New Game Mode - Harvest

You a here? Great! Make me tell what it is.

Harvest - All totally random new game mode, like Hearthstone.

You start a game, go in this game mode, you pay some shards. Boom! Choose sides.

We take Killers.
Okay, next:

Take a Hillbilly? Nice!

Yep, Tinkerer. Good!

Now, game start. Survivors have nothing like you. You kill 2 or 2, end of game. You have 2 lose point because 2 survivors escape. If you take 7 lose points, game ends and you prize not cool.

This rule spreads on survivors. Die? Bad! You have 1 lose point. If you take 3, you game ends.

And how do you pump yourself? After the game, we get the "Harvest" points (blood analog) and I have three options for how to spend them.

Option A.
Web where you can pump yourself, everything is not without a randomization!

Option B.
After the game, we are again given a choice (picture_2), but this time all things are worth something.

Option C.
Taking the Emblem, you get +1 to add. Selection (picture_2). That is, taking something, you again all this is accidentally generated and you again choose.

The more you play and you get, the more reward for you will be later. Having played the maximum N-e number of games, the game ends for you and you get the maximum reward.

I propose this idea, I want that players would get something new and, in addition:
1. Will put players in the same conditions
2. Chests will again be valued
3. Will give a different angle to look at forgotten perks / things / improvements and offerings.
4. Will add more excitement to the game.
