Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

You Gained A Buff!



  • Chicken
    Chicken Member Posts: 123

    Buff bloodlust so that breaking a pallet only consumes 1 token.

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463

    115% movement speed Legion... Please :'/

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    I already told them that. And it's been said hundreds of times. People just dont listen. Lol.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    It's been said before and I will add my voice to the chorus, "115%" Legion.

    The Hillbilly can run faster and longer and he's 115%.

    I don't care if you guys have to nerf Frenzy, just make Legion's base speed faster.

    Or alternatively, make the Legion pin add-on series increase base speed. Anything will do.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    @not_Queen Welp, that's pretty much it.

    Did we do a good job? 😋

  • iTacoman
    iTacoman Member Posts: 42

    Buff Kates wiggle perk numbers up so it feels worth it to take. Or keep the wiggle swaying where it is and get an increased like 4-10% wiggle speed depending on testing/balance don't want it to be too strong. I think it would be fair because killers have three perks i believe to help them get a survivor to the hook and we only have kates perk and D-strike to get off not counting items but most people can't use them right anyways in my experience.

  • iTacoman
    iTacoman Member Posts: 42

    no thank you on this change that's not balanced. What are you supposed to do when your the only person left and you have a bear trap on while the pig is searching all the boxes for you. Odds are you aren't going to get it off because of the time it takes to search them. That's basically a free kill for the pig.

  • iTacoman
    iTacoman Member Posts: 42

    buff Autodidacts numbers a little bit or make it more likely to trigger skill checks because i love the idea of this perk but it seems everytime i run it i don't receive skill checks except for maybe one or two and don't get any use out of the perk. I know it's kind of up to luck on skill checks but it doesn't feel that strong or worth taking for me at least idk if there are people who make good use out of the perk.

  • theanimal41
    theanimal41 Member Posts: 32

    Small game: when looking in the direction of traps and totems it gives an auditory warning and aura revealed for 3 seconds. Lvl3

    Dance with me: no scratches for 5 seconds. Lvl3

    Slippery meat: the 3 more attepts plus ups the chances of getting off from 4% to 25%. Lvl 3

    Spine chill: also gives a directional red stain of what way the killer is looking at you from. Lvl 3

    Deliverance: also if you didn't get an unhook before going on to a hook yourself ups the chance to getting off to 50% (if your the first found situation)

    Diversion : if you hit the killer with the rock stuns them for a second

    Distortion: recharge tokens while being in the killer radius without being in a chase

    Empathy/bond : also reveals the killer if he/she is withing 8 meters of a survivor. Lvl 3

    Sprint burst: must use an action button to activate. So you can still Sprint around before using it

    Urban evasion: also ups your walking speed by 10-20 % when at lvl 3

    Boil over : also decreases time to strucggle off the killers shoulder by 15% (counter to the iron grasp, agitation combo)

    Thrill of the hunt: also disguises hex totems as dull totems

    Pgtw: token based or no timer

    Whipers: also whipers become louder if surviors are within a 45° cone. Help pin point survivors

    Tinkerer: goes off at 50%

  • KingB
    KingB Member Posts: 747

    Make blood warden trigger as soon as one of the exit gates is open and close both exits.

  • not_Queen
    not_Queen Member Posts: 1,114

    @Boss I'd say you guys did... a pretty good job so far. ;)

    ACM stands for Associate Community Manager.

    They mainly do game-bans and help out the Community team.

  • Sziosis
    Sziosis Member Posts: 198

    Monstrous Shrine changes to 0% escape chance and entity progresses 5/10/15% faster. If I could ADD something, I'd allow all those who exit the basement that have NOT been hooked have their auras revealed for 10 seconds.

  • GoldGalaxy29167
    GoldGalaxy29167 Member Posts: 20
    edited March 2019

    Make Thanataphobia and Dying Light apply to everything in the match including doors and totems.

    Make Autodidact like it was in the PTB for the spirit so it feels worthwhile.

    Have some way that killers know what each hex totem they have is so they aren't guessing.

    These are ideas that just came to mind quickly.

  • BOSS242
    BOSS242 Member Posts: 170

    This is not happening-

    when unhooked inside the killers terror radius for 10 seconds any damage taken that would put you into the dying state will instead apply the deep wound status effect 7/10/12 second mending timer.

