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New DBD Event!

AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301
edited February 2019 in General Discussions

Made for:

Table of Contents

-Reflecting on the Moonrise event: Developing a philosophy for the next
-Separate design philosophies
-The New event
---Details of the event.

Reflecting on the Moonrise event

We will first reflect on the issues from this event to develop a design principle for the next even:

1 Envelops weren't plentiful enough » We need more event offerings to spawn on the bloodweb.

2 The BloodPoint gain was too low » We want to give people about a 50-100% BP increase and create a system to Cap it.

3 Unequal Event Points in factions cause bad queue times » We want to create a system through which we can guarantee an even distribution (4:1 ratio) between killers and survivors.

4 The killer is at a bigger disadvantage as they have to give up pressure to do the event.» We need to ensure that both killers are hurt/buffed by the event equally.

5 Subjective: Survivors shouldn't compete over the same resources against one another» There might be controversy here, but we will explore a fully team-based structure, in which the killer and survivors do remain in a truly competitive environment against one another.

6 Rarely contested: The dynamics of the event shouldn't incentivise players to not rescue. Because players lost their vessel when hooked, there was little incentive to rescue them if you could already steam their vessel» If for example only vessels were lost when being unhooked, then such incentive wouldn't have been lost. We want a system that thus promotes rescuing etc.

7 Highly Subjective: Killers and survivors should not be in a competition and should be able to team/game-throw so that they can farm Event Points. » We do not comply to this criticism as it's a circumvention of the balance in our rewarding(store) system.

Separate design philosophies

Now we know what principles we've learned from the moonlight event, but before describing our event, it's important this the creation of this event also has separate design philosophies integrated inside of it, separate from the moonrise event:

We want to use the event to softly explore with solving the Death-Efficiency issue, and will thus try to nerf the game for survivors in the base-state, while buffing survivors per death of another survivor, to keep the game playable during any stage of the game, possibly even with the absence of the hatch.

We want to offer the killer more choice. Normally the killer is very reactive. We want to give the killer a medium through which they can express their decision-making in a very proactive manner.

For this event in particular, we want to create a varying amount in survivor-selection priority on the killers side. Normally the only thing that makes the killer prioritise 1 survivor over the other is how many hooking stages they have been through. Items only increased priority to the degree of their strength, but are cast inside of the shadow by the hooking phases. We want to add something on top of that priority consideration!

The new event!

The core of the Event

The event is simple, really: There is 1 special item in the game. If the survivors manage to escape with it, all survivors get 50 event points. If no more survivors remain in the map (either dead/escaped) but the item still remains in the map/is destroyed, the killer will get 50 points.
But this item and some other things present in this event will change everything:


Adjustment of: Link: Choice Hooks

In this event, 1 new type of hook will spawn. 3 of them per map.

You might wonder, what is the difference?
The difference is that both the 2 hooks of the choice hook have a different buff attached to it. Once you hang a survivor on either 2 hooks, the other will break permanently. The hook with the buff that you chose will remain available to you even after a rescue, but is also broken similar to normal hooks if a survivor dies on it.

Like basement hooks, they cannot be sabotaged through normal methods. Only the main item can sabotage them at 10 seconds per hook. Sabotaged Choice hooks respawn after 50 seconds.
(We will discuss the particular hook-buffs later)

The special item

The "Wunderwaffe"

I'll use the word Wunderwaffe as a reference name of the item we are about to discuss. Somewhat similar to the weapon from Call Of Duty WoW:

This item is a metal device with blue lightning coming off of it. It isn't a weapon though, but it is something that enhances the player wielding it.
It fills itself with the souls of death survivors.

Buffs when wielding the Wunderwaffe

The player wielding the Wunderwaffe has their aura revealed to all survivors. (In yellow)

The Wunderwaffe gives the wielder +x% Repair Speed + Exit Gate Opening Speed:
4 survivors are alive = 30%
3 Survivors alive = 100%
2 survivors alive = 200%
1 survivor alive = 300%

The Wonderwaffe applies Blue sparks to a generator.
A generator with Blue Sparks cannot regress after being kicked.
Blue sparks are removed when a survivor without the Wunderwaffe touches that Generator.

The player wielding the Wunderwaffe can sabotage Choice-Hooks. They take 15 seconds to sabotage.

Debuffs when wielding the Wunderwaffe

The electricity coming off from the item makes it easier to spot you.

You hear sparks within a 4 meter radius.

The electric field produces by the Waffe forces the Hatch to close when the player with the Waffe is nearby (12 meters), meaning that the player with the Waffe cannot escape through the hatch.

Gaining and Losing the Wonderwaffe

The Wonderwaffe is spawned in a tiny rack, where it can be picked up using a 1-2 second long pick up animation.
These racks are spawned on totem spots, to give you a perception on how small the rack is.
There will be 5 racks that hold a Wunderwaffe. Similar to dull totems, only 1 of those racks has the Wunderwaffe with Sparks, meaning it is this one that contains the souls. It is possible for the soul to move in between waffe's thus changing the location of the "real" waffe. (They are all real, but it's about the souls. It's actually THAT which you have to escape with, not an empty waffe (: )
This happens every 1 minute.

A player loses their Wonderwaffe upon being unhooked to the player who unhooked them.

While the survivor is hooked with the Wunderwaffe, they can "drop" the Wonderwaffe similar to how they drop items. This also leads to the destruction of the item, making it respawn in a random rack.

