Let's have an actual discussion about the legion



  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    so survivors are mad that they can't abuse a designflaw/exploit (palletlooping) against a killer that is designed to down survivors within the time that devs envisioned in the first place.

    no hipocricy at all.

  • Countfunkular
    Countfunkular Member Posts: 405

    All right I'm going to have to go through here and answer everybody one by one

  • Countfunkular
    Countfunkular Member Posts: 405


    Since you were pretty much one of two people that actually tried to have a discussion that didn't descend into a pissing match. I'm going to go ahead and reach out to you first.

    When it comes down to playing against or playing as that particular killer there are some conflict with doing either or. Yes I believe the killer can be counted every killer can be countered and it's stupid to think that they can't be.

    However it would makes Legion strong and the eyes of some but week two others would have to be his ability. No just kidding his add-ons.

  • Countfunkular
    Countfunkular Member Posts: 405


    Since you're pretty much the second person that didn't try to start a pissing match.

    Yeah you and a few others do have a point and the developers of the game Saw to it that you will eventually go down to a killer. No matter how bad they are eventually you will go down

    Has for what's wrong with him do you think it's the add-ons like I do or the fact that people don't know how to properly play against him

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519

    no? you're only happy with legion because you're not competent enough to learn how to run loops/structures. you seriously have a problem with survivors efficiently using pallets instead of dropping them all instantly? sounds pretty braindead

  • Countfunkular
    Countfunkular Member Posts: 405


    All right to answer your question on how not to get down to by him.. you have like someone stated earlier. You will go down. It's nearly impossible for any killer to not down at least one person however in terms of this killer if you know you've been hit by its ability and it's just waiting you out the most you can do just try to buy at least enough time for others to get something done while he's preoccupied with you

    Otherwise you're ######### out of luck


  • Countfunkular
    Countfunkular Member Posts: 405


    When it comes down to running around a killer you got a point. Here's the thing.

    Every killer or at least almost every killer has a certain way you have to evade them you can't just keep doing the same Loop pallet drop routine because that won't work on every killer especially with the plague because if people think that they can Loop her around normally then they are going to have a hell of a time winning against her when she finally drops.

    Certain Killers like Huntress you have to be very careful about because they will destroy you if you try to jump past Windows, pallets or do any action besides from just running.

    So you're right you have to learn how to fight against them and adapt.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I haven't really used many of the Legion's add-ons, particularly the ones people complain about, so I shall refrain from commenting about their add-ons.

    I know for a fact that people haven't learned how to play against the Legion, because they DC a lot. How can you learn to play against anything if you won't play against it?

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463


    If you go from one pallet to the other and treat structures as individual loops you wont made It out alive if the killer doesnt want to, that's not my case. Also remember that other 3 people are working on gens.

    Looping is not about circling the same pallet over and over again, it's about knowing how to efficiently play ussing windows and pallets, I've run M1 killers for the entire match so yh, it's possible to hold of a killer for that time if you are good enough.


    Maybe, but it will be because they perform a good mind-game or because the survivor f*cked up, not because their power allows them to completely ignore any defense (which is Legion's case). And no, Nurse is not like Legion, she can be mind-gamed thanks to walls, why you think Lery's Memorial is such trash map for her?

    Also, Im still waiting for someone to tell me how to counter Legion, if nobody is gonna give a good reason it's because he is just broken.

    Nurse: Walls

    Clown: Throw pallet early until he runs out of bottles and gain distance when he starts reloading.

    Hag: Use Flashlight or activate her traps at the very limit of their range.

    Wraith: Windows or camp pallet.

    Billy: Just loop, nothing to worry about.

    Pig: Just loop, if she crouches abandon the loop.

    Legion: ..........?

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463


    Nobody is talking about 1v1 the killer, that's not possible, you cant do gens and distract the killer at the same time.

    We are talking about how it's impossible to defend against him. When you play against him is like running on straight line because there is no virtual counter to his power, that's the problem here.

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519

    yes. you can actually adapt with other killers (except nurse) and learn how to play around them. this is not the case for legion.

