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New DBD Event!



  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301
    edited February 2019


    Oh so now the object is let people die if your solo then solo the killer and get everyone their points, I see my apologies I thought the incentive was to save my bad must have misunderstood all over again,

    Simple question: What is more likely to survive:
    A: 4 Survivors with 100% generator speed. B: 1 survivor with 400 generator speed?

    If your answer was A, then there's your incentive to save people. If your answer was B, then there's still your incentive to save people, as that allows you to play the 400% game with lesser gens once that time arrives.

    If your objective is to not score event points then indeed it's in your strategic interest to let your teammates die on hook. You got me there.

    what it is that the survivors are actually incentivised to do during this event....

    The survivors are supposed to understand their generator repair efficiency distribution and should try to make sure their most efficient unit (the one with the item) is not occupied by the killer.
    They should make sure they rightly consider when to make the item vulnerable to utilise it's power and when not to, as they play against a killer that is stronger in their base-state, as a result of their very strong hook options and possibly higher gen times.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050

    Thank the entity that the event is over!

    Now I can go back to playing the game!

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864

    Thank the entity that the event is over!

    Now I can go back to playing the game!

    It’s not
  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    ugh give it up the more you try to make out it’s a flawless balanced idea the worse it gets.

    I’ve given plenty or game play tactics that will occur though you ignore those to just keep driving home that this is somehow a totally untuchable unflawed idea, even when plenty of flaws and abuse systems are obvious.

    I get what your attempting but you’ve missed the mark, some of the ideas are good, but as a whole event it’s not well designed or balanced.
  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301

    @Paddy4583 said:
    ugh give it up the more you try to make out it’s a flawless balanced idea the worse it gets.

    I’ve given plenty or game play tactics that will occur though you ignore those to just keep driving home that this is somehow a totally untuchable unflawed idea, even when plenty of flaws and abuse systems are obvious.

    I get what your attempting but you’ve missed the mark, some of the ideas are good, but as a whole event it’s not well designed or balanced.

    I thought your first remark wasn't about balance? You said that a said philosophy I stated wasn't met.

    Balance is a separate topic to that, which related to how often hooks are attainable through ranks (with higher ranks being less hooks as enabled through pallets) and how survivability and total generator efficiency is changed upon survivor death.

    Those 2 are the main points about balance. But we've barely discussed those. I'll happily discuss those.

    But the minor things you mention like "sabotage check", should've been easily rebutted by yourself as a balance issue, as you'd understand that having a map with hooks that can be destroyed by 4 people is worse than having a map with hooks where only most can be destroyed by 4 people, but where a few can only destroyed by 1 person, who is easier to spot.

    The main topics around balance is survival rate (across ranks); the rate at which killers can hook (across ranks); the degree to which a game is preemptively lost as a result of the x'th dead per survivor; the degree to which a killer can find the priority survivor; the amount of time it takes a survivor to get the item; and most importantly, how this matches up against one another.
    But again, we've barely discussed that.

    Your claims were mainly (wrong) claims about Fun issues, not Balance issues;

    Tunneling check (Fun issue)
    Camping Check (Fun issue)
    Gen rush meta check (With your use of the word, neither a fun or balance issue)
    Hook sabo check (Balance issue)
    DCing when points are no longer in play check (Ability to DC issue. Same as DCing when a friend dies.)
    Troll ability check (Fun issue)
    Killers more difficult to get full BP bonus check (Not if you look at it from an across rank perspective. Then it's the opposite:)
    surviours can prevent killer progress without skill check (What?)

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    edited February 2019
    haha your games of avoidance and misleading doesn’t work balance is part and parcel of the subjective fun.
    Also it’s several of your key ‘fix’ points.

    youve tried to make out that this is way better then any event that’s ever existed, and that it would be the key to avoiding the things People don’t like.

    I was merely pointing out all the things people complain about are easy to still achieve and will be done in your current laid out event. Which makes it just as bad as the ones before it.

    Maybe if you stepped off the pedestal you’ve put yourself on and avoid your condescending attitude, your topics wouldn’t end up like this.
  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301
    edited February 2019


    I was merely pointing out all the things people complain about are easy to still achieve in your current laid out event.