The Wunderwaffe cannot be "dropped" during any other moment, although it is possible to put the Waffe back inside any of the 5 racks after going through a 5 second animation.

Destruction of the Wunderwaffe

The Wunderwaffe has 4 different icons, showing the state of health it is in in the top right corner. For every time a survivor is hooked while having the Wunderwaffe equipped, the Wunderwaffe becomes more and more damaged. The 4th time a survivor is hooked with the Waffe, the item is destroyed permanently and no longer spawns back in a rack.

Other changes.

Generator time

A total of 9 Generators will spawn on the map, each taking 80-85 seconds to complete. 5 Need to be completed in order to power the exit gate.


In order to inform a survivor on a hook that they can drop their Wunderwaffe, there needs to be HUD displaying that option.

On top of that, if someone wielding an item saves someone with a Wunderwaffe, they drop their original item automatically and wield the Waffe instead.

Bloodpoint Rewards

When survivors have sacrificed an event offering, they will:

As Survivor: Get + 5000 Bloodpoints per finished generator and +2500 per open exit gate. (Max 30.000)
As Killer: Get + 5000 for every time you hook someone on a Choice-Hook for the first time + 1250 whenever you hook someone. (Max 30.000)

Unlocking Skins

Same system as the Moonrise event!
For every piece, you need +100 more. Starting at a 100 when unlocking more pieces.
Great for people that don't play a lot since they can still get their favourite costume and great for hard-core players as they will not be bothered by a CAP on how many skins you can unlock!

The theme behind the skins may very well be related to electricity to get a sparkling outlook!

Leaving the match

Since the moment when you leave it isn't sure whether someone will escape with the Waffe or not, your points will be awarded automatically in the menu, and you will see a special notification when a change has been made.
(Btw, such a mechanic is not only useful for this event, but for every system that wants survivors to really be teammates and have a shared win condition. 2 flies in 1 clap!)

All Choice Hook Buffs

1: Short Circuit

After hooking someone on on this hook, your weapon is surrounded by blue particles for 100 seconds. Hitting 2 different unfinished generators will cause all generators to shut down for 40 seconds. After that duration, the power turns on again but all previous progression is lost.

(The killer has to hit 2 generators meaning they aren't camping. Once the power is down, it creates a temporary moment in which stealth is the meta, instead of rushing things.)

2: Hopeless

After hooking someone on this hook, the exit gates become blocked as long as this survivor is hanging on the hook + 30 seconds after.

3: Melt

After hooking someone on this hook, all Normal items during this match break instantly. Items in chests remain unaffected even if the chest is open/the item is not originally from that chest.

4: Broken:

The survivor hung on this hook can no longer be healed for the rest of the match. They suffer a 25% slower action speed for 60 seconds after being unhooked.

5: Silence

Every survivor will get +5/6 silent and fast skill-checks randomly in between normal ones. Effect stops after receiving those amount of silent skill-checks. (Stacks) Great skill-checks no longer offer a bonus while still affected by this effect.

(note that you either get 5 or 6). You will never know whether the last one is yet to come :chuffed: )

6: Bloodrush

Your heartbeat becomes global up until you've downed someone or after 200 seconds. Survivors can no longer discern the direction and intensity of the heartbeat.

Understanding the Buffs

In order for players to understand the buffs, they are displayed during the loading screen similar how other explanations are shown.

The buffs on a hook are indicated by the particles the fly around the tip of the hook. It can also show an abstract shape in the middle:


Choice hooks were for the killer. Waffe is a passed on experience for 1 player, the BluePrints is for all survivors;
The waffe rewards 50 event points. Blue prints also grant event points but significantly less. So how do you find blueprints of the waffe?


A total of 10 extra chests spawn. (It's possible for 2 to spawn in the basement!)
But these chests are special chests and aren't affected by offerings. These chests instead of containing an item, contain blueprints on the Wunderwaffe.
Blueprints aren't items that you hold, similar to the vessels.
Each special chest contains 1 blueprint.
Blueprints give everyone in your team +1 event points when you make it out alive.
The killer gets +1 event points for every blueprint that didn't make it out.
The blueprints that a survivor is carrying are lost upon that survivor dying. They add to the killer rewarding.
You cannot exchange blueprints between teammates, neither can they be picked up.
Blueprints can be escaped through the hatch with.

Special chests can be discerned from normal chests as their appearance highly suggests there to be secretive information inside of it.
Special chests work like totems. If you cancel opening it, your progression is set to 0.
Special chests take 12 seconds to open and is unaffected by perks like Pharmacy.
The amount of Blueprints you carry is displayed in the top right, similar to the killer in the Moonrise event.

End Note

I hope I didn't forget to mention something here since it's a lot of work!
Tell me your opinions, your versions of applying these principles, whether I missed something, whether you've detected something that could turn out to become problematic, etc. down below!

I also hope that you can see how everything here would play out; From team-play, forming distractions, tense end-game scenario's and horrifying effects caused by hooks!

I'll be editing the post bc I'm pretty sure I accidentally left some things out!


Added BluePrints + all racks will contain a wonderwaffe, but only 1 is the "real" one, which is sparking. It is possible for the souls inside the waffe to leave and move into a different empty waffe turning that into the "real" waffe. This is as to prevent camping of the event item.

Thank you for reading!

Post edited by AlwaysInAGoodShape on


  • Paiz
    Paiz Member Posts: 81

    This is an incredible idea, both sides are evenly balanced (aside from some of the choice hook buffs), I really want to see a dev response for this.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    Please give us a shorter description of your event idea.

