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Mettle Of Man facts

thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
edited March 2019 in General Discussions

My friend and I did some testing with the leaked Mettle Of Man Ash Williams perk. I don't want to get in trouble for talking about leaks, but I feel this post is necessary to calm down most of the people that are flippin' bananas. It's not as good as you think. It will be a strong perk yes, but I don't think it will be as broken as some people are making it out to be.

1) You have to get hit 3 times before it activates. Potentially more for lower tiers, but we can't test this as only tier 3 is available in KYF.

2) It's only good for 1 hit per trial. Once used you cannot use it again.

3) It only takes effect if you are injured. That means if you have a one shot and they are healthy it will bypass the perk, but it does not use it up.

4) When you hit the survivor and it triggers, the survivors glows white for about 5 seconds (similar to how they glow during Legion's Frenzy only white instead of red). This is probably to make the killer aware that it was MoM and not a whiff or something else. EDIT: After playing some games today I noticed that this effect also happens when someone gets hit and they have BT, so this might be a universal signal to killer that the person sponged a hit that should have put them into dying.

5) I can't confirm this 100% right now, but it seems to negate the damage speed boost you get when hit. If the devs are reading and it's NOT something that happens, it really should be. Otherwise it might indeed be overpowered in some instances. EDIT 2: After testing some more I can confirm that you DO get the speed boost on the hit. 😥

6) It's an obsession perk, meaning you will probably know at least 1 is in play (considering that DS is less common now). I can not yet confirm or deny if it only works for the obsession or if it works for non-obsessions too. I'm inclined to think the latter.

7) You can sponge a chainsaw (or any one shot) if it's active and you are injured. That means you can take a one shot hit for someone. This might be where I think the perk is OP and maybe one shots should bypass the perk all the time (just as a means to add more counter play if it needs it).

8) This is just a theory but based on what I've tested, if you give someone BT that has MoM active and they take a hit it will trigger BT, then the NEXT hit that would put them into dying would get sponged instead. Also I'm 99.999% positive that you wouldn't be able to sponge the BT timer meaning you will still have to mend or go into dying.

9) Only the killer's basic attacks count towards activating the perk. So chainsaws, hatchets, purge, and bear traps do not count.

10) After using MoM and healing, your aura is revealed to the killer when outside 16m. THE CARD DOES NOT SPECIFY A TIME FRAME, meaning that this effect is likely permanent. This is actually a HUGE drawback because now the killer will always know where you are and what you are doing. And no, you don't get to see their aura too like OOO, so this is a net benefit to killer. Either you have to stay injured for the rest of the trial or you have to take the risk the killer can see you almost all the time.

11) After it's been used and you heal, the aura reading is lasts until the next time you are put into dying.

Post edited by thesuicidefox on


    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Can you tell me what the perk does, I'm so bamboozled.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    After you get hit 3 times by the killer's basic attack it becomes active. The next hit you take while injured that would put you into dying state is ignored. Highlight key parts here because it seems that chainsaws, hatchets, purge, and bear traps do not count towards activating the perk.

    I should add that to the list.

  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861

    I’m too late to *que the sweaty killers*

  • Caretaker
    Caretaker Member Posts: 764
    edited March 2019

    It's almost like being injured isn't scary, and trust me. People will figure out ways to make it strong. This perk as potential. With MoM assuming best possible scenario, you could eat quite a few hits.

    Hit, Dead Hard, Hit, MoM, Hit, BT, DS.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,444

    If you don't heal yourself it's comparable to playing against permanent NOED. If you heal yourself you turn every killer into pre-nerf Freddy except you are also permanently asleep. The perk doesn't get stacks if you get downed from hatchets, chainsaws or traps (and the list will grow as more killers that don't rely on basic attacks to down survivors are released). Massive downsides for an effect that is essentially Dead Hard, once per game.

    Just use Dead Hard instead.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited March 2019

    After watching Tyde's video he pointed out something I missed which is HUGE and makes this perk a giant risk.

