The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Let's be honest: The Moonrise Event was more exciting than most of you admit!



  • Unnamed_Freak
    Unnamed_Freak Member Posts: 570

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @Unnamed_Freak said:
    It was completely boring, as a killer, if I came by a vessel I would just break it and move on, there was nothing exciting about killer gameplay, you would just hook and, well, walk around and break vessels on a lazy animation.

    As a survivor, it was completely stressful, my teammates often left me to death to steal my vessel.

    Let's not talk about the toxicity. And bloodpoints gains were trash. Overall the event was meh, at least in my opinion.

    See you stress to much over the vessels. As survivor I would take them and then just play normally. Doing gens was a much more reliable way to get points. As killer I didn't even care to go after the vessels, I would just do them if I came across them. As long as you didn't reuse a hook or hook in basement you got points pretty quick.

    I have not encountered anyone that would leave you to die to take your vessel. Either you played with super toxic survivors or you maybe misinterpret their actions. I'm more inclined to think the latter.

    I exaggerated a little bit (just a lil bit), but the rate that I was being sandbagged increased, so I'm glad that the event is ending soon.
    I just need Ace's head and I'm fine.

    Now excuse me, I am going to sleep and after that, I will play with Waluigi, I mean, Spirit.

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073
    Once the amount of points killers could get got buffed I felt it got a lot better. That said, the premise of killers dcing to prevent survivors escaping with relics is an issue that needs to be looked in to.
  • Fenrir
    Fenrir Member Posts: 533
    Too grind heavy not enough points
  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 889
    While the last events did have farmers I prefer those to this. Lost the will to keep playing after particularly stressful and toxic games as killer while being survivor has me with potatoes and I'm uninterested in doing the grind to get out of sub 15s.

    I get the event is competitive but when I have to face last second switch to clones, triple toolbox and several flashlight stalkers I'm done. Got what I wanted for huntress and the hair for Feng is just fine. Not worth my free time to get the last 2 coins for the dress.
  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    Gameplay wise it was kinda shallow

  • if you compare to other event this event a lot better then other
    but i don't find it fun or exciting but it don't effect the game play much

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463
    I have to say I enjoyed this event quite a lot playing as survivor, not that much as killer tho... 
  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208

    My (random) thoughts:

    -I don’t think it was a great event for killers but I enjoyed it well enough as survivor.
    -This wasn’t a BP event

    • Only 3 costumes to choose from so everyone ends up this same stuff (Hallowed Blight had more choice)
    • Huntress is so niche and hard to play on console a new costume is not that desirable
    • Not many people seemed to be burning offerings on PS4 (possibly due to blood web scarcity)
    • Overall I found people played in a better spirit than cankerfest. (No-one deliberately getting caught after filling their vial.)
    • Unlike Hallowed Blight the survivor objective didn’t distract them enough to give the killer the upper hand.
    • As killer it was easy to spot people carrying lanterns (that was fun)
  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    I see you're cosplaying as Professor Trelawney again.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    People are being honest. They didn't like it. This was made evident by forum complaints, player population (survivor queues spiked as more and more people stopped playing killer; some survivors even stopped playing survivor because of how unexciting it was), and even the devs' acknowledgement that people were unhappy.

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301
    edited February 2019

    @Orion said:
    People are being honest. They didn't like it. This was made evident by forum complaints, player population (survivor queues spiked as more and more people stopped playing killer; some survivors even stopped playing survivor because of how unexciting it was), and even the devs' acknowledgement that people were unhappy.

    The majority complained about the points and queue-times caused by 2 too low variables.

    survivor queues spiked as more and more people stopped playing killer

    In your example you also mention a non-gameplay element.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @AlwaysInAGoodShape said:

    @Orion said:
    People are being honest. They didn't like it. This was made evident by forum complaints, player population (survivor queues spiked as more and more people stopped playing killer; some survivors even stopped playing survivor because of how unexciting it was), and even the devs' acknowledgement that people were unhappy.

    The majority complained about the points and queue-times caused by 2 too low variables.

    survivor queues spiked as more and more people stopped playing killer

    In your example you also mention a non-gameplay element.