    Let's put that to a test then. People complained about their Vessel being stolen and people heading off, resulting in them not getting event points.

    Let's start here. How in this event would you steal and run off with the points of your teammates?

    I was merely pointing out all the things people complain about are easy to still achieve in your current laid out event.

    This is your comment:

    Rarely contested: The dynamics of the event shouldn't incentivise players to not rescue. Because players lost their vessel when hooked, there was little incentive to rescue them if you could already steal their vessel» If for example only vessels were lost when being unhooked, then such incentive wouldn't have been lost. We want a system that thus promotes rescuing etc.

    And then think a good promotion to save someone is to be tunnelled by the killer after saving so they can destroy this bluewaffle, it’s like a baton race, and the waffle gets better for each dead survivor, seems counter intuitive to me.
    leave survivor to die, waffle increases in usefulness and killer has to find you after you e picked it up instead of getting save notification.

    You made the ridiculous accusation that you can steal event points in this event, while literally everyone has their points rewarded based on the same condition.
    That is not showing that you can "easily achieve all this in the current event". It is just a flat out wrong statement.

    You are saying that a football team member can steal the win from their own teammate. No: No they cannot.

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    edited February 2019


    I was merely pointing out all the things people complain about are easy to still achieve in your current laid out event.

    Let's put that to a test then. People complained about their Vessel being stolen and people heading off, resulting in them not getting event points.

    Let's start here. How in this event would you steal and run off with the points of your teammates?

    I was merely pointing out all the things people complain about are easy to still achieve in your current laid out event.

    This is your comment:

    Rarely contested: The dynamics of the event shouldn't incentivise players to not rescue. Because players lost their vessel when hooked, there was little incentive to rescue them if you could already steal their vessel» If for example only vessels were lost when being unhooked, then such incentive wouldn't have been lost. We want a system that thus promotes rescuing etc.

    And then think a good promotion to save someone is to be tunnelled by the killer after saving so they can destroy this bluewaffle, it’s like a baton race, and the waffle gets better for each dead survivor, seems counter intuitive to me.
    leave survivor to die, waffle increases in usefulness and killer has to find you after you e picked it up instead of getting save notification.

    You made the ridiculous accusation that you can steal event points in this event, while literally everyone has their points rewarded based on the same condition.
    That is not showing that you can "easily achieve all this in the current event". It is just a flat out wrong statement.

    You are saying that a football team member can steal the win from their own teammate. No: No they cannot.

    Nope can’t see a single word in my comment that mentions stealing event points... seems like you have a habit of incorrectly reading between the lines and adding words and sentences that don’t exist.

    You’ve quoted me and my words and then added your own spin and then argued against your own spin!
  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @AlwaysInAGoodShape said:

    I did not read the op, so consider me your guinea pig for understanding what the event is about. As I said, keep it simple, but you can't exclude any information about changes to the "normal" DbD. The guinea pig needs to be informed about everything. ;)

    So, what is this special item? Is it like the vessel but just another skin?
    Are there any bonus bloodpoints involved?
    What's with the special hooks? That summary felt way too short. I don't know what's going on. I'm a clueless event participant!

    Okey, so imagine it like this: You are playing survivor in this event.
    You are facing a stronger killer as usually... why? Because this killer has 3 special hooks with 6 different powers attached to it that will take effect if the killers hang a survivor on it! There are 6 type of effects that range from giving you bloodwarden all the way to allowing you to fully regress a generator all the way to allowing you to sneakily shove in Hex: Lullaby skillchecks among their normal pool of skillchecks. In other words... you're dealing with a stronger opponent.

    So what do survivors get? There's a special item in the game that absorbs souls from dead survivors; the Wunderwaffe (placeholder name). A metal item with blue lighting that gives them more and more repair speed the more survivors die. On top of that; It's the only item that allows someone to sabotage those new dangerous hook. The person with the waffe has their aura revealed to all other survivors.

