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What REALLY happens during SWF



  • Roobnus
    Roobnus Member Posts: 375

    And while we're at it:
    You excuse an obvious imbalance with the lack of skill of the majority.

    Yes, not every SWF is broken but that doesn't change the fact that it CAN be broken - IF the players know how to play.

  • PureHostility
    PureHostility Member Posts: 708

    So, basically what you have shown us here is some snippet out of a complete miscommunication during an SWF play, that looks like semi low rank play (the miscommunication and lack of situational awareness).

    Great example...

    Go ahead and laugh at this post, Miss SWF.
    Remember what the word "carry" means and how it applies not only to other player skills but also broken mechanics that are allowed in the game, as such mechanics can be abused to be "carried" out of your proper place.

    Current ranking beside (it is a broken system beyond belief; at the level of intern game design), some of your party members in the way you speak here, belong in the newbie/casual zone, not because of "lack of skill" (gameplay sample is too small), but due to complete lack of game knowledge.

  • OrionsFury4789
    OrionsFury4789 Member Posts: 637
    Roobnus said:

    And while we're at it:
    You excuse an obvious imbalance with the lack of skill of the majority.

    Yes, not every SWF is broken but that doesn't change the fact that it CAN be broken - IF the players know how to play.

    This game is balanced around casuals I don't know how many times the devs have to tell you guys it's not a damn e sport , you really want to kill this game? Balance it the way you're talking about and watch anyone who's below a rank 5 survivor totally dip on this game because they already don't play it alot, sure me and some of my friends could easily accept the changes but you bring in people not as dedicated as we are who literally still get the jumps off this game or just play it when they're enjoying a break in their normal routine and throw them into that situation and watch the ones who aren't hardcore ALL hit the road and leave you with the same toxic survivors over and over again, while we can agree there are a few things that need to be addressed on the killer side , the same could be said about survivors, and at this point in the game it's balanced for the most part it's really just QOL changes that are needed.
  • OrionsFury4789
    OrionsFury4789 Member Posts: 637

    So, basically what you have shown us here is some snippet out of a complete miscommunication during an SWF play, that looks like semi low rank play (the miscommunication and lack of situational awareness).

    Great example...

    Go ahead and laugh at this post, Miss SWF.
    Remember what the word "carry" means and how it applies not only to other player skills but also broken mechanics that are allowed in the game, as such mechanics can be abused to be "carried" out of your proper place.

    Current ranking beside (it is a broken system beyond belief; at the level of intern game design), some of your party members in the way you speak here, belong in the newbie/casual zone, not because of "lack of skill" (gameplay sample is too small), but due to complete lack of game knowledge.

    Yea but you're gonna completely ignore how lobby dodgers break the ranking too right? Bias much? , I swear if I wouldn't get lynched off this forum I'd post one of my videos on here and really get some people riled up, there have been plenty of times I wanted to use my survivor or killer videos as an example to an argument but I'm not about that self promotion on the forums life and not trying to get harrassed on one more platform than I already do 
  • Roobnus
    Roobnus Member Posts: 375
    edited February 2019

    @OrionsFury4789 said:
    This game is balanced around casuals I don't know how many times the devs have to tell you guys it's not a damn e sport , you really want to kill this game? Balance it the way you're talking about and watch anyone who's below a rank 5 survivor totally dip on this game because they already don't play it alot, sure me and some of my friends could easily accept the changes but you bring in people not as dedicated as we are who literally still get the jumps off this game or just play it when they're enjoying a break in their normal routine and throw them into that situation and watch the ones who aren't hardcore ALL hit the road and leave you with the same toxic survivors over and over again, while we can agree there are a few things that need to be addressed on the killer side , the same could be said about survivors, and at this point in the game it's balanced for the most part it's really just QOL changes that are needed.

    Oh did they? Show me a clip of where they said that, I'll be waiting.

    To make it simple; I don't want to kill this game, I just want two things:

    Firstly, I want is a proper ranking system that seperates the unskilled, incompetent "casuals" from the actually skilled, competent "hardcore" players. Casuals should NEVER be able to reach Rank 5. Shouldn't happen. If that doesn't happen, we won't have problems with them anymore and they won't have problems with us anymore.

    That's one problem solved by prodiving a "good" ranking system.

    Secondly, I want them to balance SWFs.

    That's another problem solved by providing a proper fix for SWFs.

    That's it! That's all I'm asking for. Nerf SWF to the point where they're equal to 4 solos. Fix the ranking system so no casual will ever be able to make it past rank 10. DONE!

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited February 2019
    SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:
    Yes, we do base balancing the game around what the best groups can do because if you do not then they can exploit whatever balance issue is there and become unbeatable.

    Yes, you can absolutely exploit bad killers, all they need to do is stop posting and play the game to gain more experience.

    I find it odd how they all claim they dodge SWF but still have a major issue with it - almost like they just want the fun removed.

    If you think SWF is hard, and you start buffing around that, you make the game impossible for solo players, well done, you've further ruined the game because some bad killers on the forum can't handle SWF.

    At any point are you going to post something that isn't pointless rhetoric? The posts you are making are remedial. You can boil it down to "leave SWF broken and OP because i'd like to convince you that if you buff killers to deal with them you leave solo survivors hosed, while at the same time I hope that you aren't intelligent enough to know nerfing the living hell out of SWF will solve the issue and have none of the drawbacks."

