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What REALLY happens during SWF



  • NoxiousOnnyyxx
    NoxiousOnnyyxx Member Posts: 343
    Look....I thought he walked passed me...😂😂😂😂
  • chemical_reject
    chemical_reject Member Posts: 940
  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948
    *insert here Marth88 depip squad playlist*
  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018

    @chemical_reject every swf is different, me and my friends usually do nothing and mess around, play with the killer till they dc or eventually down us, then we do gens

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    She gonna die on that hook.

  • NoxiousOnnyyxx
    NoxiousOnnyyxx Member Posts: 343
    fcc2014 said:

    She gonna die on that hook.

    I actually survived that round so ha!
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @NoxiousOnnyyxx that is because you didn't play drunk. I could tell by the lack of your laugh in that clip.

  • NoxiousOnnyyxx
    NoxiousOnnyyxx Member Posts: 343
    fcc2014 said:

    @NoxiousOnnyyxx that is because you didn't play drunk. I could tell by the lack of your laugh in that clip.

    Lols I only play drunk on the weekends. 
  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    I swear this always happens to me :lol: . No need to be ashamed of this
  • NoxiousOnnyyxx
    NoxiousOnnyyxx Member Posts: 343
    SenzuDuck said:

    @chemical_reject said:
    Tzeentchling9 said:

    So what really happens is some people are too dumb to utilize outrageous advantages? You told her to run away and she choose not to.

    I suppose we are also ignoring her immediately calling out the Killer's direction and movements once on the hook.

    Master said:

    @chemical_reject said:


    Even though they are complete plebs, they still are aware that hes being chased and all worked on gens

    Lol salty killer mains 

    Exactly that, despite you probably never having played against them they're still in here calling you dumb and plebs for a single mistake made in one match.

    These are the types of people that ruin this game imo.

    Thank you!!
  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    SenzuDuck said:

    @NoxiousOnnyyxx said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    @chemical_reject said:

    Tzeentchling9 said:

    So what really happens is some people are too dumb to utilize outrageous advantages? You told her to run away and she choose not to.
    I suppose we are also ignoring her immediately calling out the Killer's direction and movements once on the hook.
    Master said:
    @chemical_reject said:
    Even though they are complete plebs, they still are aware that hes being chased and all worked on gens

    Lol salty killer mains 

    Exactly that, despite you probably never having played against them they're still in here calling you dumb and plebs for a single mistake made in one match.

    These are the types of people that ruin this game imo.

    Thank you!!

    But don't worry guys - according to them SWF is the toxicity, you know... you guys having a joke and laughing at each others mess-ups.

    Coming to the forums and insulting people is A OK THO

    Forum swf is completly different from in-game swf. I swear some people exaggerate some stuff way too much on both sides lol 
  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    SenzuDuck said:

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    @NoxiousOnnyyxx said:

    SenzuDuck said:

    @chemical_reject said:
    Tzeentchling9 said:

    So what really happens is some people are too dumb to utilize outrageous advantages? You told her to run away and she choose not to. I suppose we are also ignoring her immediately calling out the Killer's direction and movements once on the hook. Master said: @chemical_reject said: @NoxiousOnnyyxx Even though they are complete plebs, they still are aware that hes being chased and all worked on gens

    Lol salty killer mains 
    Exactly that, despite you probably never having played against them they're still in here calling you dumb and plebs for a single mistake made in one match.
    These are the types of people that ruin this game imo.

    Thank you!!

    But don't worry guys - according to them SWF is the toxicity, you know... you guys having a joke and laughing at each others mess-ups.

    Coming to the forums and insulting people is A OK THO

    Forum swf is completly different from in-game swf. I swear some people exaggerate some stuff way too much on both sides lol 

    I mean - I'm someone who plays killer a lot and I've never dodge a lobby in my life except for bad pings or forgotten to do something and I have absolutely no issue with SWF at all I think they're the more enjoyable matches because it isn't a brainless M1 - Ability - Hook repeat match.

    Some people just can't handle a challenge, or they like to say it's a challenge it's just another game for me.

    Completly agree. I enjoy challenges as well, one of the main reasons I play video games :) and rarely do I actually come across the elusive 4 man swf death squad 
  • Tucking_Friggered
    Tucking_Friggered Member Posts: 636
    edited February 2019

    It doesn't matter what the worst SWF teams can do, it only matters what the best can. If the best can play in a way that makes winning all but impossible for any but a dedicated Nurse then there is a problem.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    SenzuDuck said:

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    @PhantomMask20763 said:

    SenzuDuck said:

    @NoxiousOnnyyxx said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    @chemical_reject said: Tzeentchling9 said:

    So what really happens is some people are too dumb to utilize outrageous advantages? You told her to run away and she choose not to.    I suppose we are also ignoring her immediately calling out the Killer's direction and movements once on the hook.        Master said:    @chemical_reject said:    @NoxiousOnnyyxx        Even though they are complete plebs, they still are aware that hes being chased and all worked on gens

    Lol salty killer mains  Exactly that, despite you probably never having played against them they're still in here calling you dumb and plebs for a single mistake made in one match. These are the types of people that ruin this game imo.

    Thank you!!
    But don't worry guys - according to them SWF is the toxicity, you know... you guys having a joke and laughing at each others mess-ups.
    Coming to the forums and insulting people is A OK THO

    Forum swf is completly different from in-game swf. I swear some people exaggerate some stuff way too much on both sides lol 

    I mean - I'm someone who plays killer a lot and I've never dodge a lobby in my life except for bad pings or forgotten to do something and I have absolutely no issue with SWF at all I think they're the more enjoyable matches because it isn't a brainless M1 - Ability - Hook repeat match.

    Some people just can't handle a challenge, or they like to say it's a challenge it's just another game for me.