    Keep in mind that any event still needs to stay simple and can't bring so many changes that players need to read a couple of pages in order to know what is happening.

    It should not take a longer description for your event than the descriptions of the past events.

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301
    edited February 2019


    The event is simple, really: There is 1 special item in the game. If the survivors manage to escape with it, all survivors get an event point. If no more survivors remain in the map (either dead/escaped) but the item still remains in the map/is destroyed, the killer will get an even point.


    3 special hooks spawn with 2 hooks each. Depending on on which hook you hang someone, they get 1 buff out of a list of 6.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @AlwaysInAGoodShape said:

    3 special hooks spawn with 2 hooks each. Depending on on which hook you hang someone, they get 1 buff out of a list of 6.

    The 3 special hooks with each carrying a different action is a cool concept and something they could add outside the event to the actual games as a special offering.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    I like that you are finding more ways to bring in your system. Both the Survivors and Killers are equally buffed in the areas they need most and those buffs are either time limit based or taken/given away. The Wafee in particular when it comes to the hatch instantly solves that problem. It forces you to do Gens but also gives you a super boost so it's insanely faster, and not all Killers can watch both Exits so the Survivor still as a chance if they aren't stupid.

    I don't know if the Devs have seen any of your ideas but they are incredibly well thought out and fix lots of problems. I still think you should find a team and make a game yourself though.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Can anyone jot down a TL;DR version?

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    So...... just gonna say to anyone coming in here not reading the OP deff leaves you out of the loop xD I scrolled through seeing the wonderwaffle from cod zombies and humanity from DS xD then I see in the comments the words "very good idea" ... imma read this now lol..... also the next event is going to be the 3 year for DBD correct?
  • NightmareReborn
    NightmareReborn Member Posts: 810
    edited February 2019

    I think the devs need to hire you. You always prove a point using facts and statistics. Also, you offer solutions to problems you have with the game (which 70% of people here don't do).

  • NightmareReborn
    NightmareReborn Member Posts: 810

    Also, to release my COD zombies nerd: "OHHH WHAT A WONDERBAR EVENT! Although, I don't know how my minions might feel about this..." - Dr. Edward Richtofen

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    I think the devs need to hire you. You always prove a point using facts and statistics. Also, you offer solutions to problems you have with the game (which 70% of people here don't do).

    Thing is that most of the time, his statistics are synthetic and don't coincide well with the actual experience. But he won't admit that as a flaw.
  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    Orion said:

    Can anyone jot down a TL;DR version?

    Killers get a hook with 2 hooks on it each hook has a random buff, only one can be activated from each of the 3 double hooks.
    survivors have some sort of waffle that only 1 can carry and receive “rush” buffs, but it’s only passed on once the survivor is rescued.

    sounds like, killers get buffs that make them leave the hook and survivors have to rescue each other, but all survivors win the points if it makes it off the map.
  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864

    I think the devs need to hire you. You always prove a point using facts and statistics. Also, you offer solutions to problems you have with the game (which 70% of people here don't do).

    I think the devs need to hire you. You always prove a point using facts and statistics. Also, you offer solutions to problems you have with the game (which 70% of people here don't do).

    Did you know 89% of statistics are made up on the spot... love the 70%
  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301


    Thing is that most of the time, his statistics are synthetic and don't coincide well with the actual experience. But he won't admit that as a flaw.

    What statistics are we talking about here?

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    edited February 2019
    It baffles me that you include this:

    Rarely contested: The dynamics of the event shouldn't incentivise players to not rescue. Because players lost their vessel when hooked, there was little incentive to rescue them if you could already steam their vessel» If for example only vessels were lost when being unhooked, then such incentive wouldn't have been lost. We want a system that thus promotes rescuing etc.

    And then think a good promotion to save someone is to be tunnelled by the killer after saving so they can destroy this bluewaffle, it’s like a baton race, and the waffle gets better for each dead survivor, seems counter intuitive to me.
    leave survivor to die, waffle increases in usefulness and killer has to find you after you e picked it up instead of getting save notification.

    some good ideas but this is just as unbalanced as others before it
  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301
    edited February 2019

    @Paddy4583 said:
    It baffles me that you include this: Rarely contested: The dynamics of the event shouldn't incentivise players to not rescue. Because players lost their vessel when hooked, there was little incentive to rescue them if you could already steam their vessel» If for example only vessels were lost when being unhooked, then such incentive wouldn't have been lost. We want a system that thus promotes rescuing etc.

    And then think a good promotion to save someone is to be tunnelled by the killer after saving so they can destroy this bluewaffle, it’s like a baton race, and the waffle gets better for each dead survivor, seems counter intuitive to me.

    Why would that person be tunnelled? If the killer is close, there is no reason for the survivor on the hook to hold on to the waffle. They simple drop it and have it respawn in a rack.

    It's a primitive mistake on the hooked survivor's part, not a design flaw.
    What the design of either keeping it when it's safe or dropping it when it isn't, is that it allows other players during the same match to also gain a hold of the item, so that it isn't 1 person with the item all the time.

    One step ahead of you there, bud.

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    edited February 2019

    @Paddy4583 said:
    It baffles me that you include this: Rarely contested: The dynamics of the event shouldn't incentivise players to not rescue. Because players lost their vessel when hooked, there was little incentive to rescue them if you could already steam their vessel» If for example only vessels were lost when being unhooked, then such incentive wouldn't have been lost. We want a system that thus promotes rescuing etc.