    Some of the best killers in this community know and state SWF is broken and you, an unknown in comparison, speak as if you breeze through SWF like it's nothing. It's all hot air. Nobody cares about potato groups it's about the best of the best getting a free ride because the game is exploitable with VoIP and they know how to do it to the Nth degree.

    and almost everyone on this forum is a massive nobody but you expect us all to listen to them? If it looks like bias, swims like bias, and sounds like bias, then it probably is bias.

    "You're a nobody Senzu, so everything you say doesn't mean anything, however all these nobody killers should be listened to because idk they agree with me".

    That's right Senzu, you are an unknown and no one listens to your rhetoric particularly when it is so painfully obtuse and contrary to things fundamentally understood by the community. Even the devs have acknowledged the issues, they just don't care.

    As for those nobody killers? Yeah, no. They are large streamers with cult followings that bring many players to the game and act as a constant source of entertainment for people interested in DbD. There are many days where watching one of them sparks my interest in playing and I'm certainly not alone.

    What huge streamers are here talking about game issues? lmfao

    You have tru3 &... who? lmao they certainly aren't here, are they.

    Why would they be? The devs don't pay attention to this forum any more than they did the Steam forums. Reddit and private messages are where it's at. They also have better things to do than go over issues already talked about endlessly with unknown and intellectually dishonest people like yourself.

    I love how upset you guys get by this forum.

    Little bit of info for you, you're also a huge nobody. I have a different opinion to you, that's cool it's a free world. I'm sorry I don't struggle at every mechanic at this game like you do. I love playing against SWF, I never dodge lobbies and I don't cry about SWF.

    I'm still super curious about this list of large streamers with cult followings that share the same "delete swf" ideology you have.

    That's not called being dishonest it's called having a different opinion, surely someone with the huge intellectual capacity that someone such as yourself holds should understand that.

    The main issue with this game is DS/Map Layouts. SWF is easy, stop crying and get better at the game.

    I don't take you seriously my man. Hearing git gud from someone like you is akin to the survivor I kill telling me how bad I am after I removed them from the game. I can't stop them from saying it, but its self evident.

    You guys are so cute, have a lovely day :)

    You're not even a good troll. When I read delete SWF I knew I was talking to a low information poster willing to give just enough attention to have a reason to post but not attuned enough to understand the conversation in its entirety.

    Right so anyway if you're going to continue this conversation - can I have all the evidence you must have of these large cult following streamers that want something done about SWF?

    As far as I can tell the majority of them deal with SWF pretty well.

    To be fair a lot of them don't have a job. In fact they play more hours of DBD per day than most of us spend at work.

    When it's their job of course they're gonna put up with all of it.

    For the more casual players who get out of work and want to chill, dealing with 4 tbeabagging claudettes who give it the "EZ BABYKILLER #########" isn't something they want to deal with.

    Edit: Love how those 3 letters starting with K are censored on here but somehow acceptable in the game.
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited February 2019

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:
    It doesn't matter what the worst SWF teams can do, it only matters what the best can. If the best can play in a way that makes winning all but impossible for any but a dedicated Nurse then there is a problem.

    Every killer could run Ebony Mori so we should be balancing around that as well.

    Ebony mori is a UR blood web item and can not be maintained every match by virtue of the cost and scarcity. Try again.

    I p3'd my Spirit and I'm still dumping BP into her for all the perks. I have 30+ Prayer Beads and 25+ pink moris. Once I get all the perks I'm positive I could get at least a green or pink mori per bloodweb, and with BBQ I can play 1 game and get an entire blood web (or most of it). I also have something like 25+ pink hatchets on my Huntress. So no, they are easy AF to get and maintain if you are willing to dump your BP into a killer that already has every perk, and are willing to play a game here and there without it to get some extra BP for the next web.

  • OrionsFury4789
    OrionsFury4789 Member Posts: 637
    @Roobnus I guess I can agree with you on the ranking side of it and Mathieu has said it several times that it's not meant to be an e sport that's why marth88 and other killers decided to leave or take a break, because they proved that a top notch squad could beat even the best killer that's no secret but not every swf is the depip squad it's really rare to have a group that makes zero mistakes and sometimes something as small as going the right direction and catching a survivor off guard at the beginning can impact the whole game in your favor

    @The_Crusader it's so easy to rank up that even with a full time job like myself I can always get to one on both sides and have time to do what I want in the day the ranking system needs to be fixed to try and keep people together with the same skill level
  • Roobnus
    Roobnus Member Posts: 375

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:
    It doesn't matter what the worst SWF teams can do, it only matters what the best can. If the best can play in a way that makes winning all but impossible for any but a dedicated Nurse then there is a problem.

    Every killer could run Ebony Mori so we should be balancing around that as well.

    Ebony mori is a UR blood web item and can not be maintained every match by virtue of the cost and scarcity. Try again.

    I p3'd my Spirit and I'm still dumping BP into her for all the perks. I have 30+ Prayer Beads and 25+ pink moris. Once I get all the perks I'm positive I could get at least a green or pink mori per bloodweb, and with BBQ I can play 1 game and get an entire blood web (or most of it). I also have something like 25+ pink hatchets on my Huntress. So no, they are easy AF to get and maintain if you are willing to dump your BP into a killer that already has every perk, and are willing to play a game here and there without it to get some extra BP for the next web.


    Can you teach me how you get through a whole lvl 50 bloodweb with only ~60k points? Also considering that the mori alone costs 8'000 bloodpoints and you'll need somewhat strong add-ons aswell to be able to deal with SWFs.

    That means you not only get an ebony mori each bloodweb, you also get good add-ons in each blood web and you can maintain both those add-ons and that ebony mori with the bloodpoints you earned for a single match?

