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Camping and tunneling



  • TheHourMan
    TheHourMan Member Posts: 1,052
    edited March 2019

    Nothing wrong with looping, tunneling, camping or gen tapping. They are all real legitimate strategies that have counters and drawbacks.

  • Slayer
    Slayer Member Posts: 1,148

    Are features

  • TheHourMan
    TheHourMan Member Posts: 1,052
  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    And if everyone would play like ME, the community would be far far worse ;-)

  • Bossgirl774
    Bossgirl774 Member Posts: 21
  • vector
    vector Member Posts: 227
    edited April 2019

    well quit counter strike because people use grenades, quit footbal because people kick ball to each other and you cant chase the ball because of that.

    i think we need one more unwritten rule, a killer can not hit a surv 2 times in a row thats unfair because surv falls in dying state

    you want always win and you always want a competly free of all problesm route to your friend thats the problem.

    Community of this game has to realize that games about winning, not about whining. Kilelr must win the game by all possible legitimate means and survs must do the same.

    just tell you what camping REALY menas, it means killier searching the map and guards his victim same time in other words a good a logical way of playing

    i have never seen survs compaining to each in chat other after they prolonged game for like 10 minus by hiding somewhere on map just for fun when exit gates are already open and they have full health. thats a completly legit practice and if you play not your best killer that can kill everybody you will encounter such sitiations often

  • Saint_Ukraine
    Saint_Ukraine Member Posts: 942

    @DudeDelicious That sounds kind of unrealistic, don't you think? You'd have to be hot garbage to not even have hooked someone within 5 minutes of the game starting.

  • Judith
    Judith Member Posts: 819
    edited April 2019

    Killers are already punished for camping and isn't tunelling just trying to get a kill? Being unhooked while the killer is near is bad but you can equip ds. I usually don't do it but if I don't see anyone else I am going for the injured survivor. Some people think they are entitled and I had survivors DC just because I down them while they are healing or because I changed targets when I don't want to lose.

  • Saint_Ukraine
    Saint_Ukraine Member Posts: 942

    @Zarathos No, but I think I can assume that these "depip squads" are the minority of DbD players.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    KaMper TanNeler RipUrted

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    @Saint_Ukraine They are I'll accept your point but not being able to recognize there are players who are that good is foolish. Much like generalizing the skill level of the community. Hell getting a hook can be a nightmare on some maps, haddonfield is a good example. It nothing personally against you but the community needs to stop acting like they are impervious to having a bad game or that the concept of a no hook game could happen especially in dbd with bad map rng and well kitted out teams being variables that massively affect your game.

  • Saint_Ukraine
    Saint_Ukraine Member Posts: 942
    edited April 2019


    I'm sorry, but bad games are typically uncommon in my experience. Sure, they happen often, but I usually adapt to help have better results as killer.

  • Frozenscum
    Frozenscum Member Posts: 393

    I've been called tryhard today cause Surv was unfortunate enough to be in my view when I returned to hook after hearing unhook action. I didnt see his savior, but saw him.

    Next unhook was same - noone in view, but someone was running around leaving scratch marks everywhere, followed marks - found unhooked one. What should I do? Oh, you've beeing freshly unhooked? I'll make face that I dont see you, go, buddy, take your time to heal and do gens, and save some energy to tbag me in the exit gates too.

    Did I tunnel them? In my point of view - I didnt, in their point of view - I'm tryhard and tunneler, maybe even camper, cause I've returned to hook after I saw unhook action and I wasnt in chase after someone else.

    I wasnt running any toxic build, just simple M1 killer build on Doctor (BBQ, Spirit Fury, Enduring and Unnerving), not even Ruin or NOED. So their lives were very easy. They did their gens, but unfortunately all died on hooks, thus making me tryhard. Last one could escape if she wasn't too afraid to open gates when I was in chase after 3rd one.

    I'm constantly called camper and tunneler when SWF/good team genrushing at Surv-sided map and I'm protecting hook when gates are opened. What do survs expect me to do in those cases? Leave the hook and go roam around map to let them free unhook? Try to down healthy person instead of injured one when gates are opened?

    When I play surv I dont expect Killer to leave me if I'm hooked during open gates, nor do I expect them to leave another hooked guy if I try to save them. Its just part of game and you need to learn how to deal with it. You can just leave and give Killer his one hook or try to save person if you have perks or enough coordination.

    When I'm beeing camped, I'm just wasting as much Killer's time as possible, so others can do gens, flapping in first minute to let them know Killer is around and struggling all second minute. Yes, I will de-pip in that match, and so what? Rank means nothing in current game, you will only have longer queues and more Nurses/Billy/Spirits.

    If you're getting camped in low-ranks constantly, you have 1 good way out of it. Learn how to loop and avoid low-rank Killers, they can be juked pretty easily and you can spend so much of their time and get so much Chaser emblem, that you will black pip, or even 1 pip if you will manage to lose them and do some gen.

    Just. learn. the. game. And. stop. whining.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    You have no clue of the meta of the game right now. Killers have been shat on in regards to the meta. The devs couldn't be any further from holding the hands of killers. If anything they are just forcing people who play killer out of the game.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    Okay, while some select killer players are genuinely bad at the game and spend too long in a single chase and then proceed to camp one survivor to the best of their ability not all killers are like this.

