We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

I can't enjoy this game anymore because of this reason:

Claudette_Baguette Member Posts: 567
edited February 2019 in General Discussions

People (rage) disconnecting all the time.

It's neither fun for survivors or the killer.

Nurse in the game? DC
Legion? DC
Missed your Decisive Strike? DC
Got downed fast? DC
Got looped for a long time? DC
Got flashlight blinded by survivors? DC
Secret killer offering in the loading screen? DC

Or survivors just kill themselves on the hook which is besically the same as disconnecting because they pretty much die instantly.

A lot of people disconnect during the loading screen so its a 3v1 or even 2v1. Then the rest of the people DC as well and you still lose all your offerings, addons, etc.

This is bullshit.

I know the ranking system is a mess and rank means nothing but "oh this guy is rank 5, he has played more this season than a guy at rank 10". It doesn't mean the guy at rank 5 is better by any means. Ranking up is too easy and a lot of survivors rage quit because they get stupid teammtes.

I have over 2500 hours in this game and I get matched with people that just started to play this game. It infuriates me and it's really annoying. Especially at rank reset (which is even more stupid) everyone gets thrown in the same pot again which is counterproductive.

A lot of people derank intentionally (which I totally understand!). The closer you are to rank 1 the longer the queue times are and the higher is the chance that you will fight the samer killer over and over again. It's boring.

There's a lot of silly potato players at rank 1 who can't play the game, they just hide, don't play risky at all, can't stand a second in a chase, don't help their teammates and only care about securing their pip which isn't hard.

On the other side there can be tryhard SWF groups that have 4 adrenalines, BT, DS, unbreakable, can do ruin skillchecks and have perfect coordination and skill and can juke a killer for a very long time and "genrush" the ######### out of almost everyone. And because it's easy to rank up killers at rank 1 just do tryhard stuff as well to counter tryhard survivor stuff. It's an endless circle.

It's super boring to pretty much only face nurses and billy with ruin, noed, ebony moris, 3 blinks, instasaw all the time at rank 1. Due to the fact that the game can be so imbalanced you have to counter broken stuff with broken stuff and instead of fixing those things on both sides the devs tell us "just play billy or nurse if you want to win at rank 1" which is SUPER annyoing for everyone, not fun and won't solve any problems.

I mean the devs confirmed many times they don't think it's needed that every killer is equally powerful but I totally disagree with that statement. In my opinion the goal of a pvp game is to make every character somewhat evenly balanced so you can play the killer you like to play at any rank, against any good survivor team and do equally well. We have 14 killers in this game, yet only a handful of them can be competitive (only with a full build with perks and good addons of course) so people DC and stay at rank ~10 to have a better variety of killers.

Tryhard SWF groups are not exclusive to rank 1 either. They occur everywhere, especially when like rank 10 and 1 survivors queue up together. It's a total mess. I've seen really, really good survivor teams at rank 10 and total noobs at rank 1.

Rank doesn't mean skill in this game. If a guy or streamer thinks that they are good because they reached rank 1 that's just wrong and they do that to brag about their skill, raise their ego and make them look good but if you played this game for a bit you know that that's just wrong. I mean ZubatLeL got from rank 20 to 1 in one ######### stream as killer and it took him like 11 hours (including donwtime and lobby searching). It's not hard for survivors to rank up either. You could say Zubat is a very good killer so it's easy to rank up for him but that's not the point. The point is that it is possible to rank up that fast and after you invest a bit of time into the game and don't get scared anymore it's really easy to rank up.

My point is that disconnecting is a real issue in this game that doesn't get punished. Disconnecting actually rewards players as mentioned above. I've been playing this game since release and the devs said that they want to implement ranking up rewards to the game almost 3 years ago now. They haven't done ANYTHING about that.

There is still literally no reward for ranking up, matchmaking is a joke anyway, pipping/ranking up is way too easy and doesn't take player's skill into account. When they actually made it harder to rank up when they first introduced the new emblem system the players raged because it was "too hard" to rank up so the devs changed it. That was just a bad thing because now it's way too easy to rank up (although the old ranking system was flawed on various levels too).

Again, there is no punishment for DC-ing. The devs said they ban for disconnects but they do that wrong if you ask me because I cannot see any difference. In fact, more and more people disconnect these days. I hardly have a match without someone (rage) disconnecting or DC-ing in the loading screen because of moris.
I still see lots of people play that DC all the damn time without any punishment. I think they even mentioned that they only ban when people DC more than 40% of the time... Insane. People should have a timeout of 30 minutes for disconnecting from a match. Increase the timeout when they DC again after the timeout. I heard suggestions that disconnecters should only play with disconnecters to not ruin the game for people who actually want to play the game (kinda like salt mine concept from other games).