    The item is spawned on either 1 of the 5 racks, which spawn on a totem spot. After someone takes it and gets hooked with it, the item becomes more and more damaged. if 4 people were hooked with the Waffe, it breaks.
    When you are hooked with the waffe, you can "drop it", making it return safely to a random rack. If you decide to hold on to it, then your saviour will take over the item upon being unhooked, passing the experience on to the other.

    Here is your dilemma as a survivor:
    So the item is vulnerable... Should you pick it up? It has 4 lives... and you'll definitely need it in the end game for repair speed. You can choose to tap into it's power, but make sure to do so what it's safe... the Waffe leaves special traces... generators start making blue sparks...

    If 1 survivor managed to escape with the waffe, every survivor gets their event point. If the killer managed to kill all survivors/force them out while keeping the item in the map, then the killer takes their win earning their event point. (:

    There are a lot of fine details that are interesting to cover. Strategies etc. But the main takeaway is; if you have the waffe, you become a monster of a survivor; a target of the highest priority~

    Okay, you misunderstood me, not problem.

    Try writing the patch notes for the event. I am going to play survivor and killer. The patch notes need to include everything. No information left.

    You only need to write it short and precise but it has to include everything. As I said, pretend you are writing the patch notes for the event that everyone is going to read.

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301


    Nope can’t see a single word in my comment that mentions stealing event points... seems like you have a habit of incorrectly reading between the lines and adding words and sentences that don’t exist.

    It's not in your comment. It is in the first comment that I quoted, stating that if it's possible to steal event points from your teammates without having to rescue them, then this makes them betray you, leaving you to die on the hook.

    Here is where you continue answering the premise flat out wrong:

    -Your own life is all that matters. You losing your life completely cancels out your reward.

    Only if you have a vessel you still get all your points for your participation up to death.

    Do I need to state how wrong that response is?

    -The event points are scarce; you compete among teammates over event points.

    Again only for vessel, which you can claim if the survivor with one messes up and gets hooked.

    You state that a football team-competes against it's own team since only 1 person has the ball? No, a football team doesn't compete against itself. It has the same win-condition. Jesus Christ.

    you have only 1 resource of use that stops this being a typical game day for a survivor, of the hooked person drops it you don’t need to unhook to steal it. If they don’t drop it wait for them to die and steal it.

    Football players don't "steal" the ball from each other. They pass it on. Their win-condition is what would make something stealing, as it is in the Moonrise event; the event points.
    People in the Moonrise event didn't "steal" from each other during the bug where everybody would get 45 points. It only became stealing after their win-condition was no longer unanimous.

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    edited February 2019
    Oh you are comical and I’ve already told you that trying to mislead and misrepresenting  quotes won’t work with me:

    1: You’ve clearly misunderstood the fist point completely and then argued against your misunderstanding.

    2: The second point is clearly referring to the current event, again you’ve misrepresented, it to look like I’m referring to your made up event, but it’s clear from the wording what we are both refring too.
     as your comments in bold are referring to the current event and my replay is also about the current event. So yes please explain how that wrong!

    3: I stated no such thing your misunderstanding or attempt to mislead forced you to argue non existent content.

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230
    Paddy4583 said:


    I was merely pointing out all the things people complain about are easy to still achieve in your current laid out event.

    Let's put that to a test then. People complained about their Vessel being stolen and people heading off, resulting in them not getting event points.

    Let's start here. How in this event would you steal and run off with the points of your teammates?

    I was merely pointing out all the things people complain about are easy to still achieve in your current laid out event.

    This is your comment:

    Rarely contested: The dynamics of the event shouldn't incentivise players to not rescue. Because players lost their vessel when hooked, there was little incentive to rescue them if you could already steal their vessel» If for example only vessels were lost when being unhooked, then such incentive wouldn't have been lost. We want a system that thus promotes rescuing etc.

    And then think a good promotion to save someone is to be tunnelled by the killer after saving so they can destroy this bluewaffle, it’s like a baton race, and the waffle gets better for each dead survivor, seems counter intuitive to me.
    leave survivor to die, waffle increases in usefulness and killer has to find you after you e picked it up instead of getting save notification.

