Suggestion to punish and fix (face)camping

The game's priority should be to have fun. Camping, especially facecamping is one thing in this game that is absolutely no fun at all.

You can get dowened at the start of a game and then camped until you are dead and you have no counterplay you can make. And no, genrushing in no counter because you still die and don't have fun. Also, it's a core game mechanic that you get saved my teammates so theres that.

I'd suggest that if the killer spends too much time in a specific radius around the hook, the killer starts getting a debuff similar to exhaustion, mangled, etc. The closer and longer the killer is next to the hook the faster the debuff starts to fill up. Once the debuff circle is full, the killer could either get stunned (he can't do anything and is rooted in place) and loses vision for x seconds so that survivors can safely unhook the survivor and run away (easy fix). The killer would only get the debuff if the is not in a chase of course and the circle would only start to fill after 5 seconds of hooking a survivor.

Another option would be that the killer gets teleported to a random spot on the map that is at least 48 meters away from the hook so survivors can unhook safely as well.

Camping isn't fun and has been a core problem since release and it should be fixed.
What do you think?


  • FujinRaijin
    FujinRaijin Member Posts: 72
    edited May 2018

    I agree camping is extremely unfun and ruins the game for everyone.
    But I will forever keep saying this, first we need to fix the root issues.
    a) Why is camping so "profitable"?
    b) Why does the killer feel the need to camp?

    My vote to fixing this is credited to Tru3ta1ent. His idea was that after being hooked, the survivor gains a debuff to their generator repair speed, making it actually better for you in general to try to focus multiple people and not camp.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    @FujinRaijin said:
    My vote to fixing this is credited to Tru3ta1ent. His idea was that after being hooked, the survivor gains a debuff to their generator repair speed, making it actually better for you in general to try to focus multiple people and not camp.

    If the survivors take longer repairing the generators after the first one is hooked it'll just reward camping more.

    Camping is difficult to address in this game. Sometimes its valid if the survivors swarm the hook other times its not.

  • FujinRaijin
    FujinRaijin Member Posts: 72

    @Mc_Harty said:
    If the survivors take longer repairing the generators after the first one is hooked it'll just reward camping more.

    I don't disagree, but something should seriously be done to make it actually favorable not to camp, instead of just blatantly making camping not viable.

  • Claudette_Baguette
    Claudette_Baguette Member Posts: 567

    @FujinRaijin said:
    I agree camping is extremely unfun and ruins the game for everyone.
    But I will forever keep saying this, first we need to fix the root issues.
    a) Why is camping so "profitable"?
    b) Why does the killer feel the need to camp?

    My vote to fixing this is credited to Tru3ta1ent. His idea was that after being hooked, the survivor gains a debuff to their generator repair speed, making it actually better for you in general to try to focus multiple people and not camp.

    There are a lot of killers that don't care if they pip. They don't care if they get a good amount of bloodpoints. Those killers just want to give survivors a bad time and facecamp regardless.

    You can't fix this with tru3's suggestion. Most players that have 1000+ hours don't care about rank, BP or pipping anyway.

    My fix would be a universal fix, even for those that facecamp to ruin the survivor's fun.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    The idea of being teleported away is laughable..

    People who face camp are usually bad, so you either move on with your life and get out of their ranks, or don't get caught by bad players.

    This "idea" by Tru3 is also ridiculous :'D

  • Claudette_Baguette
    Claudette_Baguette Member Posts: 567

    @only1biggs said:
    The idea of being teleported away is laughable..

    People who face camp are usually bad, so you either move on with your life and get out of their ranks, or don't get caught by bad players.

    This "idea" by Tru3 is also ridiculous :'D

    Yeah I don't like the teleporting idea either I just wanted to add it. The stun mechanic would perfectly work though.

    And basically saying "move on and git gud and dont get caught" is just stupid and I don't think you got the idea of my post. "

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @Claudette_Baguette said:

    @only1biggs said:
    The idea of being teleported away is laughable..