    If that's true, I'm truly impressive.....which I'm not, because I know it's bullshit.

  • Roobnus
    Roobnus Member Posts: 375
    edited February 2019

    @OrionsFury4789 said:
    @Roobnus I guess I can agree with you on the ranking side of it and Mathieu has said it several times that it's not meant to be an e sport that's why marth88 and other killers decided to leave or take a break, because they proved that a top notch squad could beat even the best killer that's no secret but not every swf is the depip squad it's really rare to have a group that makes zero mistakes and sometimes something as small as going the right direction and catching a survivor off guard at the beginning can impact the whole game in your favor

    So let me get this straight:

    People KNOW that the game is not balanced in high rank, yet they can't understand why people of high rank ask for balance in the high rank?

    And to excuse the imbalance in high rank, they take low / mid rank matches as examples for balance? What?

    I'm not gonna lie, I think the first thing I'm going to do tonight is depip on purpose just to get to the "balanced" ranks.

    If the devs refuse to balance the game around the hardcore players, the players that spend the most time playing their game, the players that play it to an extreme, then I have no other choice but to balance it myself, by heading to the ranks where the game is supposed to be balanced.

  • Roobnus
    Roobnus Member Posts: 375
    edited February 2019

    Every games balance should be based on skill. If both sides share the same skill level, the match should be rough for both sides - but balanced. Both sides should have a fair chance of winning.

    If I understand you guys correctly; the matches are easy for new Killers, somewhat balanced for the average Killers and unbalanced for the skilled Killers?

    Where is the logic is that? Getting better at the game should be rewarded, not punished. No wonder no one wants to play Killer, lol. That's ridiculous.

    The best part is, people explain it with "it's balanced around casuals". When I look at the players I play against, almost no one has less than 500 hours in this game.

    How are those players "casuals"? They play this game for several hours every single day, they're the opposite of casuals. Being a casual and being bad at the game is not the same. A casual is someone that plays the game casually. A player with 1000 hours but STILL no idea of how to play is not a casual, it's just someone that refuses to get good at the game.

  • OrionsFury4789
    OrionsFury4789 Member Posts: 637
    Roobnus said:

    @OrionsFury4789 said:
    @Roobnus I guess I can agree with you on the ranking side of it and Mathieu has said it several times that it's not meant to be an e sport that's why marth88 and other killers decided to leave or take a break, because they proved that a top notch squad could beat even the best killer that's no secret but not every swf is the depip squad it's really rare to have a group that makes zero mistakes and sometimes something as small as going the right direction and catching a survivor off guard at the beginning can impact the whole game in your favor

    So let me get this straight:

    People KNOW that the game is not balanced in high rank, yet they can't understand why people of high rank ask for balance in the high rank?

    And to excuse the imbalance in high rank, they take low / mid rank matches as examples for balance? What?

    I'm not gonna lie, I think the first thing I'm going to do tonight is depip on purpose just to get to the "balanced" ranks.

    If the devs refuse to balance the game around the hardcore players, the players that spend the most time playing their game, the players that play it to an extreme, then I have no other choice but to balance it myself, by heading to the ranks where the game is supposed to be balanced.

    That's your choice , they're trying to more even it out the best they can but this game is balanced around casuals because they make up more of the game than you realize, I'm sure alot of people can agree with that ,but understand that survival rates are under 50%  at red ranks even with all the derankers and farmers allowing them all to survive , not everyone plays the game like the depip squad and it's quite easy to get 3 or 4k 85% of the time , it's super rare to run into a squad that can just mop the floor with me I've only had it happen a handful of times and I can usually see where I went wrong 
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    @Roobnus said:

    It doesn't matter how one specific SWF plays (and in this case a very bad one).
    What matters is how a good, efficient SWF plays, that's what creates imbalance.

    At that point you're honestly just excusing (and confusing) SWFs with "bad players". It's like letting a new player play a 5 blink Nurse and then use it as a proof that 5 blink Nurse is not broken.

    It doesn't show what happens in a SWF, no. It shows what happens when this specific group of bad players play together. The result of that match was not caused by SWF, it was caused by the stupid decisions of the players.

    So, next time you wanna demonstrate the power of SWF, you might want to use actually good players as an example. Nobody cares about some randoms that fail even at the basics.

    Take the chill pill. Op is talking about how swf usually are, he's didn't mention the game's balance at all.
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited February 2019

    @Roobnus said:

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:
    It doesn't matter what the worst SWF teams can do, it only matters what the best can. If the best can play in a way that makes winning all but impossible for any but a dedicated Nurse then there is a problem.

    Every killer could run Ebony Mori so we should be balancing around that as well.

    Ebony mori is a UR blood web item and can not be maintained every match by virtue of the cost and scarcity. Try again.

    I p3'd my Spirit and I'm still dumping BP into her for all the perks. I have 30+ Prayer Beads and 25+ pink moris. Once I get all the perks I'm positive I could get at least a green or pink mori per bloodweb, and with BBQ I can play 1 game and get an entire blood web (or most of it). I also have something like 25+ pink hatchets on my Huntress. So no, they are easy AF to get and maintain if you are willing to dump your BP into a killer that already has every perk, and are willing to play a game here and there without it to get some extra BP for the next web.


    Can you teach me how you get through a whole lvl 50 bloodweb with only ~60k points? Also considering that the mori alone costs 8'000 bloodpoints and you'll need somewhat strong add-ons aswell to be able to deal with SWFs.

    That means you not only get an ebony mori each bloodweb, you also get good add-ons in each blood web and you can maintain both those add-ons and that ebony mori with the bloodpoints you earned for a single match?