    Completly agree. I enjoy challenges as well, one of the main reasons I play video games :) and rarely do I actually come across the elusive 4 man swf death squad 

    Last year killer became incredibly easy but the usual suspects from this forum still haven't been able to do better.

    I think the only real issue this game has is some of the building loops are too long with certain perks, mainly balanced landing + Crotus Prenn/Hadnofun

    Yes, but those can be fixed and their map design flaws so I'm sure the devs will find a way to fix em. Maybe add some more doorways in crotus pren  to make the pallets there more mindgameable and on Haddonfield maybe some more closed/opened windows so the killer can get through idk I'm not a dev :lol:
  • Tucking_Friggered
    Tucking_Friggered Member Posts: 636
    edited February 2019

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:
    It doesn't matter what the worst SWF teams can do, it only matters what the best can. If the best can play in a way that makes winning all but impossible for any but a dedicated Nurse then there is a problem.

    Every killer could run Ebony Mori so we should be balancing around that as well.

    Ebony mori is a UR blood web item and can not be maintained every match by virtue of the cost and scarcity. Try again.

  • Tucking_Friggered
    Tucking_Friggered Member Posts: 636
    edited February 2019

    Yes, we do base balancing the game around what the best groups can do because if you do not then they can exploit whatever balance issue is there and become unbeatable.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526
    edited February 2019

    @Tucking_Friggered said:
    Yes, we do base balancing the game around what the best groups can do because if you do not then they can exploit whatever balance issue is there and become unbeatable.

    Yes, you can absolutely exploit bad killers, all they need to do is stop posting and play the game to gain more experience.

    I find it odd how they all claim they dodge SWF but still have a major issue with it - almost like they just want the fun removed.

    If you think SWF is hard, and you start buffing around that, you make the game impossible for solo players, well done, you've further ruined the game because some bad killers on the forum can't handle SWF.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @NoxiousOnnyyxx said:
    Chem some people are too simple minded and take this game way too seriously. They wouldn't understand what a laugh is if it hit them in the face. 

    That is what they don't get you two spend more time teabagging each other and messing around in our "super elite swf swat squad"!

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @SenzuDuck said:


    Exactly that, despite you probably never having played against them they're still in here calling you dumb and plebs for a single mistake made in one match.

    These are the types of people that ruin this game imo.

    It is ok trust me we laugh at all the dumb comments and users we encounter on the forum, when we play the game. Our swf chat mostly consists of us looking at the forum during lobby simulator and laughing at nerf this buff that delete ds delete the hatch, remove noed, nurse op etc.... Did a generator toxic, escaped toxic, killed a survivor toxic, didn't start the match on a hook or on the ground toxic, escaped the killer in chase toxic, found a brown med kit toxic, ran from the killer toxic.

  • chemical_reject
    chemical_reject Member Posts: 940
    fcc2014 said:

    @SenzuDuck said:


    Exactly that, despite you probably never having played against them they're still in here calling you dumb and plebs for a single mistake made in one match.

    These are the types of people that ruin this game imo.

    It is ok trust me we laugh at all the dumb comments and users we encounter on the forum, when we play the game. Our swf chat mostly consists of us looking at the forum during lobby simulator and laughing at nerf this buff that delete ds delete the hatch, remove noed, nurse op etc.... Did a generator toxic, escaped toxic, killed a survivor toxic, didn't start the match on a hook or on the ground toxic, escaped the killer in chase toxic, found a brown med kit toxic, ran from the killer toxic.

    Took a lamp u got to to first before I could, toxic
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @chemical_reject said:

    Took a lamp u got to to first before I could, toxic

    You son of a ######### you did in like 75% of the matches right in front me. You TOXIC Dwight locker dwelling ass!!!!

  • chemical_reject
    chemical_reject Member Posts: 940
    fcc2014 said:

    @chemical_reject said:

    Took a lamp u got to to first before I could, toxic

    You son of a ######### you did in like 75% of the matches right in front me. You TOXIC Dwight locker dwelling ass!!!!

    Gotta get me them coins man. *insert Dave Chapelle meme*
  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:
    Yes, we do base balancing the game around what the best groups can do because if you do not then they can exploit whatever balance issue is there and become unbeatable.

    Yes, you can absolutely exploit bad killers, all they need to do is stop posting and play the game to gain more experience.

    I find it odd how they all claim they dodge SWF but still have a major issue with it - almost like they just want the fun removed.

    If you think SWF is hard, and you start buffing around that, you make the game impossible for solo players, well done, you've further ruined the game because some bad killers on the forum can't handle SWF.

    At any point are you going to post something that isn't pointless rhetoric? The posts you are making are remedial. You can boil it down to "leave SWF broken and OP because i'd like to convince you that if you buff killers to deal with them you leave solo survivors hosed, while at the same time I hope that you aren't intelligent enough to know nerfing the living hell out of SWF will solve the issue and have none of the drawbacks."

    Some of the best killers in this community know and state SWF is broken and you, an unknown in comparison, speak as if you breeze through SWF like it's nothing. It's all hot air. Nobody cares about potato groups it's about the best of the best getting a free ride because the game is exploitable with VoIP and they know how to do it to the Nth degree.

    and almost everyone on this forum is a massive nobody but you expect us all to listen to them? If it looks like bias, swims like bias, and sounds like bias, then it probably is bias.

    "You're a nobody Senzu, so everything you say doesn't mean anything, however all these nobody killers should be listened to because idk they agree with me".

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    During your SWF

  • vampire_toothy
    vampire_toothy Member Posts: 381

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:
    Yes, we do base balancing the game around what the best groups can do because if you do not then they can exploit whatever balance issue is there and become unbeatable.

    Yes, you can absolutely exploit bad killers, all they need to do is stop posting and play the game to gain more experience.

    I find it odd how they all claim they dodge SWF but still have a major issue with it - almost like they just want the fun removed.