    Multiple studies show that true camping in general is a horrible strategy as it yields the lowest over all point and kill ratios of all levels of killer play.

    If you got camped then it's likely one of a few things:

    1.) Killer is a troll deliberately trying to ruin your day. By making rant posts about "I AM SO TIRED OF CAMPING!" you are only feeding them.

    2.) Killer is slow (Legion, Hag, Huntress, etc.) and wants to play defensively. Plus they know that someone has to unhook you if they want the points and Emblems so by staying near the hook they can potentially eliminate a survivor early AND get started on chasing down another one straight away.

    3.) Killer is very new and doesn't know what they're doing. New killers don't know that camping is ineffective and due to how the ranking system at ranks 20-14 works I'm fairly certain it ranks up people regardless of how they play. Or at least it doesn't de-rank anyone so eventually campers will rank up from just camping.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789
    edited April 2019

    If you can't find suirvivors after 5 minutes then that's worrying. (You almost always spawn near a survivor, pretty much facing them)

    toxic SWF wityh keys etc are a cancer, though. Just as bad as Ebony Moris

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789
    edited April 2019

    That's because there isn't much actually lost in the chaser category for camping.

    That said I think if a killer is chasing someone around a hooked survivor that's a different story and would count as a viable strategy (and so shouldn't reduce chaser points)

  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685
    edited April 2019

    Camping and tunneling are not against the rules, get over it or just uninstall if you ca'nt stand it.

    As for killers being OP...lawl..

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

    I’ll say as someone who mains wraith when I’m in the general area of a hook I’m not interested in the hooked guy. I’m wanting to ambush the fool who’s coming to save without knowing we’re I am. Will I hit the unhooked person if its a option. Sure but the plan I have is for the saving survivor is for them to not make the unhook at all.

    and I’ll say if only u saw the amount of vids I have of this being effective...

    sometimes it doesn’t work sure but I’ve also turned 1k into 3 and 4K

    why wander around the map looking for you when I can wait for u to come to me.

    funny enough I don’t camp with leather face lol

  • Frozenscum
    Frozenscum Member Posts: 393

    I had game as survivor yesterday when I just DCed.

    I was not very lucky to be caught by Trapper first and got hooked. Trapper made minefield around my hook and was facecamping me. All my damned team was crouching around my hook behind boxes and stones for 1.5 minute without any attempts to rescue and noone was doing gens. It was inevitable that I will die on hook and all my team was doing nothing for all this time.

    Don't be like those ppl. Do not waste your time whenever someone beeing hooked. Do gens. Cleanse totems. Be useful. I'd die without any problems if I'd saw my team spend time of my hook with benefit instead of wasting it crouching around hook. One person was nearby when my chase started, he could finish my half done gen, but instead he was running behind Killer.

    You have at least 30 seconds of hook to do whatever you were doing during chase of that teammate. 30 seconds is enough to get to the hook from other side of any map. Best way to move for rescue when you see another teammate beeing chased, its gonna be safe unhook unless chased one leads Killer to the hook for some unknown reason. If you see Killer's camping, try to draw his attention and see if he's chasing you. If he's not you have 3 options.

    a) You can go for rescue and exchange with person on hook with risk of unhooked beeing tunneled if you have no Borrowed.

    b) You can go for rescue and exchange with person safely if you have Borrowed.

    c) You can move away and do objectives.

    Just don't waste time.

  • BlazeNightash
    BlazeNightash Member Posts: 230

    While I don’t get tunneling and camping at lower ranks green and up for sure. It’s basically meta for red ranks right now. Killers have to tunnel and proxy camp in order to slow the game down. So don’t go to that rank cause that sounds all there isn’t there

  • Bossgirl774
    Bossgirl774 Member Posts: 21

    tbh its smart and im glad you dont camp with da leather face. Yet I still feel the game is unbalanced i think devs can prevent camping by adding the entity surrounding the survivor if killer stands at a certain range for a certain time. it would bring dbd back to life. Yet if killers are still unbalanced dbd is going to die.

  • drunky26
    drunky26 Member Posts: 686

    Why is this thread still alive?

  • AStupidMonkeyy
    AStupidMonkeyy Member Posts: 718

    I enjoy face camping with Leatherface. I'll keep doing it to as long as people complain.

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    Had a guy complain he got camped when the other one left alive was hiding in a locker around the corner from the hook. Stupid fools don't know situational awareness.

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143
  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    edited June 2019

    Camping is a tactic that's is easy enough to deal with in most cases. It just a matter of teamwork and whether perks choices are made for the team or personal benefit. If your going solo then I suggest more stealth, treat every killer as a camper and 1st hook as the only one you get. It will promote better play choices and you wont worry about campers since you will outlive most teammates.

  • Toxicity23
    Toxicity23 Member Posts: 387

    Also, to add on this, you could use Sole Survivor, to get the full benefit of it if you're going to be outliving the other survivors.