    People who face camp are usually bad, so you either move on with your life and get out of their ranks, or don't get caught by bad players.

    This "idea" by Tru3 is also ridiculous :'D

    Yeah I don't like the teleporting idea either I just wanted to add it. The stun mechanic would perfectly work though.

    And basically saying "move on and git gud and dont get caught" is just stupid and I don't think you got the idea of my post. "

    I understood your post and the ideas were terrible. Sorry. But, in all games there will be bad players who just do the easy thing instead of this case, it's face campers unfortunately :/

  • Claudette_Baguette
    Claudette_Baguette Member Posts: 567

    @SaltyKiller said:
    The solution is very simple: if you don't like getting camped then stop hook rushing. We don't leave the hook sometimes because Survivors are really, really, really obvious when they're waiting to rush the hook. You can't blame the Killer for your team being stupid.

    Either that or you decided to act poorly and tea-bag or taunt or something. Or you had DS and the Killer was lucky enough to down you close enough to a hook. Because if I hook a DS user and have prevented them from using their stupidly OP perk then I am 100% not leaving.

    Wrong. A lot of killers just camp because they want survivors to have a bad time. You can't fix that unless you implement my solution into the game.

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    I disagree with your changes. Killers are already too UP as it is. They don't need another hindrance on their part.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    It has been tested on the PTB.
    Like everything, Survivors abused this, by forcing the killer to stay in the hook vicinity (by showing around but not commiting), putting the killer at a disadvantage while it should be the complete opposite, considering the situation.

  • Onetrolltorulethem
    Onetrolltorulethem Member Posts: 16

    Camping/Face camping will always be a problem unless two things are addressed.

    Number 1. Four is a bigger number than three. Think of this, there are four survivors, you down one, hook, and go hunting. In a BEST CASE scenario, one guy is hooked, one is being chased, one is going for the save, and one is still working a generator . Now, what if you camp the first person you catch to death? Sure, two or three gens will pop, but then the playing field changes DRAMATICALLY.

    Now, in a BEST CASE scenario, you down one guy, hook him... You start chasing another guy. The world then becomes like this. One guy hooked, one guy being chased, and one guy going for save. No gen progress . Losing one member of the 4 man survivor team is positively crippling. I ALWAYS Face camp/Camp the first guy I catch. I make sure he's good and dead because then the survivors are at a massive disadvantage.

    Number 2. Catch-ability. Any non-Nurse killer breaks into a cold sweat when I say these words... Pallet Looping Infinite windows. A GOOD survivor will run you around for 2-3 minutes depending on map pallet spawns. It's really a miracle you caught him in a timely manner in the first place. Now he's hooked, but if you let him go, he gets two more more tries to survive. If you play catch and release, you will spend the entire game trying to catch one guy.

    Of course, if you're playing plebs, go ahead and hunt to your hearts content. They won't live long enough for this to become an issue, and you can get a 4k AND Bloodpoints.

    Now, how to fix this? In the case of number 1, I can only say that they need to make gens longer, or revert the 45 second hook back to 30 and add a STRONG incentive to leave the hook. Reverting the hook time would make people more susceptible to camping, but ,with the aforementioned strong incentive, hopefully they wont! Hopefully, this will cause survivors to have to save earlier which means less gen progress.

    Number 2? Nerf Sprint Burst, Decisive, and Adrenaline. These three perks are the WORST offenders for power-creep. Once you get these, you become a god. I ALWAYS run these three even in solo play. Sprint Burst allows survivors to play incredibly greedy and sneaky with no counter play. Decisive is a literal get out of jail free card, and only grows in strength the more people who use it. Adrenaline is also a get of jail free card as it resets any chase, and it gives the survivor time to buy time to escape. Alternatively, nerf pallet and window spawns.

    All in all, yes, Camping/Face camping is not fun, but by God it is effective.