    If that's true, I'm truly impressive.....which I'm not, because I know it's bullshit.

    I mean if you are so desperate for kills that you spam your best stuff every game regardless I can see how you might run out of this stuff. If you actually reserve it for when you feel you need it, no you could never run out. I can literally play 20 games in a row with OP add-ons and a pink mori, and get back at least 3/4 of it from the BP I earned in those games.

    I could also play 1 killer game with BBQ and 1 survivor game with WGLF and easily earn enough BP to take a full blood web. I could also just aim for the moris and then take all the white stuff. I've gone through level 50 blood webs easily with just 50k points by doing this. You act like it's impossible to maintain an infinite supply of this stuff when it's not. It's very easy.

  • Roobnus
    Roobnus Member Posts: 375

    @OrionsFury4789 said:
    That's your choice , they're trying to more even it out the best they can but this game is balanced around casuals because they make up more of the game than you realize, I'm sure alot of people can agree with that ,but understand that survival rates are under 50%  at red ranks even with all the derankers and farmers allowing them all to survive , not everyone plays the game like the depip squad and it's quite easy to get 3 or 4k 85% of the time , it's super rare to run into a squad that can just mop the floor with me I've only had it happen a handful of times and I can usually see where I went wrong 

    So let me get this straight.

    Fact 1: Survivors are at an advantage in high ranks.
    Fact 2: Survivors lose more often than they win in high rank
    (using your own words as source)

    Conclusion: Even though the Survivors are at an advantage, they somehow still manage to lose more often?

    My personal reflection of this:
    Too many survivors identify themselves as "being casuals". After hundreds of hours playing this game day in day out, you're not a casual anymore.

    You have the experience and knowledge required to be good at the game.
    You have the advantage of the game at your side.
    You have your friends at your side to help you achieve victory.

    And you STILL lose? That can only mean two things:

    • you are incredibly bad at the game
    • you purposely throw games because you don't even try to win

    Both those things mean that the results from high rank matches are not actually representative for balance. One scenario means the players weren't actually high skilled and the other scenario means the players didn't even try to win, so naturally they're more likely to lose.

  • Roobnus
    Roobnus Member Posts: 375

    @Vietfox said:
    Lol, RIP @Roobnus
    You mad because you realized your comment was pointless?

    it doesn't surprise me that you have more than 3600 posts, since you feel the need to step into every conversation without adding anything conctructive to it. I'm wondering, do you get paid for this or do you really have such a sad, boring life?

  • OrionsFury4789
    OrionsFury4789 Member Posts: 637
    Roobnus said:

    @OrionsFury4789 said:
    That's your choice , they're trying to more even it out the best they can but this game is balanced around casuals because they make up more of the game than you realize, I'm sure alot of people can agree with that ,but understand that survival rates are under 50%  at red ranks even with all the derankers and farmers allowing them all to survive , not everyone plays the game like the depip squad and it's quite easy to get 3 or 4k 85% of the time , it's super rare to run into a squad that can just mop the floor with me I've only had it happen a handful of times and I can usually see where I went wrong 

    So let me get this straight.

    Fact 1: Survivors are at an advantage in high ranks.
    Fact 2: Survivors lose more often than they win in high rank
    (using your own words as source)

    Conclusion: Even though the Survivors are at an advantage, they somehow still manage to lose more often?

    My personal reflection of this:
    Too many survivors identify themselves as "being casuals". After hundreds of hours playing this game day in day out, you're not a casual anymore.

    You have the experience and knowledge required to be good at the game.
    You have the advantage of the game at your side.
    You have your friends at your side to help you achieve victory.

    And you STILL lose? That can only mean two things:

    • you are incredibly bad at the game
    • you purposely throw games because you don't even try to win

    Both those things mean that the results from high rank matches are not actually representative for balance. One scenario means the players weren't actually high skilled and the other scenario means the players didn't even try to win, so naturally they're more likely to lose.

    Well I didn't say I was a casual you shouldn't put words in my mouth and you have no idea how I play maybe you should keep your ASSumptions to yourself, dont sit here and pretend like you win every single game at high ranks it's super easy for team mates to screw the whole team over and everyone knows it 
  • Roobnus
    Roobnus Member Posts: 375

    @OrionsFury4789 said:
    Well I didn't say I was a casual you shouldn't put words in my mouth and you have no idea how I play maybe you should keep your ASSumptions to yourself, dont sit here and pretend like you win every single game at high ranks it's super easy for team mates to screw the whole team over and everyone knows it 

    When I say "You", I'm not talking about YOU personally but the players that identify themselves as casuals, Apologies for the misunderstanding but I thought it was quite obvious in the context of my post.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    edited February 2019
    @Roobnus said:

    @Vietfox said:
    Lol, RIP @Roobnus
    You mad because you realized your comment was pointless?

    it doesn't surprise me that you have more than 3600 posts, since you feel the need to step into every conversation without adding anything conctructive to it. I'm wondering, do you get paid for this or do you really have such a sad, boring life?

    This is a forum, do you expect to not get replies?
    Your reply wasn't constructive since op wasn't talking about balance, you were the one who jumped in and released all the salt without even paying attention, i think it's you the one who needs to get a better life ^^
  • Roobnus
    Roobnus Member Posts: 375

    Slowly getting a bit tired of you guys here...

    Let me make it totally clear for once, @thesuicidefox the discussion is coming from this post:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:
    Ebony mori is a UR blood web item and can not be maintained every match by virtue of the cost and scarcity. Try again.

