honest thoughts

i got into dbd at the end of december and now i have 800 hrs of survivor after playing for almost 4 months.

going into the patch where they took pallets out as survivor, i, and probably many of you, were thinking like ######### were the devs thinking taking out all the pallets as it promoted a gen rush meta, and now this new pipping system???

its almost like you expect every survivor to hypercarry in a rank 1 game which will almost never happen against a rank 1 killer. a good rank 1 killer will almost always get at least 2 kills cus they're always active. like what do you want from survivors that you're gonna nerf them so fking hard that its this hard to pip?? honestly i thought pipping up was also too easy cus id run into rank 1 survivors thatd bodyblock me or still do some dumb #########, but its ridiculous how im pulling my weight / surviving as the last 2 every game and depipping (rank 5 now). and like as killer you have ruin and no ed, so why ######### with dstrike? i understand that in a swf situation its op and can be addressed by making the adadad threshold longer

i see why now that happened and why its impossible to pip up now. all the crybabies seem to be killer mains

you dont want to cater to ######### killers cus they suck. it doesnt any make sense; the whole point at being good at a game is so that when you get wrecked it makes you want to get just as good

and ######### is with the match making system??? why am i playing rank 8 killers or with rank 15 survivors