Also, 3v1 matches, 2v1 or even 1v1 which occurs sometimes should NEVER be a thing. If a survivor disconnects during the loading screen just end the game, put us back to the loading screen, refund addons and offerings and let's join another game. The game is just not balanced in the slightest way for a 3v1 match, even if there is one gen less to do that doesn't compensate for an entire team member at all. Also, when someone disconnects during a match the other survivors and the killer should be compensated for that. Refund offerings/addons, give survivors bloodpoints in the altruism category and the killer bloodpoints in the sacrifice category at least.

IMO the devs have to consider player's playtime when matching people. I can have 2000 hours in the game and be rank 10 and matched with people who have 20 hours in the game. That should never be a thing. They have to fix broken stuff in the game (ebony moris, noed, ds, swf) and bring killers to the same level so there is variety at rank 1 and less stupid tryhard ######### because that's why people disconnect, and tryhard stuff is definitely more common at rank 1 on both sides.

Post edited by Claudette_Baguette on


  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @Claudette_Baguette said:
    People (rage) disconnect all the time.

    It's neither fun for survivors or the killer.

    Nurse in the game? DC
    Legion? DC
    Missed your Decisive Strike? DC
    Got downed fast? DC
    Got looped for a long time? DC
    Got flashlight blinded by survivors? DC
    Secret killer offering in the loading screen? DC

    A lot of people disconnect during the loading screen so its a 3v1 or even 2v1. Then the rest of the people DC as well and you still lose all your offerings, addons, etc.

    This is bullshit.

    I know the ranking system is a mess and rank means nothing but "oh this guy is rank 5, he has played more this season than a guy at rank 10". It doesn't mean the guy at rank 5 is better by any means. Ranking up is too easy and a lot of survivors rage quit because they get stupid teammtes.

    I have over 2500 hours in this game and I get matched with people that just started to play this game. It infuriates me and it's bullshit. Especially at rank reset (which is even more stupid) everyone gets thrown in the same pot again which is stupid.

    A lot of people derank intentionally (which I totally understand!). The closer you are to rank 1 the longer the queue times are and the higher is the chance that you will fight the samer killer over and over again. It's boring.

    There's a lot of silly potato players at rank 1 who can't play the game, they just hide, don't play risky at all, can't stand a second in a chase and only care about securing their pip which isn't hard.

    On the other side there can be tryhard SWF groups that have 4 adrenalines, BT, DS, unbreakable, can do ruin skillchecks and have perfect coordination and skill and can juke a killer for very long and "genrush" the [BAD WORD] out of almost everyone. And because it's easy to rank up killers at rank 1 just do tryhard stuff as well to counter tryhard survivor stuff. It's an endless circle.

    It's super boring to pretty much only face nurses and billy with ruin, noed, ebony moris, 3 blinks, instasaw all the time at rank 1. Because the game can be so imbalanced that you have to counter broken stuff with broken stuff and instead of fixing those things on both sides the devs tell us "just play billy or nurse if you want to win at rank 1" which is SUPER annyoing for everyone and not fun. I mean the devs confirmed many times they don't think it's needed that every killer is equally powerful but I totally disagree with that statement. In my opinion the goal of a pvp game is to make every character somewhat evenly balanced so you can play the killer you like to play at any rank, against any good survivor team and do equally good. We have 14 killers in this game, yet only a handful of them can be competitive (only with a full build with perks and good addons of course) so people DC and stay at rank ~10 to have a better variety of killers.

    Tryhard SWF groups are not exclusive to rank 1 either. They occur everywhere, especially when like rank 10 and 1 survivors queue up together. It's a total mess. I've seen really, really good survivor teams at rank 10 and total noobs at rank 1.

    Rank doesn't mean skill in this game. If a guy or streamer thinks that they are good because they reached rank 1 that's just wrong and they do that to brag about their skill and make them look good but if you played this game for a bit you know that that's just wrong. I mean ZubatLeL got from rank 20 to 1 in one [BAD WORD] stream as killer and it took him like 11 hours (including donwtime and lobby searching). It's not hard for survivors to rank up either. You could say Zubat is a very good killer so it's easy to rank up for him but that's not the point. The point is that it is possible to rank up that fast and after you invest a bit of time into the game and don't get scared anymore it's really easy to rank up.

