My personal wishes...


First i want to talk about ranking system and leveling up:
I want ranking system to reward you if you was rank 1,2,3 last season, i mean to give you BP, exclusives skins,etc. Now is pointless to get rank 1 ( yes, i know you are badass bcoz you are #1 ).
Leveling up same as ranking is so useless in my opinion, no matter if you have devotion 9999, you get nothing ( except that iridescent shards ).
Another wishes:
1.Change the loading screen ( put images, animation, artworks etc. so many possibilities ).
2.Put songs for every start map (like Haddonfield).
3.Add new chasing songs.
4.Add new effects for environnement, dropping a pallet, running (as survivor),grunts of pain etc.
5.Make more animations for all actions in the game. Is so boring to play the same animations over and over.
6.More items in game ( i mean the green key is useless ).
7.New game modes, like classic without ranking, or maybe other game modes.
8.Other actions for both sides: climbing, swimming,creeping ( as survivor like a carpet ).THIS MAYBE FOR NEW MAPS !
9.New maps concepts. As survivor without generators and exit gates ex: you need to find keys to open the doors or you need some items ( items who can be found in the fog) to unlock the doors. As killer without hooks ex: put the survivor under a fire ( not in a hook ), or put him in a guillotine etc. So many possibilities here !
10.Not least, FIX THE BUGS !
I know is hard to implement new characteristics in the game, and i know the effort who is put in this game. Is a different game more hard to balance some parts of the gameplay, but i love it that's why i'm here !
This is a subjective opinion and i talk with 550+ hours in game ( playing both sides ).
In the end, thank you so much for reading this and sorry for some mistakes in my writing !
Have a awesome day/night !