF still is but that doesn't mean killers aren't OP in some aspects too. It's nice to see someone actually back me up for once in saying face camping is a low skilled strategy that may work, but it's boring and you only win by boring the survivors to death... literally.
    Yea, like his whole argument is based on wanting one particular survivor dead, he doesn't care that if someone does come to save it makes it INCREDIBLY easy to get that person on the hook as a trade.
    Killers like that are honestly the worst, they just want the first person they hook dead as soon as possible and doesn't matter if they can hook someone else for more points.
    It's because it can be effective. Once one survivor is dead the killer will have more of an advantage. You can not fault people for using a tactic the devs have made viable. It's on the devs to make not camping more rewarding and camping and tunneling less rewarding.
    Well then how come in the past when i have suggested to nerf unjustified camping and buff leaving the hook, people have attacked me with the good ol' cAmPiNg WaS iNtEnTiOnAl jUsT dOnT gEt CaUgHt

    Cause some killers mains want their easier way to get kills kept in the game. As simple as that. Or maybe they fear that when nerfing camping killers will just suffer more from gen rush.

    To me it's clear, rewarding non camping killers more and rewarding camping and tunneling campers less is not just a balance improvement, but a fundamental design improvement for the game that improves the experience of both sides for the majority of the player base.
    Well i totally agree, so i wish people like @master and @Tsulan  would stop claiming it's balanced
    Quote me on where I call it balanced. 

    Stop putting words into my mouth. 

    I think he said that because you and Master seem to be against any nerf to camping and changes that would reward killers more for not camping.


    Face camping had to be removed, because there was no way around it. Face camping was removed by the devs. I only think it's wrong to call it face camping when it doesn't exist anymore. 

    I'm against camping but I know that sometimes it's a necessary evil. Something to slow the game down. 

    I'm against the BBQ nerf, because killers need a reason to leave the hook. But that reason should be voluntary and not because of punishment. 

    Camping is a desired strategy by the devs. Otherwise Insidious wouldn't exist. 

    I tried insidious a few times and find it utterly boring. So I usually don't commit to camping, but as any other killer, I get called out for it. Even when I use MYC or Devour Hope. 

    I get that. And I even say myself that camping is intended by the devs. That's why I always say that people should not blame killers that camp, they are just using a strategy that's good for them. All I'm saying is that the effectiveness of camping right now is a design problem. The most viable strategies for one side shouldn't be the most frustrating strategy for the opposing team to deal with. I get that at times it's good for killers to camp. Or at least patrol the hook. I just want killers to have more incentive to not camp and less to camp. So a buff to not camping and a nerf to camping.