NOED is really bad game design

I know it. You know it. The devs know it. How about we all just admit it?

Playing in the green ranks and it's literally carrying every single killer there. Guess this is the easy way to balance the game. Killers are struggling? oh well just give them a perk to make up for it.

Now before people cry "ClEaNsE tHe ToTUmZ", how about the devs actually make that viable for single player by giving some notification of when dull totems are destroyed? or after doing 4 am I meant to run around the map searching every nook and cranny just to be sure?

God I hate this game sometimes. NOED and DS, 2 perks that change the entire outcome of the match. Great game design right there.



  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340
    Lol I am just saying everyone here will tell you that.
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    edited February 2019

    @Eveline said:

    Cleanse totems.

    Is this where I get told to bring small game? allow me to slot it in with the other 15 perks killers tell me to bring.

    You must be new to games based on builds.
    Build around your needs/strenghts/weaknesses and use the skills to deal with the rest. Don't expect to counter everything with perks.
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Vietfox said:

    @Vietfox said:
    Bad game design for bad survivors.


    How much does Behaviour pay you to defend all of their decisions?

    Bad game design is not giving surviors any clue as to how is cleansing totems are how many are cleansed. Lets just have all 4 survivors running around looking for 5 totems, I'm sure we'll manage to get the gens done too.

    How many training wheels do you need to accept the game as it is right now?
    Noed can be negated before it triggers, if survivors refuse to counter it then it's on them.
    Yeah, sometimes the killer is good at keeping the map pressure and you are forced to do gens instead of totems, so what?
    So good killers pressure survivors to focus on gens, then they mop up any they missed with NOED. Sounds like a fun game right there.

    Pretty much the entire community has been salty about DS and NOED for years now. The entire game can come down to a battle between those 2 perks sometimes it's ridiculous.

    Ok I'll do totems and swf then. Oh wait no we cant get a game then because killers lobby dodge knowing their precious totems will be gone!

    Is it too much to ######### ask for an indication of how many totems are actually cleansed? So that when im running around looking for them I know if im wasting my time or not?
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    Vietfox said:

    @Vietfox said:
    Bad game design for bad survivors.


    How much does Behaviour pay you to defend all of their decisions?

    Bad game design is not giving surviors any clue as to how is cleansing totems are how many are cleansed. Lets just have all 4 survivors running around looking for 5 totems, I'm sure we'll manage to get the gens done too.

    How many training wheels do you need to accept the game as it is right now?
    Noed can be negated before it triggers, if survivors refuse to counter it then it's on them.
    Yeah, sometimes the killer is good at keeping the map pressure and you are forced to do gens instead of totems, so what?
    So good killers pressure survivors to focus on gens, then they mop up any they missed with NOED. Sounds like a fun game right there.

    Pretty much the entire community has been salty about DS and NOED for years now. The entire game can come down to a battle between those 2 perks sometimes it's ridiculous.

    Ok I'll do totems and swf then. Oh wait no we cant get a game then because killers lobby dodge knowing their precious totems will be gone!

    Is it too much to [BAD WORD] ask for an indication of how many totems are actually cleansed? So that when im running around looking for them I know if im wasting my time or not?
    You are basically asking to be feed with a baby spoon. Totem remainings can still be seen.
    Just because part of the community complain about something doesnt mean they are right. Actually most of them are people who refuse to adapt and instead want the game to be changed according to their will.
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    edited February 2019
    A survivor-sided opinion?! blasphemy!
    I'm a survivor main and i don't think NOED is broken at all.
  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    I personally disagree. NOED is an "endgame" perk. The Endgame perks are supposed to be more powerfull then during the match perks. NOED is quite significant part of endgame builds for killers that don't have one hit abilities like Pig or Freddy so removing it would really hurt already small diversity of builds.
    I agree that it can single handely demolish some solo survivor games but it's overall powerlevel isn't that high if survivors play smart. Yes it probably should get some more nerfs but only in a way that won't render that perk useless.