  • BOSS242
    BOSS242 Member Posts: 170

    No one left behind-

    After the exits are powered, NOLB gains you the ability to read the auras of ACTIVE totems with in 8/10/12m and gives you a token for every active totem remaining on the map. As long as NOLB has at least 1 token you preform altruistic actions 15% faster.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    The ability for survivors to see Jigsaw Box auras is reduced from Unlimited to 12 meters.

  • BOSS242
    BOSS242 Member Posts: 170

    No Mither-

    You are affected by the broken status effect for the duration of the trial.

    You do not leave pools of blood.

    Grunts of pain caused by injuries are reduced by 75%

    Grants the ability to recover from dying state 5/10/15% faster and to fully recover from dying state.

    Gain 50/75/100% more bloodpoints in altruism category.

    (Side note: remove visible indicator from hud on killers display)

  • BOSS242
    BOSS242 Member Posts: 170

    Left behind-

    If you're the last survivor left in trial, LB activates granting you the ability to repair generators 5/10/15% faster and Generators you repair have no audible or visual cues upon completion.

  • BOSS242
    BOSS242 Member Posts: 170

    Monstrous shrine-

    Each time a survivor is hooked in the basement for the first time, gain a token.

    1 token- 3% increase to your movement speed.

    2 tokens- 5% regression bonus to any generator damaged by you for the remainder of the trial.

    3 tokens- 2% increase to your movement speed. (Stacks) (5% total)

    4 tokens- all survivors are affected by the broken status effect for the remainder of the trial.

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    My daily challenges would involve using specific perks.

  • EvilBarney666
    EvilBarney666 Member Posts: 334

    I say better hex totem placements. Make them really hard to find.

    That and Once in the dream transition survivors get inturruped on gens/totems and can only do pallets and windows till the transition ends. Also failed self care checks don't wake you up

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    Can I get a Nerf instead?

    The most important "change" I would like to see would be a nerf instead of a change.

    And it is about SELF CARE.

    Give it a limited amount of uses and make it take longer.

    Maybe 3 token that get used up whenever you finish healing yourself with SC, so you can save token by let someone else finish it or using a medkit.

    Obviously stopping the use of SC needs to make you lose a small portion of the progressionbar to to balance that.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    Left Behind

    For each survivor sacrificed or killed gain a 7/10/13 % bonus to Repair speed.

    If you are the last Survivor remaining in the trial, gain a 5/7/9 % bonus to Movement speed.

  • Lamia
    Lamia Member Posts: 25
    edited March 2019


    Pig's roar comes at the end of an ambush,

    Increase her speed to 100% (up from 90%) while crouching,

    or change the way escaping from reverse bear traps works. Rather than assign a box to each trap (SWF can just process of elimination it!!), give the survivor a flat chance of escaping, determined by how many boxes they've searched. For example, it could go 1%, 25%, 50%, 100%.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    Trapper gets two traps as a base or the extra bear traps add-ons should be changed into something like this:

    Brown: +1 trap to carry.

    Yellow: +2 traps to carry.

    Purple: +3 traps to carry.

    The Purple one we have right now is pretty much useless, it's the same as yellow with a minor difference.

    Please buff Trapper

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,814

    Resilience percent boost. It's turned into a token system. You start with 3/4/5 tokens and every time you heal yourself you lose a token. For each token you have, you gain a 3% speed increase while injured. So...

    5 tokens: 15%

    3 tokens: 9%

    This buffs the perk but also makes the Heal Until 99% Then Finish Healing When the Killer Finds You Strategy less effective.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    I like seeing Resilience buffed, so i have a question that's not obvious to me...

    "every time you heal yourself" With this, do you mean every time you start healing yourself, or every time you complete healing yourself?

  • not_Queen
    not_Queen Member Posts: 1,114

    Awesome post you guys! Will send directly to the Designers. Thank you for your participation!

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    Oh, could you or anyone else please close this then?

    Since it has fulfilled its purpose. 😊

  • Smaxtr
    Smaxtr Member Posts: 7

    Give WGLF an Aura Reading buff, similar to BBQ so the perfect counter part.

    We're gonna Live Forever

    Your few friends deserve the best protection.