    And then think a good promotion to save someone is to be tunnelled by the killer after saving so they can destroy this bluewaffle, it’s like a baton race, and the waffle gets better for each dead survivor, seems counter intuitive to me.

    Why would that person be tunnelled? If the killer is close, there is no reason for the survivor on the hook to hold on to the waffle. They simple drop it and have it respawn in a rack.

    It's a primitive mistake on the hooked survivor's part, not a design flaw.
    What the design of either keeping it when it's safe or dropping it when it isn't, is that it allows other players during the same match to also gain a hold of the item, so that it isn't 1 person with the item all the time.

    One step ahead of you there, bud.

    Errrm what? How is this any different to the current lanterns, technically when they are hooked the lantern is dropped, but yet you insist it promotes not saving?

    Though what I was actually referring to was YOUR rules that the waffle is passed from the saved person to the rescuer... 4 hooks the item is destroyed, so the killer just needs to wait for the notification of the save an tunnel the waffle, you might think your one step ahead, but we aren’t even on the same path!! You can’t even remember your own event logics, Id say that’s a huge design flaw if you can’t remeber all the rules that you created, then there’s too many!

    And if it’s dropped it is the same logics that the current event has already!

    The balance that people are saying it has, would only last 30 mins of it going live until people realise

    1: killers will never realistically get 12  hooks in a game.
    2:Survivor objective can be destroyed
    3:DCing prevents the Killers point scoring 

    It has all the same fundamental flaws as other events.

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301
    edited February 2019


    Errrm what? How is this any different to the current lanterns, technically when they are hooked the lantern is dropped, but yet you insist it promotes not saving?

    They are fighting over a scarce resource and if they die themselves, they lose everything. In this event, you can afford to die yourself as long as it advances your team effort. It's the difference between night and day.

    Though what I was actually referring to was YOUR rules that the waffle is passed from the saved person to the rescuer..
    so the killer just needs to wait for the notification of the save an tunnel the waffle

    The killer can wait for the notification. But if the waffe isn't there, why would the killer return where the waffe is guaranteed to not be? The basic strategy is; you hold on to the waffe until the killer is out of sight. You either keep it (more time efficient) or you drop it (safer). That is the basic consideration.

    If you make the comparison with the vanilla game and this event, you'll see that there is even less reason to return to the hook:
    1: If the survivor kept the item, meaning that you'll have to "tunnel the saviour", which the survivor side gets to select, then you are chasing someone who is healthy. This would already be the healthier version of the game. (Tru3Ta1ent play-style = focussing saviour where possible).
    2: If the survivor kept the item but you try to tunnel the hooked survivor, then you will let the savour off who now has the waffe, without the team needing to pick it up again. On top of that does the waffe compensate for survivor's death.

    1; You have every reason to save your teammates as it's not only your particular life that matters, as you get rewarded as a team-effort. Dying even doesn't halt your point progression.
    2: You have every reason to save your teammates as the survivors on the hook can make the decision whether things are safe or are not and can thus choose whether to put the killer at a disadvantage or not.
    3: You have every reason to save your teammates, because if you're the better player, you'll be able to utilise the item better and carry your team. Unlike running object of obsession, it's harder for the killer to ignore you, if the item was kept on the hook.

    You have more reason to save your teammates than in the vanilla game... and on top of that... dying is less frustrating due to our team-oriented design!

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301


    And if dropping it is the object after the save, again where’s the insensitive to bother?

    Where is your incentive to not bother would be the better question.

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864


    And if dropping it is the object after the save, again where’s the insensitive to bother?

    Where is your incentive to not bother would be the better question.

    Oh lord it’s the same, you’re clearly biased to the point of blindness.
    Personaly I have not noticed the lack of unwillingness to save in this current event. I’m using your words and your comments and applying the same premis to your idea.
  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301
    edited February 2019


    Personaly I have not noticed the lack of unwillingness to save in this current event.

    You should try reading the forums. A lot of people complained about it.

    Even Puppers stops rescuing people... of all people! And he plays very friendly towards his teammates.

    I’m using your words and your comments and applying the same premise to your idea.

    This is the premise for someone not having a desire to save you:

    -Your own life is all that matters. You losing your life completely cancels out your reward.
    -The event points are scarce; you compete among teammates over event points.
    -Under the condition of resources being scarce: If such points can be stolen from someone without having to unhook them, then there's less reason to do so.

    Now apply the same premise to my idea.

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    edited February 2019
    So you honestly think that the person holding this waffle while flashing away with blue sparks and buzzing like a bumble bee, who is now accountable for everyone’s points is going to be doing any saving or gens and risking the inevitable tunnel that willl come if spotted by the killer?

    Then you need all other 3 to be doing gens while you try stay hidden. If someone’s hooked who’s gonna risk the save when all 5 gens need doing for the escape to happen for anyone to get any points?

    Its an extremely flawed idea and will promote the things that all killers and survivors hate.

    Tunneling check
    Camping Check
    Gen rush meta check
    Hook sabo check
    DCing when points are no longer in play check
    Troll ability check
    Killers more difficult to get full BP bonus check
    surviours can prevent killer progress without skill check

    I’m telling you everything that happens with these events will be repeated in your idea.
  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301

    Your unorganized criticism just tried to claim that 1 person would not be doing gens while you claim it creates gen rushing.
    Doesn't look like you understand how it'd actually turn out.

    Your "checking" is dead wrong. Can't say much as your checking comes without any content. After all you already contradicted yourself and you already weaseled away from applying the premise.

