susie is ugly



    BACKSTABBER Member Posts: 1,809

    Her apparent fragility with crossed legs thin and small size makes her sexy

  • Salty_Pearl
    Salty_Pearl Member Posts: 1,367

    Susie is hot (don't worry we are the same age.) No but seriously, we need maskless Legion cosmetics.

  • NoodleLegs
    NoodleLegs Member Posts: 317

    okay but like.. half of yall can't talk with yall's Quentin, freddy, nea lovin' selves. i swore i saw a clown in this thread which is worse because he's disgustin. but you, op, are by your pfp a freddy main, therefore, you cannot say anything, as freddy, himself, is ugly asf too.

  • NoodleLegs
    NoodleLegs Member Posts: 317

    sure but make sure the love in my heart i have for her doesn't hear it.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @NoodleLegs ok (whispers quietly “Susie is ugly”.

  • NoodleLegs
    NoodleLegs Member Posts: 317

    @TreemanXD 👌 good job, now only my cold, dead, black soul, will know the truth. but tbh, attractiveness is based on a person's perspective, you're not the only one who matters. people may find freddy attractive, idk why, but it happens. i'm personally a kpop fan so i hear a lot of "they look like girls" a ton. it wants to make me cry because i love these boys and these boys are like 25 years of age (oh god, yoongi's like... 26 now, holy mackerel). but i find susie attractive, mainly because im a big honkin' lesbian and im lowkey desperate for a girlfriend. i also read fanfiction to fill a void so i do have like, a shape of who she is.

    my ex-gf, now looking back at her, is pretty unattractive in kinda like normal societal standards. i loved her, and i miss her, but in my opinion, she was beautiful. however, that doesn't mean you'll think she's beautiful.

    beauty isn't a universal thing. it's based on you and you only, i might love the look of the sea and how beautiful it could be, but you might just see the negative parts of it.

    i find girls like susie and julie absolutely stunning, but that doesn't mean you will too. i find men like... frank downright hot. it's preference and tbh you can't really judge a person because someone in the world likes them. that's honestly what keeps me confident and happy when literally last year i wanted to kill myself because i wasn't good at dance and i wasn't pretty and i wasn't skinny. learning to love myself was the best decision i made in the past year, because loving yourself causes you to love more, and appreciate more.

    thanks for coming to my ted talk.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @NoodleLegs I find true beauty is on the inside, people can be beautiful on the outside but ugly on the inside, sometimes you fall for the wrong person who you thought was beautiful. But as a gay man I find certain men hot, but I could never really see pixels as hot.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @NoodleLegs loving yourself is a beautiful thing.

  • NoodleLegs
    NoodleLegs Member Posts: 317

    @TreemanXD i can't either but it happened and im not backing out lmao. but don't get me started on personalities!! you could have a kind soul but absolutely ruthless when you're angry. you could be a mean person in general but have a soft spot for a certain person. personalites are beautiful as well!! unless you abuse someone because that's just unforgivable, or kill your child, or kill a puppy (unless in dire situations, life or death?).

    i just think i feel a ton of emotions, isn't that called being hella sensitive?

    but loving yourself and caring for yourself is a wonderful thing and the best thing you can do to yourself.

    since we mentioned our sexualties, i wanted to ask, how would you feel about a lgbt+ killer/survivor? im personally all for it because im 15 and i know we don't have many representives in media and so i grasp onto the few we have, so i think it would be nice to have a survivor in a situation like dead by daylight and be strong. there was a thread but i lost it because it was pretty homophobic and it recieved a lot of backlash that i couldn't read it after maybe like the third page.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @NoodleLegs I would love a LGBTQIA survivor/killer, btw I’m also 15 :D

  • NoodleLegs
    NoodleLegs Member Posts: 317

    @TreemanXD omg im not alone in the gay teen department.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @NoodleLegsYes we aren’t alone. :) do you play on PS4?

  • NoodleLegs
    NoodleLegs Member Posts: 317

    @TreemanXD yes i do.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @NoodleLegs wanna add me?

  • NoodleLegs
    NoodleLegs Member Posts: 317

    @TreemanXD yeah, that'll be pretty cool!

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @NoodleLegs my psn is TreemanXD, you can send me a FR or I can send you one in the morning.

  • NoodleLegs
    NoodleLegs Member Posts: 317

    @TreemanXD mine is my oldest brothers, so look out for CHARIZARD!

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
    edited March 2019

    @NoodleLegs awesome! We can play once I get ps+ again. :)

  • NoodleLegs
    NoodleLegs Member Posts: 317

    @TreemanXD awesome, im actually adding you from my phone rn.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @NoodleLegs I only have ps messages on my phone, but once I wake up I’ll add you. Cya in the fog soon.

  • NoodleLegs
    NoodleLegs Member Posts: 317

    @TreemanXD cya :)

  • Mr_Jay_Stark
    Mr_Jay_Stark Member Posts: 539

    Correct me if I’m wrong but I believe beauty is in the eye of the beholder so some may find her down right ugly while others find her down right attractive but to each their own! Everyone is entitled to their own opinion!

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