    If you think SWF is hard, and you start buffing around that, you make the game impossible for solo players, well done, you've further ruined the game because some bad killers on the forum can't handle SWF.

    At any point are you going to post something that isn't pointless rhetoric? The posts you are making are remedial. You can boil it down to "leave SWF broken and OP because i'd like to convince you that if you buff killers to deal with them you leave solo survivors hosed, while at the same time I hope that you aren't intelligent enough to know nerfing the living hell out of SWF will solve the issue and have none of the drawbacks."

    Some of the best killers in this community know and state SWF is broken and you, an unknown in comparison, speak as if you breeze through SWF like it's nothing. It's all hot air. Nobody cares about potato groups it's about the best of the best getting a free ride because the game is exploitable with VoIP and they know how to do it to the Nth degree.

    I don't agree with Senzu very often but I think you're looking at the wrong issue. You're not wrong when you say that SWF grants an advantage to players considering that they are more likely to have more information than solo's and put that information to good use but the problem isn't the fact that people want to play with their friends.

    The real problem comes with the duration of the matches if you use half of the killers in the game, in which case the real problem we should be taking a look at is good players on bad maps. If you take a look at maps like disturbed ward, haddonfield or pretty much any coldwind farm map then those are horrible for killers let alone if you put a survivor with any form of a brain on them. Once you fix up the problematic maps, it's really only a matter of making some of the more lackluster killers (Trapper, Leatherface, Pig, Doctor, Legion & Clown) more worthwhile to use.

  • CronaWins
    CronaWins Member Posts: 650

    @Master said:
    Even though they are complete plebs, they still are aware that hes being chased and all worked on gens

    Not hard to work on a gen while not in killer radius. Any good solo player will sit on a gen in killers heartbeat regardless if someone is being chased or not so it really doesn't matter that they are in a SWF.

    Only bad players hide at the first sign of the killers radius.

  • OrionsFury4789
    OrionsFury4789 Member Posts: 637

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:
    It doesn't matter what the worst SWF teams can do, it only matters what the best can. If the best can play in a way that makes winning all but impossible for any but a dedicated Nurse then there is a problem.

    Every killer could run Ebony Mori so we should be balancing around that as well.

    Ebony mori is a UR blood web item and can not be maintained every match by virtue of the cost and scarcity. Try again.

    I have 45 ebony mori on my spirit right now LMAO
  • Tucking_Friggered
    Tucking_Friggered Member Posts: 636
    edited February 2019

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:
    Yes, we do base balancing the game around what the best groups can do because if you do not then they can exploit whatever balance issue is there and become unbeatable.

    Yes, you can absolutely exploit bad killers, all they need to do is stop posting and play the game to gain more experience.

    I find it odd how they all claim they dodge SWF but still have a major issue with it - almost like they just want the fun removed.

    If you think SWF is hard, and you start buffing around that, you make the game impossible for solo players, well done, you've further ruined the game because some bad killers on the forum can't handle SWF.

    At any point are you going to post something that isn't pointless rhetoric? The posts you are making are remedial. You can boil it down to "leave SWF broken and OP because i'd like to convince you that if you buff killers to deal with them you leave solo survivors hosed, while at the same time I hope that you aren't intelligent enough to know nerfing the living hell out of SWF will solve the issue and have none of the drawbacks."

    Some of the best killers in this community know and state SWF is broken and you, an unknown in comparison, speak as if you breeze through SWF like it's nothing. It's all hot air. Nobody cares about potato groups it's about the best of the best getting a free ride because the game is exploitable with VoIP and they know how to do it to the Nth degree.

    and almost everyone on this forum is a massive nobody but you expect us all to listen to them? If it looks like bias, swims like bias, and sounds like bias, then it probably is bias.

    "You're a nobody Senzu, so everything you say doesn't mean anything, however all these nobody killers should be listened to because idk they agree with me".

    That's right Senzu, you are an unknown and no one listens to your rhetoric particularly when it is so painfully obtuse and contrary to things fundamentally understood by the community. Even the devs have acknowledged the issues, they just don't care.

    As for those nobody killers? Yeah, no. They are large streamers with cult followings that bring many players to the game and act as a constant source of entertainment for people interested in DbD. There are many days where watching one of them sparks my interest in playing and I'm certainly not alone.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:
    Yes, we do base balancing the game around what the best groups can do because if you do not then they can exploit whatever balance issue is there and become unbeatable.

    Yes, you can absolutely exploit bad killers, all they need to do is stop posting and play the game to gain more experience.

    I find it odd how they all claim they dodge SWF but still have a major issue with it - almost like they just want the fun removed.

    If you think SWF is hard, and you start buffing around that, you make the game impossible for solo players, well done, you've further ruined the game because some bad killers on the forum can't handle SWF.

    At any point are you going to post something that isn't pointless rhetoric? The posts you are making are remedial. You can boil it down to "leave SWF broken and OP because i'd like to convince you that if you buff killers to deal with them you leave solo survivors hosed, while at the same time I hope that you aren't intelligent enough to know nerfing the living hell out of SWF will solve the issue and have none of the drawbacks."

    Some of the best killers in this community know and state SWF is broken and you, an unknown in comparison, speak as if you breeze through SWF like it's nothing. It's all hot air. Nobody cares about potato groups it's about the best of the best getting a free ride because the game is exploitable with VoIP and they know how to do it to the Nth degree.

    and almost everyone on this forum is a massive nobody but you expect us all to listen to them? If it looks like bias, swims like bias, and sounds like bias, then it probably is bias.

    "You're a nobody Senzu, so everything you say doesn't mean anything, however all these nobody killers should be listened to because idk they agree with me".

    That's right Senzu, you are an unknown and no one listens to your rhetoric particularly when it is so painfully obtuse and contrary to things fundamentally understood by the community. Even the devs have acknowledged the issues, they just don't care.