    You made the ridiculous accusation that you can steal event points in this event, while literally everyone has their points rewarded based on the same condition.
    That is not showing that you can "easily achieve all this in the current event". It is just a flat out wrong statement.

    You are saying that a football team member can steal the win from their own teammate. No: No they cannot.

    Nope can’t see a single word in my comment that mentions stealing event points... seems like you have a habit of incorrectly reading between the lines and adding words and sentences that don’t exist.

    You’ve quoted me and my words and then added your own spin and then argued against your own spin!
    He's known to do that, just ask @Orion

    He either doesn't read our comments at all if they disagree with his opinion or he only reads them half-heartedly and does a lot of interpretation.

    Props to you for standing up to it though, you're much more patient with him than most others.
  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301

    Okay, you misunderstood me, not problem.

    Try writing the patch notes for the event. I am going to play survivor and killer. The patch notes need to include everything. No information left.

    You only need to write it short and precise but it has to include everything. As I said, pretend you are writing the patch notes for the event that everyone is going to read.

    Patch Notes:
    1: 1 New hook type is introduced: The Choice-Hook. 3 Choice hooks spawn per map, each choice hook having 2 hooks that are not destructible through normal means.
    2: 6 Unique killer buffs are applied across the 6 hooks attached to the 3 choice hooks.
    3: Once you hang a survivor on a choice hook, the other hook attached to it will detach permanently.

    4: A new special survivor item is introduced: the Wunderwaffe, which can only be found on one of the 5 racks located on normally empty totem spots.
    5: The wunderwaffe will grant a generator repair & exit gate open buff per 0/1/2/3 dead survivors: 30/100/200/300%.
    6: The wunderwaffe allows you to sabotage choice hooks, makes generators you last touched non-regressable, but apply lightning sparks coming off from the generator and reveal the aura of the person holding it to every other survivor. Holding the waffen will cause the Hatch to close when within proximity.
    7: The wonderwaffe will be damaged whenever a survivor with the item equipped is hooked. After 4 times, it will be destroyed.
    8: Survivors cannot drop the Waffe, but are able to return it to the rack by bringing it to a rack or by "dropping" it while hooked. When you are unhooked while still having it, the unhooker will gain the item instead.
    9: Special chests will spawn that grant Blueprints, which are lost upon death. Escpaing with blueprints translates into 1 event point per blueprint.

    10: The special hook buffs are:
    (yellow): Triggers bloodwarden for the duration of the hook and 30 seconds after.
    (green): All normal items break instantly, unless they are in a closed/open chest.
    (Blue): Applied Broken permanently. Suffer from a 25% slower action speed for 60 sec. after being unhooked.
    (Black): Every survivor will get +5/6 silent and fast skill-checks randomly in between normal ones. (stacks)
    (Red): Your heartbeat becomes global up until you've downed someone or after 200 seconds. Survivors can no longer discern the direction and intensity of the heartbeat.
    (Orange): Gain the ability to hit 2 uncompleted generators for 100 seconds, resulting all the shut down, preventing any progression for 40 seconds. All previous generator progression in unfinished generators is lost.

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301
    edited February 2019

    @DocOctober said:
    Props to you for standing up to it though, you're much more patient with him than most others.

    -Your own life is all that matters. You losing your life completely cancels out your reward.
    -The event points are scarce; you compete among teammates over event points.
    -Under the condition of resources being scarce: If such points can be stolen from someone without having to unhook them, then there's less reason to do so.

    @Paddy4583 Claims that that the above statements apply to my event;
    That survivors compete over the waffe's event points among each other.
    That upon death, you lose your reward.
    That you can steal event points from teammates.

    Now do you believe these to be true for this event then?

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    edited February 2019

    -Your own life is all that matters. You losing your life completely cancels out your reward.
    -The event points are scarce; you compete among teammates over event points.
    -Under the condition of resources being scarce: If such points can be stolen from someone without having to 

    @Paddy4583 Claims that that the above statements apply to my event;
    That survivors compete over the waffe's event points among each other.
    That upon death, you lose your reward.
    That you can steal event points from teammates.

    Now do you believe these to be true for this event then?