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864

    Your unorganized criticism just tried to claim that 1 person would not be doing gens while you claim it creates gen rushing.
    Doesn't look like you understand how it'd actually turn out.

    Your "checking" is dead wrong. Can't say much as your checking comes without any content. After all you already contradicted yourself and you already weaseled away from applying the premise.

    Gen rushing doesn’t mean all survivors on gens.

    I do know exactly how it would turn out based on your rules, but I’m not blinded by bias.
  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301
    edited February 2019
    Paddy4583 said:

    Your unorganized criticism just tried to claim that 1 person would not be doing gens while you claim it creates gen rushing.
    Doesn't look like you understand how it'd actually turn out.

    Your "checking" is dead wrong. Can't say much as your checking comes without any content. After all you already contradicted yourself and you already weaseled away from applying the premise.

    Gen rushing doesn’t mean all survivors on gens.

    I do know exactly how it would turn out based on your rules, but I’m not blinded by bias.
    You absolutely are. Now apply the premise
  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301

    A wunderwaffle
  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    edited February 2019
    Paddy4583 said:

    Your unorganized criticism just tried to claim that 1 person would not be doing gens while you claim it creates gen rushing.
    Doesn't look like you understand how it'd actually turn out.

    Your "checking" is dead wrong. Can't say much as your checking comes without any content. After all you already contradicted yourself and you already weaseled away from applying the premise.

    Gen rushing doesn’t mean all survivors on gens.

    I do know exactly how it would turn out based on your rules, but I’m not blinded by bias.
    You absolutely are. Now apply the premise
    I already did, there are literally so many ways this will generate everything I’ve said and if you can’t think of those situations, that is gap in your knowledge of this community and the mechanics of your own idea.

    I will happily give you the examples when I’m not on mobile.
  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301
    edited February 2019
    Paddy4583 said:
    Paddy4583 said:
    I'm a dum c u n t
    Yes, yes u are a dumb* c u n t
    You know the IPs can be seen right so your troll acccount isn’t making you incognito...
    My troll account?
    Then shows the IP's. It'll make you look ridiculous, not me.
  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301
    edited February 2019
    Paddy4583 said:
    Bring what evidence, evidence of the words you put in my mouth? Try to stay on track, so butt hurt because I dared to question and criticise His idea, and didn’t act like a fan boi and say how amazing and balanced it all was.
    You didnt "dare to criticise His idea"

    You came up with a false premise. You got the unhooking incentive wrong. You avoided answering the correct premise gave you.
    Instead you went on about how 3 Dc's dont give you points... how people with the waffe wont do gens while this event promotes gen rushing...
    You started randomly check-listen false issues.

    I could provide a list with criticisms and issues and imperfections  with this post, but your claims are just false perceptions of what will happen, for very easy reasons.

    Perhaps when thinking someone with the waffe wouldn't do gens, you could've asked yourself; why did they pick it up in the first place?

    You seem to have no comprehension on the item utilisation effect, where the survivors have control over whether to use its power and thus making it vurnerable.
    You also do not show to comprehend the effects of percentile total repairspeed per survivor, on target prioritization, as evident by your claims.
    If you understand Dying Light, and you now imagine a non obsession being hooked and KNOWING a non obsession going for the rescue, then you should easily understand how that makes you less likely to return to the hook compared to the same scenario but without Dying Light.
  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    edited February 2019
    “You came up with a false premise.”

    The premise of my arguments is not false

    “You got the unhooking incentive wrong.”

    What incentive? Apart from normal game play, I didn’t mention the incentive as I don’t see one above normal game play!

    “You avoided answering the correct premise gave you.”

    I avoided nothing I said I would give the examples when I wasn’t on a mobile

    “Instead you went on about how 3 Dc's dont give you points”

     It wasn’t 3 DCs is was point 3 which is clear by the point 1 and 2 that preceded it!

    “how people with the waffe wont do gens while this event promotes gen rushing”

    Gen rushing doesn’t mean all survivors doing gens, and I said gen rush meta not gen rushing!

    Your rules state no hatch escape with the only thing that gives points which means all gens need to be done, no one is going to be rushing for saves when they have to get all 5 done just to get any event points.

    “You started randomly check-listen false issues.”

    Again not false at all

    “Perhaps when thinking someone with the waffe wouldn't do gens, you could've asked yourself; why did they pick it up in the first place?”

    Eer because apparently if you save someone who had it and hasn’t dropped it you now have it, your rules not mine, see now this is where it gets difficult, because you’ve implemented a reason not to save via your own comment, because searching for it is not the same as being lumbered with it, so now in your haste to keep hammering home your point your arguing the one I made.

    This would end up a SWF wet dream and a killers nightmare 
  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301


    Eer because apparently if you save someone who had it and hasn’t dropped it you now have it, your rules not mine, see now this is where it gets difficult, because you’ve implemented a reason not to save via your own comment, because searching for it is not the same as being lumbered with it, so now in your haste to keep hammering home your point your arguing the one I made.

    See the slight of hand there: "If". If not, then not. That is not a design flaw. That is a misplay on the survivor's part. At best they get tunnelled 1 time and realise the killer tunnels. The item has 4 lives. Make the same mistake 4 times and then it's still not the event screwing you over.

    1: Your whole idea is based on that survivors do not press 1 simple button.

