The New Matchmaking System is Awful

Prior to the change, as a killer, you would queue for a match and within seconds, with exception to the brown and red ranks, you would be matched in a lobby almost instantly. It wasn't often you would be matched with full SWF groups and it wasn't a big deal to avoid them if you didn't feel like getting absolutely pooped on.
With the change, it feels like SWF are now prioritized as I have yet to have solo que survivors, the minimum has been two groups of 2 friends. This is disheartening as when combined with the rank/pip adjustment and amount of time you must wait to find a group, this game is slowly becoming not worth the time.
If nothing else, I think the matchmaking system, for the time being, should be reverted to its previous state. As is, I frankly don't think anyone is having fun.
I'm pretty sure they changed it so that even solo survivors appear at the same time to make it harder to know who's SWF.
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You can check their steam profiles/friends list when they join the lobby.
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Oh. I'm PS4 so I wouldn't know.
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Yeah on PC you can still check that in the lobby. I would like other people to chime in, but I just finished a game with 2x2 SWF. It was an actual good match and I have no problem playing against that set up, it's the 3 and 4 person groups that are, in my opinion, the problem.
The solution to this is easy, make different queue sets. Make solo queue, duos, and 'team' like PUBG does. This way killers can check which groups they're open to playing against and these issues are essentially eliminated.
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I would also like to back up for the reversion of the old matchmaking system. I am from eastern Europe and with the current state it is just unplayable for me. As a survivor I had to wait for nearly half an hour to have a decent game, because either I land with red ping or the killer breaks the lobby. Then after all this waiting I get a cherry on top, a camping killer. Previously I could cope with it, as I could quickly start another match, but with the current state it is just impossible to enjoy. I want to play Dead by Daylight, not a countdown simulator.
The waiting is even worse when I want to play as killer. It takes from 15 to nearly 40 minutes and when I finally start a game part of survivors are afk, because it was taking so long...
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I'm sorry to hear about your experiences Jaspery and although I don't necessarily have the same connection related issues, I can definitely empathize with your situation.
With the old matchmaking system, as you said, if you had a bad game or a bad connection, there was less of a sting because you knew you could get a new match right away. You take a few breaths and move on. Unfortunately, due to the strange, almost seeming false scarcity created by the system, the sting of a bad match now hurts in much greater proportions.
If what you say is experienced by other players, and I can see this as being the case, the new system has definitely and unfairly punished players who may live in other regions simply because of their location/distance from the majority of the players.
I truly hope the developers fix what has broken and appreciate your contribution to this thread! I encourage others with similar experiences to share!
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I'm having the same experience. I went from getting instant queues at basically all times of day, to having to wait about five minutes every single time. It doesn't help that lobbies seem to still be broken, and nobody rejoins if a single survivor leaves.
I haven't noticed the issue with more SWF, but that's mostly because I got them pretty much non-stop before this change anyway. Issue is though that I used to be able to bail out of the most annoying ones, the SWF groups that pop in with four Claudettes, all wielding flashlights, or four people all with toolboxes. Now, due to the long queue times, unless I want to waste even more time, I have to just suck it up and deal with the lobby I get, no matter what. And that's assuming that they don't wait for the last 15 seconds to bail from it and leave the lobby with a permanently unfilled slot.
I don't even really care about being matched against people that are way out of my league. I can deal with red ranks as a rank 13. I just would like to have a chance at playing a fun game without it taking a half hour to start. And, of course, SWF seem to love nothing more than making sure killers don't have fun games.
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Which, as we all know, no killer really wants to have to deal with and ultimately pushes people towards not playing the game rather than playing more.
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I think it is a necessary sacrifice to have everyone have 3 min queues rather than a few killers being in queue for 3 hours
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US, and it's 3 minute wait as a killer, where it was instant to near-instant even in red ranks before this patch.
Survivor is still pretty much instant, but I haven't climbed back up in ranks, yet.
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What 3 hours? I don't see any "necessary sacrifice" only another example of bad gamedesign.
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Who waits 3 hours?
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Not to mention that if you get stuck against survive with friends it will matchmake using
the lowest tier persons rank, which is completely unfair when you get stuck against red rank survivors, I constantly have issues with this, and after waiting 30 minutes for a queue to pop I get stuck against 4 person SWF with two or 3 red ranks.
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How many killers do you honestly believe would willing queue up against SWF? SWF queue times would be ######### awful.
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The reason that works for PUBG and not DBD is that PUBG has more than 10x the amount of players that DBD has. There are simply not enough people playing the game at any one time to allow people to pick and choose who they want to face without absolutely destroying queue times, especially in lower populated areas like Oceania for example.