Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

In Depth Balance Suggestions

Hello Folks!

I recently thought about a rework on the weakest perks in Dead by Daylight for both Killer and Survivor, since there are a few Perks that are really not worth using in most cases.
I really enjoy Build diversity and trying out new synergies between a few perks on both killer and survivor. So a rework/ rebalance on a few perks is a good thing in my opinion.
Additionally i thought about the balance itself from both perspectives. I would like to share some of my ideas with the community and the Developers.

I love this game and the Devs are doing an amazing job! So please be constructive instead of destructive.

With that being said, lets dive right into it!

Survivor Perk suggestions:

NOONE LEFT BEHIND - When the Exit gates are powered and you are unhooking a survivor the unhooked survivor receives a buff (similar to borrowed time). The unhooked survivor can be hooked one additional time until the buff expires.

DARK SENSE - Survivors can see the hooks in a certain radius around them (would indirectly buff Sabotage, but the killer has perks to counter it and sabotage is quite weak at the moment).

DEJA VU - See Generators at all times in a certain radius around your survivor (similar to Bond: 36m).

DETECTIVES HUNCH - Activates everytime a generator is completed, regardless who repaired it.

HOPE - For each finished generator the survivor gets a permanent movement speed increase for each generator 3,4,5,6,7 percent (walking, running, crouching).

NO MITHER - The Survivor starts the match healthy and when he/she is injured its not shown to the killer (little ''cross-icon'' on the left bottom on the screen removed), so that the killer doesnt know that the survivor has this perk.
(currently everytime the killer is tunneling and hooking the survivor who runs this perk)

OPEN HANDED - can be activated for 5 seconds to share your aura-reading abilities with every survivor. (Can be activated every 120 Seconds/ once per match or something), still grants 8m bonus range (to premonition, spine chill and small game aswell).

VIGILL - decrease includes cooldowns of perks aswell (for example Premonition, Small game and Alert, more synergies between perks).

TECHNICIAN - You cant be heared from any distance while repairing, the repair speed is increased (maybe 3/6/9 percent).

SLIPPERY MEAT - Once per match You have a 100 percent chance to unhook yourself, after doing so you are bleeding more frequently (similar to sloppy butcher) and you are louder. You cant be healed to to healthy.
(in some games with randoms there is noone coming to save you)

THIS IS NOT HAPPENING - increased resistance to the killer specific debuffs. It takes longer to increase the madness level, Snap out of it and waking up team mates consumes less time. The effect of the afterpiece tonic wears off earlier.

PROVE THYSELF - For each survivor that you rescue from a hook, you gain one token that grants permanent faster action speed (for example 3/6/9/12 percent, 4 tokens max; that perk would also nerf tunneling).
Currently it's a weaker version of LEADER.

Killer Perk suggestions:

OVERCHARGE - Fixing the bug that grants a bonus on Generatorprogression, when hitting the Overcharge-skillcheck would be awesome.

PLAY WITH YOUR FOOD - permanent Movementspeed bonus for each time the obsession is rescued from a hook (up to 3/6/9 percent or something).

SAVE THE BEST FOR LAST - permanent decrease of the cooldown of succesful hits for each time the obsession is resued from a hook (up to 5/10/15 percent or something).

DYING LIGHT - For each time the obsession is rescued from a hook, the action penalty should go up from 5-10-15 percent (or maybe higher).
Remove the increased speed for the obsession.

SURVEILLANCE - Set the 16 seconds to 60 seconds or remove it completely and this perk will be more popular (currently it is rarely used).

THANATOPHOBIA - this perk needs an increase in action penalty, in order to make it more viable (maybe 10/15/20/25 percent), considering that its very rare having 3 or 4 wounded survivors.

FIRE UP - Gain a token for each hurt, downed or hooked survivor. Tokens are doing the same as before.

BEAST OF PREY - increase the lunge attack, when the bloodlust activates.