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463

    Have you played against him?

    Im a SWF player and everyone in my group plays killer just like me, whenever a new killer comes out we play on KYF to figure out a counter in a chase but we gave up on this killer because there is no counter.

    That means that if he finds you, you are dead.

    I dont think this is how the game is supposed to be because if It was there wouldnt be pallets, windows or any of that.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,035

    @artist so you don't argue about nurse, a killer that 2 hits and can teleport, but you argue about a killer that takes 5 hits to take you down?

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519
  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,035
  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519
  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758
    edited March 2019

    3 needed hooks per survivor while gentimes are less than 80 secs on only 5 gens with kicking gens almost not being viable wants to have a word with you. And I didn't even mention all the second chance perks that survs get

  • vampire_toothy
    vampire_toothy Member Posts: 381

    My biggest issues with legion is that the power designed for them does not do its job well and there's absolutely no skill-cap to Legion other than a couple of neat tricks.

    I enjoy playing nearly all the killers except Nurse who I find boring and Huntress because my aim with hatchets is actually horrible. That being said, I've picked up a lot of hours on Spirit, Wraith and unfortunately Legion.

    Part of what I want to see in this game is more skillful interactions, it's the reason why I love killers like Nurse, Spirit, Huntress and Hag because they are all killers that require skill to learn and master, yet you can never be perfect with them and always learn from your mistakes. I look forward to seeing these kinds of killers be released because when I use them and win, I know that it was directly because of my skill as that killer.

    Legion on the other hand? I'm not afraid to admit that I've played an unhealthy amount of Legion matches because they are fun to use, but the problem is that going against The Legion is the most atrocious experience you will ever have in this game especially if they're running the Frank's Mixtape and Double Cooldown addons because there is absolutely nothing you can do as a survivor to outplay that (to clarify, you can still win but it's incredibly boring). The best experience in this game is the chase and Legion totally takes that away because they can ignore everything survivors have including stealth. This means that the survivors will either just disconnect because it's simply unfun and it's a predetermined game or they play in a way that's just as boring for you which is just doing gens + the mend action and ignoring any other action like totems, chest, healing, and sabotaging.

    But to point out, the experience survivors have with legion is not the only problem I have as my other issue is while I believe Legion is fun to use there is no skill you gain at all from using them constantly, infact you only harm your overall skill as a player and if you care about it at all, your image because of how mindless it is to use the Legion. You press M2, you vault pallets and windows, stab people and then they mend while you're fed more information which deletes stealth within your terror radius. The worst part is that your power doesn't even accomplish its goal because when you use it as intended, anybody who straightlines when you're attempting to chain hits will simply outrun your power usually leaving your last option to use your power to tunnel.

    Legion isn't all bad though, Legion had the potential to be a fun killer for everyone and the devs had the right idea in mind while making them, it's acknowledgement that they know the problems in this game. The problem is that Legion is suffering from is that there is no new mechanics in the game that they made that would actually allow for players to outplay Legion and it's because of those limited mechanics that Legion is so unfun to go against and is why unless they receive a rework, they might not actually be able to make Legion a stronger killer because of the backlash they have for them already.

    That's my opinion really, anything else would just mean I'm repeating myself (which to some extent I have) or repeating what everyone else has to say about Legion.

  • Countfunkular
    Countfunkular Member Posts: 405


    All right since you're still waiting and I thought I answered your question beforehand and yet you're still going around and complaining...

    Here it's how you deal with the legion.

    When you go against this killer there are two things to note to beat them

    1. If this killer leaves you immediately to go hit someone else and chain wound. Then take the time to mend, heal yourself and go back to working on generators. Dollars to Donuts says that he wants has many people injured as possible but the last person they hit are usually the one that gets chased down well everybody else is still out doing their own thing.

    2. If this killer is dumb enough the tunnel one person they're going to lose. Especially if they have Perks and abilities to help them find other people but they're going to stick to killing one then move to another when it's no late.