    Again never said that at all anywhere.
  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301
    edited February 2019


    -Your own life is all that matters. You losing your life completely cancels out your reward.

    Only if you have a vessel you still get all your points for your participation up to death.

    -The event points are scarce; you compete among teammates over event points.

    Again only for vessel, which you can claim if the survivor with one messes up and gets hooked.

    -Under the condition of resources being scarce: If such points can be stolen from someone without having to unhook them, then there's less reason to do so.

    you have only 1 resource of use that stops this being a typical game day for a survivor, of the hooked person drops it you don’t need to unhook to steal it. If they don’t drop it wait for them to die and steal it.

    how do you not see the clear comparison in this?

    1: I listed philosophies and reflection points in the first and 2nd headline.

    2: I stated that due to your ability to steal event points in combination with not having to rescue them for it caused people to be left on the hook.

    3: You stated that me mentioning that point was ridiculous as your 2nd comment, since "I didn't apply that principle."

    4: I've been continuously pointing out that it is impossible to not have applied to that premise, since STEALING is no longer POSSIBLE.

    5: I pointed this out in the premise to which you responded "Don't you see the similarities?". There are no similarities between the premise (marked in bold above) and this event.

    You cannot steal points, you don't lose it all upon death, and EVERY survivor gets the points. They cannot FIGHT OVER IT, similarly to how a football team cannot FIGHT OVER THE WIN, since they win at the same time.

    Instead of admitting that i applied that premise and survivors can no longer steal event points from their teammates without having to rescue them... (since well, they cannot steal AT ALL) you keep up the most obvious wrong position.

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301
    edited February 2019


    You’ve quoted me and my words and then added your own spin and then argued against your own spin!

    I'm not that sure about that. After all, you were the person that quoted my premise. You did the spinning part. Not me.

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    Haha 😂 
    yoir still doing it, I’ve called you out on this quote 3 separate times and your still doing it.

    its clear we are talking about the current event in the first 2 remarks.

    And the third was was about actually geting to experience the only the only thing in the event for survivors, that stops it being the same game outside the event. Nothing to do with stealing points, but getting the item!

    Stop already your not good at this at all.
  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    edited February 2019


    You’ve quoted me and my words and then added your own spin and then argued against your own spin!

    I'm not that sure about that. After all, you were the person that quoted my premise. You did the spinning part. Not me.

    Yeah nope again never happened. 
    I don’t think you come across sure on anything 
  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301
    edited February 2019

    @Paddy4583 said:
    Haha 😂 
    yoir still doing it, I’ve called you out on this quote 3 separate times and your still doing it.

    its clear we are talking about the current event in the first 2 remarks.

    And the third was was about actually geting to experience the only the only thing in the event for survivors, that stops it being the same game outside the event. Nothing to do with stealing points, but getting the item!

    Stop already your not good at this at all.

    We are? You said that I didn't apply to the premise of solving that aspect that went wrong in the Moonrise event to this Event.

    Then I said you should apply the premise and see how it doesn't match this one. Why in the hell would you cover the moonrise event then? That's literally the problem that inspired the premise 😂 Of course that is going to match! Because I made sure it did.

    So here's your chance again dude: (Don't apply it to the moonrise event, ######### haha )
    -Your own life is all that matters. You losing your life completely cancels out your reward.
    -The event points are scarce; you compete among teammates over event points.
    -Under the condition of resources being scarce: If such points can be stolen from someone without having to unhook them, then there's less reason to do so.

    Apply it to my OP since that is literally where you claimed I didn't apply it!

    Dude, I just realised... that I saw a problem with the moonrise event based on the 3 things listed above... and that I made sure to solve those in mine...

    then I have you respond that I didn't solve them...
    then when I ask you to apply those 3 rules to my event so you'd see how they weren't a problem in mine... you were literally stating how they were a problem in the moonrise event instead 😂 Of Course they were!

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    edited February 2019
    Oh come on now you must realise that your OP has 7 points listed and from those 7 I picked 1 to comment on which isn’t one of your baited 3.