    Special mention "can not be maintained every match".

    To which you replied:

    @thesuicidefox said:
    I p3'd my Spirit and I'm still dumping BP into her for all the perks. I have 30+ Prayer Beads and 25+ pink moris. Once I get all the perks I'm positive I could get at least a green or pink mori per bloodweb, and with BBQ I can play 1 game and get an entire blood web (or most of it). I also have something like 25+ pink hatchets on my Huntress. So no, they are easy AF to get and maintain if you are willing to dump your BP into a killer that already has every perk, and are willing to play a game here and there without it to get some extra BP for the next web.

    Special mention:
    So no, they are easy AF to get and maintain if you are willing to dump your BP into a killer that already has every perk, and are willing to play a game here and there without it to get some extra BP for the next web.

    And now your next post says this:

    @thesuicidefox said:
    I mean if you are so desperate for kills that you spam your best stuff every game regardless I can see how you might run out of this stuff. If you actually reserve it for when you feel you need it, no you could never run out. I can literally play 20 games in a row with OP add-ons and a pink mori, and get back at least 3/4 of it from the BP I earned in those games.

    I could also play 1 killer game with BBQ and 1 survivor game with WGLF and easily earn enough BP to take a full blood web. I could also just aim for the moris and then take all the white stuff. I've gone through level 50 blood webs easily with just 50k points by doing this. You act like it's impossible to maintain an infinite supply of this stuff when it's not. It's very easy.

    Firstly, stop putting words in my mouth (i just love when people say that). I never said I'm desperate for kills so that I spam the best stuff.

    Secondly, you literally said in the post above that it's ez af to maintain those offerings and add-ons, but now you say that you can see how you might run out of them?

    Thirdly, I want to see you using 20 moris in a row and then getting back 15 of them just from those 20 matches. I am certain you will not be able to get those Moris back but feel free to prove me wrong!

  • Roobnus
    Roobnus Member Posts: 375
    edited February 2019

    @Vietfox said:
    This is a forum, do you expect to not get replies?
    Your reply wasn't constructive since op wasn't talking about balanced, you were the one who jumped in and released all the sal without even paying attention, i think it's you the one who needs to get a better life ^^

    My reply was never aimed at OP, it was aimed at people in this discussion claiming things that I'm questioning.

    If the context of the discussion isn't appealing to you, you can do two things:

    • complain about it by the person that initiated it
    • ignore it, since it doesn't seem to be a topic you want to discuss about

    It's still about SWF afterall, so balance of SWFs is a big part of it.

  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340
    edited February 2019
    Sairek said:

    @OrionsFury4789 said:
    Roobnus said:

    @OrionsFury4789 said:

    @Roobnus I guess I can agree with you on the ranking side of it and Mathieu has said it several times that it's not meant to be an e sport that's why marth88 and other killers decided to leave or take a break, because they proved that a top notch squad could beat even the best killer that's no secret but not every swf is the depip squad it's really rare to have a group that makes zero mistakes and sometimes something as small as going the right direction and catching a survivor off guard at the beginning can impact the whole game in your favor

    So let me get this straight:

    People KNOW that the game is not balanced in high rank, yet they can't understand why people of high rank ask for balance in the high rank?

    And to excuse the imbalance in high rank, they take low / mid rank matches as examples for balance? What?

    I'm not gonna lie, I think the first thing I'm going to do tonight is depip on purpose just to get to the "balanced" ranks.

    If the devs refuse to balance the game around the hardcore players, the players that spend the most time playing their game, the players that play it to an extreme, then I have no other choice but to balance it myself, by heading to the ranks where the game is supposed to be balanced.

    That's your choice , they're trying to more even it out the best they can but this game is balanced around casuals because they make up more of the game than you realize, I'm sure alot of people can agree with that ,but understand that survival rates are under 50%  at red ranks even with all the derankers and farmers allowing them all to survive , not everyone plays the game like the depip squad and it's quite easy to get 3 or 4k 85% of the time , it's super rare to run into a squad that can just mop the floor with me I've only had it happen a handful of times and I can usually see where I went wrong 

    This is the result of my last 20 matches as killer:

    I don't think it's a balance issue why survivors have a low survival rate.

    Mind you, these are just the disconnects. There were plenty of matches where survivors would just suicide on purpose, too, but those are a lot harder to show on the scoreboards without context.

    If the game was so unbalanced why would survivors dc?
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    edited February 2019
    @Roobnus said:

    @Vietfox said:
    This is a forum, do you expect to not get replies?
    Your reply wasn't constructive since op wasn't talking about balanced, you were the one who jumped in and released all the sal without even paying attention, i think it's you the one who needs to get a better life ^^

    My reply was never aimed at OP, it was aimed at people in this discussion claiming things that I'm questioning.

    If the context of the discussion isn't appealing to you, you can do two things:

    • complain about it by the person that initiated it
    • ignore it, since it doesn't seem to be a topic you want to discuss about

    It's still about SWF afterall, so balance of SWFs is a big part of it.

    The comment i quoted from you wasn't aimed to anyone in particular, when you do that it means you are refering to op.
  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    @Eveline said:

    If the game was so unbalanced why would survivors dc?

    I may know at least 10 "reasons" survivors dc, but I'll just name the ones coming first to my mind. Deranking, item duplicating, item conservation, escaping an imminent mori, intentionally screwing teammates over, inability to handle being slugged, camped or tunneled, boredom, intentionally giving hatch to last survivor, immaturity, saltiness, etc.

    And real life stuff, occasionally.

