BBQ and ragequits



  • EpicFailTryHard
    EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
    RemoveSWF said:

    @Amanda55 said:
    Yes dc'ing is an issue that effects gameplay but you already get compensation for it in the form of bp. Why do you deserve more?

    I deserve more because I WOULD'VE GOT MORE if the ragequit hadn't happened.

    you just casually down survivors and they d/c?  could it be that you hook them amd stare?  how about chase them after an unhook?
  • EpicFailTryHard
    EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
    edited June 2018
    bizarre and illogical theories i provided but certainly food for thought, if only for onlookers.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068
    edited June 2018

    @Sarief said:
    @powerbats said:
    Sure remember. Ok, don't wanna drag this out for no reason.
    I'm wrong so let's end with that.

    let's just end this with what @oafafoxfeather said

    I'm not trying to drag this out, just trying to show you where you have issues in your posts. When I find problems with my ideas or others do I try and find solutions to those problems. What would you propose to solve the issue beyond just do A,B, and C? How would you negate any problems that would arise from doing said things?

    Also you obviously didn't look at how I broke down solutions to the issues similar to what @oafafoxfeather said but in greater degree. I found problems and I gave possible solutions, I didn't give up. Try thinking about what I posted and what could be done to improve on it.

  • oafafoxfeather
    oafafoxfeather Member Posts: 30

    @EpicFailTryHard said:
    RemoveSWF said:

    @Amanda55 said:

    Yes dc'ing is an issue that effects gameplay but you already get compensation for it in the form of bp. Why do you deserve more?

    I deserve more because I WOULD'VE GOT MORE if the ragequit hadn't happened.

    you just casually down survivors and they d/c?  could it be that you hook them amd stare?  how about chase them after an unhook?

    I totally agree with you on this one. Usually bad killers will always camp. I had a leatherface camp somone and we did the gens we unhooked him with 2 gens remaining thinking he would try a different strategy. Guess what he downed someone else and did the same. After the game ended he got 1 kill and the others left calling us noobs and pussies for not going to the save while he was waiting there with insidious. Chases are fun and with the new changes this will make it a little better for the killers also. Dont camp or risk getting what you deserve from a SWF group next time when they'll bully you. Regarding the stacks I keep my idea and as @powerbats and @Sarief

  • Grey87
    Grey87 Member Posts: 346

    @Tsulan said:

    @Grey87 said:
    You get quit bonus already. Is enough.

    Oh wow 625 Bloodpoints really compensate my loss...

    Aw you poor boy, there there mommy is here shhhhh...

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    @Grey87 said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @Grey87 said:
    You get quit bonus already. Is enough.

    Oh wow 625 Bloodpoints really compensate my loss...

    Aw you poor boy, there there mommy is here shhhhh...

    Why does the idea of the killer being fairly compensated for a survivor DCing bother you?

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @Grey87 said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @Grey87 said:
    You get quit bonus already. Is enough.

    Oh wow 625 Bloodpoints really compensate my loss...

    Aw you poor boy, there there mommy is here shhhhh...

    Why does the idea of the killer being fairly compensated for a survivor DCing bother you?

    I don't think that's the issue, it's that the remaining survivors get screwed even more and when teh killer does it they lose items/addons/offerings get wasted. Both sides should be compensated for normal quitting not that caused by griefing.

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    @powerbats said:

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @Grey87 said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @Grey87 said:
    You get quit bonus already. Is enough.

    Oh wow 625 Bloodpoints really compensate my loss...

    Aw you poor boy, there there mommy is here shhhhh...

    Why does the idea of the killer being fairly compensated for a survivor DCing bother you?

    I don't think that's the issue, it's that the remaining survivors get screwed even more and when teh killer does it they lose items/addons/offerings get wasted. Both sides should be compensated for normal quitting not that caused by griefing.

    I agree. Both sides get screwed. DCing is never going to stop but the devs should take steps to mitigate its effects on both sides. I always liked the idea that if a survivor DCes the remaining survivors get an auto 1500 altruism points (and a WGLF stack if applicable) along with one gen auto popping. The survivors also will at minimum safety pip regardless of how the trial goes. On the killer side he should get 1500 sacrifice points for each survivor DC (and a BBQ stack if applicable) along with keeping his addons for that trial and safety pipping regardless of how the trial goes.

  • Grey87
    Grey87 Member Posts: 346

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @Grey87 said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @Grey87 said:
    You get quit bonus already. Is enough.

    Oh wow 625 Bloodpoints really compensate my loss...

    Aw you poor boy, there there mommy is here shhhhh...

    Why does the idea of the killer being fairly compensated for a survivor DCing bother you?

    Where do you see me being bothered? I think him crying about it is funny is all.
    I play killer and survivor almost equally and never was bothered about not getting stacks of BBQ or mori.
    Lol. You're a funny one.

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    @Grey87 said:

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @Grey87 said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @Grey87 said:
    You get quit bonus already. Is enough.

    Oh wow 625 Bloodpoints really compensate my loss...

    Aw you poor boy, there there mommy is here shhhhh...

    Why does the idea of the killer being fairly compensated for a survivor DCing bother you?