    The event is more than just the gameplay. Queue times were also part of the event. In fact, everything from the time the event started until it ends is part of the event. That includes gameplay, queue times, player attitudes, and so on.
    If you want to say that you enjoyed the event's gameplay, that's one thing, but don't reduce the event to any one aspect. Even if you were to reduce it to just the gameplay, most people did not like it, as evidenced by the complaint threads.

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301


    That includes gameplay, queue times, player attitudes, and so on.

    Yes, that is why I clarified we're talking about game-play aspects.
    Many of the events didn't even really add much gameplay. Points were either attached to a Gen or Just to a hook.

    The blight-event was one of the few that added a lot of game-play, and here a lot of the complaints where about the gameplay elements. The ratio between gameplay-complaints and queue-time problems (which came in the opposite direction as this one) was a lot more even.

    That is what I notice about this event, is that even if I clarify asking for opinions on game-play, the first reaction a lot of the time is to bring up non-gameplay elements. That's a good sign.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    It was just below decent, quite bad , not enough cosmetics but i dont rank it lower because daddy Ace got a chinese cosmetic that look noice

    You do know that back in the day there was only like 1 piece of a cosmetic as a reward righ? Like... 1 huntress mask and the donkey jacket for David?... and you're gonna whine that theres not enough?..... :o 
  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301

    @Bravo0413 said:
    Theluckyboi said:

    It was just below decent, quite bad , not enough cosmetics but i dont rank it lower because daddy Ace got a chinese cosmetic that look noice

    You do know that back in the day there was only like 1 piece of a cosmetic as a reward righ? Like... 1 huntress mask and the donkey jacket for David?... and you're gonna whine that theres not enough?..... :o 

    Exactly. The Blight Event (I think) had 6 skins but would only let you unlock 2 through the event.
    And people complaint about the point progression system! It's a lot better to have a long grind to attaining all the skins than to have a flat CAP forcing you to buy the rest.

    Even though this event only had 3, I think they spend more time on the art and design of the skins in comparison to the blight event.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    I understand that blight had another objective .. okay.. but to compare this event to the blight is wrong... I know OP isnt comparing but some players are which is silly... the blight was lore based, objectives were completely different and------> it was Halloween!!! Probably the biggest time of the year for this game! Why on earth are players trying to compare the bp, way the event is handled during chinese new year to the Halloween event!?.......

    My thoughts on this event are that it's quite fun and refreshing... I feel that most players are being babies when it comes to the point gain for killer towards the event I feel it's good considering that atm you can get insta lobbies and gain more points in an hour compared to the survivor gain... I feel that they fixed the envelope spawn problems... however I do feel a tiny bit more bp would have been nice! 
  • Captain_Spaulding
    Captain_Spaulding Member Posts: 587

    Best toxic event. 10/10 would never play survivor through an event like this again. The Halloween event at least saw survivors and killers coming together to get the vials filled up and have fun and relax. I changed my name to event farming and legit had a blast with killers nodding and shaking. This event just brought out the worst of the worst people. I've never seen so many ebony moris and iridescent add ons. I've been left to die on the hook so many times I got deranked back to 15 then climbed back to rank 9. Then back to rank 13. I hated this event so much I forced myself to get the fancy feng min and haven't really played at all since. I'd even take the summer bbq event over this one.

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301
    edited February 2019


    My thoughts on this event are that it's quite fun and refreshing... I feel that most players are being babies when it comes to the point gain for killer towards the event I feel it's good considering that atm you can get insta lobbies and gain more points in an hour compared to the survivor gain... I feel that they fixed the envelope spawn problems... however I do feel a tiny bit more bp would have been nice!

    I totally agree with you there. It's a waste that people blur different aspects of this event by not clarifying what about it is actually what they didn't dislike.

    Not only was there no inherent problem with the point gains (There wasn't a forced 1:1 faction play ratio), they created a system that allowed people to get all the skins, instead of using a cap, only allowing you to purchase the rest.

