BBQ and ragequits

RemoveSWF Member Posts: 509

Every day this happens - I down a survivor and they ragequit before I can hook them. The quitter bonus is nice but I'm still deprived of a counter on BBQ because they exited the game.

I propose when players ragequit, one counter is automatically added to BBQ.



  • Vinnie
    Vinnie Member Posts: 11

    @Amanda55 said:

    How about no? Why should you be rewarded a token for a dc? Your lucky you even get a quitter bonus in the first place. Plus if they do it your way then remove the quitter bonus as a fair trade off.

    They shouldn't if the DC was actually a DC, and not a deliberate leave when a player just leaves a match via the exit menu. If someone just leaves the match, you should get all the benefits you'd normally get for eliminating them. Just because some toxic jerk can't handle being outplayed and leaves the game before they get hooked, shouldn't mean you're getting deprived of the points and bonuses you'd get if they didn't rage quit while being carried. There should be a situational recognition implemented for cases like that - if a downed player disconnects, get hook bonus as well. If an unharmed player disconnects, then obviously you don't.

    DRAGOON Member Posts: 126

    Doesn't remember me get an automatic 3 stacks when the obsession DCs? I don't see the issue for this for BBQ.

  • Vinnie
    Vinnie Member Posts: 11
    edited June 2018

    @DRAGOON said:
    Doesn't remember me get an automatic 3 stacks when the obsession DCs? I don't see the issue for this for BBQ.

    The issue here is 20% bloodpoints bonus you'd get for the hook the disconnecter intentionally evades by rage quitting. Let's say the match ends with 28k points for the killer player. That's 5600 points you're not getting because of a salty survivor disconnecting before even getting hooked.

  • Easylife
    Easylife Member Posts: 163

    I fear "Pop Goes The Weasel" will suffer from this too as you need to hook the survivor to activate the 30 second gen kick timer to get your -25%.

  • Sarief
    Sarief Member Posts: 543

    @Amanda55 said:

    @RemoveSWF said:

    @Amanda55 said:

    @RemoveSWF said:

    @Amanda55 said:
    Yes dc'ing is an issue that effects gameplay but you already get compensation for it in the form of bp. Why do you deserve more?

    I deserve more because I WOULD'VE GOT MORE if the ragequit hadn't happened.

    So the fact that the game got easier for you and harder for the remaining survivors isn't enough for you? Seriously????

    Getting an extra counter on BBQ doesn't affect survivors at all.

    If survivors want to blame somebody, they should blame the ragequitter.

    You already get bonus bp for the rage quitter so Again be greatful you get that bonus plus a easier game to boot.

    so to deny pop goes the weasel and DC right before third hook is OK?

    the game does not have a mechanic it should. You deny obvious facts like you're a religious or smth. Stop. Get some help

    DRAGOON Member Posts: 126

    @Vinnie said:
    The issue here is 20% bloodpoints bonus you'd get for the hook the disconnecter intentionally evades by rage quitting. Let's say the match ends with 28k points for the killer player. That's 5600 points you're not getting because of a salty survivor disconnecting before even getting hooked.

    Oh no, I'm all for getting a stack for a DC :+1:

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Sarief said:

    @Amanda55 said:

    @RemoveSWF said:

    @Amanda55 said:

    @RemoveSWF said:

    @Amanda55 said:
    Yes dc'ing is an issue that effects gameplay but you already get compensation for it in the form of bp. Why do you deserve more?

    I deserve more because I WOULD'VE GOT MORE if the ragequit hadn't happened.

    So the fact that the game got easier for you and harder for the remaining survivors isn't enough for you? Seriously????

    Getting an extra counter on BBQ doesn't affect survivors at all.

    If survivors want to blame somebody, they should blame the ragequitter.

    You already get bonus bp for the rage quitter so Again be greatful you get that bonus plus a easier game to boot.

    so to deny pop goes the weasel and DC right before third hook is OK?

    the game does not have a mechanic it should. You deny obvious facts like you're a religious or smth. Stop. Get some help

    How is this any different than when survivors get screwed over, it isn't. Both sides get screwed over by someone dcing. Does it suck yes it does, but unless everyone is going to get compensated then it's not fair to everyone else.

