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Feedback and Suggestions

Chainsaw Killer's change idea!

Since Billy can permanently run around with his Chainsaw and insta down people and not even get a slowdown when charging up the Chainsaw unlike Leatherface I found a good solution to at least make Billy a bit more fun to verse and with this new mechanic I would also buff Leatherface's power.


- 90% movement speed while charging up the Chainsaw instead of 100 % (Survivor's running speed)

- Chainsaw sprint lasts for 5 seconds.


- 90% movement speed while charging the Chainsaw instead of 87,5 %

- Reaches maximum Chainsaw dash range (~ 15 metres) in 2.3 seconds instead of 3 seconds.


- Chainsaw's now start with 5 (tokens)

- Every sprint (Billy) [regardless how long, miss or hit] and Chainsaw dash (Leatherface) [regardless if hit or miss] will consume 1 token.

- If all 5 tokens are consumed the Killer has to recharge his Chainsaw with oil (benzine)

- If the Killer runs out of his 5 tokens of benzine he sees the Aura of 5 canisters random on the map which he can recharge his Chainsaw with again and gain 5 tokens again (like Huntress on lockers)

- Aura of canisters will be shown when all 5 tokens are consumed but can be recharged regardless how many tokens are left.

- Recharging the Chainsaw takes 4 seconds. (Can be altered with new addons)

- You can also increase your available tokens with new addons which will do that.

That's was an idea of how to make the Chainsaw mechanic a bit more realistic and fun, and also make Billy not such a pain in the a**, and buff Leatherface a little bit more.

Feel free to share your thoughts on this as well.

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  • Member Posts: 1,080

    Boring tbh. Instead of adding new mechanics to balance them, you just restrict them in every way. You make it very hard to hit chainsaws, prevent mobility and force them to reload. Whats even left of billy then? Basically nothing. And what does lf become? Still a worse billy.

    I'd prefer adding mechanics instead of taking away. Make billys chainsaw audible over the whole map, increase his cooldown and nerf his addons. That directly influences his map control without bandaid fixing his mobility.

    Leatherface needs more buffs to separate him from billy. Let him walk with his chainsaw at 115% speed. He feels so clumsy, even though he is the one, who is holding a revved chainsaw in front of him all the time.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    You could still cover much ground with 5 seconds. Billy Chainsaw's are just as easy to hit as Leatherface's if you practiced this almost brain dead Killer enough. And making Leatherface 115 % when charging the Chainsaw would make him overpowered since he also can move normal while dashing. A slight boost is okay but not over 95 % ms. And Billy is braindead in any ways if you can run around the map nonstop. It would make him a risk/reward Killer like Huntress. He has 5 easy chances to hit but can also cover ground with it. And the reload mechanic would make him at least enjoyable for the Survivors since alot dislike him with his perma insta down/map rush. He'd still stay a 115 % Killer. I heared people saying he should get 110 % which would make him from top 5 to top 3 of the worst Killers actually.

  • Member Posts: 1,080

    lol. Didnt know you dont play billy. Nurse blinks are also easy to hit if you practice enough. Kickflips on a skateboard are also easy if you practice enough. :D

    Hitting chainsaws is among the hard things in dbd. Thats why they released leatherface, so everyone can hit them.

    Apart from that. 5s takes you 46m far, which is pretty long. Does that solve any of the issues though? I dont think so, he will still appear next to you with insta addons. You wont feel the nerf as a survivor.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    I play every Killer, and when I play Billy I feel bad for the Survivors. And 46 metres would make a good sprint. That's why I set those 5 secs, cuz some people like to run around the whole map in circles to get someone. And making them reload their Chainsaw's would make every Billy Main think twice before using the Chainsaw.

    Btw, I don't have problems with hitting Billy Chainsaws. Who can't hit them is just bad.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    And btw, Nurse is a hard Killer to learn since she is supposed to use her blinks which are straight forward. She can't chase Survivors like Billy if they are to bad to hit the Chainsaw's. Billy is easy to learn, unlike Nurse or many other Killers

  • Member Posts: 1,080

    But what would it fix then?? He still sprints over 2/3 the map. He reloads sometimes between chases, but overall nothing changes. Circling the whole map in hopes to run into someone is not something good billys do and good survivors have problems with.

    Nurse has a high skillfloor, while Billy has a low skillfloor. That makes one easier to learn, but both have high skillcaps. If you take it to the extreme, Huntress and Billy can convert mechanical skill into results the best.

  • Member Posts: 3,278

    Billy's chainsaw is too quiet, I do think Leatherface needs a buff in speed, while charging, he moves at a 95%, and chainsaw and agree on the dash improvement, I don't think Leatherface needs a adjustment as you can hear his chainsaw, I feel that the chainsaws shouldn't be able to reach over windows as it is a slash animation, not lunge.

    Billy is not hard to miss in chainsaw hits, they just need to fix his hitboxes and chainsaw sound, it's like he has a suppressor on his Chainsaw. I rarely play Billy, but as from a killer and survivor perspective, his hitboxes can be insanely off, you could get easy hits.

  • Member Posts: 814

    You try to fix something that is not broken. Leatherface already has good addons for exactly this, while Billy needs to be precise unless he took looooonger range. Just 360 Billy, high chance of missing even on rank 1.

    What i do believe is missing... are iridescent addons for Nurse, Billy and Leatherface.

  • Member Posts: 3,268

    Why do survivors alwayd complain that HB "doesnt get slowed" and then cite that exact slowdown he has in the next paragraph? -rhetorical question, no need to answer.

  • Member Posts: 1,693

    Hmm... I find it easy to dodge the Hillybilly, but Leatherface is hard to dodge for me though.

  • Member Posts: 422

    That's one hell of a nerf, why not just make Leatherface not trash and then both are fine?

  • Member Posts: 814
    edited March 2019

    They both are fine, after playing Leatherface more i discovered he can do many things Billy can not do. Map pressure is still winning factor but Leatherface in right hands is definately at least mid tier. I actually have more succes with him than with Myers or Huntress on red ranks and I used to be bunny momma main. In the end it depends on survivors of course.

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