Suggestion for new Events :

  • Escort: At the start of the match, one survivor is the "killer's target" (it can be the obsession) and other survivors have to protect him. The killer goal is to hook the target. When the killer succeed to hook him, the target change (it's another random survivor). The killer progress his event each time he hooked a target. To prevent the target to hide all match, there's an "action timer" the target MUST do generators, healing other survivors. If the target do that, his position will be revealed to the killer. Let's say for example, the target has a 60 seconds timer. repairing or healing other survivors stop the timer. Each time the target unhook another survivor or fully heal another survivor or fully repaired a gen the target get +10 seconds to its timer. Being chased by the killer also stop the timer. Escaping the killer (during a chase) also gives +10 seconds.

  • Valentine: You're in love with another survivor (random) your objective is to be sure this survivor escape. Each time the survivor you love is hooked (this last sentence feels so weird... xD), it reduce the amount of event points you'll get at the end of the match. rescuing or fully healing the survivor you love will give you extra points (to compensate the loss). If the survivor you love escape, you win a lot of event points. For the killer (that love is strictly forbidden by the Entity...) you objective is to hook survivors. You win event points each time you hook a survivor. You win extra event points if the survivor is unhooked while you're more than 32 meters away from him.