    You also have to figure that ppl will grief in order to game the system, I had as a killer a duo other night that purposely blocked someone in so they couldn't move and that person rage quit after I hit them with an axe because they were lat one through the door way of the shack. So by the nature of making it fair sure I'd get more as a killer but the 2 griefers would get rewarded as well.

  • Sarief
    Sarief Member Posts: 543

    I don't understand your english. What you want to say?

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Sarief said:
    I don't understand your english. What you want to say?

    That was the most failed troll try ever, you know exactly what I was saying but since you can't refute my pointsyou resorred to that response. You had no problem responding to earlier posts from others so it's obvious why you posted that.

  • Kaalaxi
    Kaalaxi Member Posts: 177
    edited June 2018

    I agree I think the players model shouldn't just freeze and disappear, you should be able to plop the surv on the hook even after they disconnect and have the entity consume them as if they struggled and died. Same goes for killer the game should continue for a good minute after the disconnect. Like a "Killer has left the game" and then a countdown for 1 minute with the option to leave and keep unused addons/items/offerings.

  • Grey87
    Grey87 Member Posts: 346

    You get quit bonus already. Is enough.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    bbq is delicious
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Grey87 said:
    You get quit bonus already. Is enough.

    A killer gets 2500 BP if all survivors DC, at the same time he loses all addons and offerings. How is that enough?

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Grey87 said:
    You get quit bonus already. Is enough.

    Oh wow 625 Bloodpoints really compensate my loss...

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @Amanda55 said:

    @RemoveSWF said:
    Every day this happens - I down a survivor and they ragequit before I can hook them. The quitter bonus is nice but I'm still deprived of a counter on BBQ because they exited the game.

    I propose when players ragequit, one counter is automatically added to BBQ.

    How about no? Why should you be rewarded a token for a dc? Your lucky you even get a quitter bonus in the first place. Plus if they do it your way then remove the quitter bonus as a fair trade off.

    Then i want the same quitter bonus survivors get when the killer quits.

    I want a WGLF token for a survivor dc. Also, on PS4, if killer quits, survivors LOSE EVERYTHING. Points, shards, add ons, items, offerings, everything. They also can’t see the killers name. It’s the ultimate rage fall back, and needs to be fixed.

    Well at least survivors get 5000 Bloodpoints. Killer gets #########.

  • Sarief
    Sarief Member Posts: 543
    edited June 2018

    @powerbats said:

    @Sarief said:
    I don't understand your english. What you want to say?

    That was the most failed troll try ever, you know exactly what I was saying but since you can't refute my pointsyou resorred to that response. You had no problem responding to earlier posts from others so it's obvious why you posted that.

    Except it wasn't. Your sentences were so broken that it's hard to understand. You explain one thing only to suddenly jump to some other random thing. I genuinely did not understand you and instead of answering you call me troll. nice.

    but ok, let's try:

    How is this any different than when survivors get screwed over, it isn't.

    fixed: how is this different from survivors getting screwed by killer dc? it isn't.

    never said it's not. Survs should not be punished by killer DC. Did I ever say otherwise?

    Both sides get screwed over by someone dcing. Does it suck yes it does, but unless everyone is going to get compensated then it's not fair to everyone else.

    fixed: Both sides get screwed over by someone dcing. Does it suck? yes it does. but unless everyone is going to get compensated, it's not going to be fair.

    You know, this is twisted logic. It does not help that english is bad since it's hard to understand what you refer to.
    It's like saying that he should not play the game because you can't. Or like saying that the other guy get full fare for his work but you did not get 20 bucks so you want the other guy to also not get 20 bucks. It's stupid and childish. And Illogical.

    You also have to figure that ppl will grief in order to game the system,

    I have no idea what you say. What is "to game"? to screw? to break? to cheat? to play? to achieve proper result?

    I had as a killer a duo other night that purposely blocked someone in so they couldn't move and that person rage quit after I hit them with an axe because they were lat one through the door way of the shack.

    um, what? you were killer duo? or a killer? you had someone else team with you before game? or after game? or during game to help you kill others? they rage quit? who rage quit? I guess that the person that was blocked.

    So do you openly admit cheating? or what you want to say with this?