  • Roobnus
    Roobnus Member Posts: 375

    @Vietfox said:
    The comment i quoted from you wasn't aimed to anyone in particular, when you do that it means you are refering to op.

    So why didn't you reply in that manner to the person that initiated the topic a few posts ago? Looks to me as if you're cherry-picking the posts that you don't like and try to play the forum police officer by trying to discredit them for some random reasons? If anyone should be replying to my comments, it should be OP themselves but they're probably more annoyed by you derailing the discussion with nonsense and uncontructive inputs.

    And there's still a post order in process in a thread. If you'd have taken the time to read through them, you'd have realized that it was connected to my previous post / the ongoing discussion. Farewell.

  • OrionsFury4789
    OrionsFury4789 Member Posts: 637
    Roobnus said:

    @OrionsFury4789 said:
    Well I didn't say I was a casual you shouldn't put words in my mouth and you have no idea how I play maybe you should keep your ASSumptions to yourself, dont sit here and pretend like you win every single game at high ranks it's super easy for team mates to screw the whole team over and everyone knows it 

    When I say "You", I'm not talking about YOU personally but the players that identify themselves as casuals, Apologies for the misunderstanding but I thought it was quite obvious in the context of my post.

    My point is that survivors may have a slight advantage whenever they're all competent but it's not huge and you never usually get people in the same SWF of equal skill level and over alturism screws them 90% of the time because they don't want to leave their buddies behind or they stop doing gens to try and get your attention to save someone else , I 3-4k every match without a big issue and I never camp or tunnel I run MYC on a high mobility killer and I run a hook n go build and patrol gens and hunt the unhooker down , there are also certain add ons and offerings that can swing the advantage to the killers side that's how close to balanced the game already is when something so small can change the whole outcome of a match
  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340

    @Eveline said:

    If the game was so unbalanced why would survivors dc?

    I may know at least 10 "reasons" survivors dc, but I'll just name the ones coming first to my mind. Deranking, item duplicating, item conservation, escaping an imminent mori, intentionally screwing teammates over, inability to handle being slugged, camped or tunneled, boredom, intentionally giving hatch to last survivor, immaturity, saltiness, etc.

    And real life stuff, occasionally.

    According to you how often does it happen? That people dc for those reasons?
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    edited February 2019
    @Roobnus said:

    @Vietfox said:
    The comment i quoted from you wasn't aimed to anyone in particular, when you do that it means you are refering to op.

    Looks to me as if you're cherry-picking the posts

    Must be because i've been playing only as a killer lately OMEGALUL.

    I just catched the last argument and went back to where it started, that's it.
    Don't forget to take the chill pill, you seem to be triggered so easily by anything.
    Post edited by Vietfox on
  • Roobnus
    Roobnus Member Posts: 375
    edited February 2019

    @OrionsFury4789 said:
    My point is that survivors may have a slight advantage whenever they're all competent but it's not huge and you never usually get people in the same SWF of equal skill level and over alturism screws them 90% of the time because they don't want to leave their buddies behind or they stop doing gens to try and get your attention to save someone else , I 3-4k every match without a big issue and I never camp or tunnel I run MYC on a high mobility killer and I run a hook n go build and patrol gens and hunt the unhooker down , there are also certain add ons and offerings that can swing the advantage to the killers side that's how close to balanced the game already is when something so small can change the whole outcome of a match

    Alright, I can see where you're coming from.

    In the end you still have to admit that "balance is served by lack of skill of survivors".

    Over-altruism screws them. It's a matter of choice at that point, something that could be avoided.

    I'm not really looking at this from a Killers point of view, I know that they mostly 3-4k. I'm looking at this from a SWFs point of view, knowing perfectly well how broken it is because I'm part of the problem myself. When I look at OPs video I can just facepalm, it's not at all a representation of SWFs but of THEMSELVES (and only that).

    If you've ever played in an organized, competent SWFs you'll find yourself escaping most of the time relatively effortless. Most matches will end in 0-1k at best and the Killer has to try incredibly hard to achieve anything better than that.

    It makes me wonder, if survivors really had to tryhard to win, what would the game be like? It's the opposite now, the Killer has to really tryhard to get anything done and Survivors usually just mess around, mass DC, suicide on hook and still get "relatively good" results.

    What about the Survivors that want to tryhard and still want to have a challenge? You have to give up one or another if you want a good match (unless you face a Nurse). You either purposely mess around to make it fairer or you go fully tryhard and win rather effortless. This is probably the reason why most Survivors drop the tryharding and start to mess around, because it's just too boring and easy otherwise.

    That's my observation and I think with proper balance, high rank games would be a lot more interesting for both sides.

    @Vietfox said:
    Don't forget to take the chill pill, you seem to be triggered so easily by anything.

    I wouldn't call it triggered, just tired of people interrupting the flow of an interesting discussion :)

  • chemical_reject
    chemical_reject Member Posts: 940
    Roobnus said:

    @Vietfox said:
    Take the chill pill. Op is talking about how swf usually are, he's didn't mention the game's balance at all.

    If you have nothing of relevance to say, kindly just keep quiet ok?

    How about u chill like he said. This was a light hearted post ment for a quick laugh until salty killer mains got their panties all twisted up. 
  • XavierBoah17
    XavierBoah17 Member Posts: 204
    When you guys say What REALLY happens in SWF I assumed it was gonna be some killer getting bullied to oblivion, instead its a bunch of drunkards laughing. 
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    Instead its a bunch of drunkards laughing. 
    Nothing wrong with that. Way better than survivors sending hate messages i would say.
  • XavierBoah17
    XavierBoah17 Member Posts: 204
    Vietfox said:
    Instead its a bunch of drunkards laughing. 
    Nothing wrong with that. Way better than survivors sending hate messages i would say.
    I forgot the Lol for that post so

    Lol funny vid
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @Vietfox said:
    @XavierBoah17 said:

    Instead its a bunch of drunkards laughing. 