    People have mainly complained about:

    • Envelop Spawns (non-gameplay-related)
    • Low Blood-point Gain (non-gameplay-related)
    • Unequal Event Point Gain, thus long queue-times (non-gameplay-related)

    • The time-taxation being on the killer's side, because you're the one who has to give up momentum for breaking vessels. (Game-Play related)

    • The way/moment vessels are removed from a survivor (Which allows team-members to steal it from you while you are immobile not giving them motivation for a safe.)(Gameplay related)


    It would be a real bother if the next even had a Blight-Event-esque earning system where after you get x amount of points, you can no longer earn them, just because people had failed to see how healthy the current event point-skin unlocking system is.

    Or if people forgot how much compelling game-play this event added: From player visibility risk considerations, to making your own life more valuable once you have a vessel etc. People played with more awareness too.
    The competitive nature of this event also prevented the game-throwing seen in the blight event.

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301


    Best toxic event. 10/10 would never play survivor through an event like this again. The Halloween event at least saw survivors and killers coming together to get the vials filled up and have fun and relax. I changed my name to event farming and legit had a blast with killers nodding and shaking. This event just brought out the worst of the worst people. I've never seen so many ebony moris and iridescent add ons. I've been left to die on the hook so many times I got deranked back to 15 then climbed back to rank 9. Then back to rank 13. I hated this event so much I forced myself to get the fancy feng min and haven't really played at all since. I'd even take the summer bbq event over this one.

    Are you sure you liked the blight event because it was "less toxic", or because it simply made getting event points easier?
    Did you like the Blight Event just as much after you filled your viles? etc?

  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    The Mechanics of the added objective were not well thought out in my opinion.

    Killers had to get a hook and search for a lantern that wasn't already taken which could've been anywhere on the map, This gave survivors time to get a safe unhook and do gens. Not the best thing when killers are already under a time crunch from fast gens, which became even more of a problem since the event gave incentive to gen rush to get points.
    But on the other Hand all a Survivor had to do was find and Hold the Vessel, No real Impact on gameplay at all. It was sort of a reverse of the Hallowed blight event with less BP Bonuses.

    I got my 3 coins playing survivor to get the huntress skin and then just kind of forgot about the event.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647


    My thoughts on this event are that it's quite fun and refreshing... I feel that most players are being babies when it comes to the point gain for killer towards the event I feel it's good considering that atm you can get insta lobbies and gain more points in an hour compared to the survivor gain... I feel that they fixed the envelope spawn problems... however I do feel a tiny bit more bp would have been nice!

    I totally agree with you there. It's a waste that people blur different aspects of this event by not clarifying what about it is actually what they didn't dislike.

    Not only was there no inherent problem with the point gains (There wasn't a forced 1:1 faction play ratio), they created a system that allowed people to get all the skins, instead of using a cap, only allowing you to purchase the rest.

    People have mainly complained about:

    • Envelop Spawns (non-gameplay-related)
    • Low Blood-point Gain (non-gameplay-related)
    • Unequal Event Point Gain, thus long queue-times (non-gameplay-related)

    -The time-taxation being on the killer's side, because you're the one who has to give up momentum for breaking vessels. (Game-Play related)
    -The way/moment vessels are removed from a survivor (Which allows team-members to steal it from you while you are immobile not giving them motivation for a safe.)(Gameplay related)


    It would be a real bother if the next even had a Blight-Event-esque earning system where after you get x amount of points, you can no longer earn them, just because people had failed to see how healthy the current event point-skin unlocking system is.

    Or if people forgot how much compelling game-play this event added: From player visibility risk considerations, to making your own life more valuable once you have a vessel etc. People played with more awareness too.
    The competitive nature of this event also prevented the game-throwing seen in the blight event.

    Exactly! It feels more like pvp with survivors going at it a long with the killer... I really enjoy this event earning system and I hope BHVR builds on it!... 
  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301

    @Bongbingbing said:
    The Mechanics of the added objective were not well thought out in my opinion.

