Why so many killers slug for 4k?



  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Btw. When I say the game says the survivors are trying to escape and the killers are trying to sacrafice the survivors this is what I am referring to:

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Would you look at that. It actually DOES use the term win:

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    I don't see how much clearer the game could have made it at least for survivor's winning.

    For killers it never specified the exact numbers. However it DID say you need to stop them from escaping, which if you get less than a 4k you have failed to do.

    Then again it also says the survivors need to power 5 generators, which if they escape through the hatch they might not have. And that they need to be sacraficed which mori's aren't (maybe they count I guess)

    Point is the supposed game defined wincondition is never even mentioned on the pages labeled "How to win" and "Game goals" or even anywhere else on this fairly detailed tutorial while escaping and killing are given full paragraphs

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Also there is this line

    "A Killer who sacrifices all 4 Survivors in the trial will earn the Entity's favor"

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited February 2019

    @NuclearBurrito said:
    Would you look at that. It actually DOES use the term win:

    These don't explicitly say "MUST KILL OR ESCAPE TO WIN". They list your objectives, which is tracked by the pip system . "Repair generators" is not escaping, tracked by Lightbringer. "Chase, injure and catch survivors" is not kill, tracked by Chaser/Malicious. Also no where in the killer tutorial is the word "kill" used. They tell you to put survivors on hooks, but never explicitly tell you they have to die.

    Pip is the win condition. You keep grasping at straws to say it's not, but it is. If you play to 4k/escape then you are just setting yourself up to get upset when things don't go your way, because with all the OP stuff and RNG in this game you can never GUARANTEE these things even if you are way better than your opponent. And while winning is never guaranteed, you can be sure that skill will always be the deciding factor if you win.

    @NuclearBurrito said:
    "A Killer who sacrifices all 4 Survivors in the trial will earn the Entity's favor"

    Still doesn't say they win. And if you do so you will have iri Devout, and probably gold Malicious/Chaser (as I have been over with you in another thread). That's 10 points right there, which is a pip. So if you do all the stuff listed and do it WELL you get a pip, which is a win. The tutorial basically indirectly tells you this. "Do anything to stop survivor's" sounds like they are also telling you to kick gens, since that can stop survivors. It's almost impossible to not pip if you killed all 4 survivors (and DC doesn't count because it robs you of Chaser/Malicious).

    These tutorials are not telling you that you MUST KILL or MUST ESCAPE to win. They are telling you what you need to do to PIP, which is the win. If you kill or escape it contributes to a pip.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @NuclearBurrito said:
    Would you look at that. It actually DOES use the term win:

    These don't explicitly say "MUST KILL OR ESCAPE TO WIN". They list your objectives, which is tracked by the pip system . "Repair generators" is not escaping, tracked by Lightbringer. "Chase, injure and catch survivors" is not kill, tracked by Chaser/Malicious. Also no where in the killer tutorial is the word "kill" used. They tell you to put survivors on hooks, but never explicitly tell you they have to die.

    Pip is the win condition. You keep grasping at straws to say it's not, but it is. If you play to 4k/escape then you are just setting yourself up to get upset when things don't go your way, because with all the OP stuff and RNG in this game you can never GUARANTEE these things even if you are way better than your opponent. And while winning is never guaranteed, you can be sure that skill will always be the deciding factor if you win.

    The Killer tutorial says sacrafice instead of kill. Which is later defined as getting a survivor to the 3rd stage, which kills them. I do admit that this leaves a gray area for mori's and bleed outs since those are not sacrifices.

    Also IT LITERALLY SAYS "The survivor's goal is to escape the trial". So according to that if I escape the trial but don't win. Then I have achieved the goal given to me by the game.

    Of course the emblems would be related to your wincon, because if they weren't it wouldn't do a good job at tracking skill.

    And don't say I am grasping at straws when I am literally just reading the tutorial and going with the most intuitive interpretation

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985
    PiiFree said:

    @HeroLives said:
    Dude slugging has got so bad that they don’t even do it just Bc of hatch anymore it will be beginning or mid game and they’ll start slugging for the 4K and it’s so hard to combat if they’re any good at it. I’ve become so sick of sluggers Bc it’s not just end game anymore. 

    That's exactly what happens when people insult me for "slugging to avoid the hatch standoff", like I presented in the meme above xD it's based on a true story.

    I believe it.