    So by the nature of making it fair sure I'd get more as a killer but the 2 griefers would get rewarded as well.

    who are the other two? didn't the last guy run through shack? How could it be last guy if you teamed (duo) with someone else?


    No dude, I do NOT understand you because your English is terrible and you cannot explain the point you're trying to make. If anyone is trolling, it would be you.


  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    @oafafoxfeather said:
    What about killers that dc when they dont get their map? I wasted BPS and Envelopes for points. I get nothing in return. Same goes for We're gonna " farm " forever if they dc and I can't get the token from unhooking why should you get it on bbq? Maybe I dont fancy getting hit all the time near a hook. Just sayin'

    Exactly, not everyone will be rewarded equally than..

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @Sarief said:

    @powerbats said:

    @Sarief said:
    I don't understand your english. What you want to say?

    That was the most failed troll try ever, you know exactly what I was saying but since you can't refute my pointsyou resorred to that response. You had no problem responding to earlier posts from others so it's obvious why you posted that.

    Except it wasn't. Your sentences were so broken that it's hard to understand. You explain one thing only to suddenly jump to some other random thing. I genuinely did not understand you and instead of answering you call me troll. nice.

    but ok, let's try:

    How is this any different than when survivors get screwed over, it isn't.

    fixed: how is this different from survivors getting screwed by killer dc? it isn't.

    never said it's not. Survs should not be punished by killer DC. Did I ever say otherwise?

    Both sides get screwed over by someone dcing. Does it suck yes it does, but unless everyone is going to get compensated then it's not fair to everyone else.

    fixed: Both sides get screwed over by someone dcing. Does it suck? yes it does. but unless everyone is going to get compensated, it's not going to be fair.

    You know, this is twisted logic. It does not help that english is bad since it's hard to understand what you refer to.
    It's like saying that he should not play the game because you can't. Or like saying that the other guy get full fare for his work but you did not get 20 bucks so you want the other guy to also not get 20 bucks. It's stupid and childish. And Illogical.

    You also have to figure that ppl will grief in order to game the system,

    I have no idea what you say. What is "to game"? to screw? to break? to cheat? to play? to achieve proper result?

    I had as a killer a duo other night that purposely blocked someone in so they couldn't move and that person rage quit after I hit them with an axe because they were lat one through the door way of the shack.

    um, what? you were killer duo? or a killer? you had someone else team with you before game? or after game? or during game to help you kill others? they rage quit? who rage quit? I guess that the person that was blocked.

    So do you openly admit cheating? or what you want to say with this?

    So by the nature of making it fair sure I'd get more as a killer but the 2 griefers would get rewarded as well.

    who are the other two? didn't the last guy run through shack? How could it be last guy if you teamed (duo) with someone else?


    No dude, I do NOT understand you because your English is terrible and you cannot explain the point you're trying to make. If anyone is trolling, it would be you.


    He forgot commas, and the the “game” term, just shows YOUR lack of English knowledge. His writing was fine. If you can’t understand it, you are to blame.

  • Tizzle
    Tizzle Member Posts: 696

    @Tsulan said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @Amanda55 said:

    @RemoveSWF said:
    Every day this happens - I down a survivor and they ragequit before I can hook them. The quitter bonus is nice but I'm still deprived of a counter on BBQ because they exited the game.

    I propose when players ragequit, one counter is automatically added to BBQ.

    How about no? Why should you be rewarded a token for a dc? Your lucky you even get a quitter bonus in the first place. Plus if they do it your way then remove the quitter bonus as a fair trade off.

    Then i want the same quitter bonus survivors get when the killer quits.

    I want a WGLF token for a survivor dc. Also, on PS4, if killer quits, survivors LOSE EVERYTHING. Points, shards, add ons, items, offerings, everything. They also can’t see the killers name. It’s the ultimate rage fall back, and needs to be fixed.

    Well at least survivors get 5000 Bloodpoints. Killer gets #########.

    Survivors get nothing if the Killer chooses to close the app or pull the plug on console.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930
    edited June 2018

    @Tsulan said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @Amanda55 said:

    @RemoveSWF said:
    Every day this happens - I down a survivor and they ragequit before I can hook them. The quitter bonus is nice but I'm still deprived of a counter on BBQ because they exited the game.