    You only brought those 3 up in an attempted effort to bait me into defending an argument I never made, it didn’t work on page 1 and it’s not gonna work on page 3 
  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301
    edited February 2019

    @Paddy4583 said:
    Oh come on now you must realise that your OP has 7 points listed and from those 7 I picked 1 to comment on which isn’t one of your baited 3.

    You only brought those 3 up in an attempted effort to bait me into defending an argument I never made, it didn’t work on page 1 and it’s not gonna work on page 3 

    So it no longer baffles you?;

    It baffles me that you include this:

    Rarely contested: The dynamics of the event shouldn't incentivise players to not rescue. Because players lost their vessel when hooked, there was little incentive to rescue them if you could already steam their vessel» If for example only vessels were lost when being unhooked, then such incentive wouldn't have been lost. We want a system that thus promotes rescuing etc.

    You refrain from your claim, since you now see that indeed the premise was correctly applied?

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    edited February 2019
    Again quoted out of context and not in entirety, I wasn’t baffled by the comment, I was baffled by the solution, which to me is the exact same thing apart from it’s to get hold of the only thing that stops it being the same old game for survivors. (the item not the points as previously stated more than once)
  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301
    edited February 2019


    Oh lord it’s the same, you’re clearly biased to the point of blindness.
    Personaly I have not noticed the lack of unwillingness to save in this current event. I’m using your words and your comments and applying the same premis to your idea.

    Personaly I have not noticed the lack of unwillingness to save in this current event.
    Personaly I have not noticed the lack of unwillingness to save in this current event.
    Personaly I have not noticed the lack of unwillingness to save in this current event.
    Personaly I have not noticed the lack of unwillingness to save in this current event.

    Do you also see why I find it dishonest, how in the event KNOWN for people abandoning their teammates, you claim to not have noticed such a problem, yet in my version , where there isn't stealing and losing everything upon death, you pretend it to be the biggest problem?

    (with again my premise points being the reason why it happens, to which you agreed because you randomly filled out the premise but for the moonrise event and said: "see the similarities?"... because you saw them... Correctly, since I made sure I was right about them.)

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    @AlwaysInAGoodShape said:

    @DocOctober said:
    Props to you for standing up to it though, you're much more patient with him than most others.

    -Your own life is all that matters. You losing your life completely cancels out your reward.
    -The event points are scarce; you compete among teammates over event points.
    -Under the condition of resources being scarce: If such points can be stolen from someone without having to unhook them, then there's less reason to do so.

    @Paddy4583 Claims that that the above statements apply to my event;
    That survivors compete over the waffe's event points among each other.
    That upon death, you lose your reward.
    That you can steal event points from teammates.

    Now do you believe these to be true for this event then?

    Yes, because unlike you, Paddy and I know that people won't be playing by your rules as you've left some glaring loopholes.

    One thing DbD has shown time and time again: if there is anything that can be abused, it will be abused.

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    edited February 2019


    Oh lord it’s the same, you’re clearly biased to the point of blindness.
    Personaly I have not noticed the lack of unwillingness to save in this current event. I’m using your words and your comments and applying the same premis to your idea.

    Personaly I have not noticed the lack of unwillingness to save in this current event.
    Personaly I have not noticed the lack of unwillingness to save in this current event.
    Personaly I have not noticed the lack of unwillingness to save in this current event.
    Personaly I have not noticed the lack of unwillingness to save in this current event.

    Do you also see why I find it dishonest, how in the event KNOWN for people abandoning their teammates, you claim to not have noticed such a problem, yet in my version , where there isn't stealing and losing everything upon death, you pretend it to be the biggest problem?

    (with again my premise points being the reason why it happens, to which you agreed because you randomly filled out the premise but for the moonrise event and said: "see the similarities?"... because you saw them... Correctly.)

    I haven’t noticed it some people’s experience is not a universal experience, maybe I’ve been lucky with who I’ve been matched with, this forum is not and never has been the majority of players, and the opinions of people here are not necessarily ones I agree with and their experience is theirs but it doesn’t mean I’ve felt the same, I say the same about Libby dodging, I don’t experience that much either, but I play 90% solo, I hardly ever get campers I don’t feel like I’m waiting ages for a lobby either.