    As for those nobody killers? Yeah, no. They are large streamers with cult followings that bring many players to the game and act as a constant source of entertainment for people interested in DbD. There are many days where watching one of them sparks my interest in playing and I'm certainly not alone.

    What huge streamers are here talking about game issues? lmfao

    You have tru3 &... who? lmao they certainly aren't here, are they.

  • Tucking_Friggered
    Tucking_Friggered Member Posts: 636

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:
    Yes, we do base balancing the game around what the best groups can do because if you do not then they can exploit whatever balance issue is there and become unbeatable.

    Yes, you can absolutely exploit bad killers, all they need to do is stop posting and play the game to gain more experience.

    I find it odd how they all claim they dodge SWF but still have a major issue with it - almost like they just want the fun removed.

    If you think SWF is hard, and you start buffing around that, you make the game impossible for solo players, well done, you've further ruined the game because some bad killers on the forum can't handle SWF.

    At any point are you going to post something that isn't pointless rhetoric? The posts you are making are remedial. You can boil it down to "leave SWF broken and OP because i'd like to convince you that if you buff killers to deal with them you leave solo survivors hosed, while at the same time I hope that you aren't intelligent enough to know nerfing the living hell out of SWF will solve the issue and have none of the drawbacks."

    Some of the best killers in this community know and state SWF is broken and you, an unknown in comparison, speak as if you breeze through SWF like it's nothing. It's all hot air. Nobody cares about potato groups it's about the best of the best getting a free ride because the game is exploitable with VoIP and they know how to do it to the Nth degree.

    and almost everyone on this forum is a massive nobody but you expect us all to listen to them? If it looks like bias, swims like bias, and sounds like bias, then it probably is bias.

    "You're a nobody Senzu, so everything you say doesn't mean anything, however all these nobody killers should be listened to because idk they agree with me".

    That's right Senzu, you are an unknown and no one listens to your rhetoric particularly when it is so painfully obtuse and contrary to things fundamentally understood by the community. Even the devs have acknowledged the issues, they just don't care.

    As for those nobody killers? Yeah, no. They are large streamers with cult followings that bring many players to the game and act as a constant source of entertainment for people interested in DbD. There are many days where watching one of them sparks my interest in playing and I'm certainly not alone.

    What huge streamers are here talking about game issues? lmfao

    You have tru3 &... who? lmao they certainly aren't here, are they.

    Why would they be? The devs don't pay attention to this forum any more than they did the Steam forums. Reddit and private messages are where it's at. They also have better things to do than go over issues already talked about endlessly with unknown and intellectually dishonest people like yourself.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526
    edited February 2019

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:
    Yes, we do base balancing the game around what the best groups can do because if you do not then they can exploit whatever balance issue is there and become unbeatable.

    Yes, you can absolutely exploit bad killers, all they need to do is stop posting and play the game to gain more experience.

    I find it odd how they all claim they dodge SWF but still have a major issue with it - almost like they just want the fun removed.

    If you think SWF is hard, and you start buffing around that, you make the game impossible for solo players, well done, you've further ruined the game because some bad killers on the forum can't handle SWF.

    At any point are you going to post something that isn't pointless rhetoric? The posts you are making are remedial. You can boil it down to "leave SWF broken and OP because i'd like to convince you that if you buff killers to deal with them you leave solo survivors hosed, while at the same time I hope that you aren't intelligent enough to know nerfing the living hell out of SWF will solve the issue and have none of the drawbacks."

    Some of the best killers in this community know and state SWF is broken and you, an unknown in comparison, speak as if you breeze through SWF like it's nothing. It's all hot air. Nobody cares about potato groups it's about the best of the best getting a free ride because the game is exploitable with VoIP and they know how to do it to the Nth degree.

    and almost everyone on this forum is a massive nobody but you expect us all to listen to them? If it looks like bias, swims like bias, and sounds like bias, then it probably is bias.

    "You're a nobody Senzu, so everything you say doesn't mean anything, however all these nobody killers should be listened to because idk they agree with me".

    That's right Senzu, you are an unknown and no one listens to your rhetoric particularly when it is so painfully obtuse and contrary to things fundamentally understood by the community. Even the devs have acknowledged the issues, they just don't care.

    As for those nobody killers? Yeah, no. They are large streamers with cult followings that bring many players to the game and act as a constant source of entertainment for people interested in DbD. There are many days where watching one of them sparks my interest in playing and I'm certainly not alone.

    What huge streamers are here talking about game issues? lmfao

    You have tru3 &... who? lmao they certainly aren't here, are they.

    Why would they be? The devs don't pay attention to this forum any more than they did the Steam forums. Reddit and private messages are where it's at. They also have better things to do than go over issues already talked about endlessly with unknown and intellectually dishonest people like yourself.

    I love how upset you guys get by this forum.

    Little bit of info for you, you're also a huge nobody. I have a different opinion to you, that's cool it's a free world. I'm sorry I don't struggle at every mechanic at this game like you do. I love playing against SWF, I never dodge lobbies and I don't cry about SWF.

    I'm still super curious about this list of large streamers with cult followings that share the same "delete swf" ideology you have.

    That's not called being dishonest it's called having a different opinion, surely someone with the huge intellectual capacity that someone such as yourself holds should understand that.

    The main issue with this game is DS/Map Layouts. SWF is easy, stop crying and get better at the game.

  • Tucking_Friggered
    Tucking_Friggered Member Posts: 636
    edited February 2019

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:
    Yes, we do base balancing the game around what the best groups can do because if you do not then they can exploit whatever balance issue is there and become unbeatable.

    Yes, you can absolutely exploit bad killers, all they need to do is stop posting and play the game to gain more experience.

    I find it odd how they all claim they dodge SWF but still have a major issue with it - almost like they just want the fun removed.

