Amount of Perks on a Bloodweb

I think it has gotten to the point where they should be at least 1-3 perks on every bloodweb level not 0-2. With the current number of perks and how hard it is to get a specific perk this would help this problem. With all the future content coming as well this needs to be address in the near future or it might prevent people from buying certain DLC to avoid perks they don't really need to clog up their web. I know of people already doing this and would buy more if they had better chances of getting the perks they wanted off the web. It took me several millions bloodpoints just to get BBQ 1 on my Billy so I am hesitant to P1 him due to the uncertainty of the bloodweb.
I totally agree, it gets really annoying1
+1 x million. This is something that needs to be addressed and soon. The perk grind has gotten out of control at this point. On my p3 50 billy it takes about 50k points to get through each bloodweb. The fact i can only buy one tier of one perk usually with each bloodweb means i have to sometimes spend 150k points just to get one perk and it usually isen't even the one i want. 3 perks need to appear on the bloodweb and 2 of the 3 should be purchasable.
Post edited by SadonicShadow on1 -
sucks early on in the web when you get 0, I mean really?