susie is ugly

accept it
Her face yeah but I think the skin itself is fine
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Shut your goddamn mouth #########
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And how are you looking on the other side of your screen?
These characters could be modeled after real people.
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I'll accept it.
and btw your gonna summon these jail legions, so pls delete this thread if you dont want to be killed
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where is her feic? I like her tiny body thought
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There's nothing to worry about. Some people need to accept the fact that Susie IS ugly.
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Susie is adorable and if you disagree you are o b j e c t i v e l y w r o n g
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People that think Susie is cute are those kind of virgin nerds that ship Huntress with Nurse and all that ######### up #########.
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You must be blind, so I can't really blame you for thinking that.
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No, I just think Claudette is really pretty. ^^
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You know what's not ugly?
I remember posted that sporty bob Meg thing!!!
On topic though, Susie is best girl and anyone who disagrees will...make me cry because I don't like to be mean : (
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Can't imagine how someone with that nickname looks like.
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Susie is beautiful both outside and inside. Don’t judge people entirely on their looks, but their actions. (Don’t take into account that she’s stabbing everyone as we speak, or so help me I’ll throw you on the basement hook.) :)
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I'd rather be a virgin Legion main than a single-digit IQ Bubba main
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Amanda and Julie > Susie
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@Eveline = Susie
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Literally everyone finds her cute simply because she is the soul representation of a gamer girl/thot. Even though despite not being able to see her face and having a flat ass, people somehow find her attractive.
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How can you see her face when she's wearing a mask?:o
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Hag is bae.
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You guys are crazy lol.
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Thats not surprising. People get turned on by Futaba from persona 5 and she does not have a body.
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I hear you bud.
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But...people have seen her face before. Here's a render of it someone on Reddit made.
She doesn't look ugly at all, in fact, she looks insanely adorable.
Also...why are you talking about her ass? She's a sophomore (her outfit is called Sophomore Jitters which implies that she is.) She's 15/16. Very illegal.
ALSO are you really judging her attractiveness solely based on her lack of ass? lol
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It's not what's on the outside that counts.
And, it's not what's on the inside that counts.
It's what she does to make your insides into outsides, that really matters.
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- You don't know my age either
- People have literally turned her around and have tried to see her ass, so you might want to talk to them
- I can judge someone on their looks if i want to, if i find her ugly and unattractive, then she is ugly and unattractive to ME, if she isn't to you then good on you
- I also judged her on how i couldn't see her face, and how ugly af she is.
In Conclusion, Susie is ugly af. And i guess some triggered keyboard warrior is mad because i said some truthful things about her, Call the police.
Oh wait.
obv b8 m8 would r8 1/8
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U wish u had that mammal bouncing on ya
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Dude. No. First of all, I'm a chick. Secondly, no. She's underage. I'm also underage but that's besides the point. Ew.
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Susie is adorable. Leave her alone.
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I wasn't saying anything about your age, I was saying how it's weird to sexualize Susie in any way because of her implied age which is 15/16. I was mainly upset (or "triggered") at you because you were talking about a 15/16 year old's ass. It's weird to sexualize minors.
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Git gud!
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Girls don't exist on the internet.
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First off, if you want to see someone sexualizing her, then you probably haven't seen r/dbdgonewild, but please, feel free to take a look, you'll soon regret it.
Stop being triggered when you know nothing about people, i'll talk about her ass if i damn well feel like it, ain't nothing you can do about it. Because you barely even know what my age is.
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@makayla did you seriously just call yourself an underaged chick #########
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You're like talking to a brick wall, Jesus. The point was sexualizing minors is weird and predatory. Your age doesn't factor into it.
I'm not wasting any more time with you.
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Good riddance
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If someone is trying to kill me then they are automatically ugly
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@makayla is the obsession lol and u guys got DSed
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16 is legal in the majority of countries.
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I think is illegal an underage plays DBD since it's licensed for +18 o +21
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Nope. Those numbers are a recommendation, it's not actually illegal for children to play them.
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It isn't illegal.
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@Detective_Jonathan what's wrong with r/dbdgonewild 0_0 I see no problem what so ever, none at all.
proceeds to delete browser history and hide soap
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shes not even real, get over yourself
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Shame on you.
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@BACKSTABBER not illegal and it says 17+ on the PS4 version at least.
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How the ######### is susie cute?
She has a creepy ass smile, scars all over her face, ugly shoes, and has blood on her clothes. What part of that is cute?
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I would explain it but the Quentin in your pfp is making my eyes boil in their sockets so there’s really no hope for you