    I propose when players ragequit, one counter is automatically added to BBQ.

    How about no? Why should you be rewarded a token for a dc? Your lucky you even get a quitter bonus in the first place. Plus if they do it your way then remove the quitter bonus as a fair trade off.

    Then i want the same quitter bonus survivors get when the killer quits.

    I want a WGLF token for a survivor dc. Also, on PS4, if killer quits, survivors LOSE EVERYTHING. Points, shards, add ons, items, offerings, everything. They also can’t see the killers name. It’s the ultimate rage fall back, and needs to be fixed.

    Well at least survivors get 5000 Bloodpoints. Killer gets #########.

    I don’t get 5,000. I lose everything and sometimes a hours progress, and killers quit all the time.

  • Sarief
    Sarief Member Posts: 543

    @Jack11803 said:
    He forgot commas, and the the “game” term, just shows YOUR lack of English knowledge. His writing was fine. If you can’t understand it, you are to blame.

    then you can back your words by explaining to me the point he was trying to make. In English, of course.

  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @Amanda55 said:

    @RemoveSWF said:
    Every day this happens - I down a survivor and they ragequit before I can hook them. The quitter bonus is nice but I'm still deprived of a counter on BBQ because they exited the game.

    I propose when players ragequit, one counter is automatically added to BBQ.

    How about no? Why should you be rewarded a token for a dc? Your lucky you even get a quitter bonus in the first place. Plus if they do it your way then remove the quitter bonus as a fair trade off.

    Then i want the same quitter bonus survivors get when the killer quits.

    I want a WGLF token for a survivor dc. Also, on PS4, if killer quits, survivors LOSE EVERYTHING. Points, shards, add ons, items, offerings, everything. They also can’t see the killers name. It’s the ultimate rage fall back, and needs to be fixed.

    Well at least survivors get 5000 Bloodpoints. Killer gets #########.

    I don’t get 5,000. I lose everything and sometimes a hours progress, and killers quit all the time.

    booohoo jack time time time

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @Sarief said:

    @Jack11803 said:
    He forgot commas, and the the “game” term, just shows YOUR lack of English knowledge. His writing was fine. If you can’t understand it, you are to blame.

    then you can back your words by explaining to me the point he was trying to make. In English, of course.

    Read it yourself you hussy

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @Zanfer said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @Amanda55 said:

    @RemoveSWF said:
    Every day this happens - I down a survivor and they ragequit before I can hook them. The quitter bonus is nice but I'm still deprived of a counter on BBQ because they exited the game.

    I propose when players ragequit, one counter is automatically added to BBQ.

    How about no? Why should you be rewarded a token for a dc? Your lucky you even get a quitter bonus in the first place. Plus if they do it your way then remove the quitter bonus as a fair trade off.

    Then i want the same quitter bonus survivors get when the killer quits.

    I want a WGLF token for a survivor dc. Also, on PS4, if killer quits, survivors LOSE EVERYTHING. Points, shards, add ons, items, offerings, everything. They also can’t see the killers name. It’s the ultimate rage fall back, and needs to be fixed.

    Well at least survivors get 5000 Bloodpoints. Killer gets #########.

    I don’t get 5,000. I lose everything and sometimes a hours progress, and killers quit all the time.

    booohoo jack time time time

    What do you want?

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930


    I love you too sweetie

  • Sarief
    Sarief Member Posts: 543

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Sarief said:

    @Jack11803 said:
    He forgot commas, and the the “game” term, just shows YOUR lack of English knowledge. His writing was fine. If you can’t understand it, you are to blame.

    then you can back your words by explaining to me the point he was trying to make. In English, of course.

    Read it yourself you hussy

    if you can't back your words you can stop talking

    btw: to game

    manipulate (a situation), typically in a way that is unfair or unscrupulous.
    "it was very easy for a few big companies to game the system"
    play video games.
    "the majority of the audience are teens who game and watch anime"

    two contradicting definitions which only appears as slang. You can define slang all you want until it appears in vocabulary, it's bs to count that as words so you better learn proper English dud

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @Sarief said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Sarief said:

    @Jack11803 said:
    He forgot commas, and the the “game” term, just shows YOUR lack of English knowledge. His writing was fine. If you can’t understand it, you are to blame.

    then you can back your words by explaining to me the point he was trying to make. In English, of course.