    We could for example give it some more disadvantages that make it more revelling to survivors that killer has NOED so that they can do totems. Also adding number of not cleased totems to Small game could help too.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    We shouldn't have a tracker on totems. A large benefit of them is survivors searching instead of doing the gens. So as a solo if your not willing to look, deal with it until a gate is open. Its not like killers have a huge window to use this extremely flimsy perk, about a minute at best if they also had remember me.
  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948
    Vietfox said:
    Bad game design for bad survivors.
    You have to admit that noed is usually only stomping solo survivors cuz of lack of informations, while good/smart swf groups will never have an issue of noed 
  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    Killers - defend garbage like NOED, camping and tunneling which encourages people to play SWF

    Also killers - Cry about SWF and lobby dodge.

    I personally think stuff like NOED and DS has nothing to search in ranked mode. Either only allow them in a casual mode or remove/change them completely. And since I have 0 hope that the devs will give us an alternative game mode there is only the second idea to use
  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340
    There is one issue tho. Some games are hard that people just try to survive and can't focus on totems at all. Then after all hard work noed pops and people go down instantly. It can be a game changer, turn the tables around, so it can be very powerful especially against fast killers.
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Vietfox said:
    Bad game design for bad survivors.
    You have to admit that noed is usually only stomping solo survivors cuz of lack of informations, while good/smart swf groups will never have an issue of noed 
    Exactly the issue but he won't admit it.

    If I've cleansed 4 totems, do I assume that surely 1 of the othrr 3 survivors has done the last? Or do I keep on looking? Who knows!

    Also 1 survivor off gens for a few minutes just to counter 1 perk. Seems balanced...

    I'll repeat it again, NOED and DS can affect the entire outcome of a game. 1 perk alone on each sife should not be able to do that.
  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948
    Vietfox said:
    Vietfox said:

    @Vietfox said:
    Bad game design for bad survivors.


    How much does Behaviour pay you to defend all of their decisions?

    Bad game design is not giving surviors any clue as to how is cleansing totems are how many are cleansed. Lets just have all 4 survivors running around looking for 5 totems, I'm sure we'll manage to get the gens done too.

    How many training wheels do you need to accept the game as it is right now?
    Noed can be negated before it triggers, if survivors refuse to counter it then it's on them.
    Yeah, sometimes the killer is good at keeping the map pressure and you are forced to do gens instead of totems, so what?
    So good killers pressure survivors to focus on gens, then they mop up any they missed with NOED. Sounds like a fun game right there.

    Pretty much the entire community has been salty about DS and NOED for years now. The entire game can come down to a battle between those 2 perks sometimes it's ridiculous.

    Ok I'll do totems and swf then. Oh wait no we cant get a game then because killers lobby dodge knowing their precious totems will be gone!

    Is it too much to [BAD WORD] ask for an indication of how many totems are actually cleansed? So that when im running around looking for them I know if im wasting my time or not?
    You are basically asking to be feed with a baby spoon. Totem remainings can still be seen.
    Just because part of the community complain about something doesnt mean they are right. Actually most of them are people who refuse to adapt and instead want the game to be changed according to their will.
    I think you never played in a way to escape WITH your random team mates against a really strong killer. There is no time for 4 solo survivors that everyone searches individually for 5 totems. If everyone makes sure 5 totems are cleansed NOED doesn't matter anyway because till this point the killer had so much time to kill everyone. 
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Eveline said:
    There is one issue tho. Some games are hard that people just try to survive and can't focus on totems at all. Then after all hard work noed pops and people go down instantly. It can be a game changer, turn the tables around, so it can be very powerful especially against fast killers.
    Another issue with it. Go against a good Billy or Nurse whizzing around the map hook after hook, if you play well and get the gens done you can still get boned by NOED.