    2: And in the CASE where they do not press the button and say, the killer returns, things work EXACTLY the same as in the VANILLA game. The only difference is that instead of tunnelling the unhooked survivor, the killer will chase the other one who now has the item!
    That is literally how everyone prefers the game to be played. The VANILLA on the other hand more often leads to tunnelling the unhooked. Thus again; this is the superior version, even in the scenario in which you believed things to go wrong. We basically enter vanilla with less tunnelling of the unhooked survivor. xD

    3: So now this person is getting chased after the hooked survivor made a mistake by keeping the item with the killer nearby... and the person gets hooked... so now HE gets to control what happens with the item. Literally everyone (especially if they go for the unhook!) increase their influence over the game!

    You must believe people don't unhook in vanilla, because after all, what if the killer will chase THEM afterwards!

    Here is the premise again:

    -Your own life is all that matters. You losing your life completely cancels out your reward.
    -The event points are scarce; you compete among teammates over event points.
    -Under the condition of resources being scarce: If such points can be stolen from someone without having to unhook them, then there's less reason to do so.

    I'll help you out:
    -Your life isn't the only thing that matters. You are in a team-effort; as long as you die in a way that benefits your team, you benefit yourself. (unlike the moonrise event)
    -Points aren't scarce. In fact, all survivors get them awarded at the same time. It's impossible for 1 to have them if the other doesn't. (unlike the moonrise event)
    -You cannot steal points from teammates. (unlike the moonrise event)

    Also, you use a very devalued definition of the word "Gen-Rush", which is at this point basically doing a gen, which is your objective, not a problem.

    and I said gen rush meta not gen rushing!

    Yes, the meta is finishing your objective. What a surprise.
    In a gen rush meta you gen rush btw.

    Do you still believe your "Sabotage-Check", when there's literally only 1 person who can sabotage those hooks, meaning that if you down that person, nobody else an sabotage those hooks? Remember all those times solo saboteurs ruined your game? I don't.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @AlwaysInAGoodShape said:

    The event is simple, really: There is 1 special item in the game. If the survivors manage to escape with it, all survivors get an event point. If no more survivors remain in the map (either dead/escaped) but the item still remains in the map/is destroyed, the killer will get an even point.


    3 special hooks spawn with 2 hooks each. Depending on on which hook you hang someone, they get 1 buff out of a list of 6.

    I did not read the op, so consider me your guinea pig for understanding what the event is about. As I said, keep it simple, but you can't exclude any information about changes to the "normal" DbD. The guinea pig needs to be informed about everything. ;)

    So, what is this special item? Is it like the vessel but just another skin?
    Are there any bonus bloodpoints involved?
    What's with the special hooks? That summary felt way too short. I don't know what's going on. I'm a clueless event participant!

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    @AlwaysInAGoodShape said:
    The event is simple, really: There is 1 special item in the game. If the survivors manage to escape with it, all survivors get an event point. If no more survivors remain in the map (either dead/escaped) but the item still remains in the map/is destroyed, the killer will get an even point.

    So if a survivor dies early and decide to not watch the entire game for 10-20 minutes more.. they'd lose event points if the other three survivors ended up escaping?

    You do realize that we live in an age where people have the attention span of a puppy, right? Forcing people to spectate in order to make sure that they'd get any potential event points seems like a really bad design choice, if you ask me.

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463
    edited February 2019
    se05239 said:

    @AlwaysInAGoodShape said:
    The event is simple, really: There is 1 special item in the game. If the survivors manage to escape with it, all survivors get an event point. If no more survivors remain in the map (either dead/escaped) but the item still remains in the map/is destroyed, the killer will get an even point.

    So if a survivor dies early and decide to not watch the entire game for 10-20 minutes more.. they'd lose event points if the other three survivors ended up escaping?

    You do realize that we live in an age where people have the attention span of a puppy, right? Forcing people to spectate in order to make sure that they'd get any potential event points seems like a really bad design choice, if you ask me.

    I think he means only all survivors who manage to escape will recive an event point.


    Never mind what I wrote above, I just read the thing again and found this:

    Leaving the match

    Since the moment when you leave it isn't sure whether someone will escape with the Waffe or not, your points will be awarded automatically in the menu, and you will see a special notification when a change has been made.

    This means that if you die and leave the match you'll still get your points if someone makes it out with the item. There is no need to spectate.

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463
    I dont remember if I said It back when you came with the post about the special hooks but I really like this idea, some of this could easily eliminate Gen Rush. Pretty good post so far :chuffed:
  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    edited February 2019
    tt_ivi_99 said:
    se05239 said:

    @AlwaysInAGoodShape said:
    The event is simple, really: There is 1 special item in the game. If the survivors manage to escape with it, all survivors get an event point. If no more survivors remain in the map (either dead/escaped) but the item still remains in the map/is destroyed, the killer will get an even point.

    So if a survivor dies early and decide to not watch the entire game for 10-20 minutes more.. they'd lose event points if the other three survivors ended up escaping?

    You do realize that we live in an age where people have the attention span of a puppy, right? Forcing people to spectate in order to make sure that they'd get any potential event points seems like a really bad design choice, if you ask me.

    I think he means only all survivors who manage to escape will recive an event point.


    Never mind what I wrote above, I just read the thing again and found this:

    Leaving the match

    Since the moment when you leave it isn't sure whether someone will escape with the Waffe or not, your points will be awarded automatically in the menu, and you will see a special notification when a change has been made.

    This means that if you die and leave the match you'll still get your points if someone makes it out with the item. There is no need to spectate.

