Please simplify / remove the achievements "Evil incarnate" and "Skilled huntress"

Dear devs,

in my opinion the Steam achievements "Evil incarnate" (The Shape) and "Skilled Huntress" (The Huntress) are too hard to get / are nearly impossible to get. It would be nice if you could remove or at least simplify them.

I've played DbD for about 1.800 hours and I still haven't downed any survivors with a hatchet further than 24 metres away.

And for getting the achievement "Evil incarnate" you have to mori all 4 survivors on Evil Within III by using Judith's Tombstone. That's maybe possible on rank 20 but not on the higher ranks. The survivors know what you're trying to do - at the latest, when the first one is dead. They can use pallets, windows and lockers to prevent getting moried. And it takes too much time to get on Evil Within III with Judith's Tombstone. Either you have no time to stalk up to Evil Within III or your stalking maximum is reached sometime. And if you use "Fragrant Tuft Of Hair" as well to get unlimited Evil Within III, it's nearly impossible to reach Evil Within III in 10-15 minutes. And at last there are survivors disconnecting so you have no chance to kill them all.

Please think about it.

Regards, Leidenschaft90


  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814

    This is "achievement". Achievements are meant to give satysfaction when achieved, not be things you can get just by casual playing.

    The end.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    @Leidenschaft90 you probably don't realize how great it feels when you finally get them. PigNRun is right, the only seriously screwed up killer achievement is Deranged Pursuit.

  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    Good luck getting Evil Incarnate anymore. If you do, its pure luck or you farmed it.

    Survivors will DC if they see someone get M1 Mori'd by Myers in Tier 3. Every single time.

  • rycornog
    rycornog Member Posts: 23

    Skilled huntress was already dramatically lowered anyways

  • starpilotsix
    starpilotsix Member Posts: 203

    Skilled huntress isn't easy, but it's doable, even for an awful huntress like me. What I did was Iridescent Heads/Infantry Belt + Discordance, Bitter Murmur, BBQ, Iron Maiden (for fast reloading) and corn maps when I could, going for distant generators where multiple people were working, combined with survivors who taunted/teabag (or alternately, stayed to give free target practice) at the gate at the end. Took a while and a bunch of bad games, but I got it and now I never have to play Huntress again.

    Evil Incarnate is harder because it generally requires two iridescent add-ons, a full survivor complement and those survivors not to be jerks in addition to not being great, but with a little luck it's doable. (PWYF is a godsend because instant-murder doesn't count as an offensive action so you keep your stacks)

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Leidenschaft90 For Huntress what I liked to do was stand super far away but in los of an open exit gate and play target practice with survivors. They'd enjoy it and because they figured out I wasn't coming for them would heal and I'd keep tossing hatchets till I downed someone.

    I'd wait and let them heal up and keep doing it and both sides would have fun and get some points.

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    I finally got Evil incarnate after like 8 tries. Try to hit and hook survivors to gain time and hang in there.

    I have only 2 downs with the huntress from that far away. One because I noticed that a survivor was AFK so I took advantage of that and the other I got lucky.

  • Froggard728
    Froggard728 Member Posts: 94

    I got evil incarnate first try at red ranks. Just patrol 3 gens for the whole game. And get lucky like I did so the hatch spawns within your patrol. I grabbed the last person while I was stood on the hatch and they tried to sneak over to it.

  • Froggard728
    Froggard728 Member Posts: 94

    Skilled huntress was the last one I got though. Had to farm it by hoping survivors would let me hit them when I just stood throwing hatchets at a wall all game

  • Chihuahuasaurus
    Chihuahuasaurus Member Posts: 16
    edited March 2019

    Skilled Huntress certainly needs readjusting. 100 is too hard maybe if it was lowered to a more reasonable 20. Oh wait you're complaining about the Steam requirements which HAVE been made reasonable unlike console 🙄

  • Incirion
    Incirion Member Posts: 612

    I just got Evil Incarnate about an hour ago. It was my second time actually trying for the achievement. Used Spies, Bitter Murmur, PWYF, and Monitor. (didn't have Ruin) And they only finished 2 generators.