  • Claudette_Baguette
    Claudette_Baguette Member Posts: 567

    @CallMeRusty420 said:
    I disagree with your changes. Killers are already too UP as it is. They don't need another hindrance on their part.

    It's a completely different topic. I know killers are UP but camping has to be adressed nontheless.

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    @Claudette_Baguette It has been addressed before with the Swivel Hook update. What else is there to be done? I understand it's not fun and as a killer main myself, can't understand why anyone would do such a boring and unfun activity. But the thing with camping is that there isn't much to do since the most that can be done has already been done. There are much more important issues that need to be addressed anyway. Like looping and gen rushing for examples. Or The infamous crutch perks that survivors love to use that are stupidly game changing.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    Your ideas are weak, Claudette. Face camping is thing because there are ######### people who play games..move on.

  • WebMonkey
    WebMonkey Member Posts: 28

    If you penalized a killer for being too close to a hook (sorry I'm not clear on what kind of radius you were thinking) couldn't survivors simply camp the hook, and then save the victim once the killer was exhausted for an easy escape?

  • JustZsolti
    JustZsolti Member Posts: 8
    edited May 2018

    Let's see this from the devs angle of view: There are campers. Some asshle killers camp no matter what. They want to remove it but then there are asshle Suvivors who t-bag and flicker their flashlights all game, showing absoulutely no respect. If the killer decides to want them dead at any cost, It's Reasonable. It's a dead end.
    How would fix it without causing even more problems/exploitable stuff? :/

  • Arya
    Arya Member Posts: 8
    The only thing I have ever thought of is having slower progression of the entity if the killer is x meters away. Idk how you fix it and it sucks but that to me seems like a decent starting point. If you wanna negate it should the killer be in a chase around the hook fine but that's my 2 cents.
  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146
    edited June 2018

    I know camping sucks for survivors but it is a legit strategy that does have fair counter play. You are not entitled to free saves every time your friend is on the hook. Death is apart of this game and the killer can use any means necessary that is not cheating to achieve his goals. Its his game after all and if all he wants to do is camp his first victim to death then that is his prerogative. Survivors have plenty of toxic tools at their disposal such as D strike, pallet loops, sprint burst, flashlights, BNP's, Instaheals, etc but they have no shame in using those so why should i as a killer feel any remorse for ensuring my well earned catch gets rightfully killed.

  • xxaggieboyxx
    xxaggieboyxx Member Posts: 498
    edited June 2018
    I agree being camped sucks but sometimes it's necessary/viable there isn't anything that's gonna be changed(at least not any of your ideas) but I think there should be something discourage camping but not punish the killer for doing it when it's viable or necessary. I don't have any ideas but a debuff, teleportation or stun are very dumb ideas(no offense)
    Post edited by xxaggieboyxx on
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    This is how you fix camping:

    Of course, Survivors only think in terms of punishing things they don't like; they don't think about the cause of their grievances...

  • Almo
    Almo Member, Dev Posts: 1,120

    Relatively new player here. I've been in about 30 hours. In FPSs, I camp like a MoFo. Quake 3, UT, doesn't matter, I like to camp. Can't camp in Call of Duty very well, because their maps are designed to prevent it.

    First 10-15 hours of DbD, I camped a lot. But I learned fairly quickly that's it's not really productive to camp so much. I still do now on occasion, but only in specific instances:

    1) Where I can reduce my Terror Radius, otherwise it's just so obvious that you're doing it.
    2) If most of the Generators are done, and I just want one damned kill before the game ends.

    My thought also is that if you're a Survivor and get camped, it kind of sucks, but you can approach it two ways. You can be stubborn and drag it out as long as possible to benefit the other players. Or you can try to self-escape and don't struggle if it fails. Gets you out of the game fast, and Survivor queues tend to be short so you're up and playing again fairly quickly.

    Having said that, I wouldn't be against finding some in-game mitigations to make it less attractive.