    Read it yourself you hussy

    if you can't back your words you can stop talking

    btw: to game

    manipulate (a situation), typically in a way that is unfair or unscrupulous.
    "it was very easy for a few big companies to game the system"
    play video games.
    "the majority of the audience are teens who game and watch anime"

    two contradicting definitions which only appears as slang. You can define slang all you want until it appears in vocabulary, it's bs to count that as words so you better learn proper English dud

    UGH, fine. Hold on a sec

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @Sarief said:

    I don't understand your english. What you want to say?

    That was the most failed troll try ever, you know exactly what I was saying but since you can't refute my pointsyou resorred to that response. You had no problem responding to earlier posts from others so it's obvious why you posted that.

    but ok, let's try:

    How is this any different than when survivors get screwed over, it isn't.

    fixed: how is this different from survivors getting screwed by killer dc? it isn't.

    never said it's not. Survs should not be punished by killer DC. Did I ever say otherwise?

    He was stating an anecdotal, doesn’t really help him much, but he’s not wrong. The English was just long hand, missing a comma. Most of these are normal, just run in sentences.

    Both sides get screwed over by someone dcing. Does it suck yes it does, but unless everyone is going to get compensated then it's not fair to everyone else.

    fixed: Both sides get screwed over by someone dcing. Does it suck? yes it does. but unless everyone is going to get compensated, it's not going to be fair.

    You know, this is twisted logic. It does not help that english is bad since it's hard to understand what you refer to.

    Basically that was a response to the people claiming different sides (survivor or killer). Basically, he knows both get hurt from the DC, but unless a fair and balanced reward system for having another person DC is in place, there will be imbalance no matter what.

    It's like saying that he should not play the game because you can't. Or like saying that the other guy get full fare for his work but you did not get 20 bucks so you want the other guy to also not get 20 bucks. It's stupid and childish. And Illogical.

    You also have to figure that ppl will grief in order to game the system,

    I have no idea what you say. What is "to game"? to screw? to break? to cheat? to play? to achieve proper result?

    “People will always cheat to beat opponents. To gain an unfair advantage.”

    I had as a killer a duo other night that purposely blocked someone in so they couldn't move and that person rage quit after I hit them with an axe because they were lat one through the door way of the shack.

    um, what? you were killer duo? or a killer? you had someone else team with you before game? or after game? or during game to help you kill others? they rage quit? who rage quit? I guess that the person that was blocked.

    He was playing killer, a SWF duo joined his lobby and sandbagged on of the solo players in the shack. The solo guy ragecquit due to the “unfairness” of what happened.

    So do you openly admit cheating? or what you want to say with this?

    So by the nature of making it fair sure I'd get more as a killer but the 2 griefers would get rewarded as well.

    who are the other two? didn't the last guy run through shack? How could it be last guy if you teamed (duo) with someone else?


    YOU made a mistake here.

    No dude, I do NOT understand you because your English is terrible and you cannot explain the point you're trying to make. If anyone is trolling, it would be you.



  • Sarief
    Sarief Member Posts: 543

    Thanks for translating.
    One thing I don't understand: what this got to do with me? I said that there should be proper compensation to both parties.
    Demanding compensation for one side is ok since you cannot care bout everyone. OP as killer demands compensation. Denying it with reasoning "everyone should get fair compensation, but you have it and I don't so let no one have it" is wrong.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @Sarief said:
    Thanks for translating.
    One thing I don't understand: what this got to do with me? I said that there should be proper compensation to both parties.
    Demanding compensation for one side is ok since you cannot care bout everyone. OP as killer demands compensation. Denying it with reasoning "everyone should get fair compensation, but you have it and I don't so let no one have it" is wrong.

    That is true. I was just saying the English was understandable. But yeah, the reasoning is flawed.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @Amanda55 said:

    @RemoveSWF said:
    Every day this happens - I down a survivor and they ragequit before I can hook them. The quitter bonus is nice but I'm still deprived of a counter on BBQ because they exited the game.

    I propose when players ragequit, one counter is automatically added to BBQ.