    Just because you (not surprisingly) chose to think your experience must also be mine and if it’s not mine it must be a lie, just shows what type of person you are.
  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301
    edited February 2019

    @DocOctober said:
    Yes, because unlike you, Paddy and I know that people won't be playing by your rules as you've left some glaring loopholes.

    One thing DbD has shown time and time again: if there is anything that can be abused, it will be abused.

    Which is why in the event we made sure that there would be less tunnelling the unhooked survivor: Since now the saviour would be the higher priority if the hooked kept the item!

    See, because tunnelling is "abused" we made sure that abusing that is less impactful as the item will compensate for early survivor death to a certain degree.

    So I agree with you; One thing DbD has shown time and time again: if there is anything that can be abused, it will be abused, which is why we make sure it's harder to/less rewarding to than it is in the vanilla game.

    See: we believe the same, which is why we adhere to the same ideology:

    We made tunnelling less rewarding. We made killers stronger in their base-state, with tools so that they can be that to the degree that we want to.

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    Time of death 22:33 there’s no saving him 
  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301

    I haven’t noticed it some people’s experience is not a universal experience, maybe I’ve been lucky with who I’ve been matched with, this forum is not and never has been the majority of players, and the opinions of people here are not necessarily ones I agree with and their experience is theirs but it doesn’t mean I’ve felt the same, I say the same about Libby dodging, I don’t experience that much either, but I play 90% solo, I hardly ever get campers I don’t feel like I’m waiting ages for a lobby either.

    Just because you (not surprisingly) chose to think your experience must also be mine and if it’s not mine it must be a lie, just shows what type of person you are.

    It has nothing to do with your experience.
    It's a fact that in this event, taking scoring event points and optimising them as your win-condition, it is the META strategy to no longer save your teammates once the exit gates are open/when the last gen can be finished before them dying/when multiple people are dead and it's possible to get the hatch.

    People who didn't experience this simply didn't play to optimise the maximum amount of event points they could and thus simply didn't play towards the event win-condition.

    It has nothing to do with experience: it has everything to do with whether you play the event or the degree to which you ignore it.

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301

    @not_Queen said:
    @AlwaysInAGoodShape Your posts are always so complete and creative. It's nice to see how you explain your reasoning and ideas. Constructive feedback like yours is greatly appreciated. I sent the entire post to the Event team to see if it can spark a discussion. Thanks for being so active here :)

    Sounds exciting~
    Glad to be of help (:

  • NightmareReborn
    NightmareReborn Member Posts: 810

    @not_Queen said:
    @AlwaysInAGoodShape Your posts are always so complete and creative. It's nice to see how you explain your reasoning and ideas. Constructive feedback like yours is greatly appreciated. I sent the entire post to the Event team to see if it can spark a discussion. Thanks for being so active here :)

    Would this mean I could possibly, maybe, just a slim piece of a chance that one day I could use the Wonderwaffe in Dead by Daylight? Honestly, that would be a dream come true.

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864

    I haven’t noticed it some people’s experience is not a universal experience, maybe I’ve been lucky with who I’ve been matched with, this forum is not and never has been the majority of players, and the opinions of people here are not necessarily ones I agree with and their experience is theirs but it doesn’t mean I’ve felt the same, I say the same about Libby dodging, I don’t experience that much either, but I play 90% solo, I hardly ever get campers I don’t feel like I’m waiting ages for a lobby either.

    Just because you (not surprisingly) chose to think your experience must also be mine and if it’s not mine it must be a lie, just shows what type of person you are.

    It has nothing to do with your experience.
    It's a fact that in this event, taking scoring event points and optimising them as your win-condition, it is the META strategy to no longer save your teammates once the exit gates are open/when the last gen can be finished before them dying/when multiple people are dead and it's possible to get the hatch.

    People who didn't experience this simply didn't play to optimise the maximum amount of event points they could and thus simply didn't play towards the event win-condition.

    It has nothing to do with experience: it has everything to do with whether you play the event or the degree to which you ignore it.

    If it has nothing to do with my experience why did you quote it over and over as if to make a point?