    My point is that disconnecting is a real issue in this game that doesn't get punished. Disconnecting actually rewards players as mentioned above. I've been playing this game since release and the devs said that they want to implement ranking up rewards to the game almost 3 years ago now. They haven't done ANYTHING about that.

    There is still literally no reward for ranking up, matchmaking is a joke anyway, pipping/ranking up is way too easy and doesn't take player's skill into account. When they actually made it harder to rank up when they first introduced the new emblem system the players raged because it was "too hard" to rank up so the devs changed it. That was just a bad thing because now it's way too easy to rank up (although the old ranking system was bullshit too).

    Also there is no punishment for DC-ing. The devs said they ban for disconnects but they do that wrong. I still see lots of people play that DC all the damn time without any punishment. I think they even mentioned that they only ban when people DC more than 40% of the time... Insane. People should have a timeout of 30 minutes for disconnecting from a match. I heard suggestions that disconnecters should only play with disconnecters to not ruin the game for people who actually want to play the game. (kinda like salt mine concept from other games).

    IMO the devs have to consider player's playtime when matching people. I can have 2000 hours in the game and be rank 10 and be matched with people who have 20 hours int he game. That should never be a thing. They have to fix broken stuff in the game (ebony moris, noed, ds, swf) and bring killers to the same level so there is variety at rank 1 and less stupid tryhard ######### because that's why people disconnect, because that's definitely more common at rank 1.

    ok ill help put you down
    just ask me about the rabbits first

  • Claudette_Baguette
    Claudette_Baguette Member Posts: 567

    @PiiFree said:
    I didn't read but I can only assume:



    And I 100% agree with this, I'm getting sick & tired of it.

    Thanks for your reply! I'm glad people realize how messed up the current state of the game regarding disconnects is.

  • Claudette_Baguette
    Claudette_Baguette Member Posts: 567

    @MikeMyers said:
    A lot of streamers I loved to watch play dbd just moved on recently or take a break from dbd because of those reasons.

    Whenever I play I usually have 1 survivor disconnect right off the bat and people rage DC all the time too. Also applies to killers when I play survivor. It's just become really common and it's the worst thing about this game.


    Hexy, zubat, bahroo and many more take a break and are sick of the game, disconnects and broken stuff that has been in the game for such a long time.

    The devs just put out more content without paying attention to really important issues that have been in the game for a long time.

    I know different dev teams do different stuff but there is broken stuff but how in the world is 4 DS in a survivor team still a thing after 2 years? How has nurse not been nerfed yet? What about facecamping?

    They work so slowly on those balance things and I simply don't get why they don't have more devs in the balance team to properly balance killers, survivors, maps (which are really broken OP sometimes for either side) and the game in general.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256
    edited February 2019

    I don't play any of the super cancer killers, but I can also give people more of a chance if I'm in control of the match by switching targets or slugging.

    However, as a survivor, I really have no motivation to stick around when it's Hillbilly and someone is downed by his first cross-country chainsaw. I usually bail or throw myself at him and suicide on the hook because that match is already a waste of time.

    This was especially so during Moonrise where I could move onto the next game faster than the killer and get more points towards a coin. (This was largely a flaw with the event, though.)

    There needs to be some kind of incentive for ranking and grounding yourself in matches. Even MOBAs inflict massive penalties to your ranking if you leave during the loading screen or hero selection (aka dodging), but there's also rewards for toughing it out. Though, there's a lot more opportunity to come back in those, and there's a lot less victory condition variance in them, since we have the hatch/keys.

  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340
    Every community is cancerous. Live with it I guess. Multiplayer games are full of toxicness but for me nothing beats the overwatch toxicity.
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    @Vietfox said:
    DCers sucks for both killers and survivors, but especially for the remaining survivors.
    I won't deny that, some of them DC for really dumb reasons.

    3v1 games should NEVER be a thing in the first place. If someone DCs during the loading screen put us back into the lobby and let us find another game. They also have to compensate survivors and the killer when someone DCs during a match because that [BAD WORD] everyone over, the survivor team and the killer's BP gain too (some survivors DC to prevent the killer from getting a BBQ stack for example).

    Yeah, Rocket League is like that. When you play competitive, if someone can't load in, match is automatically cancelled and everyone is forced to look for a new match.
  • Claudette_Baguette
    Claudette_Baguette Member Posts: 567

    @Eninya said:
    I don't play any of the super cancer killers, but I can also give people more of a chance if I'm in control of the match by switching targets or slugging.

