Balance Ideas - No toxicity in the post

Not all of my changes are designed or meant to stack. This is just open ideas and I would love feedback. There is no survivor or killer side and I try be as fair to both sides as I can. Overall I would like this to reach the devs and provide positive feedback and Ideas from the community. This is a big ask but I am hoping. Numbering them for easiness.

1: Bloodlust - I think bloodlust is kinda dumb. You loose it fairly easy and its not a good counter for looping which is the biggest issue for chases I believe. I believe a good solution to this would be:

  • Killer doesn't loose all bloodlust when breaking a pallet, Maybe loose 1 stack. This would mean if you want to loop you still can but it will increase the threat that the killer poses when you choose to leave the loop.
  • Killers loose bloodlust slower.
  • Increased bloodlust increases recovery from missed swings, vaulting and breaking pallets/gens. This will ensure that the killer has more control of chase.

2: The hit box of swings could then be played with to stop killers lunging past you and doing a 360 and still getting the hit. Potentially it could be that this would mean killers would no longer need the ability to trade through pallets. For this to happen killers need to not be #########.

3: Killers (Overall) - This idea will probably get me the most salt but I think this would be the best way to fix the game. As it is a long time running game I doubt this will change but the idea might spark other solutions. I think killers should be with more strictly set perks and ability's. Please read and ask questions before you tell me I am stupid. The devs design killers for a set purpose and reason and only they know what is best for a killer and their abilities. The advantages of having a set ability roster would be that killers could be balanced rather than nerfing survivors and changing whole mechanics. The balance issue is very much being that killers are weaker, thus by giving each killer their own ability to slow the game, track survivors and control the map. The addons could then make slight changes and maybe have perks as more wild cards. How the concept works in my head is teachable perks are watered down versions and addons change cool downs and stats for the abilities that make survivors not able to know the full ins and outs of killers. If you develop this idea i think it might help.

4: Hit boxes - It isn't lag.

5: Blood points - Killers and survivors could have different points or characters accumulate their own points rather than being able to build them up and level one dude to max. I don't want this just an idea.

6: Items in game - Can these not always be brown. Even with the luck addons it sucks to pull a lemon.

7: Camping, gens and such - Everyone's favorite topic. Sure the loose the game overall but they ruin the fun. This is a game, it is meant to be fun and being camped/ having to camp is not fun. Whatever you have to do to make killers strong enough that they don't have to camp and then add a penalty to those who do camp. Make a mechanic that gives survivors a snow ball effect on gens in some way; the longer they do a gen without being disturbed they get faster (not sonic fast angry people). Give killers the ability to slow survivor repair speed by them being in the terror radius and by being forced away or something. Devs this is the idea, balance it please <3. When the survivor has been in a certain range of a killer for too long and there are no other survivors in that range make the hook time slow/stop; for this to happen changes to killer need to be done first.

Thats enough for now. Discuss!