    Yet killers cry survivors need more objectives just because some SWF stomped them.
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    @Vietfox said:
    Bad game design for bad survivors.
    You have to admit that noed is usually only stomping solo survivors cuz of lack of informations, while good/smart swf groups will never have an issue of noed 
    My solo survivor build is: kindred, bond, open handed and small game. Why? Because i know randoms don't do totems, because i know most killers run hex totems and/or noed, because i know that if i do what most players don't  do we'll succeed (or maybe just them, bu that works for me)
    I adapt my playstyle and build according to how most players (both killers and survivors) work, and works pretty damn well.
    If i can do it anyone else can do it as well, just requires some brain.
  • JanTheMan
    JanTheMan Member Posts: 495

    Killers - defend garbage like NOED, camping and tunneling which encourages people to play SWF

    Also killers - Cry about SWF and lobby dodge.

    I personally think stuff like NOED and DS has nothing to search in ranked mode. Either only allow them in a casual mode or remove/change them completely. And since I have 0 hope that the devs will give us an alternative game mode there is only the second idea to use
    At least you have to buy/level up Laurie for DS. Noed is part of the general killer perk-pool and you only need tier 1 for its main effect...
  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,141

    When playing survivor, one of my biggest gripes is that I'll cleanse four dull totems, then still get downed by NOED and be the only survivor to die in the match. It sucks how often that happens.

    However, the end game in DbD is broken right now. As killer, I've used NOED just to encourage survivors to get off the map at the end of the game. Once an exit gate is open, the only things that really put fear in survivors are NOED, Blood Warden, and Rancor. The perks have to be strong because they're there to counter one of the most powerful things in the game: an open exit gate.

    Dull totems are there as a secondary objective to get survivors to do something other than gens, giving killers more time, something they often desperately need in this game. The survivors shouldn't know whether or not a killer has it; the point is to do dull totems regardless just in case. However, for solo survivors like me who cleanse four dull totems and get screwed anyway, it would be nice if there were something to help, like Small Game showing the number of totems left on the map. There have been times when I've done two full trips all over the map looking for the fifth totem, but Small Game never proc'd so I had to assume someone else had cleansed it. I am still curious where that last totem was in those matches.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    @Vietfox said:
    Vietfox said:

    @Vietfox said:
    Bad game design for bad survivors.


    How much does Behaviour pay you to defend all of their decisions?

    Bad game design is not giving surviors any clue as to how is cleansing totems are how many are cleansed. Lets just have all 4 survivors running around looking for 5 totems, I'm sure we'll manage to get the gens done too.

    How many training wheels do you need to accept the game as it is right now?
    Noed can be negated before it triggers, if survivors refuse to counter it then it's on them.
    Yeah, sometimes the killer is good at keeping the map pressure and you are forced to do gens instead of totems, so what?
    So good killers pressure survivors to focus on gens, then they mop up any they missed with NOED. Sounds like a fun game right there.

    Pretty much the entire community has been salty about DS and NOED for years now. The entire game can come down to a battle between those 2 perks sometimes it's ridiculous.

    Ok I'll do totems and swf then. Oh wait no we cant get a game then because killers lobby dodge knowing their precious totems will be gone!

    Is it too much to [BAD WORD] ask for an indication of how many totems are actually cleansed? So that when im running around looking for them I know if im wasting my time or not?
    You are basically asking to be feed with a baby spoon. Totem remainings can still be seen.
    Just because part of the community complain about something doesnt mean they are right. Actually most of them are people who refuse to adapt and instead want the game to be changed according to their will.
    I think you never played in a way to escape WITH your random team mates against a really strong killer. There is no time for 4 solo survivors that everyone searches individually for 5 totems. If everyone makes sure 5 totems are cleansed NOED doesn't matter anyway because till this point the killer had so much time to kill everyone. 
    That's why i said in a previous comment:
    Yeah, sometimes the killer is good at keeping the map pressure and you are forced to do gens instead of totems, so what?
  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    NOED is fine. Destroy the totems.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited February 2019

    Same here. Do 4, can't see the last, assume that surely the other 3 survivors have managed to do 1 totem between them....but nope.

    I feel like I'm banging my head against a brick wall here. Let me explain...

    NOED is harsh on solo survivors but it means nothing to 3/4 man SWF.

    Want an indication of when a dull totem is cleansed? - killers won't have it.

    Want some form of Kindred as a baseline ability? - killers won't have it

    Yet they insist SWF is unfair and they want it removed, yet won't allow anything to make solo survivor more enjoyable. 