    However, as a survivor, I really have no motivation to stick around when it's Hillbilly and someone is downed by his first cross-country chainsaw. I usually bail or throw myself at him and suicide on the hook because that match is already a waste of time.

    This was especially so during Moonrise where I could move onto the next game faster than the killer and get more points towards a coin. (This was largely a flaw with the event, though.)

    There needs to be some kind of incentive for ranking and grounding yourself in matches. Even MOBAs inflict massive penalties to your ranking if you leave during the loading screen or hero selection (aka dodging), but there's also rewards for toughing it out. Though, there's a lot more opportunity to come back in those, and there's a lot less victory condition variance in them, since we have the hatch/keys.

    I had such bad games today and I totally understand you. I always play solo queue as survivor and the teammates I get make me rage a lot. They play so stupid and un-optimal, can't survivor for a second, can't even do gens, they just crouch and are immersed.

  • Claudette_Baguette
    Claudette_Baguette Member Posts: 567

    @Eveline said:
    Every community is cancerous. Live with it I guess. Multiplayer games are full of toxicness but for me nothing beats the overwatch toxicity.

    Other games have mechanics that prevent such toxic stuff from happening. In DbD you don't get punished for disconnecting and the unbalanced, broken stuff that has been in the game encourages toxic behavior on both sides and the devs hardly do anything about that.

  • Claudette_Baguette
    Claudette_Baguette Member Posts: 567

    @Vietfox said:
    Claudette_Baguette said:

    @Vietfox said:

    DCers sucks for both killers and survivors, but especially for the remaining survivors.

    I won't deny that, some of them DC for really dumb reasons.

    3v1 games should NEVER be a thing in the first place. If someone DCs during the loading screen put us back into the lobby and let us find another game. They also have to compensate survivors and the killer when someone DCs during a match because that [BAD WORD] everyone over, the survivor team and the killer's BP gain too (some survivors DC to prevent the killer from getting a BBQ stack for example).

    Yeah, Rocket League is like that. When you play competitive, if someone can't load in, match is automatically cancelled and everyone is forced to look for a new match.

    @Vietfox said:
    Claudette_Baguette said:

    @Vietfox said:

    DCers sucks for both killers and survivors, but especially for the remaining survivors.

    I won't deny that, some of them DC for really dumb reasons.

    3v1 games should NEVER be a thing in the first place. If someone DCs during the loading screen put us back into the lobby and let us find another game. They also have to compensate survivors and the killer when someone DCs during a match because that [BAD WORD] everyone over, the survivor team and the killer's BP gain too (some survivors DC to prevent the killer from getting a BBQ stack for example).

    Yeah, Rocket League is like that. When you play competitive, if someone can't load in, match is automatically cancelled and everyone is forced to look for a new match.

    I don't play rocket league but that system is the only one that makes sense in my opinion, also for DbD!

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  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510
    Eveline said:
    Every community is cancerous. Live with it I guess. Multiplayer games are full of toxicness but for me nothing beats the overwatch toxicity.
    Yeah. After years of playing Overwatch I am officially putting that game to pasture. 

    I know dbd has a lot of flaws but guys, dbd is such a leg up from Overwatch. Symmetra was my favorite hero in Overwatch and the sheer toxicity you would get for playing her, how jerks would false report and Blizzy would actually side with them, was downright miserable. 

    Also at least the dbd devs actually seem to listen and they continually update dbd. Unlike Blizzy who condescend and demean players because they know best, and they give a handful of balance changes once in a great while that are completely unbalanced. And every resource clearly goes into the stupid owl and not the actual game. 
  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    Toughing up on the DC banning plus adding a progressively worse time-out between sessions if you left through DC'ing would be a good start.

  • This content has been removed.
  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    Should probably address the reasons why people are DCing over trying to just punish the symptom.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    @darktrix said:

    Should probably address the reasons why people are DCing over trying to just punish the symptom.

    No way, most people dc for stupid reasons.
    I'm the first one to get hit/downed? DC
    Missed DS? DC
    Survivors 360d me 3 times in a row? DC
    Survivors cleansed my totem? DC

    Those kind of players just need to grow up, not to be listened.
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    I agree with everything you said. I have continued to say matchmaking should be based on hours in the game not rank.

  • PinkEricka
    PinkEricka Member Posts: 1,042
    Other than people ragequitting, maybe the DC rate will go down some if they fix the broken stuff.
  • Claudette_Baguette
    Claudette_Baguette Member Posts: 567

    @darktrix said:
    Should probably address the reasons why people are DCing over trying to just punish the symptom.