    To beat this killer you all have to split. I'm dead serious you have to split the other side of the map and just isolate other survivors away from yourself. Kind of hard to use your ability to hunt people down when they're all across the map and way out of your radius.

    There you go just evolve to the killer that you're fighting. They're not that difficult to defeat if you keep your head.

  • Countfunkular
    Countfunkular Member Posts: 405


    Man I'm getting tired of having to keep the peace.

    What I believe @artist is trying to tell you is did you read the post as in the title of this discussion. Also they haven't seen a post in here about the nurse because this is purely about the legion.

    Last time I checked I believe I named this

    " let's have an actual discussion about the legion"

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463


    1: Is not a counter in a chase, it depends on the killer, not in any mind-game.

    2: I already said I dont care about a counter so that people get out alive, I want to know how to counter him in a chase, Im still waiting.

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463


    Nurse can be countered in a chase by just breaking line of sight and changing direction each time she teleports.

  • Countfunkular
    Countfunkular Member Posts: 405



    All right since you don't care about your own teammates getting out alive

    Since you want help with a Chase let me humor you. Since this is supposed to be a discussion about the killer not an argument.

    For starters while you're in Chase with this killer they don't see stretch marks. That being the case on certain maps and if you know how to Shadow Juke then you won't have much of a problem stuck in this killer and a Chase no matter how fast they are some Killers will miss details especially given the speed that this killer travels when they activate their power.

    While we're still on speed. I don't have to remind you all but this killer does move slightly slower than a regular killer when not using their power.

    If you're in Chase yes the Killer is fast but the reaction time isn't as fast as some might think. This particular killer in Chase can be easily knocked out of their ability by side pallets.

    This particular killer can you easily ran into the dirt and forced to exhaust their power. Believe it or not in some circumstances it's much easier to drop a pallet a run and force them to use their ability so they can immediately burn out of it again.

    If this particular killer manages to hit you with their ability and still decides to chase you like a dumbass instead of going after other survivors. Then it seems you have their attention. Since you don't give a ######### about your teammates and their survival.

    There's something to note. Unless the killer wants to be an idiot and use the moonwalk exploit then you keep running and throwing pallet in their way because they're either going to have to break them or keep using their ability to chase you down. Depending on what add-ons the Killer is using it might take the killer 4 to 5 hits to down you.

    All the while unless they have Bloodhound on won't be able to easily track you since they don't see scratch marks.

  • Countfunkular
    Countfunkular Member Posts: 405


    By the look of things you play with a survive with friends Squad. So you already have teammates that might be willing to get in the killers way to take heat off of you if you suspect that you're going to be chased into the dirt.

    With a killer that knows what they're doing they're not going to lose Chase with you. Eventually they're going to get you. This killer can easily be countered by putting things in its way in forcing them to exhaust their own resource which is time.

    If I'm in a Chase and I know eventually you're going to get me I would want to burn as much time of The Killers as I can while my teammates be either friends or randoms can get stuff done.

    This is a team-based game. Not to mention I already told you how to counter this d rank killer

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463


    Im still waiting for you to tell me a good counter intead of praying that the guy playing as Legion is trash.

    You dont seem to understand what an actual counter inside a chase is, let me show you some examples:

    Pig crouches to use her ambush attack. Counter? Leave the loop

    Trapper places trap on a pallet. Counter? Drop pallet and jump over it or disarm the trap.

    Spirit uses her power. Counter? Stop running and walk, check if she can be blinded when she is standing still.

    Huntress is ready to throw a hatch at you. Counter? Dont get stuck in any animation (dont drop the pallet and dont jump the window)

    Myers stalks you. Counter? Break line of sight.

    This are real counters. Praying that the killer is awful at the game is not a counter, nobody falls for "shadows jukes" in 2019 unless you just started playing this game yesterday. Moonwalk is not countarable by anything and it's the most used tactic. If he chases you with his power he'll down you no matter what, even if It took a billion hits to down you people would still hate this character because as I already said, there is no counter to it, you cant beat him in a chase, there is no virtual way to stop him from downing you, he is the only killer that if he wants you dead you are dead and that's a problem. There is no other killer like that in this game, even Nurse has limits and we all know how powerful she is, good survivors dont complain about her because there is counterplay, just like Billy, or Spirit, the main high tier killer of this game.