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    edited February 2019
    -Your own life is all that matters. You losing your life completely cancels out your reward.

    Only if you have a vessel you still get all your points for your participation up to death.

    -The event points are scarce; you compete among teammates over event points.

    Again only for vessel, which you can claim if the survivor with one messes up and gets hooked.

    -Under the condition of resources being scarce: If such points can be stolen from someone without having to unhook them, then there's less reason to do so.

    you have only 1 resource of use that stops this being a typical game day for a survivor, of the hooked person drops it you don’t need to unhook to steal it. If they don’t drop it wait for them to die and steal it.

    how do you not see the clear comparison in this?

    Even more so that you can’t escape via hatch so you’d need to apply more focus on gens to even get a chance of your points, saving detracts focus from this by a minimum of 50%.

    If I was the killer I would certainly be wanting their numbers down fast, tunnel and slug, now your on the floor and stuck with the item and I just have to keep the pressure on a single person to get my points and stop the survivors who cares about the gens at this point, that’s a side objective for me in this event.
  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018

    I read it all, even the wunderwaffe(wonder weapon in german) and BOY, if I miss read it tell me, make it to where wunderwaffe causes the survivor to spark blue

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301


    I did not read the op, so consider me your guinea pig for understanding what the event is about. As I said, keep it simple, but you can't exclude any information about changes to the "normal" DbD. The guinea pig needs to be informed about everything. ;)

    So, what is this special item? Is it like the vessel but just another skin?
    Are there any bonus bloodpoints involved?
    What's with the special hooks? That summary felt way too short. I don't know what's going on. I'm a clueless event participant!

    Okey, so imagine it like this: You are playing survivor in this event.
    You are facing a stronger killer as usually... why? Because this killer has 3 special hooks with 6 different powers attached to it that will take effect if the killers hang a survivor on it! There are 6 type of effects that range from giving you bloodwarden all the way to allowing you to fully regress a generator all the way to allowing you to sneakily shove in Hex: Lullaby skillchecks among their normal pool of skillchecks. In other words... you're dealing with a stronger opponent.

    So what do survivors get? There's a special item in the game that absorbs souls from dead survivors; the Wunderwaffe (placeholder name). A metal item with blue lighting that gives them more and more repair speed the more survivors die. On top of that; It's the only item that allows someone to sabotage those new dangerous hook. The person with the waffe has their aura revealed to all other survivors.

    The item is spawned on either 1 of the 5 racks, which spawn on a totem spot. After someone takes it and gets hooked with it, the item becomes more and more damaged. if 4 people were hooked with the Waffe, it breaks.
    When you are hooked with the waffe, you can "drop it", making it return safely to a random rack. If you decide to hold on to it, then your saviour will take over the item upon being unhooked, passing the experience on to the other.

    Here is your dilemma as a survivor:
    So the item is vulnerable... Should you pick it up? It has 4 lives... and you'll definitely need it in the end game for repair speed. You can choose to tap into it's power, but make sure to do so what it's safe... the Waffe leaves special traces... generators start making blue sparks...

    If 1 survivor managed to escape with the waffe, every survivor gets their event point. If the killer managed to kill all survivors/force them out while keeping the item in the map, then the killer takes their win earning their event point. (:

    There are a lot of fine details that are interesting to cover. Strategies etc. But the main takeaway is; if you have the waffe, you become a monster of a survivor; a target of the highest priority~

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301


    Only if you have a vessel you still get all your points for your participation up to death.

    Simply wrong. If you die, and your teammate escapes with the Waffe, you get your points. It's in fact the only system in the game that supports a teameffort to such a degree.

    -The event points are scarce; you compete among teammates over event points.

    Again only for vessel, which you can claim if the survivor with one messes up and gets hooked.

    How were you competing over event points with your teammates again, lol? You literally get it all at the same time. There's literally no competition between teammates in this event. xD

    -Under the condition of resources being scarce: If such points can be stolen from someone without having to unhook them, then there's less reason to do so.

    you have only 1 resource of use that stops this being a typical game day for a survivor, of the hooked person drops it you don’t need to unhook to steal it. If they don’t drop it wait for them to die and steal it.

    Resources are event points. It doesn't matter that there is only 1 waffe. If you "steal" (it isn't really stealing) the waffe you aren't stealing event points.

    I don't understand that you cannot see how blatantly obvious this is.

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301
    edited February 2019


    ** double comment? **

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301

    @ToxicFengM1n said:
    I read it all, even the wunderwaffe(wonder weapon in german) and BOY, if I miss read it tell me, make it to where wunderwaffe causes the survivor to spark blue

    In the OP i only suggest that the weapon makes sparks, thus there is increased visibility (together with a little bit of audio).
    Do you mean sparks, similar to the moonrise event on the survivor themselves?

    (Fun fact, I considered making the survivor have a facial tattoo glow blue like the avatar when wielding the Waffe xD )

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018

    @AlwaysInAGoodShape said:

    @ToxicFengM1n said:
    I read it all, even the wunderwaffe(wonder weapon in german) and BOY, if I miss read it tell me, make it to where wunderwaffe causes the survivor to spark blue

    In the OP i only suggest that the weapon makes sparks, thus there is increased visibility (together with a little bit of audio).
    Do you mean sparks, similar to the moonrise event on the survivor themselves?