    Each time you rescue or take a hit to protect a Survivor, gain 25 % stackable bonus to all Bloodpoint gains up to a maximum of 50/75/100 %. After succesfully unhooking a Survivor, you and the rescued survior see the Killer's Aura for 3 seconds when he is farther than 52/46/40 metres from the Hook.

  • redsopine01
    redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269
  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,814

    It's a good question. I'm not sure which would be better tbh

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,027
    edited March 2019

    Boil over increasing the stun time when wiggling out of the killers grasp and keep the aura disruption and wiggle affects reduce the killers overall speed by a low percent

  • theanimal41
    theanimal41 Member Posts: 32

    Head on: either works instantly with exhaustion applied after or having to be in the locker for 3 seconds but has a 30 second cool down like dance with me.

  • dnj510
    dnj510 Member Posts: 438

    No Mither- Start the trial healthy but when hit, broken status effect is applied for the duration of the trial. Only other survivors can see the broken status, the killer can not.

  • SlothGirly
    SlothGirly Member Posts: 1,146

    Have Calm Spirit stop your heartbeat showing up to Legions feral frenzy.

  • Countfunkular
    Countfunkular Member Posts: 405

    Well you said we can't add anything so adding iridescent Stone to the Trappers basic it won't work...

    If I had to be honest I would say if I save somebody but my Deliverance was still active because I got hooked first. There's a second that I can actually struggle after getting... no wait a minute I got a better one for you because this one does not compare...

    Everybody knows the part we're going to farm forever. I would like it to be a token system.

    Every time you save somebody or take a hit for them you get a token.There are 4 tokens in all.

    You can run around and get your tokens normally by protecting survivors and what not but the minute you perform a unsafe hook either by leaving the killer directly to the hook and unhook them in front of the Killer or maybe a little bit of bad luck on the survivors part because they gave up.

    You lose a token.

    I know some people aren't going to like that suggestion but to be honest it's to keep people from just farming senselessly.

  • TheRealHansGruber
    TheRealHansGruber Member Posts: 204

    There is no RNG for pig traps. When she places the trap on you it is immediately determined which box has your specific key. The devs have talked about this a few times

  • MorDuki
    MorDuki Member Posts: 7

    Diversion (aka the meme pebble)

    Change: Set the timer to 30-20s instead of 45s on all levels AND let´s you start with one charge or let´s you start with one charge that goes away after 1 minute into the game if not used.

    Why lower time: The perk is just a meme and in some matches it´s even hard to throw it once and most of the time it´s not even effectiv.

    Why start with charge: to have a tool to counter very unlucky starting positions.

  • Lamia
    Lamia Member Posts: 25

    I mean.. you have a 25% chance of getting it off in one and a 50% chance of getting it off in two. I hate how her power just randomly ends immediately sometimes. And let's not even mention SWF, who can use this system to find the box by process of elimination.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 2,036

    Increase token amount to 6 on distortion lower base seconds to 6.

  • Kaelum
    Kaelum Member Posts: 994

    You really have no idea how it works. “Process of elimination”, really? The only process of elimination is seeing what boxes are left. The key for every one of the traps could be in the exact same box, which makes any point that you were trying to make about SWF, moot.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688


    Well I got my wish 😊 it's funny because my second choice would have been a thanatophobia buff and that came too.

    Yeah I know these were already in the works by the time this thread was made but still....hopefully others can come mid chapter.

  • XavierBoah17
    XavierBoah17 Member Posts: 204

    Noed: Every hook grants a token, up to a maximum of 6. Hex totem activates when the exit gates are turned on.

    1 Token: Exit gates take 15% longer to open.

    2 Tokens: Reveal the auras of all survivors for 5 seconds.

    4 Tokens: Increase movement speed by 6%

    6 Tokens: Survivors suffer from the Expose Effect.

  • Lamia
    Lamia Member Posts: 25

    Incorrect. Each trap corresponds to one key in one box. If one of your friends freed themselves at killer shack, another in the corner of the map, and a third in the center, that means you only need to search the fourth box they didn't use successfully.

    So, in other words, process of elimination.

  • Kaelum
    Kaelum Member Posts: 994

    That is not correct. Unless the devs have changed it, the key can be in any box, and all keys could even be in the same box. They said that they did this to prevent what you are describing.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev Posts: 7,555

    Late response, I know, but ACM is short for associate community manager. It shows up when an ACM posts, like the mod/dev tags.