    If you think SWF is hard, and you start buffing around that, you make the game impossible for solo players, well done, you've further ruined the game because some bad killers on the forum can't handle SWF.

    At any point are you going to post something that isn't pointless rhetoric? The posts you are making are remedial. You can boil it down to "leave SWF broken and OP because i'd like to convince you that if you buff killers to deal with them you leave solo survivors hosed, while at the same time I hope that you aren't intelligent enough to know nerfing the living hell out of SWF will solve the issue and have none of the drawbacks."

    Some of the best killers in this community know and state SWF is broken and you, an unknown in comparison, speak as if you breeze through SWF like it's nothing. It's all hot air. Nobody cares about potato groups it's about the best of the best getting a free ride because the game is exploitable with VoIP and they know how to do it to the Nth degree.

    and almost everyone on this forum is a massive nobody but you expect us all to listen to them? If it looks like bias, swims like bias, and sounds like bias, then it probably is bias.

    "You're a nobody Senzu, so everything you say doesn't mean anything, however all these nobody killers should be listened to because idk they agree with me".

    That's right Senzu, you are an unknown and no one listens to your rhetoric particularly when it is so painfully obtuse and contrary to things fundamentally understood by the community. Even the devs have acknowledged the issues, they just don't care.

    As for those nobody killers? Yeah, no. They are large streamers with cult followings that bring many players to the game and act as a constant source of entertainment for people interested in DbD. There are many days where watching one of them sparks my interest in playing and I'm certainly not alone.

    What huge streamers are here talking about game issues? lmfao

    You have tru3 &... who? lmao they certainly aren't here, are they.

    Why would they be? The devs don't pay attention to this forum any more than they did the Steam forums. Reddit and private messages are where it's at. They also have better things to do than go over issues already talked about endlessly with unknown and intellectually dishonest people like yourself.

    I love how upset you guys get by this forum.

    Little bit of info for you, you're also a huge nobody. I have a different opinion to you, that's cool it's a free world. I'm sorry I don't struggle at every mechanic at this game like you do. I love playing against SWF, I never dodge lobbies and I don't cry about SWF.

    I'm still super curious about this list of large streamers with cult followings that share the same "delete swf" ideology you have.

    That's not called being dishonest it's called having a different opinion, surely someone with the huge intellectual capacity that someone such as yourself holds should understand that.

    The main issue with this game is DS/Map Layouts. SWF is easy, stop crying and get better at the game.

    I don't take you seriously my man. Hearing git gud from someone like you is akin to the survivor I kill telling me how bad I am after I removed them from the game. I can't stop them from saying it, but its self evident.

    No one said to delete swf either but when you talk to yourself and only hear or read what you want to argue against and not what the people say it's easy to make those mistakes.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:
    Yes, we do base balancing the game around what the best groups can do because if you do not then they can exploit whatever balance issue is there and become unbeatable.

    Yes, you can absolutely exploit bad killers, all they need to do is stop posting and play the game to gain more experience.

    I find it odd how they all claim they dodge SWF but still have a major issue with it - almost like they just want the fun removed.

    If you think SWF is hard, and you start buffing around that, you make the game impossible for solo players, well done, you've further ruined the game because some bad killers on the forum can't handle SWF.

    At any point are you going to post something that isn't pointless rhetoric? The posts you are making are remedial. You can boil it down to "leave SWF broken and OP because i'd like to convince you that if you buff killers to deal with them you leave solo survivors hosed, while at the same time I hope that you aren't intelligent enough to know nerfing the living hell out of SWF will solve the issue and have none of the drawbacks."

    Some of the best killers in this community know and state SWF is broken and you, an unknown in comparison, speak as if you breeze through SWF like it's nothing. It's all hot air. Nobody cares about potato groups it's about the best of the best getting a free ride because the game is exploitable with VoIP and they know how to do it to the Nth degree.

    and almost everyone on this forum is a massive nobody but you expect us all to listen to them? If it looks like bias, swims like bias, and sounds like bias, then it probably is bias.

    "You're a nobody Senzu, so everything you say doesn't mean anything, however all these nobody killers should be listened to because idk they agree with me".

    That's right Senzu, you are an unknown and no one listens to your rhetoric particularly when it is so painfully obtuse and contrary to things fundamentally understood by the community. Even the devs have acknowledged the issues, they just don't care.

    As for those nobody killers? Yeah, no. They are large streamers with cult followings that bring many players to the game and act as a constant source of entertainment for people interested in DbD. There are many days where watching one of them sparks my interest in playing and I'm certainly not alone.

    What huge streamers are here talking about game issues? lmfao

    You have tru3 &... who? lmao they certainly aren't here, are they.

    Why would they be? The devs don't pay attention to this forum any more than they did the Steam forums. Reddit and private messages are where it's at. They also have better things to do than go over issues already talked about endlessly with unknown and intellectually dishonest people like yourself.

    I love how upset you guys get by this forum.

    Little bit of info for you, you're also a huge nobody. I have a different opinion to you, that's cool it's a free world. I'm sorry I don't struggle at every mechanic at this game like you do. I love playing against SWF, I never dodge lobbies and I don't cry about SWF.

    I'm still super curious about this list of large streamers with cult followings that share the same "delete swf" ideology you have.

    That's not called being dishonest it's called having a different opinion, surely someone with the huge intellectual capacity that someone such as yourself holds should understand that.

    The main issue with this game is DS/Map Layouts. SWF is easy, stop crying and get better at the game.

    I don't take you seriously my man. Hearing git gud from someone like you is akin to the survivor I kill telling me how bad I am after I removed them from the game. I can't stop them from saying it, but its self evident.

    You guys are so cute, have a lovely day :)

  • Tucking_Friggered
    Tucking_Friggered Member Posts: 636

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:
    Yes, we do base balancing the game around what the best groups can do because if you do not then they can exploit whatever balance issue is there and become unbeatable.