    Killers had to get a hook and search for a lantern that wasn't already taken which could've been anywhere on the map, This gave survivors time to get a safe unhook and do gens. Not the best thing when killers are already under a time crunch from fast gens, which became even more of a problem since the event gave incentive to gen rush to get points.
    But on the other Hand all a Survivor had to do was find and Hold the Vessel, No real Impact on gameplay at all. It was sort of a reverse of the Hallowed blight event with less BP Bonuses.

    I got my 3 coins playing survivor to get the huntress skin and then just kind of forgot about the event.

    Yes, the issue here was that the time-taxating aspect of the event was on the killers side, which turned the event into a statement about faction balance, ruling the the survivor's favour, though it did this significantly less than the Blight Event.

    I did experience a significant change in gameplay though. Grabbing the vessel is of course 1 thing, but I also made sure to not be in the area where I grabbed it, as that gives a killer a clue to where the vessel might spawn. Teammates also showed very interesting and aware behaviour. During 1 game against an overcharge clown, nobody did the last generator, and everyone was stealthy, yet we circled around the gens like wolves until they started poking at them. I've never seen such a thing happen in any other event!

    Other times it created engaging teammate scenario's (Third vid 9:00) where both play very immersed and coordinated, because they actually value their life.

    The game-play influence on the survivor side might not appear more than just grabbing something, but it really did have a special effect.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @AlwaysInAGoodShape said:

    That includes gameplay, queue times, player attitudes, and so on.

    Yes, that is why I clarified we're talking about game-play aspects.
    Many of the events didn't even really add much gameplay. Points were either attached to a Gen or Just to a hook.

    The blight-event was one of the few that added a lot of game-play, and here a lot of the complaints where about the gameplay elements. The ratio between gameplay-complaints and queue-time problems (which came in the opposite direction as this one) was a lot more even.

    That is what I notice about this event, is that even if I clarify asking for opinions on game-play, the first reaction a lot of the time is to bring up non-gameplay elements. That's a good sign.

    Everything is connected. You can't say that queue times are not related to gameplay by ignoring the fact that it is the poor gameplay that gives rise to people not wanting to play killer.

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301
    edited February 2019


    Everything is connected. You can't say that queue times are not related to gameplay by ignoring the fact that it is the poor gameplay that gives rise to people not wanting to play killer.

    Changing a variable in the script for something that affects a number in the menu screen after the match has ended.
    No, that is not game-play and no that is not connected.

    There is nothing connected about the blight events game-play and time taxation on the survivor's side, and the faction cap on earning points causing queue-times. Those 2 things can be evaluated completely independently.

  • Captain_Spaulding
    Captain_Spaulding Member Posts: 587

    @AlwaysInAGoodShape said:

    Best toxic event. 10/10 would never play survivor through an event like this again. The Halloween event at least saw survivors and killers coming together to get the vials filled up and have fun and relax. I changed my name to event farming and legit had a blast with killers nodding and shaking. This event just brought out the worst of the worst people. I've never seen so many ebony moris and iridescent add ons. I've been left to die on the hook so many times I got deranked back to 15 then climbed back to rank 9. Then back to rank 13. I hated this event so much I forced myself to get the fancy feng min and haven't really played at all since. I'd even take the summer bbq event over this one.

    Are you sure you liked the blight event because it was "less toxic", or because it simply made getting event points easier?
    Did you like the Blight Event just as much after you filled your viles? etc?

    I love the blight event simply because it eliminated toxicity from both sides. I still had a blast even after my vials were filled up because I could help the other survivors and the killers get theirs. I didn't feel bad about it at all either. Sure getting easier points was a nice bonus but just how everyone came together for a fun time was the best feeling I've ever had in this game.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @AlwaysInAGoodShape said:

    Everything is connected. You can't say that queue times are not related to gameplay by ignoring the fact that it is the poor gameplay that gives rise to people not wanting to play killer.

    Changing a variable in the script for something that affects a number in the menu screen after the match has ended.
    No, that is not game-play and no that is not connected.

    There is nothing connected about the blight events game-play and time taxation on the survivor's side, and the faction cap on earning points causing queue-times. Those 2 things can be evaluated completely independently.

    So you're saying that people aren't part of the gameplay in a multiplayer game?