    Where do you see me being bothered? I think him crying about it is funny is all.
    I play killer and survivor almost equally and never was bothered about not getting stacks of BBQ or mori.
    Lol. You're a funny one.

    It seemed pretty evident that his complaint that 625 BP was inadequate compensation bothered you. I assumed it bothered you because of the way you responded to his comment by needlessly insulting him.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    Amanda55 said:

    @RemoveSWF said:
    Every day this happens - I down a survivor and they ragequit before I can hook them. The quitter bonus is nice but I'm still deprived of a counter on BBQ because they exited the game.

    I propose when players ragequit, one counter is automatically added to BBQ.

    How about no? Why should you be rewarded a token for a dc? Your lucky you even get a quitter bonus in the first place. Plus if they do it your way then remove the quitter bonus as a fair trade off.

    Because it would be fairly compensating Killers who run BBQ.
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    bbq is delicious
  • NightRaider315
    NightRaider315 Member Posts: 27
    edited June 2018
    Killers in general are supposedly to earn more blood points because it is their job to hunt and kill the survivors in a 1v4, so even if one person DC’s you are still going to earn a hefty amount of blood points from sacrificing the other survivors plus the extra 75% from BBQ. So I don’t see the point why the killer needs that extra stack anyway the survivor will also lose 2 pips and get 0 BP.
  • EpicFailTryHard
    EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
    Grey87 said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @Grey87 said:
    You get quit bonus already. Is enough.

    Oh wow 625 Bloodpoints really compensate my loss...

    Aw you poor boy, there there mommy is here shhhhh...

    you are his mom?
  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    @Amanda55 said:

    @RemoveSWF said:
    Every day this happens - I down a survivor and they ragequit before I can hook them. The quitter bonus is nice but I'm still deprived of a counter on BBQ because they exited the game.

    I propose when players ragequit, one counter is automatically added to BBQ.

    How about no? Why should you be rewarded a token for a dc? Your lucky you even get a quitter bonus in the first place. Plus if they do it your way then remove the quitter bonus as a fair trade off.

    What is wrong with you?

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @powerbats said:

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @Grey87 said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @Grey87 said:
    You get quit bonus already. Is enough.

    Oh wow 625 Bloodpoints really compensate my loss...

    Aw you poor boy, there there mommy is here shhhhh...

    Why does the idea of the killer being fairly compensated for a survivor DCing bother you?

    I don't think that's the issue, it's that the remaining survivors get screwed even more and when teh killer does it they lose items/addons/offerings get wasted. Both sides should be compensated for normal quitting not that caused by griefing.

    I agree. Both sides get screwed. DCing is never going to stop but the devs should take steps to mitigate its effects on both sides. I always liked the idea that if a survivor DCes the remaining survivors get an auto 1500 altruism points (and a WGLF stack if applicable) along with one gen auto popping. The survivors also will at minimum safety pip regardless of how the trial goes. On the killer side he should get 1500 sacrifice points for each survivor DC (and a BBQ stack if applicable) along with keeping his addons for that trial and safety pipping regardless of how the trial goes.

    That's actually a really good set of ideas, I'd say bare minimum 1 pip max perhaps 2? That way if the survivors are really good they don't get like 5 pips or something. The killer I think provided they didn't get to hook them it should be 2500-3000 sac points but no BBQ stack or the 1500 and a bbq stack.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @EpicFailTryHard said:
    Grey87 said:

    @Tsulan said:

     @Grey87 said:

    You get quit bonus already. Is enough.

    Oh wow 625 Bloodpoints really compensate my loss...

    Aw you poor boy, there there mommy is here shhhhh...

    you are his mom?

    That´s one ugly mom...

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @powerbats said:

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @Grey87 said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @Grey87 said:
    You get quit bonus already. Is enough.

    Oh wow 625 Bloodpoints really compensate my loss...

    Aw you poor boy, there there mommy is here shhhhh...

    Why does the idea of the killer being fairly compensated for a survivor DCing bother you?

    I don't think that's the issue, it's that the remaining survivors get screwed even more and when teh killer does it they lose items/addons/offerings get wasted. Both sides should be compensated for normal quitting not that caused by griefing.

    I agree. Both sides get screwed. DCing is never going to stop but the devs should take steps to mitigate its effects on both sides. I always liked the idea that if a survivor DCes the remaining survivors get an auto 1500 altruism points (and a WGLF stack if applicable) along with one gen auto popping. The survivors also will at minimum safety pip regardless of how the trial goes. On the killer side he should get 1500 sacrifice points for each survivor DC (and a BBQ stack if applicable) along with keeping his addons for that trial and safety pipping regardless of how the trial goes.

    This would be abused by SWF.
    Disconnecting people should be penalized with a 50-100.000 BP fee.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Grey87 said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @Grey87 said:
    You get quit bonus already. Is enough.

    Oh wow 625 Bloodpoints really compensate my loss...

    Aw you poor boy, there there mommy is here shhhhh...

    You forgot to take your medication or something?