    Yes, you can absolutely exploit bad killers, all they need to do is stop posting and play the game to gain more experience.

    I find it odd how they all claim they dodge SWF but still have a major issue with it - almost like they just want the fun removed.

    If you think SWF is hard, and you start buffing around that, you make the game impossible for solo players, well done, you've further ruined the game because some bad killers on the forum can't handle SWF.

    At any point are you going to post something that isn't pointless rhetoric? The posts you are making are remedial. You can boil it down to "leave SWF broken and OP because i'd like to convince you that if you buff killers to deal with them you leave solo survivors hosed, while at the same time I hope that you aren't intelligent enough to know nerfing the living hell out of SWF will solve the issue and have none of the drawbacks."

    Some of the best killers in this community know and state SWF is broken and you, an unknown in comparison, speak as if you breeze through SWF like it's nothing. It's all hot air. Nobody cares about potato groups it's about the best of the best getting a free ride because the game is exploitable with VoIP and they know how to do it to the Nth degree.

    and almost everyone on this forum is a massive nobody but you expect us all to listen to them? If it looks like bias, swims like bias, and sounds like bias, then it probably is bias.

    "You're a nobody Senzu, so everything you say doesn't mean anything, however all these nobody killers should be listened to because idk they agree with me".

    That's right Senzu, you are an unknown and no one listens to your rhetoric particularly when it is so painfully obtuse and contrary to things fundamentally understood by the community. Even the devs have acknowledged the issues, they just don't care.

    As for those nobody killers? Yeah, no. They are large streamers with cult followings that bring many players to the game and act as a constant source of entertainment for people interested in DbD. There are many days where watching one of them sparks my interest in playing and I'm certainly not alone.

    What huge streamers are here talking about game issues? lmfao

    You have tru3 &... who? lmao they certainly aren't here, are they.

    Why would they be? The devs don't pay attention to this forum any more than they did the Steam forums. Reddit and private messages are where it's at. They also have better things to do than go over issues already talked about endlessly with unknown and intellectually dishonest people like yourself.

    I love how upset you guys get by this forum.

    Little bit of info for you, you're also a huge nobody. I have a different opinion to you, that's cool it's a free world. I'm sorry I don't struggle at every mechanic at this game like you do. I love playing against SWF, I never dodge lobbies and I don't cry about SWF.

    I'm still super curious about this list of large streamers with cult followings that share the same "delete swf" ideology you have.

    That's not called being dishonest it's called having a different opinion, surely someone with the huge intellectual capacity that someone such as yourself holds should understand that.

    The main issue with this game is DS/Map Layouts. SWF is easy, stop crying and get better at the game.

    I don't take you seriously my man. Hearing git gud from someone like you is akin to the survivor I kill telling me how bad I am after I removed them from the game. I can't stop them from saying it, but its self evident.

    You guys are so cute, have a lovely day :)

    You're not even a good troll. When I read delete SWF I knew I was talking to a low information poster willing to give just enough attention to have a reason to post but not attuned enough to understand the conversation in its entirety.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:
    Yes, we do base balancing the game around what the best groups can do because if you do not then they can exploit whatever balance issue is there and become unbeatable.

    Yes, you can absolutely exploit bad killers, all they need to do is stop posting and play the game to gain more experience.

    I find it odd how they all claim they dodge SWF but still have a major issue with it - almost like they just want the fun removed.

    If you think SWF is hard, and you start buffing around that, you make the game impossible for solo players, well done, you've further ruined the game because some bad killers on the forum can't handle SWF.

    At any point are you going to post something that isn't pointless rhetoric? The posts you are making are remedial. You can boil it down to "leave SWF broken and OP because i'd like to convince you that if you buff killers to deal with them you leave solo survivors hosed, while at the same time I hope that you aren't intelligent enough to know nerfing the living hell out of SWF will solve the issue and have none of the drawbacks."

    Some of the best killers in this community know and state SWF is broken and you, an unknown in comparison, speak as if you breeze through SWF like it's nothing. It's all hot air. Nobody cares about potato groups it's about the best of the best getting a free ride because the game is exploitable with VoIP and they know how to do it to the Nth degree.

    and almost everyone on this forum is a massive nobody but you expect us all to listen to them? If it looks like bias, swims like bias, and sounds like bias, then it probably is bias.

    "You're a nobody Senzu, so everything you say doesn't mean anything, however all these nobody killers should be listened to because idk they agree with me".

    That's right Senzu, you are an unknown and no one listens to your rhetoric particularly when it is so painfully obtuse and contrary to things fundamentally understood by the community. Even the devs have acknowledged the issues, they just don't care.

    As for those nobody killers? Yeah, no. They are large streamers with cult followings that bring many players to the game and act as a constant source of entertainment for people interested in DbD. There are many days where watching one of them sparks my interest in playing and I'm certainly not alone.

    What huge streamers are here talking about game issues? lmfao

    You have tru3 &... who? lmao they certainly aren't here, are they.

    Why would they be? The devs don't pay attention to this forum any more than they did the Steam forums. Reddit and private messages are where it's at. They also have better things to do than go over issues already talked about endlessly with unknown and intellectually dishonest people like yourself.

    I love how upset you guys get by this forum.

    Little bit of info for you, you're also a huge nobody. I have a different opinion to you, that's cool it's a free world. I'm sorry I don't struggle at every mechanic at this game like you do. I love playing against SWF, I never dodge lobbies and I don't cry about SWF.

    I'm still super curious about this list of large streamers with cult followings that share the same "delete swf" ideology you have.

    That's not called being dishonest it's called having a different opinion, surely someone with the huge intellectual capacity that someone such as yourself holds should understand that.

    The main issue with this game is DS/Map Layouts. SWF is easy, stop crying and get better at the game.

