Really not understanding the thought behind this event

Firstly the point system. 25 points for escaping with a lantern is fine, 4 points for every gen done is fine, so ive been getting 45 points every game because i havent died yet.

But killers get +2 for a hook which and +3 for lanterns? so with 2 lanterns in the game both destroyed and everyone hooked 3 times at best you can get 30 coins...

Killers are vital for this game and this is just making everyone want to play surv. Im on pc and getting 20 - 40 minute wait times because no one is playing killer. You would think there would be an incentive to play killer but so far the way i look at it is this

Surv joins game, grabs a lantern then crawls around doing nothing, no gens, nothing. Every gen done gives 4 points so they can just simply wait for 2-5 gens to be done earning 8-20 more coins. So for literally ZERO effort they can get coins

Killer for zero effort gets nothing. They HAVE to put the effort in usually against 4 man swf's who play toxic. They have no incentive to play right now. Im making this because im constantly in a 20-40 minute lobby waiting for a killer but i cant blame them. I wouldnt want to play killer. I have played killer 3 times at this event and each time was vile. Im playing in purple ranks aswell as killer and surv so its not like im too high or low.

But what the hell is the thought process in this? None of it makes sense to me. Its majorly in favour of playing surv but by everyone playing surv no one wants to play killer which means wait times longer than most are willing to wait for. Before this event i could play 3-5 games every hour. Now its barely 1...


  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    I ask you one question.

    Do you really want the cosmetics so badly? And do you want them all?

    Sometimes its just better to skip some events....

  • Kayleepaige
    Kayleepaige Member Posts: 42

    Im not bothered about cosmetics. My post isnt about cosmetics. Its about the lobby time whenever i try to play survivor. Im explaining that i understand why because people who do want the cosmetics are all playing survivor instead of killer but i dont understand the thinking behind the coin system as its biased and in favour of survivors which makes more people play survivor and less playing killers which means lobby times are stupidly long.

    Please read my post next time, not once did i mention that i want any cosmetics. I have the two that i want being the head and the axe both for huntress. But that doesnt mean i should have to not play a game i love playing because the devs screw it up and everyone goes and plays one side leaving killers few and far between

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    @Master said:
    I ask you one question.

    Do you really want the cosmetics so badly? And do you want them all?

    Sometimes its just better to skip some events....

    Definitely not a solution to this issue.