    After using MoM and healing, your aura is revealed to the killer when outside 16m. THE CARD DOES NOT SPECIFY A TIME FRAME, meaning that this effect is likely permanent. This is actually a HUGE drawback because now the killer will always know where you are and what you are doing. And no, you don't get to see their aura too like OOO, so this is a net benefit to killer. Either you have to stay injured for the rest of the trial or you have to take the risk the killer can see you almost all the time.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @thesuicidefox The wording is "The next time you heal back to full health, your aura will be revealed..."

    That sounds like a precise point of time to me. If it wasn't the case, they would have worded it like "After you are healed back to full health, your aura will be permanently revealed..."

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,444

    All aura reveals without a time given are permanent, see Bond, Empathy. Your aura will be revealed until you are downed again.

  • NathanExplosion
    NathanExplosion Member Posts: 337
    edited March 2019


    "After using MoM and healing, your aura is revealed to the killer when outside 16m. THE CARD DOES NOT SPECIFY A TIME FRAME, meaning that this effect is likely permanent. This is actually a HUGE drawback because now the killer will always know where you are and what you are doing."

    So the survivor get a free invicibility frame and in exchange i get the joy to see him teabag me around the Thompson's house across the whole map and for the rest of the game.

    Freddy say hello, and return cry in his corner.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @Madjura I think the wording is more tricky in this case. Of course I can be wrong. Maybe let's agree on that it is not absolutely clear. After we've seen it in game, we'll know for sure.

    But even if your aura is permanently revealed, it still sounds like a super strong perk, especially for the end game and for survivors who don't mind getting chased.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,444

    No it's definitely permanent, it is very clear.

    Permanent aura reveal is a major drawback, it means you can never unhook someone (unless the killer lets you, for whatever reason), healing someone will reveal the location of two survivors (killer can see you are healing someone from your animation), Rancor will absolutely destroy you, the killer can just ignore you and then down the second to last survivor and kill you without you having any chance to get the hatch.

    Massive drawback for an effect that is essentially just a once-per-game Dead Hard.

  • NathanExplosion
    NathanExplosion Member Posts: 337
    edited March 2019


    Just wait until you see peoples appearing everywhere defending it with:

    "Yeeeeessss it's strong... but not that much, adapt ;)

    Aaaand i mean... it's Ash ! Of course it's gonna be strong and fun (tm)

    What do you want from us ?

    Run in a straight line ?"

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited March 2019

    Lol already had someone the other day tell me "survivors finally get a good perk".

    They're so used to broken perks like SB, SC, DS, Adrenaline that they only consider perks of thst magnitude good now.

    Saying the aura is a huge downside is basically like saying Freddy is a good killer - he's not. Seeing their aura does nothing if they make it to pallet town. This perk effectively shafts all the bottom tier killers. They now get a dead hard which can't be avoided and takes no skill to usem in fact it sounds like it will be stronger as with dead hard you get the missed attack cooldown animation, this sounds like you get the successful hit cooldown animation which is longer.

    How could any designer actually consider this a balanced perk.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @Madjura Permanent aura reveal is not that immense problem that you think it is. I played enough games with OoO while constantly looking at the killer.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,444

    >It's still a free escape with no requirements. The survivor gets free health state

    Using a perk slot to get one free hit is a horrible deal.

    > [...] with no counterplay at all simply because they made a perk choice before the game

    You can camp them to death if you are so afraid of a once-per-game Dead Hard effect with a massive downside. The perk will also not get stacks from Huntress hatchets, chainsaw hits, bear traps

    >Chases are meant to last 40 seconds....apparantly. Imagine how long you could draw it out with this and dead hard.

    You can just not continue the chase when it trigger and the survivor can't heal or they have their aura revealed

    >As for the aura reading sure it's going to be bad against Nurse, but for any of the low to mid tier killers? Just take them on a tour of pallet town. Make them waste the game.

