Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

The new matchmaking sucks

It's just toxic swf over and over again. Many smurfing to face low ranks. We're talking people with 2000+ hours.

They bring all their most broken stuff, tbag after every pallet, just try to do as much as they can to wind up the killer, they have no interest in playing normally, and in the event that its not a 4 man then god help the solo that gets put with them. tbag, tbag, tbag, disconnect.

Of course you knew that didn't you. But it doesn't matter. As long as people are playing the game who cares how they're playing right?

You'll kill this game if you don't sort this out. Nobody wants to put up with this. Such an awful community. None of them have any interest in playing normally.

Not sure what happened to solo survivor either but nothing beats now waiting ages for a lobby only to be met with red ping.

But hey the toxic swf get more games now so it's all good right?

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  • Member Posts: 2,340
    edited March 2019

    I told you before how I deal with it. At least one must die no matter how many bt's and insta heals they have. One is going down and facecamped if they are toxic. I don't care if everyone else escaped, I am satisfied. Currently I am rank 1 and rarely depip to 2.

  • Member Posts: 3,688

    I just want to play a normal game Eveline. I was sold on DBD being a horror game.....not a game where you get people clicking their flashlights for attention, tbagging, disconnecting, then telling you to die after the game.

    Can't even have my steam profile public because otherwise you get abuse.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    Unfortunately there is too many toxic people and nothing will change that. Decent people like you are not very common I am afraid. :)

    You have to find some way to cope if you like this game.

  • Member Posts: 315

    I agree, this is a problem. And they need to solve it.

  • Member Posts: 10,200

    Well unfortunately, the majority prefers clicking aroudn with their flashlights, so the minority has to deal with it (sadly)

  • Member Posts: 3,688

    Ok so it seems you can only play with swf.

    It will load in 4 man swf just fine. If it loads in a solo or two though then it never gives you anymore survivors so you have to quit the lobby.

    You're only allowed swf now. Great.

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