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301


    No Cathy Newman, Numbers are not People. I'm saying the Number I mentioned is not part of the Gameplay design of the event. It's only the degree and rate at which the Devs want people to unlock cosmetic.

    You can keep the numbers the killers have the same and lower the event price (in vessel points) in the store to achieve the same speed survivors previously had, and no; I also don't consider prices in the store to be game-play elements.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited February 2019

    @AlwaysInAGoodShape said:

    No Cathy Newman, Numbers are not People. I'm saying the Number I mentioned is not part of the Gameplay design of the event. It's only the degree and rate at which the Devs want people to unlock cosmetic.

    You can keep the numbers the killers have the same and lower the event price (in vessel points) in the store to achieve the same speed survivors previously had, and no; I also don't consider prices in the store to be game-play elements.

    Changes to one aspect of the game can and will impact other aspects of the game. For example, changes in how killers get their event stuff can and will affect how killers and survivors play, thus having a quantitative effect in gameplay.
    Everything is connected. A game may be more than the sum of its parts, but the sum of its parts are there, in the whole.

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301


    I don't think the distinction between game-play elements, pricing elements and cosmetic elements when it comes to designing events is that hard to make.

    Everything is connected and the sum is called DBD. But that's not to say that DBD is comprised of 1 mono-element.

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301
    edited February 2019


    I'm not sure if you're confusing ratio's between rewarding systems, because if you meant that, then that would be a gameplay element.
    Since both killers and survivors have 2 variables, changing the ratio between the 2 is indeed affecting the gameplay.

    But in this patch where killers got more points, their bonus was simply to give them more points in general, not complaints about their ratio's and the ratio's remained mostly unaltered.

    If that is the misunderstanding with calling the reward system a game-play element, then I've mentioned it here;
    Ratio changes in reward systems are indeed a gameplay element. But the reward system&rate itself is not part of this category.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @AlwaysInAGoodShape said:

    I don't think the distinction between game-play elements, pricing elements and cosmetic elements when it comes to designing events is that hard to make.

    Everything is connected and the sum is called DBD. But that's not to say that DBD is comprised of 1 mono-element.

    But you are, in essence, saying that nothing is connected by denying the effects that gameplay elements, pricing elements, and cosmetic elements have on each other.
    You can't look at the gameplay and say "This is fine" while ignoring the effect that gameplay had on the queues.

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301


    I'm saying that the Department of Justice is not the Department of Foreign Affairs, whether they are related to the government or not; it's not impossible to make the distinction between the 2.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @AlwaysInAGoodShape said:

    I'm saying that the Department of Justice is not the Department of Foreign Affairs, whether they are related to the government or not; it's not impossible to make the distinction between the 2.

    But you are saying that we should look at things as if they existed in a vacuum, even though that's a gross oversimplification of the game and all its parts.

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301

    @Orion said:

    @AlwaysInAGoodShape said:

    I'm saying that the Department of Justice is not the Department of Foreign Affairs, whether they are related to the government or not; it's not impossible to make the distinction between the 2.

    But you are saying that we should look at things as if they existed in a vacuum, even though that's a gross oversimplification of the game and all its parts.

    No, I'm saying that you can separately evaluate the Department of Justice, Similarly how we can separately evaluate the game-play elements from Pricing elements.

    Maybe we created an experience both the survivors and killers enjoy so much can no longer turn of the game. We can then evaluate the underlying principles behind the game-play elements and see why they worked or not.

    If this ideal design in gameplay between the killer and survivor was ruined as there were no good looking skins to earn or whether they accidentally inserted the number 1.000.000 (vessel points) for pricing, then this shouldn't distract us from the fact that the game-play elements of the event were perfect.

    They may form an overall negative perception on the event in this example, but it would be wrong to therefore conclude that there was anything wrong with the game-play elements of the event.

    Therefore when designing the next event, we should separate the feedback in the 3 categories when deducing what principles work and which do not, because if we didn't then in this example even though we perfected the formula for perfectly healthy gameplay, we now have a more negative view on it because of the feedback on ugly skins, because as you suggest, we should assume it all to be connected and not distinct between what we got right and what we got wrong.