  • EpicFailTryHard
    EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
    edited June 2018
    horrific to behold, one might say.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Tsulan said:

    This would be abused by SWF.
    Disconnecting people should be penalized with a 50-100.000 BP fee.

    Solution would be that SWF would get less if one of their members quit before being hooked.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @powerbats said:

    @Tsulan said:

    This would be abused by SWF.
    Disconnecting people should be penalized with a 50-100.000 BP fee.

    Solution would be that SWF would get less if one of their members quit before being hooked.

    I´ve seen so many SWF groups that disconnect to get their leader the hatch, or to punish the killer. Devs should really start punishing this behavior.
    But right now, people don´t feel there is a drawback in doing so. Thus they heavily abuse it.

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146
    edited June 2018

    @Tsulan said:

    @powerbats said:

    @Tsulan said:

    This would be abused by SWF.
    Disconnecting people should be penalized with a 50-100.000 BP fee.

    Solution would be that SWF would get less if one of their members quit before being hooked.

    I´ve seen so many SWF groups that disconnect to get their leader the hatch, or to punish the killer. Devs should really start punishing this behavior.
    But right now, people don´t feel there is a drawback in doing so. Thus they heavily abuse it.

    I have suggested in previous threads that there should be a type of DC tokens given to all players each season. Every season say you get 5 free DC tokens. This means you can leave the match for what ever reason during the month without incurring a ban. This is for people that need to leave be it for a personal emergency, they get stuck due to a bug, etc. The player still loses everything for that trial but they will not be banned. If a player DCes more than 5 times during the season it will be an automatic 48hr ban. After than ban has ended they will be granted back one DC token for the season to use in emergencies. DCing more than once for that season will lead to a 72hr ban and anymore DCes after that will lead to a 30 day maximum penalty.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @powerbats said:

    @Tsulan said:

    This would be abused by SWF.
    Disconnecting people should be penalized with a 50-100.000 BP fee.

    Solution would be that SWF would get less if one of their members quit before being hooked.

    I´ve seen so many SWF groups that disconnect to get their leader the hatch, or to punish the killer. Devs should really start punishing this behavior.
    But right now, people don´t feel there is a drawback in doing so. Thus they heavily abuse it.

    I have suggested in previous threads that there should be a type of DC tokens given to all players each season. Every season say you get 5 free DC tokens. This means you can leave the match for what ever reason during the month without incurring a ban. This is for people that need to leave be it for a personal emergency, they get stuck due to a bug, etc. The player still loses everything for that trial but they will not be banned. If a player DCes more than 5 times during the season it will be an automatic 48hr ban. After than ban has ended they will be granted back one DC token for the season to use in emergencies. DCing more than once for that season will lead to a 72hr ban and anymore DCes after that will lead to a 30 day maximum penalty.

    Sounds reasonable. The automatic ban which is supposed to happen after so many disconnects doesn´t kick in right now.

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    @Tsulan said:

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @powerbats said:

    @Tsulan said:

    This would be abused by SWF.
    Disconnecting people should be penalized with a 50-100.000 BP fee.

    Solution would be that SWF would get less if one of their members quit before being hooked.

    I´ve seen so many SWF groups that disconnect to get their leader the hatch, or to punish the killer. Devs should really start punishing this behavior.
    But right now, people don´t feel there is a drawback in doing so. Thus they heavily abuse it.

    I have suggested in previous threads that there should be a type of DC tokens given to all players each season. Every season say you get 5 free DC tokens. This means you can leave the match for what ever reason during the month without incurring a ban. This is for people that need to leave be it for a personal emergency, they get stuck due to a bug, etc. The player still loses everything for that trial but they will not be banned. If a player DCes more than 5 times during the season it will be an automatic 48hr ban. After than ban has ended they will be granted back one DC token for the season to use in emergencies. DCing more than once for that season will lead to a 72hr ban and anymore DCes after that will lead to a 30 day maximum penalty.

    Sounds reasonable. The automatic ban which is supposed to happen after so many disconnects doesn´t kick in right now.

    I think if my idea or a variant of my idea was implemented and punishment was carried out automatically then DCing would drop across the board. Chronic DCers would see that punishment would be swift and consistent knowing exactly what will happen the moment they cross the line.

  • tovelo
    tovelo Member Posts: 40

    well then there are games where killer literally cant hook anyone so we should get 4 stacks by leaving haHAA

  • EqMonkVeeshan
    EqMonkVeeshan Member Posts: 416

    @RemoveSWF said:
    Every day this happens - I down a survivor and they ragequit before I can hook them. The quitter bonus is nice but I'm still deprived of a counter on BBQ because they exited the game.

    I propose when players ragequit, one counter is automatically added to BBQ.

    I absolutely agree with this. the token should be awarded when the player is downed. but keep the aura show to when they are hooked.

  • GhostEuant
    GhostEuant Member Posts: 243
    I disagree. Someone disconnecting early like that gives the killer more bloodpoints in the form of 3 easier kills. Plus all of the other survivors have just lost potential bloodpoints in altruism and likely lightbringer due one less person to do gens. Your 25% bloodpoints is made up with the remaining survivors.

    No, the killer shouldn’t be rewarded for disconnects beyond what they already get.