    Have you read my text? I literally mentioned a lot of things that make people DC like killer imbalances (everyone plays nurse, billy at high ranks pretty much), broken or unfun stuff that's been in the game in forever (one shot hatchets, 3 blink nurse, noed, moris, facecamp, legion, etc).

  • Claudette_Baguette
    Claudette_Baguette Member Posts: 567

    @Vietfox said:
    @darktrix said:

    Should probably address the reasons why people are DCing over trying to just punish the symptom.

    No way, most people dc for stupid reasons.
    I'm the first one to get hit/downed? DC
    Missed DS? DC
    Survivors 360d me 3 times in a row? DC
    Survivors cleansed my totem? DC

    Those kind of players just need to grow up, not to be listened.

    Exactly. The devs have to punish people for DCing and fix things that make people dc as well (not stupid reasons of course, those players need a timeout).

  • Claudette_Baguette
    Claudette_Baguette Member Posts: 567

    @fcc2014 said:
    I agree with everything you said. I have continued to say matchmaking should be based on hours in the game not rank.

    Exactly! This would make things so much better.

  • cetruzzo
    cetruzzo Member Posts: 323
    better get that switch version out than fixing this mess
  • rafajsp
    rafajsp Member Posts: 475
    edited February 2019

    @switch said:
    A simple fix,
    1st DC=15 mins ban
    2nd DC=30 mins ban
    3rd DC=45 mins ban
    4th DC=1 hr ban
    5th DC=2 hrs ban
    The devs need to face this issue, like it or not if they want to combat Dcing this is the ONLY way to stop ppl from dcing.

    I agree.
    Mostly games implement this queue.
    But still your numbers are low.
    If i was the game developer i would start with 15 min, then 1 hour, then 4 hours and finally 1 day.
    I doubt that survivor would DC again.
    2 hous for 5 DC is too low.

  • Kim
    Kim Member Posts: 76
    I see where some people come from because, we all have stuff to do or something happenes and we gotta go. But people don’t DC in this game because of that, they dc because of rage and that is what anoyy’s me.
  • ArkhamRobot
    ArkhamRobot Member Posts: 22

    Hopefully "Last Year: The nightmare" will get their act together and move on from Discord onto Steam soon.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    @homo_superior said:

    @se05239 said:
    Toughing up on the DC banning plus adding a progressively worse time-out between sessions if you left through DC'ing would be a good start.

    That's cheap and band aid solution but I don't expect more from someone who is rank 20 and don't know his own game. This could be fixed in many ways apart from fixing the game and reduce number of d/c but oh well let's actually ban everyone. It will eventually kill the game so I guess I might have some interest in it.

    Behavior are the Band-Aid Gods of Gaming. It'd be right up their alley.
    How'd you solve the DC epidemic then?

  • NathanExplosion
    NathanExplosion Member Posts: 337

    That's what happen when you use all your resources to make shiny overpriced toxic skins every months.

    ...At the expense of balancing and codding.

  • switch
    switch Member Posts: 489
    edited February 2019

    @rafajsp said:

    @switch said:
    A simple fix,
    1st DC=15 mins ban
    2nd DC=30 mins ban
    3rd DC=45 mins ban
    4th DC=1 hr ban
    5th DC=2 hrs ban
    The devs need to face this issue, like it or not if they want to combat Dcing this is the ONLY way to stop ppl from dcing.

    I agree.
    Mostly games implement this queue.
    But still your numbers are low.
    If i was the game developer i would start with 15 min, then 1 hour, then 4 hours and finally 1 day.
    I doubt that survivor would DC again.
    2 hous for 5 DC is too low.

    Nah that would be a terrible mistake.
    Since this game has around ~20k players active you can't give out bans for 1day or 3 days.
    You have to understand that the games like CSGO and other big games do a longer period since they have a massive player base compared to DBD.
    Max punishment should stay at 2hrs, this will discourage the players from dc, not making it impossible to quit if you have a problem irl.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Kim said:
    I see where some people come from because, we all have stuff to do or something happenes and we gotta go. But people don’t DC in this game because of that, they dc because of rage and that is what anoyy’s me.
    Yeah it sucks when they d/c nust because they went down. However sometimes they DC because they get farmed, or because there's a Wraith just standing next to the hook waiting for the tunnel. Can't say I blame them for that. It would be nice if we had a solution for all of this.
  • e8Lattice
    e8Lattice Member Posts: 189
    edited February 2019

    Killer doesn't like the epic super rare offerings you saved just for that special occasion . . . DC and bye bye offerings.