    (Fun fact, I considered making the survivor have a facial tattoo glow blue like the avatar when wielding the Waffe xD )

    Yeah, moonrise event fire, but as electricity going around the survivors, or what I thought at first, they glow like the zombies do when shocked by the wunderwaffe

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301

    @ToxicFengM1n said:

    @AlwaysInAGoodShape said:

    @ToxicFengM1n said:
    I read it all, even the wunderwaffe(wonder weapon in german) and BOY, if I miss read it tell me, make it to where wunderwaffe causes the survivor to spark blue

    In the OP i only suggest that the weapon makes sparks, thus there is increased visibility (together with a little bit of audio).
    Do you mean sparks, similar to the moonrise event on the survivor themselves?

    (Fun fact, I considered making the survivor have a facial tattoo glow blue like the avatar when wielding the Waffe xD )

    Yeah, moonrise event fire, but as electricity going around the survivors, or what I thought at first, they glow like the zombies do when shocked by the wunderwaffe

    I'm not inherently against that.
    Thought i'd tell the Devs to be cautious when playing around with how many sparks because after all; the Waffe is still supposed to be a late-game item that you should be able to hide with.
    To the degree that's possible; why not :p

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018

    @AlwaysInAGoodShape said:

    @ToxicFengM1n said:

    @AlwaysInAGoodShape said:

    @ToxicFengM1n said:
    I read it all, even the wunderwaffe(wonder weapon in german) and BOY, if I miss read it tell me, make it to where wunderwaffe causes the survivor to spark blue

    In the OP i only suggest that the weapon makes sparks, thus there is increased visibility (together with a little bit of audio).
    Do you mean sparks, similar to the moonrise event on the survivor themselves?

    (Fun fact, I considered making the survivor have a facial tattoo glow blue like the avatar when wielding the Waffe xD )

    Yeah, moonrise event fire, but as electricity going around the survivors, or what I thought at first, they glow like the zombies do when shocked by the wunderwaffe

    I'm not inherently against that.
    Thought i'd tell the Devs to be cautious when playing around with how many sparks because after all; the Waffe is still supposed to be a late-game item that you should be able to hide with.
    To the degree that's possible; why not :p

    It should be a high risk, high reward item in my opinion, in cod waw, it was a risky gun to take, later on, it became not as risky

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301


    it was a risky gun to take, later on, it became not as risky

    That's a good idea! The intensity of the sparks would start off very high, but gets lower upon absorbing a soul of a survivor (stabilising)

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018

    @AlwaysInAGoodShape said:

    it was a risky gun to take, later on, it became not as risky

    That's a good idea! The intensity of the sparks would start off very high, but gets lower upon absorbing a soul of a survivor (stabilising)

    Yeah, due to it leading to increased gen speed when holding it, btw if you don't know what I mean, in waw it was bugged, bo1 it got a band aid patch fixing those bugs, bo3 it was fixed completely, (WaW it used to make you a 1 hit until downed if you shocked yourself)

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Okay this is the most interesting and balanced idea I've ever seen on this forum. I hope the devs will see this

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    edited February 2019
    Ihatelife said:

    Okay this is the most interesting and balanced idea I've ever seen on this forum. I hope the devs will see this

    Me too only so they can implement it and I can watch all the threads on how balanced this is as an event haha.

    like I said some good ideas but not having the ability to create your own points based on your contribution and longevity, takes away risk reward play style, giving survivors IMO nothing but a bit of extra end game and a set up that promotes SWF coordination that solo players don’t have just doesn’t sound like fun to me, killers already dodge SWF enough without having an event that promotes the worst behaviour of a Toxic SWF match, which will lead to lobby dodging and typical day to day BS of DBD event life.

    Post edited by Paddy4583 on
  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301
    edited February 2019

    @Paddy4583 said:
    Ihatelife said:

    Okay this is the most interesting and balanced idea I've ever seen on this forum. I hope the devs will see this

    Me too only so they can implement it and I can watch all the threads on how balanced this is as an event haha.

    like I said some good ideas but not having the ability to create your own points based on your contribution and longevity, takes away risk reward play style, giving survivors IMO nothing but a bit of extra end game and a set up that promotes SWF coordination that solo players don’t have just doesn’t sound like fun to me, killers already dodge SWF enough without having an event that promotes the worst behaviour of a Toxic SWF match, which will lead to lobby dodging and typical day to day BS of DBD event life.

    Spoiler alert: SWF was superior in all the events or the event introduced game-throwing.

    Solo's will do great without SWF's in this event too. They literally have an item with which they can solo a killer. (as power distribution changes upon survivor death.)

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864

    @Paddy4583 said:
    Ihatelife said:

    Okay this is the most interesting and balanced idea I've ever seen on this forum. I hope the devs will see this

    Me too only so they can implement it and I can watch all the threads on how balanced this is as an event haha.

    like I said some good ideas but not having the ability to create your own points based on your contribution and longevity, takes away risk reward play style, giving survivors IMO nothing but a bit of extra end game and a set up that promotes SWF coordination that solo players don’t have just doesn’t sound like fun to me, killers already dodge SWF enough without having an event that promotes the worst behaviour of a Toxic SWF match, which will lead to lobby dodging and typical day to day BS of DBD event life.

    Spoiler alert: SWF was superior in all the events or the event introduced game-throwing.

    Solo's will do great without SWF's in this event too. They literally have an item with which they can solo a killer. (as power distribution changes upon survivor death.)

    Oh so now the object is let people die if your solo then solo the killer and get everyone their points, I see my apologies I thought the incentive was to save my bad must have misunderstood all over again, what it is that the survivors are actually incentivised to do during this event....