    I personally suck at mindgaming Spirit but I never complained about her because she has counterplay, this guy doesnt and if you cant see that problem then you dont understand this game at all.

    So Im still waiting for you to tell me something I can do to beat this guy. 360s dont stop him, jump windows dont stop him, drop pallets dont stop him, jukes dont stop him (again, who the hell falls for this in 2019? And if you do, it's gonna be only one time unless you have a potato instead of a brain)

    Still waiting for a counter...

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited March 2019

    The problem I have with Legion is that Frenzy hits are just simply unavoidable if the killer is in any way decent. If a Legion decides to chase you, you get hit. There's no counter play, you just get hit. You can't outrun them. You can't use windows/pallets to avoid them. They just follow you and swing. If they miss so what, they recover almost instantly and can swing again.

    I had a Legion use FMT and the purple cooldown add-on together. He hit me 3 times in 10 seconds and downed me, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I didn't even have time to make it to a pallet or window (even if I did he would just follow me over it like it didn't matter). No amount of juking or 360's can avoid that.

    Their whole power needs a rework. Deep Wounds is such a lame status effect too because killers can cheese the mechanic so easy. On top of that, you can't even run and hide because you reveal your position when you go down. It's just not fun to deal with.

    And if you want to reply to me to say "you can avoid it" then you clearly have never played a half decent Legion ever. If the person plays killer you get hit, and when a major dynamic of the game is avoiding a hit it just ruins the whole experience. I honestly don't even see how Legions can find it fun on their end, it's like a given they will catch the person without using any sort of skill. Maybe if you suck that hard as killer it can be fun, but for those of us that don't suck it's just super lame to be guaranteed hits/downs like that.

    EDIT: Relying on your opponent to mess up is not a valid counter tactic. I see some people making that argument and it's so wrong it's not even funny. A counter tactic is something you, as the player, can actively do to beat something another player does. Waiting for them to mess up is passive and completely independent of the actions you take. It's like saying that to counter an infinite loop you have to wait until they make a mistake. What if they NEVER make a mistake? What are you supposed to do then? Nothing? Well then infinites must be broken because there is no counter tactic. Now replace infinites with Legion Frenzy and you see why this killer is a problem.

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463

    Yh, I've said I play SWF multiple times, so?

    You say that a killer will eventually get you, yes that might be the case or not, that doesnt matter.

    You talk about how you need to distract the killer for as long as you can so that your teammates can do gens, right? How you gonna do that if there is nothing you can do to evade this killer in a chase? You cant prolong the chase unless the killer is just terrible at the game and starts 360 swinging around like a lost wheel, that's the problem, that's why almost nobody likes to face him. If Hillbilly tries to hit me with his chainsaw I can just go for a window or go for a pallet so that he doesnt down me, if the Wraith tries to bodyblock me I can turn the other way around and go for the other side of the loop, if a Huntress is trying to throw a hatchet at me I can stay on her blindspot or I can ignore windows and pallets. All of these are ways to prolong the chase, I cant prolong the chase if there are no ways to fight the killer. Also constantly getting hit without a single mind-game is just so damn boring, it's like taking off the Block Button on a fighting videogame and see who smashes the Attack Button faster.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited March 2019

    @Countfunkular "This is a team-based game."

    It's actually not. Survivors are not a team. People that say this don't realize the game is made for you to be selfish. SWF is the only instance where you can point and say "it's a team game" and even then it's not true. You are playing to survive. What happens to the other survivors has no relevance to you other than the fact that your chance of survival goes up significantly when more survivors are alive. The longer all of you are in the game the greater the chance each individual has to survive. But at the end of the day if someone is gonna die, you just play so that doesn't end up being you.

  • Countfunkular
    Countfunkular Member Posts: 405


    Sadly enough you got a point. Even though you are on a team you can easily screw over your teammates. This sucks but it's true.