Reconsider how console bans work please.
If on PC someone goes insane in game chat. They can be banned or punished right? Well this doesn't seem to be the case on console even though I would propose this be thought out again.
I was DDOS before and submitted a ticket only to be told they won't do anything about it even though I can prove it happened. I would even let DBD devs go IN my gamertag to prove its not faked or anything.
I've encountered some people who seem absolutely insane from time to time. People with 5 accounts or more spamming me nonstop because they lost or got mad about something. These people don't belong playing ANY game much less this. PSN doesn't do anything about it either.
I have been receiving all sort of insults, harassment and even death threats since 2016 and I doubt that those guys actually are heavily punished for that. (on PC)
DDOS? Pls dude, I have never been ddosed in my entire life but I am sure that some sweaty console player ddosed your playstation 😉
By the way, harassment via PSN is not BVHRs responsibility, contact sony for that
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I'm not one of those people who just says crap that didn't happen. I have been DDOSed by DBD survivors before and had proof of it. But yeah it was the only time in my entire life it happened. Apparently its not even uncommon.
Oh course it isn't their responsibility. But it would be nice to see them willing to at least do something when people go absolutely above and beyond like when I got DDOS and the lunatic I encountered today. This game more than any invites horrible people to it. Aside from DCing or somehow hacking the game on console there doesn't actually seem to be anything a person can do to GET banned.
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Just now realized. Why is it an option to report Communication Abuse on console? There is no chat channel on console. So do those templates literally mean nothing at all? Or they just ignore any comms abuse report.
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There is no chat on console for the game, so it cannot be regulated by Behaviour. Any console bans regarding communication will give the player a temporary ban to communication services on Xbox. I am not educated on how Playstation handles bans on their platform.