    Pallets are limited resource and you can go after them when they are not near any. The survivors won't know which direction you are coming from. They can never unhook (because you can intercept them), they can never heal someone else (because from their animation you will now know where two survivors are), they can never get the hatch (because once you down the second to last survivor you go after them instead of killing that survivor)

    >Toxic survivors who can loop well used to bring object of obsession anyway. They aren't afraid of the aura reading one bit because it's so easy to kite the weaker killers from pallet to pallet

    Bad comparison because they won't see your aura

    >Thwy want you to see their aura though because they want to be able to tbag you non-stop.


  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @The_Crusader Exactly. Combine MoM with Dead Hard, DS and BT.

    Besides Nurse, it also hits the Killers who already are not so strong pretty hard, like Trapper, Doc, Piggy etc.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,444

    OoO reveals you only when you want it and it shows the killer to you so you know when and from where the killer is coming. You can't compare the two perks

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited March 2019

    DS was essentially "one free hit", didn't stop it from becoming overused and extremely powerful. Imagine all 4 running this.

    @NoShinyPony Exactly the issue, it's the weak killers who get hit the hardest. You chase a survivor through 3 pallets, finally get a hit in and it doesn't count, now you gotta go through 3 more pallets to get them down. Throw in dead hard too and that's another few pallets free.

    Imagine if you get a hit just before they get to the torment creek, wretched shop, or abbatoir window loop. You've essentially just lost that survivor unless you commit to chasing them around a game ending loop.

    But hey its the only kind of perk survivor mains will consider "good". Anything less than broken is unacceptable.

    Lmfao at camping them to counterplay. Yeah throw the game for one person. It's DS all over again.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    Like it matters?

    Toxic survivors will love this against freddy, pig or LF becauae those 3 can get loope for days. As long as you're near pallets you're safe AND they can see you tbagging from across the map.

    Again if aura reading was a huge downside then freddy would be considered a good killer. Hint: he's not.

    This gives toxic survivors exactly what they want.

    Guess it's only worth playing Nurse yet again.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,444

    >DS was essentially "one free hit", didn't stop it from becoming overused and extremely powerful. Imagine all 4 running this.

    No DS was much better than that because it stunned the killer and healed you one health state (dying -> injured). The Mettle Of Man extra hit is not the same as the DS "healing" because the killer doesn't waste time picking you up, you can't be flashlight saved or go down under a pallet or be healed with an instaheal (or rather you can be but then your aura is permanently revealed). DS also had no massive downside

    >You chase a survivor through 3 pallets, finally get a hit in and it doesn't count, now you gotta go through 3 more pallets to get them down. Throw in dead hard too and that's another few pallets free. Imagine if you get a hit just before they get to the torment creek, wretched shop, or abbatoir window loop. Yoi've essentially just lost that survivor unless you commit to chasing them around a game ending loop.

    Except they can't heal or they will have their aura revealed. If they don't heal to avoid the aura reveal then it's as if they are playing the rest of the game with the Exposed status effect on them

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @Madjura That why I wrote that I constantly looked at the killer, The killer knew the entire time where I was and what I was doing. But they decided not to chase me because a killer can only do one thing at a time.

    You can absolutely compare it to Freddy. He sees the survivors, they don't see him. Is he still the weakest killer by far? Yes, he is.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,444

    >Toxic survivors will love this against freddy, pig or LF becauae those 3 can get loope for days. As long as you're near pallets you're safe

    Pallets are finite, if they stay only in areas with pallets then they can't repair

    >AND they can see you tbagging from across the map.

    This is still irrelevant

    >Again if aura reading was a huge downside then freddy would be considered a good killer. Hint: he's not.

    I play a lot of Freddy. The main issues with Freddy are that the Dream World is too dark, that falling asleep takes too long and it's too easy to wake up. Permanent aura reveal is one of the strongest effects in the game

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @Madjura Don't make aura reading that big of a thing. It's not. Otherwise, nobody would play OoO and Freddy would be the strongest killer.