    I don't take you seriously my man. Hearing git gud from someone like you is akin to the survivor I kill telling me how bad I am after I removed them from the game. I can't stop them from saying it, but its self evident.

    You guys are so cute, have a lovely day :)

    You're not even a good troll. When I read delete SWF I knew I was talking to a low information poster willing to give just enough attention to have a reason to post but not attuned enough to understand the conversation in its entirety.

    Right so anyway if you're going to continue this conversation - can I have all the evidence you must have of these large cult following streamers that want something done about SWF?

    As far as I can tell the majority of them deal with SWF pretty well.

  • Tucking_Friggered
    Tucking_Friggered Member Posts: 636

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:
    Yes, we do base balancing the game around what the best groups can do because if you do not then they can exploit whatever balance issue is there and become unbeatable.

    Yes, you can absolutely exploit bad killers, all they need to do is stop posting and play the game to gain more experience.

    I find it odd how they all claim they dodge SWF but still have a major issue with it - almost like they just want the fun removed.

    If you think SWF is hard, and you start buffing around that, you make the game impossible for solo players, well done, you've further ruined the game because some bad killers on the forum can't handle SWF.

    At any point are you going to post something that isn't pointless rhetoric? The posts you are making are remedial. You can boil it down to "leave SWF broken and OP because i'd like to convince you that if you buff killers to deal with them you leave solo survivors hosed, while at the same time I hope that you aren't intelligent enough to know nerfing the living hell out of SWF will solve the issue and have none of the drawbacks."

    Some of the best killers in this community know and state SWF is broken and you, an unknown in comparison, speak as if you breeze through SWF like it's nothing. It's all hot air. Nobody cares about potato groups it's about the best of the best getting a free ride because the game is exploitable with VoIP and they know how to do it to the Nth degree.

    and almost everyone on this forum is a massive nobody but you expect us all to listen to them? If it looks like bias, swims like bias, and sounds like bias, then it probably is bias.

    "You're a nobody Senzu, so everything you say doesn't mean anything, however all these nobody killers should be listened to because idk they agree with me".

    That's right Senzu, you are an unknown and no one listens to your rhetoric particularly when it is so painfully obtuse and contrary to things fundamentally understood by the community. Even the devs have acknowledged the issues, they just don't care.

    As for those nobody killers? Yeah, no. They are large streamers with cult followings that bring many players to the game and act as a constant source of entertainment for people interested in DbD. There are many days where watching one of them sparks my interest in playing and I'm certainly not alone.

    What huge streamers are here talking about game issues? lmfao

    You have tru3 &... who? lmao they certainly aren't here, are they.

    Why would they be? The devs don't pay attention to this forum any more than they did the Steam forums. Reddit and private messages are where it's at. They also have better things to do than go over issues already talked about endlessly with unknown and intellectually dishonest people like yourself.

    I love how upset you guys get by this forum.

    Little bit of info for you, you're also a huge nobody. I have a different opinion to you, that's cool it's a free world. I'm sorry I don't struggle at every mechanic at this game like you do. I love playing against SWF, I never dodge lobbies and I don't cry about SWF.

    I'm still super curious about this list of large streamers with cult followings that share the same "delete swf" ideology you have.

    That's not called being dishonest it's called having a different opinion, surely someone with the huge intellectual capacity that someone such as yourself holds should understand that.

    The main issue with this game is DS/Map Layouts. SWF is easy, stop crying and get better at the game.

    I don't take you seriously my man. Hearing git gud from someone like you is akin to the survivor I kill telling me how bad I am after I removed them from the game. I can't stop them from saying it, but its self evident.

    You guys are so cute, have a lovely day :)

    You're not even a good troll. When I read delete SWF I knew I was talking to a low information poster willing to give just enough attention to have a reason to post but not attuned enough to understand the conversation in its entirety.

    Right so anyway if you're going to continue this conversation - can I have all the evidence you must have of these large cult following streamers that want something done about SWF?

    As far as I can tell the majority of them deal with SWF pretty well.

    See how easy you are? Let me show you how you dismiss and ignore someone permanently.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:
    Yes, we do base balancing the game around what the best groups can do because if you do not then they can exploit whatever balance issue is there and become unbeatable.

    Yes, you can absolutely exploit bad killers, all they need to do is stop posting and play the game to gain more experience.

    I find it odd how they all claim they dodge SWF but still have a major issue with it - almost like they just want the fun removed.

    If you think SWF is hard, and you start buffing around that, you make the game impossible for solo players, well done, you've further ruined the game because some bad killers on the forum can't handle SWF.

    At any point are you going to post something that isn't pointless rhetoric? The posts you are making are remedial. You can boil it down to "leave SWF broken and OP because i'd like to convince you that if you buff killers to deal with them you leave solo survivors hosed, while at the same time I hope that you aren't intelligent enough to know nerfing the living hell out of SWF will solve the issue and have none of the drawbacks."

    Some of the best killers in this community know and state SWF is broken and you, an unknown in comparison, speak as if you breeze through SWF like it's nothing. It's all hot air. Nobody cares about potato groups it's about the best of the best getting a free ride because the game is exploitable with VoIP and they know how to do it to the Nth degree.

    and almost everyone on this forum is a massive nobody but you expect us all to listen to them? If it looks like bias, swims like bias, and sounds like bias, then it probably is bias.

    "You're a nobody Senzu, so everything you say doesn't mean anything, however all these nobody killers should be listened to because idk they agree with me".

    That's right Senzu, you are an unknown and no one listens to your rhetoric particularly when it is so painfully obtuse and contrary to things fundamentally understood by the community. Even the devs have acknowledged the issues, they just don't care.

    As for those nobody killers? Yeah, no. They are large streamers with cult followings that bring many players to the game and act as a constant source of entertainment for people interested in DbD. There are many days where watching one of them sparks my interest in playing and I'm certainly not alone.