    How about no? Why should you be rewarded a token for a dc? Your lucky you even get a quitter bonus in the first place. Plus if they do it your way then remove the quitter bonus as a fair trade off.

    Then i want the same quitter bonus survivors get when the killer quits.

    I want a WGLF token for a survivor dc. Also, on PS4, if killer quits, survivors LOSE EVERYTHING. Points, shards, add ons, items, offerings, everything. They also can’t see the killers name. It’s the ultimate rage fall back, and needs to be fixed.

    Well at least survivors get 5000 Bloodpoints. Killer gets #########.

    I don’t get 5,000. I lose everything and sometimes a hours progress, and killers quit all the time.

    Might be a display bug.
    But usually survivors get 5000 bp

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @Tsulan said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @Amanda55 said:

    @RemoveSWF said:
    Every day this happens - I down a survivor and they ragequit before I can hook them. The quitter bonus is nice but I'm still deprived of a counter on BBQ because they exited the game.

    I propose when players ragequit, one counter is automatically added to BBQ.

    How about no? Why should you be rewarded a token for a dc? Your lucky you even get a quitter bonus in the first place. Plus if they do it your way then remove the quitter bonus as a fair trade off.

    Then i want the same quitter bonus survivors get when the killer quits.

    I want a WGLF token for a survivor dc. Also, on PS4, if killer quits, survivors LOSE EVERYTHING. Points, shards, add ons, items, offerings, everything. They also can’t see the killers name. It’s the ultimate rage fall back, and needs to be fixed.

    Well at least survivors get 5000 Bloodpoints. Killer gets #########.

    I don’t get 5,000. I lose everything and sometimes a hours progress, and killers quit all the time.

    Might be a display bug.
    But usually survivors get 5000 bp

    Display bugs don’t take away progress each time it happens. And it’s known to be an issue on PS4. If killers hit close app instead of leave lobby, then they ruin everyone’s game, with no chance to be reported or kept track of.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @Amanda55 said:

    @RemoveSWF said:
    Every day this happens - I down a survivor and they ragequit before I can hook them. The quitter bonus is nice but I'm still deprived of a counter on BBQ because they exited the game.

    I propose when players ragequit, one counter is automatically added to BBQ.

    How about no? Why should you be rewarded a token for a dc? Your lucky you even get a quitter bonus in the first place. Plus if they do it your way then remove the quitter bonus as a fair trade off.

    Then i want the same quitter bonus survivors get when the killer quits.

    I want a WGLF token for a survivor dc. Also, on PS4, if killer quits, survivors LOSE EVERYTHING. Points, shards, add ons, items, offerings, everything. They also can’t see the killers name. It’s the ultimate rage fall back, and needs to be fixed.

    Well at least survivors get 5000 Bloodpoints. Killer gets #########.

    I don’t get 5,000. I lose everything and sometimes a hours progress, and killers quit all the time.

    Might be a display bug.
    But usually survivors get 5000 bp

    Display bugs don’t take away progress each time it happens. And it’s known to be an issue on PS4. If killers hit close app instead of leave lobby, then they ruin everyone’s game, with no chance to be reported or kept track of.

    Can´t speak about PS4 issues.
    But i had once a bug, where i received lesser BP than it displayed.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @Tsulan said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @Amanda55 said:

    @RemoveSWF said:
    Every day this happens - I down a survivor and they ragequit before I can hook them. The quitter bonus is nice but I'm still deprived of a counter on BBQ because they exited the game.

    I propose when players ragequit, one counter is automatically added to BBQ.

    How about no? Why should you be rewarded a token for a dc? Your lucky you even get a quitter bonus in the first place. Plus if they do it your way then remove the quitter bonus as a fair trade off.

    Then i want the same quitter bonus survivors get when the killer quits.

    I want a WGLF token for a survivor dc. Also, on PS4, if killer quits, survivors LOSE EVERYTHING. Points, shards, add ons, items, offerings, everything. They also can’t see the killers name. It’s the ultimate rage fall back, and needs to be fixed.

    Well at least survivors get 5000 Bloodpoints. Killer gets #########.

    I don’t get 5,000. I lose everything and sometimes a hours progress, and killers quit all the time.