    Off-topic: Please @ tag people. Quotes don't give notifications.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,444

    >But they decided not to chase me because a killer can only do one thing at a time.

    More like because there were easier targets that did not see them coming towards themself

    >You can absolutely compare it to Freddy.

    I was refering to comparing OoO and Mettle Of Man, not X and Freddy (I don't know what you think I was refering to)

    >He sees the survivors, they don't see him.

    And it's super easy to wake up, once you wake up it takes too long to fall asleep again and the Dream World is too dark.

    > Is he still the weakest killer by far? 

    Trapper and Leatherface are both worse

  • NathanExplosion
    NathanExplosion Member Posts: 337


    "You can absolutely compare it to Freddy. He sees the survivors, they don't see him. Is he still the weakest killer by far? Yes, he is."

    Don't you know that a good bunch of survivor mains still hate Freddy and are lobbying to keep him as he is ?

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @The_Crusader Exacty, that's the other point we haven't given a lot of attention to. Currently survivors often aren't healing because it takes too much time and it's more efficient to stay injured. So no aura reading we have to talk about.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @NathanExplosion Freddy op, please Nurse.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,444

    >This IS a free health state too. It activates on an attack that should put you in the dying state, so you're basically going from dying state -> injured. The killer gets the weapon cooldown animation. That slows them down a lot. It's like a short stun.

    See my previous post for an explanation why it's not the same. Old DS gave you the weapon cooldown animation as well, plus the other things I listed

    >Again the aura isn't a downside for good toxic survivors against weak killers.

    You know where they are. They don't know from where you are coming from until you are close. You can approach from where you can cut off their path to beneficial areas

    >Now they can tbag you though from across the map. This is what they want. They didn't use OoO so they could see you, they used it so you could see them so that you could see them tbagging.

    This is about the fourth time you are bringing up tbagging. It has absolutely no bearing on balance and is completely irrelevant in regards to the strength of the perk

    >Saying they can't heal as well....umm in case you haven't noticed that's the current meta. Rush gens while injured, use resilience, then have adrenaline for that endgame heal.

    And if they don't heal then that's like playing with permanent Exposed. Adrenaline will reveal their aura (technically Mettle Of Man but Adrenaline will trigger that perk due to the heal)

    >Toxic survivors will have no issues running this perk and I'd expect it to be used by the vast majority of them.

    Good because it's a terrible perk, will make games easier and then all of them stop running it because they realize how bad it is

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    The game is a lost cause. Some people that only play one side will only consider perks like this "good".

    We'll make it is extremely strong, bond is extremely strong, but because they aren't sprint burst, self-care, or old DS levels of OP they don't count. They wont be satisfied until they get more broken perks like this and the devs will cater to them. As I keep saying this perk is a toxic survivors dream, which further proves my theory that the devs want to promote toxic gameplay because it sells the game.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @SenzuDuck Haven't seen you in quite some time. Welcome back.

    Anyway, I don't think it's crying about just anything. A missed hit from the killer can definitively save a surv. This perks sounds too powerful for my taste.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Except, it's unreleased, unnannounced & there's pretty big negatives to it.

    Works once per trial? People talking about chaining it with dead hard which is by far the easiest perk in the game to counter.

    ridiculous arguments once again.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @The_Crusader I thought the game was going into a better direction. Lesser pallets, totem spawn reworks, DS rework, for example.

    Maybe this perk is just an accident. If the devs would want the survs to play "toxic", that would result in less people wanting to play killer. And not enough people playing killer would be a huge problem for the game.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    It's a free health state, based on a choice made before the trial even began, with no counterplay to it.

    Hmm, reminds me of a perk that used to be in the game 🤔

  • Claudette_Baguette
    Claudette_Baguette Member Posts: 567
    edited March 2019

    I just don't like that some killers that don't have a secondary way to injure survivors (like hatchets, beartraps, chainsaws, purge) got an unfair disadvantage. As a Spirit for example you cannot outplay this perk at all. As a Billy you can easily outplay it with a chainsaw.