  • JohnTed
    JohnTed Member Posts: 56

    @Claudette_Baguette said:

    @Vietfox said:
    DCers sucks for both killers and survivors, but especially for the remaining survivors.
    I won't deny that, some of them DC for really dumb reasons.

    3v1 games should NEVER be a thing in the first place. If someone DCs during the loading screen put us back into the lobby and let us find another game. They also have to compensate survivors and the killer when someone DCs during a match because that [BAD WORD] everyone over, the survivor team and the killer's BP gain too (some survivors DC to prevent the killer from getting a BBQ stack for example).

    Every time when someone disconnected, the host must be chinese. Do you know why? Because they gonna use cheating.

  • Unknown
    edited February 2019
    This content has been removed.
  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    I disagree that dying on the hook is the same as disconnecting. I don´t disconnect (other than rare circumstances, like a survior hiding for 30+ minutes on an emty map), but i let myself die on the hook from time to time.

    But the reason usually is none of the above. It is if i don´t want to play with my fellow survivors, because they play very anti-team. You want an example? we go against a trapper, and one guy is chased but at full health. i step into a trap, and that survivor then runs at me, so the killer decide to get the easy target, and he gets away. I had bound, so i saw him changing his course to run to me.

    And behaviour like that is actually common. Yesterday, i had found the ruin-totem and tried to cleanse it, even though the killer was near. So another survivor dropped a pallet behind me to lead the killer to us, and have me chased, so he could cleanse it himself. Often those guys are part of an swf.

    Yes, stuff like that makes me not want to play with that team. and then i let myself die from the first hook.
    And i dont belive that is wrong, because its a reaction of anti social behaviour of random people i happen to be teamed up with. Try to play as a team, und even if you are not good, i will help you. Even if that means i struggle and die on the hook while the killer camps and you do gens.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    I 100% agree with you.
  • Claudette_Baguette
    Claudette_Baguette Member Posts: 567

    @FairyFox said:
    I really like that you take both sides, survivor and killer, into account. Most people just see issues from one side as a killer or survivor main but you definitely see the issue as a whole which is the only way to go!

    Thanks! That means a lot to me. I completely agree with you, you have to consider all players when balancing/fixing stuff in the game.

    I play both sides equally, that's why I guess. I don't think I'm a survivor or killer main. Some days I just like to play survivor or killer more, sometimes I mix things up. It's a 50/50.

    I also recommend playing both sides because you can learn a lot from your opponent and their playstyles. Playing killer improves your survivor skills and vice versa because you know better what your opponent can do and predict their next moves easier.

  • Larcz
    Larcz Member Posts: 531
    I hope devs read this and will do somthing with this dc crap.
  • rafajsp
    rafajsp Member Posts: 475

    @switch said:

    @rafajsp said:

    @switch said:
    A simple fix,
    1st DC=15 mins ban
    2nd DC=30 mins ban
    3rd DC=45 mins ban
    4th DC=1 hr ban
    5th DC=2 hrs ban
    The devs need to face this issue, like it or not if they want to combat Dcing this is the ONLY way to stop ppl from dcing.

    I agree.
    Mostly games implement this queue.
    But still your numbers are low.
    If i was the game developer i would start with 15 min, then 1 hour, then 4 hours and finally 1 day.
    I doubt that survivor would DC again.
    2 hous for 5 DC is too low.

    Nah that would be a terrible mistake.
    Since this game has around ~20k players active you can't give out bans for 1day or 3 days.
    You have to understand that the games like CSGO and other big games do a longer period since they have a massive player base compared to DBD.
    Max punishment should stay at 2hrs, this will discourage the players from dc, not making it impossible to quit if you have a problem irl.

    Yeah you are right bro.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @rafajsp said:

    @switch said:
    A simple fix,
    1st DC=15 mins ban
    2nd DC=30 mins ban
    3rd DC=45 mins ban
    4th DC=1 hr ban
    5th DC=2 hrs ban
    The devs need to face this issue, like it or not if they want to combat Dcing this is the ONLY way to stop ppl from dcing.

    I agree.
    Mostly games implement this queue.
    But still your numbers are low.
    If i was the game developer i would start with 15 min, then 1 hour, then 4 hours and finally 1 day.
    I doubt that survivor would DC again.
    2 hous for 5 DC is too low.

    Games can crash, you can DC by accident and all that stuff.
    Especially DBD which is a really buggy game cant have such high penalties for that reason.