  • B1akN3ss
    B1akN3ss Member Posts: 17

    If you don't like to be camped stop bullying the killers.... works for me

  • limierr
    limierr Member Posts: 174

    Well, you could solve camping and tunneling. However it would mean rework the gamecore, maps, killers and survivors, perks, items and addons ... It would also imply quite some nerfs / penality for survivors.

  • Slayer
    Slayer Member Posts: 1,148

    You cant solve tunneling camping its all there for balance . Just start a new game simple as that.

  • Rlabotath
    Rlabotath Member Posts: 126

    For those that didn't play Identity V before their mid 2018 update, camping and tunneling used to be the only way to rank up if you were against a competent team of survivors. DBD only has a camping problem in regards to Bubba, as he's built to knock down altruistic survivors and their unhooks.

    They literally made it so if you are within map distance of a hooked survivor, you're punished for "hook proximity" (it's literally too large an area imho) and can't double pip at any rank other than the mythical 21. Burrowed Time, Adrenaline off hook, MOM, Decisive, exhaustion cleared on hook, SWF, so many tools given to survivors to completely screw killers over.

    Yes, getting tunneled or camped sucks, but as long as the rest of my survivor team escapes, I don't care, because the killer chose to waste his time and depip instead of attempt to win.

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358
    edited June 2019

    They will not camp if the devs make a 2 objective for survivor to prevent the gen rush now if they still do then they need to do something about it

  • limierr
    limierr Member Posts: 174

    What make you think we can't solve it and have a balance game ? Of course if you think that right now the game is totally balance, ok it is over we can't do anything. But it can be done , however you will need to accept to become a "survivor" ^^.

  • WildDovami
    WildDovami Member Posts: 56

    Tunneling is a tactic. You can't be mad because someone wants you hooked. I take it as a compliment when I'm run down ruthlessly - plus your squad will get done 2-3 gens if you're good. Let them tunnel. It benefits the team.

    Camping the hook irks me. It's not fun hanging there doing nothing and having no recourse. I'd rather be tunneled and be actually playing. Give the killer crows like they would a survivor. Personally, yes it sucks being camped, but again, that benefits the team. They'll get 2 survivors and 2 will escape.

    Best killers I've played against won't waste time tunneling you and won't camp. They usually destroy the team by being unpredictable.

  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    The broken record, lol. If a killer wants to camp, let him...just make him pay for it by knocking out all the gens while they’re on the hook. It’s a game, people enjoy having fun in different ways. With DS, borrowed time, mettle of man,’s TOO easy to get these guys off the hook anyway, worst case can save them and take their place. Communication is key, din’t Be afraid to invite randoms you’re in game with to chat party.

  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857

    Just gotta accept it sometimes. It sucks I know but it's also a team game, run kindred and hope other survivors are smart enough to just do gens and leave. Depip the killer, keep those campers in less skilled ranks.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited June 2019

    I love how I'm bloodpoint farming with a certain build not really caring if I win or not, and those survivors man rubbing it in my face that they're soo good and talking mass ######### end game chat. I've been apart of the community for a while now and ranked 1 both sides and played both sides with over 2k hours and I will say that survivors are the ones who start ######### 9 times out of 10 and makes the killer toxic/ mad for the next match. No matter what a killer does, they get flamed hardcore rather they win or lose. You want killers to stop camping you? You should start telling your survivor friends to just say gg and stop ######### talking the killers end game chat, in your discord, and bming them all game and maybe the community would be less cancerous. Also if you're going to quit because you were being toxic and got caught, good ridden, one less toxic ass survivor around. I 100% bet you deserved the camp

  • Amacky
    Amacky Member Posts: 94

    They probably find a way for everyone, toxic player are both, survivor and killer.

    It would be nice to make a system that shows people in teams in the salons, it would avoid some killers tryhard everyone thinking that it is a team or not.

    Once in game, there should be a system of points allocation that changes, if the same player who has just been hooked and tunnel, the killer earns less points, after the third collision by having tunnel, he loses points on the screen (and many, history to make them want to start again).

    For camping, it would require a system that affects the killer who refuses to hunt other survivors and who decides to camp, vision disorder, its diminishing and impossible to type for a few seconds after a certain time.

    Of course, I can understand that we camp a person if all the generators have been made and that is the first person of the party who is hooked.

    So, the idea would be to accentuate the effects a lot more when a killer camps according to the number of active generator, if it remains 5 generator, that the killer camps, it would be more likely to have a vision that gets blurred etc.

    What do you think for this idea ? (I know, dev do not change that)

  • AStupidMonkeyy
    AStupidMonkeyy Member Posts: 718
    edited June 2019

    @MrChills 100% agree! Happens a lot when farming bps. Their ego gets huge then when you destroy them next time with an actual build, they scream camper and tunneler. It's sad. You brought this upon yourself and I rarely camp but always called one xD

  • Yup, survivor mains are toxic as they come. I wonder what they will do when the looping gets reworked.

  • WildDovami
    WildDovami Member Posts: 56

    I have to agree. I rarely get killers that DC or send salt. I see a lot of my teammates do that though. It's a bummer. We should all be having fun but people blast the killer because (1) they didn't play according to survivor rules or (2) won.

This discussion has been closed.