    So now we’ve moved to end game saving to optimise point scoring.

    okay I’ll play:

    Same will happen in your event too because their escape is irrelevant at this point.

    if their hooked and have the item and won’t drop it, to promote a save, or just to be a troll.
    they will be camped.

    If they drop it, saving them is second priority to finding the item in the 5 possible places it can be.

    If they didn’t have it they are second priority to getting the item out and they loose nothing yet being left, and I’ll gain nothing from attempting the save event wise.

    Anyone who doesn’t play this way wouldn’t be playing to optimise maximum event points! 

    See how easy it is to apply to your event.
    Same situation only now you get the points.

    I didn’t experience the lack of saving because of this event so I must not have played to optimise my event points or play to the win condition, I achieved the event quota though, so really it’s still irrelevant.
  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864

    @not_Queen said:
    @AlwaysInAGoodShape Your posts are always so complete and creative. It's nice to see how you explain your reasoning and ideas. Constructive feedback like yours is greatly appreciated. I sent the entire post to the Event team to see if it can spark a discussion. Thanks for being so active here :)

    Would this mean I could possibly, maybe, just a slim piece of a chance that one day I could use the Wonderwaffe in Dead by Daylight? Honestly, that would be a dream come true.

    As well as every other idea that’s been sent in the actual thread... Im sure the next event will have the now named Bluewaffle in it for sure!
  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301


    Vanilla Game: People will save you during the game as usual.
    Vanilla End Game: People will only save you if they are playing for pips, not for BP. (Dying is somewhat problematic on hook.)

    Our Event: People will save you during the game as usual. Your likely hood of getting tunnelled after being hooked is decreased.
    Our Late-Game Event: The killer may not camp the survivor at all as the Wunderwaffe is gone if that survivor was holding the waffe.
    If the survivor didn't have the waffe, then still 2 people are available for a rescue and the third can be a very useful bait. If they don't rescue then it's less of a problem than in the vanilla game, as both the hooked survivor and the escaped survivor win together. It didn't matter whether you were the one escaping or the one dying on the hook, since it's a pure team-effort; You may be the mortyr as long as it advanced your team-effort.

    Moonrise Event: You don't want to unhook as that might result in the killer going after you and destroying the last vessel you could pick up. Tunnelling incentives are the same.
    Moonrise Event: When the 1st survivor dies and there are about 3 gens left to do, it is already beneficial to wait the death of others out and getting the hatch. The chance of getting caught while doing a Gen is not worth it.
    Moonrise Event Late Game: Nobody is available for a save. Not when the exit gates are open and not when there's only 1 more Gen left to do.

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301


    As well as every other idea that’s been sent in the actual thread... Im sure the next event will have the now named Bluewaffle in it for sure!

    You made my type waffle 2 times by accident after you said it the first time, but I corrected it before posting xD

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864


    As well as every other idea that’s been sent in the actual thread... Im sure the next event will have the now named Bluewaffle in it for sure!

    You made my type waffle 2 times by accident after you said it the first time, but I corrected it before posting xD

    It must be referenced to as the waffle from now on, I’d like the OP edited to reflect this change and the following picture:

    And every time a survivor gets hold
    of the waffle the donkey sound bite from shrek must play across the map “I’m making waffles”

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    This is the event prize 
  • GabrielMad13
    GabrielMad13 Member Posts: 26
    That is too much to read ;-;
  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018

    @not_Queen said:
    @AlwaysInAGoodShape Your posts are always so complete and creative. It's nice to see how you explain your reasoning and ideas. Constructive feedback like yours is greatly appreciated. I sent the entire post to the Event team to see if it can spark a discussion. Thanks for being so active here :)

    You are willing to get a license for COD content for a dbd event?

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    @not_Queen said:
    @AlwaysInAGoodShape Your posts are always so complete and creative. It's nice to see how you explain your reasoning and ideas. Constructive feedback like yours is greatly appreciated. I sent the entire post to the Event team to see if it can spark a discussion. Thanks for being so active here :)

    You are willing to get a license for COD content for a dbd event?

    Its only an example... it can be anything the team makes up for the event