    Nothing wrong with that. Way better than survivors sending hate messages i would say.

    Some of us play swf like this. We are playing to have a good time which doesn't mean that our good time is dependent upon us needing to bully the killer and escape every match.

  • XavierBoah17
    XavierBoah17 Member Posts: 204
    fcc2014 said:

    @Vietfox said:
    @XavierBoah17 said:

    Instead its a bunch of drunkards laughing. 

    Nothing wrong with that. Way better than survivors sending hate messages i would say.

    Some of us play swf like this. We are playing to have a good time which doesn't mean that our good time is dependent upon us needing to bully the killer and escape every match.

    Ikr. SWF is looked at as if its some sort of sweat zone. 
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @XavierBoah17 killer mains that 4k using mori's ultra rare addons and such are also perceived as sweaty tryhards. The truth is somewhere in-between for both. Judgements are made based on the extreme examples of either side.

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607
    I usually run the killer to my friends. They stop inviting me for a couple of rounds and then we are friends again, until... :3
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @Roobnus said:
    Secondly, you literally said in the post above that it's ez af to maintain those offerings and add-ons, but now you say that you can see how you might run out of them?

    Actually I say in the first post that you would need to play some games once in a while WITHOUT the OP stuff to make up the BP difference. If you play EVERY GAME with them yea you could potentially run out, but considering how much BP you would earn the ROI from those games player will be enough to sustain you for some time. Hence why I said...

    @thesuicidefox said:
    with BBQ I can play 1 game and get an entire blood web (or most of it).


    @thesuicidefox said:
    and are willing to play a game here and there without it to get some extra BP for the next web.

    Good reading comprehension though 👍

    Maybe instead of nitpicking imaginary contradictions because you failed to read the entire post you should see what my point is: IF YOU WANT TO YOU CAN HAVE A NEAR ENDLESS SUPPLY OF OP ADD-ONS/MORIS. I know @ScottJund has made this statement too in the past regarding pink hatchets, maybe he can come here and correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure he would agree with me that it's easy AF to get enough of them to play almost every game using them .

  • knell
    knell Member Posts: 595

    This thread is very revealing, in that no one has even mentioned about how that particular killer may have felt during that game. The focus is mainly on just the SWF players themselves, despite the fact that in almost any game, your focus should always be on your opponent - what he/she has done, what he/she is about to do, what he/she is planning in the long run. But it seems like in many SWF games, killers' presence is typically ignored while SWF are having fun amongst themselves. It is as if they are playing a totally different game altogether. They are disengaged from the killer, though they are supposedly playing the same game.

    So of course many SWF are often defeated. Because they don't care. They might as well as be playing an actual different game - their social interactions with each other is much more important than the match itself, or even the game. They are not invested in the gameplay. Ultimately, they are not playing to win against their opponent. And of course, they don't care whether the killer is wanting a good, serious match against them. "Good game" doesn't exist for them, just "good times" with each other.

    If it were me playing the killer, where it is made obvious that the survivors aren't even trying and making intentional bad plays in order to "have fun," well, even if I had gotten a 3K or 4K, that would have been a very unfun match for me. Because I want a fair match where both me and my opponent are putting 100% into the game itself, and seeing which one of us emerge victorious. To me, that's how you have fun in games.

    But therein lies the problem. People keep blaming the SWF players, but the SWF players themselves aren't the issue. After all, what can they do? They can put 100% of their knowledge, experience, and ability (including voice communication) to win a match - and they mostly certainly will win. Killers complain. On the other hand, they can go completely easy on the killers by just screwing around with each other so that there is at least some illusion of "balance" - but again, that's not what is desired by most killers even if they end up winning because no one likes to be toyed around with. The SWF players are caught between a rock and a hard place because no matter what option they choose, the inclusion of SWF into the core gameplay breaks the balance so badly that the killer cannot get a serious, fair match.

    The blame lies strictly on Behaviour developers for jamming SWF into the core gameplay when it was mainly balanced for 4 sole survivors to go against the killer, instead of creating a separate SWF Mode where a stronger version of killer can be made for that particular mode.

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607
    Funny how you make a post and don’t want people to comment. 

    Next time, save it. We don’t want to read it either.
  • chemical_reject
    chemical_reject Member Posts: 940
    Gorgonia said:
    Funny how you make a post and don’t want people to comment. 

    Next time, save it. We don’t want to read it either.
    I believe my post was a video so u didn't need to read it...
  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607
    I believe your post started with a subject that had to be read...
  • chemical_reject
    chemical_reject Member Posts: 940
    Gorgonia said:
    I believe your post started with a subject that had to be read...
    I didn't force anyone to read it so HAD is a strong word. 
  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    Yeah. SWF isn't as serious as people think most of the time. lol Especially cause most of my friends are pretty average or new to the game. XD

  • Tucking_Friggered
    Tucking_Friggered Member Posts: 636

    @Milo said:

    This is also great. Doesn't apply for all SWF but ye.

    Killers don't care about version 2. It's the version 1 that you and your friends might not be that those killers encounter and base their opinions on.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    fcc2014 said:

    @Vietfox said:
    @XavierBoah17 said:

    Instead its a bunch of drunkards laughing. 