    What huge streamers are here talking about game issues? lmfao

    You have tru3 &... who? lmao they certainly aren't here, are they.

    Why would they be? The devs don't pay attention to this forum any more than they did the Steam forums. Reddit and private messages are where it's at. They also have better things to do than go over issues already talked about endlessly with unknown and intellectually dishonest people like yourself.

    I love how upset you guys get by this forum.

    Little bit of info for you, you're also a huge nobody. I have a different opinion to you, that's cool it's a free world. I'm sorry I don't struggle at every mechanic at this game like you do. I love playing against SWF, I never dodge lobbies and I don't cry about SWF.

    I'm still super curious about this list of large streamers with cult followings that share the same "delete swf" ideology you have.

    That's not called being dishonest it's called having a different opinion, surely someone with the huge intellectual capacity that someone such as yourself holds should understand that.

    The main issue with this game is DS/Map Layouts. SWF is easy, stop crying and get better at the game.

    I don't take you seriously my man. Hearing git gud from someone like you is akin to the survivor I kill telling me how bad I am after I removed them from the game. I can't stop them from saying it, but its self evident.

    You guys are so cute, have a lovely day :)

    You're not even a good troll. When I read delete SWF I knew I was talking to a low information poster willing to give just enough attention to have a reason to post but not attuned enough to understand the conversation in its entirety.

    Right so anyway if you're going to continue this conversation - can I have all the evidence you must have of these large cult following streamers that want something done about SWF?

    As far as I can tell the majority of them deal with SWF pretty well.

    See how easy you are? Let me show you how you dismiss and ignore someone permanently.

    You really think too highly of yourself it's honestly the cutest. a nobody telling a nobody that no one listens to nobodys while telling that nobody they should listen to them.

  • NoxiousOnnyyxx
    NoxiousOnnyyxx Member Posts: 343
    fcc2014 said:

    @NoxiousOnnyyxx said:
    Chem some people are too simple minded and take this game way too seriously. They wouldn't understand what a laugh is if it hit them in the face. 

    That is what they don't get you two spend more time teabagging each other and messing around in our "super elite swf swat squad"!

    You forgot about the part where we bully the killer!
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:
    Yes, we do base balancing the game around what the best groups can do because if you do not then they can exploit whatever balance issue is there and become unbeatable.

    Yes, you can absolutely exploit bad killers, all they need to do is stop posting and play the game to gain more experience.

    I find it odd how they all claim they dodge SWF but still have a major issue with it - almost like they just want the fun removed.

    If you think SWF is hard, and you start buffing around that, you make the game impossible for solo players, well done, you've further ruined the game because some bad killers on the forum can't handle SWF.

    At any point are you going to post something that isn't pointless rhetoric? The posts you are making are remedial. You can boil it down to "leave SWF broken and OP because i'd like to convince you that if you buff killers to deal with them you leave solo survivors hosed, while at the same time I hope that you aren't intelligent enough to know nerfing the living hell out of SWF will solve the issue and have none of the drawbacks."

    Some of the best killers in this community know and state SWF is broken and you, an unknown in comparison, speak as if you breeze through SWF like it's nothing. It's all hot air. Nobody cares about potato groups it's about the best of the best getting a free ride because the game is exploitable with VoIP and they know how to do it to the Nth degree.

    and almost everyone on this forum is a massive nobody but you expect us all to listen to them? If it looks like bias, swims like bias, and sounds like bias, then it probably is bias.

    "You're a nobody Senzu, so everything you say doesn't mean anything, however all these nobody killers should be listened to because idk they agree with me".

    That's right Senzu, you are an unknown and no one listens to your rhetoric particularly when it is so painfully obtuse and contrary to things fundamentally understood by the community. Even the devs have acknowledged the issues, they just don't care.

    As for those nobody killers? Yeah, no. They are large streamers with cult followings that bring many players to the game and act as a constant source of entertainment for people interested in DbD. There are many days where watching one of them sparks my interest in playing and I'm certainly not alone.

    What huge streamers are here talking about game issues? lmfao

    You have tru3 &... who? lmao they certainly aren't here, are they.

    Why would they be? The devs don't pay attention to this forum any more than they did the Steam forums. Reddit and private messages are where it's at. They also have better things to do than go over issues already talked about endlessly with unknown and intellectually dishonest people like yourself.

    I love how upset you guys get by this forum.

    Little bit of info for you, you're also a huge nobody. I have a different opinion to you, that's cool it's a free world. I'm sorry I don't struggle at every mechanic at this game like you do. I love playing against SWF, I never dodge lobbies and I don't cry about SWF.

    I'm still super curious about this list of large streamers with cult followings that share the same "delete swf" ideology you have.

    That's not called being dishonest it's called having a different opinion, surely someone with the huge intellectual capacity that someone such as yourself holds should understand that.

    The main issue with this game is DS/Map Layouts. SWF is easy, stop crying and get better at the game.

    I don't take you seriously my man. Hearing git gud from someone like you is akin to the survivor I kill telling me how bad I am after I removed them from the game. I can't stop them from saying it, but its self evident.

    You guys are so cute, have a lovely day :)

    You're not even a good troll. When I read delete SWF I knew I was talking to a low information poster willing to give just enough attention to have a reason to post but not attuned enough to understand the conversation in its entirety.

    Right so anyway if you're going to continue this conversation - can I have all the evidence you must have of these large cult following streamers that want something done about SWF?

    As far as I can tell the majority of them deal with SWF pretty well.

    See how easy you are? Let me show you how you dismiss and ignore someone permanently.

    You really think too highly of yourself it's honestly the cutest. a nobody telling a nobody that no one listens to nobodys while telling that nobody they should listen to them.

    @SenzuDuck @Tucking_Friggered

    I have to agree with Senzu, SWF is exaggerated by a lot of killers to be honest. I only lose 1 in every 10 SWF games and that is no where near OP.