The HEX Totems would profit from a rework aswell because sometimes it totally breaks the game for survivors (especially in lower ranks) and sometimes it gets destroyed instantly after the game starts, which is really frustrating for killers.
My suggestion would be a staging system for the Hex- Totems. For each of the 5 dull totems that is destroyed it goes down one stage. One stage equals 20 percent of the perks efficiency.
With the exception of No One Escapes Death and Thrill Of The Hunt, there is currently no reason for destroying dull totems.
If all the 5 Dull Totems are destroyed the effect of all the HEX-Perks is negated. The Hex totem would only exists for NOONE ESCAPES DEATH.
With this new system the efficiency of HEX-Perks is more balanced and easier to calculate for both survivor and killer. Here are a few ideas:

HEX RUIN - For each destroyed Dull Totem the regression of good skillchecks is set from 5-4-3-2-1 percent and the duration in which no progression is accomplished is set from 2,5-2-1,5-1-0,5 seconds

HEX HUNTRESS LULLABY - For each destroyed Dull Totem the killer loses one token. To receive tokens the killer must hang survivors as it was before.
It shouldnt be shown to survivors that Huntress Lullaby is active at all, it hurts the perk quite a lot (should be like HEX Devour Hope)

HEX DEVOUR HOPE - For each destroyed Dull Totem the killer loses one token. To receive tokens the killer must hang survivors (similar to Huntress Lullaby)

HEX THIRD SEAL - This Perk is not rewarding most of the time, so i suggest that in this case The effect of the perk is only negated when all the Dull Totems are destroyed

HEX NO ONE ESCAPES DEATH - I almost never use it, but for the weakest killers (Freddy and Wraith) its almost a Must-have. Since it is only good in the end of the game its not viable on better killers, so i would suggest it can stay as it is.

With these changes the survivors have an alternative goal, then just repairing generators. Many times the generators are done way too fast. In some games when i play survivor, i have no contact with the killer at all.
In order to change that with the suggestions above, i think generators should take 90-100 seconds instead of 80 seconds.

Some killers like Freddy, Wraith, Hag and the Trapper need a buff, espacially considering the higher ranks.

Wraith: It would be effective to remove the movementspeed reduction while uncloaking and decreasing the duration to uncloak.
Since he has no Map-presence and no counterplay to juking he would also profit from jumping through windows and breaking pallets faster than the other killers.

Freddy: He is known as the weakest killer. He has no Map-presence and no counterplay to juking aswell. Decreasing the time to pull someone into the dreamworld would help him a great deal (1-2 seconds).
At the moment it is easy to escape the dreamworld. Lowering the chance of receiving a skillcheck would be a good idea.

Hag: She has a weaker Map-Presence and counterplay to juking. Additionally she is slower and has limited FOV, since she is smaller then other killers.
Her decreased terrorradius (24m) helps her a bit but its not enough to perform better in higher ranks. I would suggest setting traps faster (maybe instantly?) and increasing her movementspeed to 115%.

Trapper: Setting traps consumes a lot of time. Time that could be used to chase survivors or patroling generators. Decreasing the time to set traps and increasing the time to disarm them would be a recommendation.
Adding skillchecks while trying to disarm a trap would be a huge buff (direct synergy with unnerving presence, like the doctors ''snap out of it''). Failing a skillcheck results in trapping the survivor.

I like the new idea of closing the hatch. But opening it only by completing a generator is too strong in my opinion. When there are only 3 generators left its quite easy to patrol them.
I would recommend, that somewhere on the map appears a key as soon as the hatch closes. That can be found from the survivor to open the hatch.

These are just a few suggestions that came to my mind, so you dont have to agree with all of it. If you like or disagree with something, please let me know in the comments down below.

Please be respectful to one another (its only a game) and see ya ingame!


  • Crabdawg
    Crabdawg Member Posts: 22
    edited June 2018
    If I don't mention something it's because I dont think it's a bad idea:
    No one left behind - No
    Detective's hunch - No
    Hope - Get out.
    Technician - No increase to repair speed
    This is not happening - Waking up people is easy enough
    Prove thyself - Something different would be better but it does need abit of a buff
    Dying light - I think it's fine tbh
    Freddy - He also needs to perform the same basic actions as literally every other killer (e.g.Grabbing people off things like gens and the hatch) and you should be able to wake yourself up
    (My idea) Piggy - FoV raised when crouched, 1 extra trap at default(Reduce kill time by alittle?), Lunge charges slightly faster (Maybe or just nerf SB) and some decent add ons would be nice
    Closing hatch - I play console so I cant say much but I think it's fine from what i've seen, maybe a slight boast to repair speed but not much if you all left gens next to each other you should be punished.

    Overall some interesting ideas that deserve some thought unlike what alot of people come up with :)

    Edit: No mither is fine if hard mode is too hard for you just don't use it.