Let's have an actual discussion about the legion

Yes I know it's the same picture I made a mistake
All right for the most part... I play this game on both console and PC. That being the case I have been seeing a lot of the Legion hate lately. Some of it I can understand some of it I can not.
When it comes down to my experience with that killer. His power seems cool on the surface but can be easily destroyed it all the survivors legitimately just split up... no, seriously I have lost a fair bit of games as killer and one more than enough a Survivor against this killer to know that stupid little trick.
So for the love of God let's try to have an actual discussion without people cussing each other out like a bunch of entitled little children.
Not fun to play against, mediocre when played as intended but has an ability that's easy to exploit in a way that gives a survivor no chance of escaping short of dumb luck.
Regardless of ones policy on DCs, if a character is that universally hated that they get more DCs than people staying in the game, they need to be fixed.
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Okay I won't lie yes it is very annoying to get away from that particular bastard. Especially when they have Bloodhound and sloppy butcher making sure they stay on you which is how they primarily losing match.
However people that mastered a pallet stun or worse yet knows the Jungle gyms then your power is good as useless.
And again don't get me started if it's a survive With Friends. If they know you're playing this killer they're going to split up to the point that you're using your ability for jogging and cardio rather than actually trying can use it in a Chase.
Which is terrifying when you realize that you're slower than survivors
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Jungle Jim's and pallets don't bother Legion because he can vault fast in his power. Add on Frank's Mixtape and there's truly nothing you can do to escape cause they only need 3 hits and closing distance in Frenzy to get those is really easy. They're just inherently miserable to face and like I said, the DC rate is unacceptable and a clear sign something needs to change.
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I think the power seemed cool on paper, but in game it just doesn't work. At this point I'd rather see a few QoL Freddy buffs first instead of a rework and put all that rework focus into Legion. I had an idea to change the power up a little while making them less annoying to face and have more counterplay to them. It has to do with getting close to the survivor and then stabbing them in the back when close enough and throwing them to the ground (Similar to the trailer) incapacitating the survivor and is basically a slug that can't move. Incapacotated survivors can only recover to 50%. Legion now moves at 115% movement speed and this part of his power is on a 30 second cooldown (affected by addons) to not be able to have too many survivors incapacitated at once. Legion also has a secondary power to remove the mask and hide the terror radius and red stain. Then he can quickly put the mask back on and go into frenzy directly out of stealth and chain hits with deep wounds, so basically the current feral frenzy but without the pallet and quick window vaulting. I think that this could give him more counterplay and make him a bit more interesting to for both sides.
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Missed the last part of this but you're not actually slower than survivors. Legion is slower than most other killers but still faster than survivors.
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I actually don't mind him that much. I'd take him over Freddy or Billy.
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Seems like a lot of people still don't understand that players can have fun regardless of winning or losing.
Legion's mechanic is inherentlt unfun to play against, whether you win or lose the match.
It's not fun looking at all time bars you need to fix on top of the generator time bar when facing legion.
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I dont understand the hate, i play both killer and survivor, he is fun to play as and not hard to beat. Just mend yourself and get out the gate...
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Right away, an example of not understanding that players can have fun regardless of winning or losing.
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The "fun" in any game is to think, observe, adapt, try to figure out your opponent's playstyle and tricks and come up with ways to counter them. That's why I loath the meta, not only "meta" perks, but there is a kind of "meta survivor gamestyle"'.
That's what people refuse to adjust when facing a killer who is much different than the others. And that's exactly why complaints about Legion being unfun to play against can be safely ignored.
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Right, tell me how to counter Legion. I'll give you a reason why any of those ideas will never work.
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Split. Run. Break line of sight while he's in FF. And genrush.
You're welcome. Don't trouble yourself explaining why these don't work. These DO work. That is not equal to saying these ALWAYS work, they can be difficult of course. But that's the point: difficult is good, easy is bad.
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You forgot knowing when to slam a pallet in their face.
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32% faster. Imagine berating someone and calling them an idiot when you don't even know the facts.
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You know what, you're absolutely right. Why should we care about survivor's not being bored when their damnable Meta has been boring killers for over a year?
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Three years, actually.