    How about you agree to give little quality of life upgrades for solo survivors so that swf crews can hop on solo and feel they aren't at a disadvantage and might play more solo games?

    Killer mains just want everything swung in their favour.
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Vietfox said:
    @Vietfox said:
    Vietfox said:

    @Vietfox said:
    Bad game design for bad survivors.


    How much does Behaviour pay you to defend all of their decisions?

    Bad game design is not giving surviors any clue as to how is cleansing totems are how many are cleansed. Lets just have all 4 survivors running around looking for 5 totems, I'm sure we'll manage to get the gens done too.

    How many training wheels do you need to accept the game as it is right now?
    Noed can be negated before it triggers, if survivors refuse to counter it then it's on them.
    Yeah, sometimes the killer is good at keeping the map pressure and you are forced to do gens instead of totems, so what?
    So good killers pressure survivors to focus on gens, then they mop up any they missed with NOED. Sounds like a fun game right there.

    Pretty much the entire community has been salty about DS and NOED for years now. The entire game can come down to a battle between those 2 perks sometimes it's ridiculous.

    Ok I'll do totems and swf then. Oh wait no we cant get a game then because killers lobby dodge knowing their precious totems will be gone!

    Is it too much to [BAD WORD] ask for an indication of how many totems are actually cleansed? So that when im running around looking for them I know if im wasting my time or not?
    You are basically asking to be feed with a baby spoon. Totem remainings can still be seen.
    Just because part of the community complain about something doesnt mean they are right. Actually most of them are people who refuse to adapt and instead want the game to be changed according to their will.
    I think you never played in a way to escape WITH your random team mates against a really strong killer. There is no time for 4 solo survivors that everyone searches individually for 5 totems. If everyone makes sure 5 totems are cleansed NOED doesn't matter anyway because till this point the killer had so much time to kill everyone. 
    That's why i said in a previous comment:
    Yeah, sometimes the killer is good at keeping the map pressure and you are forced to do gens instead of totems, so what?
    So just die then lol

    Great game balance idea. You should apply for a job on the team.
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    Vietfox said:
    @Vietfox said:
    Vietfox said:

    @Vietfox said:
    Bad game design for bad survivors.


    How much does Behaviour pay you to defend all of their decisions?

    Bad game design is not giving surviors any clue as to how is cleansing totems are how many are cleansed. Lets just have all 4 survivors running around looking for 5 totems, I'm sure we'll manage to get the gens done too.

    How many training wheels do you need to accept the game as it is right now?
    Noed can be negated before it triggers, if survivors refuse to counter it then it's on them.
    Yeah, sometimes the killer is good at keeping the map pressure and you are forced to do gens instead of totems, so what?
    So good killers pressure survivors to focus on gens, then they mop up any they missed with NOED. Sounds like a fun game right there.

    Pretty much the entire community has been salty about DS and NOED for years now. The entire game can come down to a battle between those 2 perks sometimes it's ridiculous.

    Ok I'll do totems and swf then. Oh wait no we cant get a game then because killers lobby dodge knowing their precious totems will be gone!

    Is it too much to [BAD WORD] ask for an indication of how many totems are actually cleansed? So that when im running around looking for them I know if im wasting my time or not?
    You are basically asking to be feed with a baby spoon. Totem remainings can still be seen.
    Just because part of the community complain about something doesnt mean they are right. Actually most of them are people who refuse to adapt and instead want the game to be changed according to their will.
    I think you never played in a way to escape WITH your random team mates against a really strong killer. There is no time for 4 solo survivors that everyone searches individually for 5 totems. If everyone makes sure 5 totems are cleansed NOED doesn't matter anyway because till this point the killer had so much time to kill everyone. 
    That's why i said in a previous comment:
    Yeah, sometimes the killer is good at keeping the map pressure and you are forced to do gens instead of totems, so what?
    So just die then lol

    Great game balance idea. You should apply for a job on the team.
    Dude, if the killer is good enough then yeah, i will totally accept defeat and send him/her a "gg". What's the problem?
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Killers - just cleanse totems

    Also killers - No solo players can't have an indication of how many have been done by other players

    Also also killers - Devs hide totems better please.