    I think my numbers are fine and if you have to wait even a few minutes, people would think twice about DCing for stupid reasons (liek denying BBQ stack or sth)

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @switch said:

    @rafajsp said:

    @switch said:
    A simple fix,
    1st DC=15 mins ban
    2nd DC=30 mins ban
    3rd DC=45 mins ban
    4th DC=1 hr ban
    5th DC=2 hrs ban
    The devs need to face this issue, like it or not if they want to combat Dcing this is the ONLY way to stop ppl from dcing.

    I agree.
    Mostly games implement this queue.
    But still your numbers are low.
    If i was the game developer i would start with 15 min, then 1 hour, then 4 hours and finally 1 day.
    I doubt that survivor would DC again.
    2 hous for 5 DC is too low.

    Nah that would be a terrible mistake.
    Since this game has around ~20k players active you can't give out bans for 1day or 3 days.
    You have to understand that the games like CSGO and other big games do a longer period since they have a massive player base compared to DBD.
    Max punishment should stay at 2hrs, this will discourage the players from dc, not making it impossible to quit if you have a problem irl.

    I prefer waiting a bit longer and then having a proper game.
    There are way smaller games than DBD that still manage to punish DCing properly., thats just a lame excuse

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    I didn't have any of these happening in a while

  • Samwise
    Samwise Member Posts: 36

    @Claudette_Baguette said:

    @darktrix said:
    Should probably address the reasons why people are DCing over trying to just punish the symptom.

    Have you read my text? I literally mentioned a lot of things that make people DC like killer imbalances (everyone plays nurse, billy at high ranks pretty much), broken or unfun stuff that's been in the game in forever (one shot hatchets, 3 blink nurse, noed, moris, facecamp, legion, etc).

    People play killers like the nurse and Billy because they are the only two killers we have to deal with the massive unbalance of survivors and to be honest only the Nurse can really stop looping / jungle gyms, so when your tired of playing all the other killers that just get looped through 4 or 5 gens because they have nothing in their bag to combat it, why would people not pick up good o'l Sally?

    Have to remember it take 2 mins for a survivor to die on the hook if not saved, that's not even including chase time, so let this sink in, it takes 80 secs to complete one gen solo with 0 Great skill checks. Can you see a massive balance issue here? And your calling for nerfs to the one killer in the game that has a chance to stop this?

    I will agree with you the nurse is broken, she is very powerful but till the core problems in the game are addressed a killer like the Nurse must stay as she is. I mean really think about this one problem, 80 seconds for a survivor to complete a single objective vs two minutes plus chase time for the killer to complete one objective, games can and do end in the time it takes to catch and kill one single survivor for some killers, this should not be a thing. If survivors have the ability to end a game in 4 to 5 mins then a true balance would be to give each killer in the roster the same ability to end games in 4 to 5 mins, that's balance.

  • switch
    switch Member Posts: 489
    edited February 2019

    @Master said:

    @rafajsp said:

    @switch said:
    A simple fix,
    1st DC=15 mins ban
    2nd DC=30 mins ban
    3rd DC=45 mins ban
    4th DC=1 hr ban
    5th DC=2 hrs ban
    The devs need to face this issue, like it or not if they want to combat Dcing this is the ONLY way to stop ppl from dcing.

    I agree.
    Mostly games implement this queue.
    But still your numbers are low.
    If i was the game developer i would start with 15 min, then 1 hour, then 4 hours and finally 1 day.
    I doubt that survivor would DC again.
    2 hous for 5 DC is too low.

    Games can crash, you can DC by accident and all that stuff.
    Especially DBD which is a really buggy game cant have such high penalties for that reason.

    I think my numbers are fine and if you have to wait even a few minutes, people would think twice about DCing for stupid reasons (liek denying BBQ stack or sth)

    You dont get the point, they have a system to detected which was a crash and which was a disconnect.
    You think i will say that without knowing this issue ?
    I would want to hear how can you punish dc ?, not in this case how dbd does it cause they dont punish dc.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @switch said:

    @Master said:

    @rafajsp said:

    @switch said:
    A simple fix,
    1st DC=15 mins ban
    2nd DC=30 mins ban
    3rd DC=45 mins ban
    4th DC=1 hr ban
    5th DC=2 hrs ban
    The devs need to face this issue, like it or not if they want to combat Dcing this is the ONLY way to stop ppl from dcing.

    I agree.
    Mostly games implement this queue.
    But still your numbers are low.
    If i was the game developer i would start with 15 min, then 1 hour, then 4 hours and finally 1 day.
    I doubt that survivor would DC again.
    2 hous for 5 DC is too low.