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You're discussing with somebody who has a racist username, just a heads up.
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@Orion Hey don't drag me into this any deeper! I said my part.
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Nah the other guy who thinks legion having either 300% ms or 132% ms would be the same.
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I was just wondering why he thought your username was racist. Unless he meant the other guy, whom I've already elected to ignore since he's clearly not here to provide meaningful comments.
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I've already elected to ignore him. See previous comment.
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@FuckGhermans insulting the other only undermines your point, even if you happen to be right. As for breaking line of sight: it is entirely possible. Quite difficult when he's in Feral Frenzy and chasing you, but it can be done in a jungle gym. And it becomes much easier when he hits you the second time: you don't leave scratch marks while he's stunned. You just have to be prepared.
And on a side note: Germans are awesome, I love them.
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Nono, Im not talking about how to beat him, Im talking about how to not get down by him, which is something you can do against any other killer. Start.
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@FuckGhermans I'm pleased to see my point about insulting others went through.
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You WILL go down against any competent nurse or clown no matter how good you are at looping/juking.
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By design, you are not able to hold off a killer indefinitely. It's the same for every single killer.
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What is it with survivors thinking they should be able to 1v1 a killer in a 1v4 game, I don't get this.
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I don't know. It was the same in Evolve with Paladin Parnell. While amusing if you were playing him, it was definitely not fun as the monster.
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The easiest way to fix the Legion:
Step 1: Remove the Legion
Step 2: Refund the shards/iridescent coins
Step 3: Apologize to your customers (us)
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And what about the ppl that enjoy playing the legion?
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Read the rest of his comments.
For the record, I'd support removing the Legion if everyone who wants them removed now would pay for the refund.
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People have talked left and right about why Legion is terrible for this game. There's nothing to discuss that hasn't already been mentioned.
Rework his power so he becomes better at what he's supposed to do and make him actually have risk when using his power. Anyone opposed to this idea shows that they do not understand why the majority hates the Legion.
He. Is. Brain-Dead.
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Yeah, how would the devs refund me my hours I put into this killer? No thx.
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Not the devs, just the people who want the Legion removed. If they're trying to take unilateral decisions to deprive customers of the items they bought regardless of what anyone else thinks, then they can pay for it themselves.
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"Runs around a T-wall or Pallet"
Legion so brainded, DBD takes so much skill herpdiderp.
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Okay, I'm awaiting my 5 dollars+15€/hour*60 (900€) refund paid for by the community, then I'm okay with cancelling out legion.
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I am awaiting this as well. Come on people, put your money where your mouths are.
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@BACKSTABBER People like legion, I definitely enjoy facing them, because they give me what I want in a game, a challenge, people want a killer to be easy but they cannot cut you out of a chase sometimes, so you will need to be able to pull through it, people just don't want to and choose to disconnect to legion
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Oh look, a brick wall that doesn't learn how to read.
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oh look somebody who uses adhominem disguised as attacking the killer in every single post becaue he can't face the fact that DBD is a casualgame and is braindead in most cases anyways.
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Point out where I said DBD took skill to play. I said the killer was brain-dead and hated.
Funny you're taking issue with that since you agreed that he took less skill than the other killers to play in another thread. I smell hypocrisy.
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No no, there is nothing you can do to counter the Legion unless the player killer is very bad
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Pallet into the face, Just lose LoS and use stuff like dance with me. Ofc all this doesn't work if he hit you first and has bloodhound but then again you won't lose any killer using bloodhound anyways.
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Only noob legions got pallet'ed
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Or you are just bad?
Literally everyone can break a chase or break eye sight from the legion, some people disconnect before trying to test them out and actually challenge them
@BACKSTABBER (Not trying to be rude in this btw)
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Maybe try having better reflexes. He has to go for you, not the other way around.
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but you are able to hold off any other killer for a good amount of time (except nurse) if you're good enough. legion just sets every chase to a predetermined timer and theres nothing you can do about it. @George_Soros listed counters to legion but everything he said is something you try to do against every killer lol. dunno why he tried to categorize them to just legion. why we hate legion isnt due to him being weak or strong, its due to him ignoring a survivor's way of running from the killer making every chase boring, and not worth playing