    Might be a display bug.
    But usually survivors get 5000 bp

    Display bugs don’t take away progress each time it happens. And it’s known to be an issue on PS4. If killers hit close app instead of leave lobby, then they ruin everyone’s game, with no chance to be reported or kept track of.

    Can´t speak about PS4 issues.
    But i had once a bug, where i received lesser BP than it displayed.

    Makes sense. Anyway, when asked on stream about this, devs said “we can’t help you”. So this problem I guess will remain forever where any person who has a pathetic temperament can actually mess with peoples progress because they’re mad.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @Amanda55 said:

    @RemoveSWF said:
    Every day this happens - I down a survivor and they ragequit before I can hook them. The quitter bonus is nice but I'm still deprived of a counter on BBQ because they exited the game.

    I propose when players ragequit, one counter is automatically added to BBQ.

    How about no? Why should you be rewarded a token for a dc? Your lucky you even get a quitter bonus in the first place. Plus if they do it your way then remove the quitter bonus as a fair trade off.

    Then i want the same quitter bonus survivors get when the killer quits.

    I want a WGLF token for a survivor dc. Also, on PS4, if killer quits, survivors LOSE EVERYTHING. Points, shards, add ons, items, offerings, everything. They also can’t see the killers name. It’s the ultimate rage fall back, and needs to be fixed.

    Well at least survivors get 5000 Bloodpoints. Killer gets #########.

    I don’t get 5,000. I lose everything and sometimes a hours progress, and killers quit all the time.

    Might be a display bug.
    But usually survivors get 5000 bp

    Display bugs don’t take away progress each time it happens. And it’s known to be an issue on PS4. If killers hit close app instead of leave lobby, then they ruin everyone’s game, with no chance to be reported or kept track of.

    Can´t speak about PS4 issues.
    But i had once a bug, where i received lesser BP than it displayed.

    Makes sense. Anyway, when asked on stream about this, devs said “we can’t help you”. So this problem I guess will remain forever where any person who has a pathetic temperament can actually mess with peoples progress because they’re mad.

    Be glad that you are not playing on XBOX.
    Killers got perma banned their xbox account, because salty survivors would give them a bad sportmanship rating.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237

    Always happens to me

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Sarief apologies for the punctuation errors and longform English translation it was really long day 4 hours sleep.

    @Jack11803 Thanks, meant to come back and do that myself but above still held true and didn't want to make more mistakes

    .> @Sarief said:

    Thanks for translating.
    One thing I don't understand: what this got to do with me? I said that there should be proper compensation to both parties.

    Because you said.

    @Sarief said:

    **wow, you butthurt?
    His proposition is ok since DCers are affecting gameplay.

    Why you should be able to have ability to deny killer points? You shouldn't**


    @Sarief said:

    **> so to deny pop goes the weasel and DC right before third hook is OK?

    the game does not have a mechanic it should. You deny obvious facts like you're a religious or smth. Stop. Get some help**

    You didn't say anything about both sides should ge compensation but tossed around insults in both posts to those disagreeing with you. But in those posts I'd been replying to you never said anything about compensating both sides.

  • TigerKirby215
    TigerKirby215 Member Posts: 604

    @Amanda55 said:

    @RemoveSWF said:
    Every day this happens - I down a survivor and they ragequit before I can hook them. The quitter bonus is nice but I'm still deprived of a counter on BBQ because they exited the game.

    I propose when players ragequit, one counter is automatically added to BBQ.

    How about no? Why should you be rewarded a token for a dc? Your lucky you even get a quitter bonus in the first place. Plus if they do it your way then remove the quitter bonus as a fair trade off.

    How about no? Why should you be penalized by a lack of a token for a DC? You already lose a ton of BP from chasing and hitting the survivor in the first place. Plus if they do it your way then DCers should keep all their BP when they DC.

  • Sarief
    Sarief Member Posts: 543

    @powerbats said:
    You didn't say anything about both sides should ge compensation but tossed around insults in both posts to those disagreeing with you. But in those posts I'd been replying to you never said anything about compensating both sides.