    *Rolls eyes*
  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340
    Crusader are you on pc or console and which rank?
  • Lavernne
    Lavernne Member Posts: 98

    You can use a map. Best way for this item. ;) And I think NOED is fine.

  • Detective_Jonathan
    Detective_Jonathan Member Posts: 1,165

    "How about we all just admit it"

    How about you don't tell me what to admit, and stop complaining about what people run. Let me break it down for you, back then, NOED used to be a permanent thing, and due to people complaining, it was then nerfed to where it was only active for a certain duration. Like Bloodwarden is now, then it received another update to what it is now. And it is probably the most balanced thing in the game.

    NOED can be easily countered by breaking totems, everyone knows this, but everyone is too busy trying to do objectives that they forgot that totems are a secondary objective in the game. When you break all the totems on the map, you don't have to worry about NOED.

    This post was simply made because you either
    A. Died to NOED
    B. One of your friends (that is if you played with any) died to it and you got mad

    Either one of those choices, there is no way you just decided to make this post out of the blue like that.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    Killers - just cleanse totems

    Also killers - No solo players can't have an indication of how many have been done by other players

    Also also killers - Devs hide totems better please.

    *Rolls eyes*
    Also Vietfox, a survivor main.
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Eveline said:
    Crusader are you on pc or console and which rank?
    PC and I'm stuck in green ranks at the moment because I didn't play survivor much last month, especially not with how the event went.

    It sucks.
  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340
    Lavernne said:

    You can use a map. Best way for this item. ;) And I think NOED is fine.

    You can't use anything because killers dodge lobbies. 
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Vietfox said:
    Killers - just cleanse totems

    Also killers - No solo players can't have an indication of how many have been done by other players

    Also also killers - Devs hide totems better please.

    *Rolls eyes*
    Also Vietfox, a survivor main.
    I've accused you of being that before and you denied it?

    @Detective_Jonathan Wow I see why they call you detective now :lol: you really figured me out 
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    Eveline said:
    Crusader are you on pc or console and which rank?
    I'm stuck in green ranks
    ^ Problem spotted
  • Detective_Jonathan
    Detective_Jonathan Member Posts: 1,165

    @Vietfox said:
    The_Crusader said:

    Eveline said:

    Crusader are you on pc or console and which rank?

    I'm stuck in green ranks

    ^ Problem spotted


  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Vietfox said:
    Eveline said:
    Crusader are you on pc or console and which rank?
    I'm stuck in green ranks
    ^ Problem spotted
    Yes. My fault for rank reset. Guess I deserve this for not playing much?

    Guess I deserve to have teammates who dont cleanse totems?

    Again, all this rhetoric does is encourage swf play, and then you know how much salt that causes on here.
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    Vietfox said:
    Killers - just cleanse totems

    Also killers - No solo players can't have an indication of how many have been done by other players

    Also also killers - Devs hide totems better please.

    *Rolls eyes*
    Also Vietfox, a survivor main.
    I've accused you of being that before and you denied it?
    There's a difference between being a survivor main just because i play a bit more as a survivor and being survivor sided.
  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    @The_Crusader said:
    Killers - just cleanse totems

    Also killers - No solo players can't have an indication of how many have been done by other players

    Also also killers - Devs hide totems better please.

    Rolls eyes

    I play both survivor and killer equally. I usually don't even use NOED on my killers. NOED is fine.

  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340
    Just be patient and try to do everything a little bit. When you get to the red ranks you will face obstacles again but at least people are just ######### not completely braindead lol.
  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    Same here. Do 4, can't see the last, assume that surely the other 3 survivors have managed to do 1 totem between them....but nope.

    I feel like I'm banging my head against a brick wall here. Let me explain...

    NOED is harsh on solo survivors but it means nothing to 3/4 man SWF.

    Want an indication of when a dull totem is cleansed? - killers won't have it.

