Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Killer season rating should be per killer

Once they get all the perks unlocked, survivors are all the same (aside from how they look). The current season ranking system makes sense for them.

Killers though, each one is different. As such, I think each one should have its own season rank. Most players have a favorite one or two killers they like to use. But every now and then they need to play something different for a daily ritual or just for fun.

For me, I’m pretty decent with The Shape and The Huntress. I can dispatch survivors with a single-digit rank well enough. Should I try to use The Nurse however, someone at level 18 could pretty safely stand in one spot and laugh at me as I blink to every location except the one I want.

That said, if I use a killer I’m terrible with, I shouldn’t have to play against survivor ranks that are a challenge when I’m at my best with my favorite killer.

Changing this would probably require a player to lock in his killer before creating a room, but I think that’s a mild inconvenience theat people would get accustomed to quickly enough.

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  • Member Posts: 3,387

    That would be cool. I can only play somebody like Huntress at rank 15, and Nurse I would need to be at rank 21.

    I don't know what would happen at rank reset though because you wouldn't be able to level up your killers quickly and you would find most of them would be at rank 20.

  • Member Posts: 632

    It is an interesting idea! A concern could be that good players will change to their lower ranked killers purposely to destroy the low ranked survivors. Maybe the trade off though would be worth it, as there would potentially be more people playing killer with such a system?

    Let's see what happens.

  • Member Posts: 784

    I think your normal killer rank should be half of it.

    So, for example, if I am a rank 1 killer, playing my main who has a personal rank of 1, the average of those two is 1, so I am still a rank 1 killer.

    But if I am playing the Wraith, who I haven't played in two months except for dailies, my rank 1 should be added to it's rank 20, and my rank should be the average, rank 10.

  • Member Posts: 1,089

    i could see something like that working.

    I consider myself an absolute butt Huntress killer. But even though I consider myself that, no one below rank 9 really stands a chance against me. But I don't stand a chance against the ranks I normally play against when i use her, so I don't. Which adds to why I play the game less. If I can only play 2-3 killers effectively at my rank,and i get bored of them, i'm gonna play another game. And if I can't get into a game cause it freezes or it keeps giving me 3 man games, I play another game.

  • Member Posts: 784

    I actually played each character over the past weekend to get a rough gauge of my abilities. I managed to land a single hatchet during a Huntress game at rank 1. Rank 1 for some killers? Sure. Rank 1 Huntress? No way in hell.

  • Member Posts: 814

    Its nice idea on paper but reality would be this: player has couple of favourite killers and plays them regurarly. Player plays a lot and is good, goes up ranks fast. Whenever he does daily for other killers he absolutely destroys lower ranks due to game knowedgle, raw experience and mindgames. No fun for both sides as killing way weaker survivors is just boring and unsatysfying and survivors just got literally rarped and they don't even know how did this happen.

    Or plays every killer and stays on lower ranks due to not having enough time to rank up every single killer. Results will be the same

    I get where are you coming from, playing perkless on higher ranks is just hard, but this is not the way to fix this.

  • Member Posts: 3,964

    The alternative that we currently have is that the killer gets a daily on a killer they don't know, then has to flounder around while getting constantly taunted by survivors who refuse to leave and they still don't manage to get their daily unless they're even decent with said killer.

    Part of the reason its an issue is because of how perk and especially addon dependent most killers are, in addition to needing an understanding of their various playstyles. There is no way to practice killer mechanics/addon changes/perk synergy/etc without playing live games, so you have to get demolished constantly before you can git gud with any given killer: It actually discourages me from playing my main killers because I don't want to rank up too fast to be able to try learning new killers I'm underequipped/inexperienced with.

    The whole issue could be solved with an offline practice mode where survivors could practice loops/routing and killers could practice.... everything, but it doesnt look likely to happen.

  • Member Posts: 814

    Wait, if you don't know killers but are on high ranks that's just your fault. Should have played couple of times with every single one by this time :p.

  • Member Posts: 3,964

    So.... you're not allowed to get emblems and rank up at all until you buy every killer, and learn their mechanics and test perks/addons you should have bought in the bloodweb without playing games to have the bloodpoints to do so? Between 14 unique characters? I'm lost.

  • Member Posts: 814
    edited March 2019

    Who said not allowed. All i said its your fault by not trying killers before playing one to rank up high. Should have had couple of games as them after resets or where you were still low.

    Also you can delete one daily per day. Looking for issue where is none.

  • Member Posts: 2,161

    If we have seperate ranks for killers, it may encourage people to main only one killer if someone wants to climb in the ranks and could make ranking so much slower for killer, but I can understand how this could be beneficial for killers you aren't too familiar with. There is some things you learn as you play killer (tracking, etc.) that can seamlessly transfer to a new one, though. Honestly a practice mode to get better at a certain killer without judgement of who you're playing against may be better.

  • Member Posts: 3,964

    You're acting like all killers are unlocked, with full loadouts, from day 1. Not only do you have to buy them (with money or shards) but you need to level them up and continue grinding them until you get decent perks and addons. Its literally the only thing I've been spending my bloodpoints on for months, and I'm still not even halfway there. How is that my fault for wanting to try said killers? Also I already mentioned that I do wait until after resets, but thats a terrible workaround, especially since it means I'm not allowed to play killers I DO know and accidentally rank up in the meantime.

  • Member Posts: 784

    I had a tag on that works better, where your individual killer rank is only half of it.

  • Member Posts: 784

    Hazehound is a toxic idiot on this forum. Just ignore him.

  • Member Posts: 10,200

    Yes, right now if you wanna learn another killer you basically are forced to derank before

  • Member Posts: 1,583

    Excellent idea. Here is a suggestion to balance it.

    1) Survivors' season reset every month at 13th.

    2) Killers' season reset at the 13th of some months, according to the following rules: A) the rank of the killer you used in more than 50% of the killer trials will be reset after a month; B) the rank of the killers you used in 10-50% of the killer trials will be reset after two months; C) the rank of the killer you used in less than 10% of the killer trials will be reset after three months.

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