    Post edited by Claudette_Baguette on
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    But the toxic survivors bring in the money, thats why they've picked certain fog whisperers who promote that kind of play - disconnecting repeatedly to derank and bring a 4 man flashlight/DS squad to taunt the killer.

    With this perk its like they've known people hated DS for years but had no idea WHY people hated DS.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @SenzuDuck Nah, from survivor's point of view, this perk sounds amazing. The negatives don't look big to me.

    And Dead Hard isn't counterable in a lot of situations, it saves me on a regular basis. If you aren't going to use MoM because you think it's not that good, that's your thing, of course.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    If you get hit you get a free health state.

    If the killer hits you again before you get to a pallet and you go down, the perk deactivates.

    Meaning in that scenario there is no negative. No downside. Nada.

    It's a free health state with no downside at all. Unless you manage to get away, and heal up.

    This will be the perk all the deranking twitch squads take at rank 15 to bully killers.

    Use it to loop the killer all game, or if they manage to get away use it to tbag the killer from afar while they wait next to a broken loop like rancid abbatoir window.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,444

    >If you get hit you get a free health state.

    No, you have to be hit by basic attacks three times first, and then you have to go from the injured state to the dying state for it to activate. If you get hit thrice and then go down instantly (chainsaws, NOED, ...) it won't activate.

    >If the killer hits you again before you get to a pallet and you go down, the perk deactivates.

    I don't know what this is supposed to mean. Do you mean when the aura reveal is active it deactivates? Or maybe it was a typo and you meant "activates"

    >Meaning in that scenario there is no negative. No downside. Nada.

    Having to use a perk slot is in itself a negative. The free hit also has a prerequisite and is once-per-game. There are perks that are stronger than a single free hit (that has a prerequisite, is once-per-game and has a massive downside attached).

    >This will be the perk all the deranking twitch squads take at rank 15 to bully killers.

    Irrelevant, organized SWF teams that intentionally depip to stay in low ranks to play against lowrank killers will always be heavily advantaged regardless of perks

    >Use it to loop the killer all game, or if they manage to get away use it to tbag the killer from afar

    You have a very unhealthy obsession with tbagging. It's completely irrelevant to the strength of the perk.

    > while they wait next to a broken loop like rancid abbatoir window.

    Cool, in that case they are not repairing a generator. You know where they are so you can just kill everyone else.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    As if that makes it any better, saying instadowns still work. That benefits Billy alone really.

    Myers isn't going to use his tier 3 on an injured survivor.

    Leatherface is ######### anyway

    And the odds of haunted grounds or make your choice going off at the same time you're chasing someone in the injured state afyer their third hit is incredibly low.

    Noed...they will have used this by the time noed activates.

    Saying it wont happen in these scenarios is rdiculous as its going to be a minority of situations. Its going to absolutelt screw all the bottom tier killers. Not to mention its sinply not fun to face a strong perk with no counterplay. Its bad game design.

    I can't help but feel you're being disingenuous here. A lot of your argumentd could be made about the old DS.

    If there was a requirement, like it only worked for 60 seconds after unhook it wouldnt be so bad. What we have here though is a crock of #########. 3 hits? Lmfao. So you mean its gonna activate and punish the killer just for doing his job....unless ou camp them out with LF.

  • Kagrenac
    Kagrenac Member Posts: 773

    It's not like killers told survivors the exact same thing when Exhaustion got gutted. But all of a sudden when survivors say to adapt it's a hate crime to you insecure people.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited March 2019

    Exhaustion is still incredibly strong. It was broken before.

    How the hell do you adapt to this? Just dont hit the survivor 3 times? Dont be stupid, the survivor mains are going crazy because they know it's a busted perk.

    The punishment increase for camping can be adapted to - dont camp

    The new DS can be adapted to - don't tunnel

    The only way you can adapt to this is to just not chase the obsession, but then if more have it I guess just dont't chase anyone and disconnect?

    Learn about balance.

This discussion has been closed.