    Nothing wrong with that. Way better than survivors sending hate messages i would say.

    Some of us play swf like this. We are playing to have a good time which doesn't mean that our good time is dependent upon us needing to bully the killer and escape every match.

    Nice shot, they shouldn't be able to recover from that blow! :chuffed:
  • scorpio
    scorpio Member Posts: 356

    @vampire_toothy said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:
    Yes, we do base balancing the game around what the best groups can do because if you do not then they can exploit whatever balance issue is there and become unbeatable.

    Yes, you can absolutely exploit bad killers, all they need to do is stop posting and play the game to gain more experience.

    I find it odd how they all claim they dodge SWF but still have a major issue with it - almost like they just want the fun removed.

    If you think SWF is hard, and you start buffing around that, you make the game impossible for solo players, well done, you've further ruined the game because some bad killers on the forum can't handle SWF.

    At any point are you going to post something that isn't pointless rhetoric? The posts you are making are remedial. You can boil it down to "leave SWF broken and OP because i'd like to convince you that if you buff killers to deal with them you leave solo survivors hosed, while at the same time I hope that you aren't intelligent enough to know nerfing the living hell out of SWF will solve the issue and have none of the drawbacks."

    Some of the best killers in this community know and state SWF is broken and you, an unknown in comparison, speak as if you breeze through SWF like it's nothing. It's all hot air. Nobody cares about potato groups it's about the best of the best getting a free ride because the game is exploitable with VoIP and they know how to do it to the Nth degree.

    I don't agree with Senzu very often but I think you're looking at the wrong issue. You're not wrong when you say that SWF grants an advantage to players considering that they are more likely to have more information than solo's and put that information to good use but the problem isn't the fact that people want to play with their friends.

    The real problem comes with the duration of the matches if you use half of the killers in the game, in which case the real problem we should be taking a look at is good players on bad maps. If you take a look at maps like disturbed ward, haddonfield or pretty much any coldwind farm map then those are horrible for killers let alone if you put a survivor with any form of a brain on them. Once you fix up the problematic maps, it's really only a matter of making some of the more lackluster killers (Trapper, Leatherface, Pig, Doctor, Legion & Clown) more worthwhile to use.

    This! I honestly want to DC everytime I load into Haddonfield and Yamaoka Estate because they are AWFUL maps. I would rather play on farm maps every game than every play on one of those again. The other maps I at least feel like I have a fair chance, but with Haddonfield and Yamaoka I feel like I start out with a huge disadvantage and it's not fun at all playing on either map.

  • scorpio
    scorpio Member Posts: 356

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:
    Yes, we do base balancing the game around what the best groups can do because if you do not then they can exploit whatever balance issue is there and become unbeatable.

    Yes, you can absolutely exploit bad killers, all they need to do is stop posting and play the game to gain more experience.

    I find it odd how they all claim they dodge SWF but still have a major issue with it - almost like they just want the fun removed.

    If you think SWF is hard, and you start buffing around that, you make the game impossible for solo players, well done, you've further ruined the game because some bad killers on the forum can't handle SWF.

    At any point are you going to post something that isn't pointless rhetoric? The posts you are making are remedial. You can boil it down to "leave SWF broken and OP because i'd like to convince you that if you buff killers to deal with them you leave solo survivors hosed, while at the same time I hope that you aren't intelligent enough to know nerfing the living hell out of SWF will solve the issue and have none of the drawbacks."

    Some of the best killers in this community know and state SWF is broken and you, an unknown in comparison, speak as if you breeze through SWF like it's nothing. It's all hot air. Nobody cares about potato groups it's about the best of the best getting a free ride because the game is exploitable with VoIP and they know how to do it to the Nth degree.

    and almost everyone on this forum is a massive nobody but you expect us all to listen to them? If it looks like bias, swims like bias, and sounds like bias, then it probably is bias.

    "You're a nobody Senzu, so everything you say doesn't mean anything, however all these nobody killers should be listened to because idk they agree with me".

    That's right Senzu, you are an unknown and no one listens to your rhetoric particularly when it is so painfully obtuse and contrary to things fundamentally understood by the community. Even the devs have acknowledged the issues, they just don't care.

    As for those nobody killers? Yeah, no. They are large streamers with cult followings that bring many players to the game and act as a constant source of entertainment for people interested in DbD. There are many days where watching one of them sparks my interest in playing and I'm certainly not alone.

    What huge streamers are here talking about game issues? lmfao

    You have tru3 &... who? lmao they certainly aren't here, are they.

    Why would they be? The devs don't pay attention to this forum any more than they did the Steam forums. Reddit and private messages are where it's at. They also have better things to do than go over issues already talked about endlessly with unknown and intellectually dishonest people like yourself.

    I love how upset you guys get by this forum.

    Little bit of info for you, you're also a huge nobody. I have a different opinion to you, that's cool it's a free world. I'm sorry I don't struggle at every mechanic at this game like you do. I love playing against SWF, I never dodge lobbies and I don't cry about SWF.

    I'm still super curious about this list of large streamers with cult followings that share the same "delete swf" ideology you have.

    That's not called being dishonest it's called having a different opinion, surely someone with the huge intellectual capacity that someone such as yourself holds should understand that.

    The main issue with this game is DS/Map Layouts. SWF is easy, stop crying and get better at the game.

    Literally nobody said "delete SWF" just that it is broken and should be fixed in some way. And tons of streamers have said SWF is broken as well. I don't know why you are obsessed with the forum as if that is the only place people discuss DBD. They say these things on stream, Twitter, Reddit, all over the place. The forums are just a bitchfest.