    Want some form of Kindred as a baseline ability? - killers won't have it

    Yet they insist SWF is unfair and they want it removed, yet won't allow anything to make solo survivor more enjoyable. 

    How about you agree to give little quality of life upgrades for solo survivors so that swf crews can hop on solo and feel they aren't at a disadvantage and might play more solo games?

    Killer mains just want everything swung in their favour.
    Oh man I could tell you storys man.. Doing 4 dull totems, doing 2 gens, running the killer for 4+ minutes and die at the end because of noed. Really frustrating to play solo survivor... I Really wonder why I still play solo and not just play SWF on coms ..

    Yeah exactly, some Killer mains completely lost their mind because of SWF (I don't blame them, it's really stressful) and immediately disagree with everything which buffs solo survivors. But they forget that solos aren't the survivors who are making their games so frustrating. Solos need some special love and it's really time for that. That's just my opinion. Closing the gap is one important and healthy step for future balancing.
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    Vietfox said:
    Eveline said:
    Crusader are you on pc or console and which rank?
    I'm stuck in green ranks
    ^ Problem spotted
    Yes. My fault for rank reset. Guess I deserve this for not playing much?

    Guess I deserve to have teammates who dont cleanse totems?

    Again, all this rhetoric does is encourage swf play, and then you know how much salt that causes on here.
    If randoms dont do gens then do what i do, run small game and cleanse totems while they do gens. Problem solved.
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    @Eveline I forgot how much green ranks blow. Its harder to pip too ironically because there is less action. At red ranks every game was hectic snd full of unhooks and chases.

    @HavelmomDaS1 Glad to see someone gets it. Killers moan about swf but veto any QOL upgrades to solo survivors. They just don't get that they can't have it both ways. 

  • Lavernne
    Lavernne Member Posts: 98
    edited February 2019

    @Eveline said:
    Lavernne said:

    You can use a map. Best way for this item. ;) And I think NOED is fine.

    You can't use anything because killers dodge lobbies. 

    thats old. In the past, almost every killer has been dodged with just one item in the lobby. But now rare dodges.

  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828
    I mean like. It’s honestly the only way to do it. Plus you get a small amount of BPs for it. Whenever I see totems I always try to get rid of a possible NOED because it seems lots of killers seem to be running it a lot.
  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,141

    @The_Crusader said:

    Same here. Do 4, can't see the last, assume that surely the other 3 survivors have managed to do 1 totem between them....but nope.

    I feel like I'm banging my head against a brick wall here. Let me explain...

    NOED is harsh on solo survivors but it means nothing to 3/4 man SWF.

    Want an indication of when a dull totem is cleansed? - killers won't have it.

    Want some form of Kindred as a baseline ability? - killers won't have it

    Yet they insist SWF is unfair and they want it removed, yet won't allow anything to make solo survivor more enjoyable. 

    How about you agree to give little quality of life upgrades for solo survivors so that swf crews can hop on solo and feel they aren't at a disadvantage and might play more solo games?

    Killer mains just want everything swung in their favour.

    Some form of Kindred as a baseline ability would be so nice. It's stupid that I can see survivors' auras while I'm hooked, which does me little to no good, but they can't see each others' auras, something that would benefit me (and them) way more than me watching them do gens or crouch around. Showing survivors' auras to each other should be baseline and Kindred should be altered so that each tier just shows the killer's aura within a certain distance of the hook. Right now, Kindred tier 1 is completely useless, anyway, and it makes no sense that it even exists.

    Sorry if that's off topic.

    But yes, Small Game at least should tell the survivor running it how many hex/dull totems are left on the map. The perk is useful for finding totems and avoiding traps, but it's useless for countering NOED.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    Look here's the thing...

    The devs insist survivors are dying, despite killers moaning that the game is too hard. The stats show that the game is actually in the killers favour right now. They're going to buff survivors eventually and I can already sense the salt on these forums when that happens.

    However we've all seen those games where they wouldn't be a single kill if it wasn't for NOED. If NOED was removed and the stats swung back in the survivors favour then killers could have these buffs they keep asking for.

    It's in the killers best interests to not have so much revolve around this one perk.