    Because it's never meant to be argument about "both sides should get it", but more like "you can't deny one side by using any argument that other side did not get it"

    The "both sides should get compensation" or more "all sides" is obvious and understood by everyone. I was never denying it.

    just to be clear: all sides should get proper compensation
    One thing that needs to be done is token on BBQ.
    Also things should not be lost on survivor side when killer(server) DCs.

    I was denying your argument because your logic is flawed.

  • oafafoxfeather
    oafafoxfeather Member Posts: 30
    How about we agree that both sides need something in return for the dc. Like if the killer dc's we get our offerings back, or if a survivor dc's we get a bonus stack in we're gonna live forever. Same goes for killer. That should satisfy both sides right? Or idk Im trying to think of something to satisfy both sides.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Sarief said:

    @powerbats said:
    You didn't say anything about both sides should ge compensation but tossed around insults in both posts to those disagreeing with you. But in those posts I'd been replying to you never said anything about compensating both sides.

    Because it's never meant to be argument about "both sides should get it", but more like "you can't deny one side by using any argument that other side did not get it"

    The "both sides should get compensation" or more "all sides" is obvious and understood by everyone. I was never denying it.

    just to be clear: all sides should get proper compensation
    One thing that needs to be done is token on BBQ.
    Also things should not be lost on survivor side when killer(server) DCs.

    I was denying your argument because your logic is flawed.

    Actually your logic is flawed here since you never implied in either of those quoted posts both sides should get it. In fact you insulted those that even suggested otherwise or did you forget the insults in both posts? You never once implied it should be equal until this last post.

    Also BBQ token isn't the only thing that should be fixed, besides itms/addons on both sides if all 4 quit survivor side. the following is what should be fixed as I've stated repeatedly in other posts talking about this.

    1. For killers if a survivor quits while attempting to be hooked the killer should get credit for the sacrifice. In the case of a BBQ proc the killer would still get it. The same would be true of 1st down/hit as well as while bringing the survivor to the hook.

    2. The killer if all 4 survivors quit in such a manner as above shouldn't lose their items/addons/offerings if it happens within x time frame. This is to prevent griefing by the killer ad the survivors. The x time frame would be known only to the devs and would vary due to several factors.

    3. If a survivor quits/dcs during loading screen or early in game as match starts the killer shall be awarded full sacrifice points but no BBQ points since you don't know if you ever would've gotten them or not. The full sacrifice points would have a base minimum to ensure equal compensation x that base amount.

    4. For survivors if the killer quits during the loading screen or right after the match starts the survivors should be entitled to full escape points as well as full bloodpoints for a completed match but no pips. Should the killer quit after chasing but not getting anyone which we know happens. or similar fashion they should get a large reward still based upon x factors. The factors known only to devs to avoid the pallet looping etc issues.

    That'd hopefully prevent survivors griefing the killer to get them to quit while also rewarding them for playing the game. It could reward those doing things but if someone is endlessly looping they get far less which would hopefully also curtail the issue.

    Also if the killer quits during loading screen or right after match starts the survivors should also not lose any items addons or offerings.

    1. IF the killer quits at anypoint after x time known only to devs the survivors would be entitled to full escape bonus and extra bp provided they'd done x things similar to now but also not lose items and addons. But again have to prevent griefing on survivor side.
  • Sarief
    Sarief Member Posts: 543

    @powerbats said:
    Sure remember. Ok, don't wanna drag this out for no reason.
    I'm wrong so let's end with that.

    let's just end this with what @oafafoxfeather said

  • darreCZ
    darreCZ Member Posts: 5

    @Sarief said:

    @Amanda55 said:

    @RemoveSWF said:
    Every day this happens - I down a survivor and they ragequit before I can hook them. The quitter bonus is nice but I'm still deprived of a counter on BBQ because they exited the game.

    I propose when players ragequit, one counter is automatically added to BBQ.

    How about no? Why should you be rewarded a token for a dc? Your lucky you even get a quitter bonus in the first place. Plus if they do it your way then remove the quitter bonus as a fair trade off.

    wow, you butthurt?
    His proposition is ok since DCers are affecting gameplay.

    Why you should be able to have ability to deny killer points? You shouldn't

    Ragequitters are affecting gameplay more for survivors - number of gens remains the same and survivors are not getting "quitter bonus", killers do. So why should killers get even more BP? That doesn´t make sense...