    Games can crash, you can DC by accident and all that stuff.
    Especially DBD which is a really buggy game cant have such high penalties for that reason.

    I think my numbers are fine and if you have to wait even a few minutes, people would think twice about DCing for stupid reasons (liek denying BBQ stack or sth)

    You dont get the point, they have a system to detected which was a crash and which was a disconnect.
    You think i will say that without knowing this issue ?
    I would want to hear how can you punish dc ?, not in this case how dbd does it cause they dont punish dc.

    Where do you get this from?
    Such a system doesnt exist. Only god can tell whether my PC crashed due to DBD or whether I just pulled out the power supply. Only god can tell whether my internet provider messed up again or whether I pulled out my ethernet cable :smile:

    Not sure what you mean with the second part

  • switch
    switch Member Posts: 489

    @Master said:

    @switch said:

    @Master said:

    @rafajsp said:

    @switch said:
    A simple fix,
    1st DC=15 mins ban
    2nd DC=30 mins ban
    3rd DC=45 mins ban
    4th DC=1 hr ban
    5th DC=2 hrs ban
    The devs need to face this issue, like it or not if they want to combat Dcing this is the ONLY way to stop ppl from dcing.

    I agree.
    Mostly games implement this queue.
    But still your numbers are low.
    If i was the game developer i would start with 15 min, then 1 hour, then 4 hours and finally 1 day.
    I doubt that survivor would DC again.
    2 hous for 5 DC is too low.

    Games can crash, you can DC by accident and all that stuff.
    Especially DBD which is a really buggy game cant have such high penalties for that reason.

    I think my numbers are fine and if you have to wait even a few minutes, people would think twice about DCing for stupid reasons (liek denying BBQ stack or sth)

    You dont get the point, they have a system to detected which was a crash and which was a disconnect.
    You think i will say that without knowing this issue ?
    I would want to hear how can you punish dc ?, not in this case how dbd does it cause they dont punish dc.

    Where do you get this from?
    Such a system doesnt exist. Only god can tell whether my PC crashed due to DBD or whether I just pulled out the power supply. Only god can tell whether my internet provider messed up again or whether I pulled out my ethernet cable :smile:

    Not sure what you mean with the second part

    They did went into specifics in one of their streams, i dont remember which so if you want try to find it.
    And it does exist, me and other ppl that crash from time to time not often get a message like "Do you want to send this info about the crash ..."
    The only time you cant tell the difference between a crash or a dc is when they go airplane mode.
    Lets not show the world how to bypass their system.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @switch said:

    @Master said:

    @switch said:

    @Master said:

    @rafajsp said:

    @switch said:
    A simple fix,
    1st DC=15 mins ban
    2nd DC=30 mins ban
    3rd DC=45 mins ban
    4th DC=1 hr ban
    5th DC=2 hrs ban
    The devs need to face this issue, like it or not if they want to combat Dcing this is the ONLY way to stop ppl from dcing.

    I agree.
    Mostly games implement this queue.
    But still your numbers are low.
    If i was the game developer i would start with 15 min, then 1 hour, then 4 hours and finally 1 day.
    I doubt that survivor would DC again.
    2 hous for 5 DC is too low.

    Games can crash, you can DC by accident and all that stuff.
    Especially DBD which is a really buggy game cant have such high penalties for that reason.

    I think my numbers are fine and if you have to wait even a few minutes, people would think twice about DCing for stupid reasons (liek denying BBQ stack or sth)

    You dont get the point, they have a system to detected which was a crash and which was a disconnect.
    You think i will say that without knowing this issue ?
    I would want to hear how can you punish dc ?, not in this case how dbd does it cause they dont punish dc.

    Where do you get this from?
    Such a system doesnt exist. Only god can tell whether my PC crashed due to DBD or whether I just pulled out the power supply. Only god can tell whether my internet provider messed up again or whether I pulled out my ethernet cable :smile:

    Not sure what you mean with the second part

    They did went into specifics in one of their streams, i dont remember which so if you want try to find it.
    And it does exist, me and other ppl that crash from time to time not often get a message like "Do you want to send this info about the crash ..."
    The only time you cant tell the difference between a crash or a dc is when they go airplane mode.
    Lets not show the world how to bypass their system.

    You dont grant the average DBD player a lot of intelligence if you think that "the system" cant be abused

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    @e8Lattice said:
    Killer doesn't like the epic super rare offerings you saved just for that special occasion . . . DC and bye bye offerings.

    like survivors even have worthwhile or rare offerings